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confirm [kan'farm] v подтверждать; former [Тэ:тэ] с прежний

утверждать investigate [in'vestigeit] v исследовать;
consider [kan'sids] v считать, пола- изучать

гать, рассматривать justly [ 'djAStli) advобоснованно, по
contribate [ksn'tnbju:t] v вносить праву

вклад; contribution [,k3ntri'bju:Jn] prominent ['prominent] азнаменитый,

л вклад выдающийся, известный; synre-

crost [krASt] л земная кора markable, outstanding

detailed [*di:teild] аподробный, де- regularity [,regju'laeriti] л закономер-

тальный ность

elect [i 'lektj v избирать, выбирать (го-significant [sig 'ninkant] а значительный;

лосоеанием); назначать (на долж-significance [sig 'niftkans] л значение,

ность)важность; exhaust [ig 'zo:st] the sig-

embrace [im'breis] v охватывать; об- nlficance исчерпывать значение

нимать society [sa 'saiati] nобщество

entire [in'tais] а весь, целый; полный; staff [sta:f] nперсонал; личный состав;

synwhole штат

exist [ig'zist] v существовать, быть; rariousl'veariss] a различный, разный,

жить разнообразный

to advance the view высказывать мнение (точку зрения)

to be interested in быть заинтересованным (чём-л.), интересоваться

to take (an) interest in заинтересоваться (чём-л.)

22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод прилагательных
с суффиксом -ел/ (-ant):

1. Lomonosov founded the Russian school of mining.

  1. Prospecting is an applied geological science which studies different
    methods of discovering deposits of useful minerals.

  2. Scientific research institutions solve important problems.

  3. One of Karpinsky's significant works is about the formation of the
    Donets Coal Basin.

23. Определите по суффиксам, какой частно речи являются следующие слом,
• переведите их:

create — creator — creation; elect — election; investigate — investi­gator — investigation; recent — recently; significant — significance; con­sider — considerable — consideration; encourage — encouragement; found — founder — foundation; manager — management; exist — existence

24. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слои и переведите их:

iron deposits extracting of useful minerals

discovery of salt existing conditions

to design effective mach- to forecast the deposit

ines for underground to investigate different systems

and open-cast mining the prominent scientist

an entire epoch remarkable works

scientific activity industrially experienced engineers

equal skill the Earth's crust movement

the origin of platinum significant results


25. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями
соответствующих слов в русском языке:

President of the Academy of Sciences; academician; the history of geology; detailed geological map; the new stratigraphy of Russia; the regularity of the Earth's crust movement; petroleum deposits; the intro­duction of the microscope; the best lecturer

26.Прочитайте текст Б. Назовите области геологии, в которых А.П. Кар­
пинский был первооткрывателем.

ТЕКСТ Б А.Р. Karpinsky (1847-1936)

V.A. Obruchev, I.M. Gubkin, A.Y. Fersman, V.I. Vernadsky and A. P. Karpinsky were the prominent Russian scientists who laid the founda­tion1 of the Russian school of geology and mining.

An entire epoch in the history of Russian geology is connected with Karpinsky's name. One of the greatest Russian geologists, he was a member and for some time President of the Academy of Sciences of the former USSR and a member of several Academies abroad. The Geological Society

of London elected him a foreign member in 1901. His greatest contribution to geology was a new detailed geological map of the European part of Russia and the Urals.

For many years he headed the Russian Geological Committee the staff of which was made up of2 his pupils. He was one of those geologists who embraced the whole of geological science.. He created the new stratigraphy of Russia. He studied the geological systems in various regions of the country and was the first to establish3 the regularity of the Earth's crust movement. His paleontological studies are of no less importance, especially those on palaeozoic ammonoids. He also took an interest in4 deposits of useful minerals and gave a classification of volcanic rocks. He advanced the view that petroleum deposits existed in Russian, which was confirmed later. He studied some ore and platinum deposits and may be justly considered5 the founder of practical geology of the Urals. He was the first Russian scientist who introduced microscope in the study of petrographic slides.

Karpinsky was a prominent scientist, an excellent man and citizen. He was one of the best lecturers at the Mining Institute in his time. He was also one of the greatest Russian scientists who later became the first elected President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Students were attracted to him not only because he was a great scientist but also because of his charming personality and gentle manner.

Every geologist and every geology student knows very well Karpinsky's most significant work An Outline of the Physical and Geographical Conditions in European Russia in Past Geological Periods.


1 to lay the foundation — заложить фундамент (основы)

2 to be nude up of — состоять из

3 was the first to establish — первым установил

4 to take an interest in — интересоваться, увлекаться чем-либо

5 may be considered — может считаться (сочетание модального глагола с
пассивной формой инфинитива)


27. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Под­твердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

  1. Karpinsky was the first President of the Academy of Sciences.

  2. He worked at the Mining Institute in St.Petersburg.

  1. Karpinsky was a member of many Academies abroad.

  2. Karpinsky made up a detailed map of the Asian part of our

  3. He headed the Russian Geological Committee.

  4. Karpinsky created a new branch of geology, namely stratigraphy.

  1. He only tried to establish the regularity of the Earth's crust

  2. Karpinsky may be justly considered the founder of the practical
    geology of the Urals.

28. Ответьте иа следующие вопросы:

  1. What society elected Karpinsky a foreign member and when?

  2. Did he head the Russian Geological Committee or was he a
    member of that Committee?

  3. Did Karpinsky investigate various regions of the Russian territory?

  4. Which of his works are the most remarkable?

  5. What can you say about Karpinsky's investigations in petrology?

29. а) Найдите в правой жолонже русские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний

  1. the Earth's crust а) земная кора

  2. prominent scientist б) составить подробную карту

  3. deposits of useful minerals в) замечательные работы

  4. to make up a detailed map г) выдающийся ученый

  5. remarkable works д) залежи полезных ископаемых

  6. to advance the view . e) научное общество

  7. scientific society ж) избирать председателя

  8. to head a Committee (to be at (президента)

the head of a Committee) з) заложить основы школы

  1. to lay the foundation of и) интересоваться геологией

  2. to elect chairman (president) к) высказать точку зрения

  3. to take an interest in geology л) возглавлять комитет

б) Найдите в левой колонке английские эквиваленты русских сочетаний слов.
30. Подберите из списков А и Б близкие по значению слова.

A. to understand Б. due to

because of to head

especially to found

to be at the head of to realize

to lay the foundation prominent

significance particularly

outstanding importance

31. Переведите следующие сочетания слов, обрати внимание на разные
значения слова very.

very good; very much; very difficult; at the very beginning; at that very moment; at the very end; the very book; this very colliery; that very scientist; the very first; the very last; the very best

32. Прочитайте следующий текст. Озаглавьте его. Найдите предложения, в
Еоторых глаголы-сказуемые употреблены в страдательном залоге. Переведите

V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) is known as the outstanding mineralo­gist and crystallographer, the founder of geochemistry, biochemistry and radiogeology. Many research centres were established by him. He was elected president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1919. He conducted research in the geochemistry of rare elements. Vernadsky advanced a revolutionary theory of the origin of minerals which was described in his works An Experiment in Descriptive Mineralogy and History of Minerals in the Earth's Crust. He prospected for the radioactive minerals. The role of such minerals as radium and uranium was forecast by him.

33. а) Прочитайте по-аиглнйскн числительные:

  1. 20, 50, 68, 115, 1,379, 1,840, 6,040, 2,500, 9,000, 200,000,
    3,000,000, 1,000, 1,200, 2,500,000, 184,000

  2. даты: 1922, 1954, 1968, 1867, 1900, 1904, 1600, 2000, 1066

  3. дроби: 1/3,1/4,3/8,8/7,2/6,7/9, 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 10.02, 30.2,

  4. проценты: 8%, 20%, 115%, 49%, 63%, 70%, 101%, 0.05%,

б) Напишите цифрами числительные:

the seventeenth, two hundred and sixty-one, the forties, the eighth, the eleventh, the seven hundred and seventy-fifth, five thousand eight hundred and one, one thousand three hundred, four hundred and ten

в) Напишите цифрами дробные и смешанные величины:

one third, a hundredth, a half, a quarter, two thirds, nine tenths, nine point eight, point nought nought six, four point nought five

34. Прочитайте вслух текст, правильно произнося числительные. Переведите

On July 20, 1969 men from the Earth stood for the first time on the surface of the Moon. The successful landing of Apollo 11 on the

surface of the Moon signalled the beginning of the study of the Moon's rocks and minerals, the new science of lunar geology.

About 150 scientists from laboratories throughout the world con- ducted a wide range of geological, chemical, physical and biological tests on the rocks returned to Earth. These scientific studies have led to new discoveries about the Moon. Most dramatic of all was that the Moon was born at the same time as the Earth, about 4600 million years ago.

It should be noted that the early astronomers, starting with Galileo who in 1610 first used a telescope, observed lunar surface.

The first astronauts to land on the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin collected 22 kg (481 Ib) of rocks. Since then, another 5 Apollo lunar missions have taken place. Apollo 17 landed on the Moon on December 11, 1972. The total rock collected amounts to 382 kg (845 Ib) plus 0.13 kg (4.6 oz) from the two unmanned Russian Luna missions. At the Lunar Receiving Laboratories in Houston, the USA, are catalogued 35,600 small pieces of the Moon.

Our satellite is about '/4 of the Earth's size and'/, of its mass. Hence its gravity is only '/6 of Earth's.

The temperature changes between lunar day and night. Temperature ranges from 110° С (230° F) at the height of the lunar day to -170° С (-275° F) in the lunar night.

35. Прочитайте следующие предложены. Найдете • каждом из них группу
«подлежащее—сказуемое». Составьте к каждому предложению по два вопроса.

  1. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been active in
    developing geostatistics and computer techniques for mining and geology.

  2. Much attention is paid to economic geology and mineral econom­
    ics for evaluation of mineral deposits.

  3. Research is carried out in all the main branches of geology and

  4. New methods of prospecting and extracting useful minerals have
    been worked out.

  1. Найдите в тексте А предложения, в которых сказуемые выражены
    глаголами в форме страдательного залога. Выпишите их и определите временные

  1. Выполните задание по следующему образцу.

Образец: Say what you are interested in. (geology) I am interested in geology.

a) Say what you (your friend) are (is) interested in. (conducting scientific research, prospecting for mineral deposits, the creation of new

mining methods, foreign languages, carrying out experiments, the system of education)

b) Say what the students were doing when you came into the laboratory. (to record the observations, to work out the plan of the experiments, to design a new quarry)

38. Выдаете несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою
точку зрения фактами из текста Б. Используйте следующие разговорные формулы:

Гш afraid that's wrong; that's not quite so; I can't agree with yon; on the contrary; I'd like to say a few words; to my mind; in my opinion; as far as I know; as is known; I don't flunk so; according to the text

  1. The Geological Society of Paris elected Karpinsky a foreign member
    in 1910. He worked in the field of mineralogy.

  1. Karpinsky was particularly interested in theoretical geology.

  1. We do not know who was the first to introduce the microscope in
    the study of petrographic slides.

  2. Karpinsky worked on different problems concerning geology but
    never gave lectures to students.

39. Суммируйте содержание текста Б, используя следующие сочетания слов.

laid the foundation; a prominent Russian scientist; was a member of; is connected with; was at the head of; took an interest in; advanced the view; was later confirmed; his greatest contribution to; he was the first to (do something); the first elected President; were attracted to

40. Подготовьте сообщения на темы:

  1. Роль А.П. Карпинского в развитии современной геологии.

  2. Вклад в науку известных вам русских ученых-геологов.

Используйте следующие разговорные формулы:

I'd like to say a few words about; it should be stressed that; I can add; as a nutter of met; broadly speaking; in my opinion; in other words; it is important to say that, etc.


41. Прочитайте текст В без словаря. Кратко суммируйте его содержание.


One of the first contributors to mining and geology was the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov who connected the study of minerals and rocks with chemi&uy and physics, discovered and formulated the laws' of mining ventilation and mining geometry.

Among the most prominent geologists are A. P. Karpinsky, V.A. Ob-ruchev, A.Y. Fersman, I.M. Gubkin and many others. Academician A.Y. Fersman ranks among those leading mineralogists who converted mineralogy from a purely descriptive science into a science based on the most fundamental chemical investigations. As the organizer of the Geochemical Institute in Moscow, Academician A.Y. Fersman worked out the basic lines of the study of chemical elements and laid the foundation for the scientific surveying and prospecting for useful minerals. A number of scientific expeditions to different parts of the country were organized by him. He was the leader of the important investigations in the Kara-Kum Desert resulting in the discovery of2 big sulphur deposits, the construction of a large preparation plant for the processing of sulphur and sulphur products. Academician A.Y. Fersman led the expedition to Central Asia, the Urals, the Altai, the Caucasus and the Crimea. He is especially known for his detailed investigations of the Kola Peninsula which led to the discovery of enormous apatite deposits and the development of a mining-industrial region in the Khibiny Mountains where new towns came into being.

Among those who contributed to the development of mining are B.I. Boky, M.M. Protodyakonov, A.A. Skochinsky, N.V. Melnikovand others. Professor B.I. Boky's name is associated with the solution of a number of significant technical problems in the mining industry of the country and with the whole trend in the development of the science of mining — the analytical method of designing new collieries.

Credit for working out the theoretical principles of the exploration of deposits is due to Prof. M.M. Prptodyakonov. His most remarkable works are those concerning the problems of underground pressure and mine timbering.3 Prof. M.M. Protodyakonov founded a school for the study of rock pressure and its influence on mine timbering.

The leading organization in working out theoretical problems con­nected with mining in Russia is the Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciences named after Alexander Skochinsky (the director of which he was for many years). A.A. Skochinsky's deep interest in theoretical problems was always combined with wide engineering experience. He took a special interest in mining aerology. He discovered the laws of the movement and control of the movement of air and gases underground. His works are devoted to localization, liquidation and prevention of underground fires.

Academician N.V. Melnikov is well known for his research in the field of open-cast mining not only of coal but also of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals. He was engaged in the study of fuel energy resources and their utilization.

Prof. I.M. Gubkin's work embraced different fields of geology. He studied geological formations in Russia but he particularly took an interest in the oil deposits of the country and determined the stratigraphy and tectonics of oil layers.4 Gubkin was the first professor of the geology of oil deposits at the Moscow Mining Institute, of which he afterwards became the rector. He founded the Institute of Research in Petroleum of which he was the head for a long time. He gave lectures on the geology of oil deposits, creating a school of numerous pupils now engaged in studying and prospecting for oil on the territory of Russia. Gubkin directed mining operations* in the region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly which led to the discovery of big deposits of iron ore at a depth of 200-300 metres from the surface.

He was elected Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the Academy he founded the Institute of Combustible Minerals' and became its director. Prof. I.M. Gubkin took an active part in compiling geological maps of the country. He was the author of a hundred and fifty scientific works. One of his last works written before his death was Estimated Oil Reserves of the Soviet Union. I.M. Gubkin made a great contribution to the development of the science of geology.


1 discovered and formulated the laws — открыл и сформулировал законы

2 resulting in the discovery ofв результате которых были открыты

3underground pressure and mine timberingгорное давление и рудничное

4 stratigraphy and tectonics of oil layers — стратиграфия и тектоника нефтяных

5 to direct mining operations — руководить горными работами

6 combustible minerals — горючие минералы

  1. Найдите в каждом абзаце текста В предложение, выражающее его
    основную мшсль.

  2. а) Найдите в тексте факты, которые были вам уже известны.

б) Прочтите абзацы, в которых сообщается новая для вас информация.

44. Найдите в тексте предложения, точно отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

  1. What did the investigations of the Kara-Kum Desert led by Fersman
    result in?

  2. What was discovered in the Kola Peninsula as a result of Academi­
    cian Fersman's investigations there?

  1. What method did Boky introduce into mining?

  2. What is the leading organization in Russia working out theoretical
    problems connected with mining?

  3. What problems did Melnikov pay special attention to?

  4. What deposits did Gubkin take particular interest in?

  5. What institute did he found?

  6. How many scientific works did Gubkin write?

45. Найдите в тексте В английские эквиваленты следующих русских сочетаний

среди самых выдающихся советских геологов; чисто описательная наука; ряд научных экспедиций; обогатительная фабрика; обработка серы; следует отдать должное; предотвращение подземных пожаров; запасы энергетического топлива; охватывать (включать) различные области геологии; заниматься изучением и разведкой нефти; оценивать запасы нефти

46. Определите, какой из трех заголовков наиболее соответствует содержанию

  1. Prominent Mining Scientists.

  2. Prominent Geologists.

  3. Russian School of Mining and Geology.

КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ Выдающиеся ученые в горном деле

Планируется проведение конференции «Видающиеся ученые • горном деле». Выберите ученого, с докладом о котором вы хотели бы выступить на конференции (согласуйте свой выбор с преподавателем). Подготовьте ваш доклад для участия в конференции, используя тексты учебника и дополнительные материалы, в том числе приведенный ниже справочный материал. Слушайте внимательно доклады ваших сокурсников и задавайте им вопросы на английском языке.

Some more facts about prominent scientists

  1. G. Berg (1879-1946), German geologist, author of a great num­
    ber of books which give a chemical and geochemical interpretation of ore
    deposits and mineral raw materials.

  2. A.Y. Fersman (1883-1945), Russian mineralogist and geochemist,
    one of the founders of the Russian geochemical school. Worked on problems
    of lattice energy and pegmatites. Activated geochemical prospecting. Author
    of a very great number of publications.

  1. A. Howttt (1830-1902), Australian explorer, geologist, anthropolo­
    gist, naturalist. His publications are devoted to petrology, particularly
    igneous and metamorphic rocks. He was the first geologist to visit many
    of the areas he described.

  2. A.A. Saukov (1902-1964), Russian mineralogist and geochemist.
    Initiator of historical geochemistry. Encouraged geochemical prospecting.
    Worked on regularities of migration and the geochemistry of individual

  3. V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1943), Russian mineralogist and geochemist.
    Founder of the Russian geochemical school. Initiator of biogeochemistry
    and radiogeology (isotope geochemistry). Gave the clearest definition of
    the position and framework of geochemistry. Underlined the dynamics of
    geochemical processes (migration, cycles). Author of a great number of
    papers and books.


Слова в этом кроссворде — фамилии ученых, которые внесли вклад в развитие науки о Земле. Кто они? Решить кроссворд вам помогут тексты, упражнения, справочные материалы урока 3.

  1. His works are devoted to localization, liquidation and prevention of underground

  2. Famous geologist who lectured at the Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) Mining
    Institute in 1900-1922.

  3. Outstanding Russian scientist who was the first to connect the study of minerals
    with chemistry and physics.

  4. Russian mineralogist and geochemist.

  5. Founder of geochemistry, biochemistry and radiogeology.

  6. Founder of a school for the study of rock pressure and its influence on mine

  7. Prominent Russian scientist, famous as a specialist in oil extraction.

  8. The academician who organized many scientific expeditions to different parts
    of the USSR.

  9. Australian geologist, specialist in petrology.

  1. Prominent Russian scientist who contributed to the analytical method of de­
    signing new collieries.

  2. One of the remarkable geologists who gave the definition of geology as a sci­

  3. This academician is famous in the field of opencast mining of minerals.

  4. German geologist, author of numerous books on geochemistry of ore deposits.

  5. The first elected president of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

  6. Academician, author of a great number of textbooks on mining.

UNIT 4 The Earth's Crust

and Useful Minerals

А. Грамматика. 1. Конструкция there + be. 2. Местоимения some, any, no, everyи их производные. Текст А. , Sedimentary Rocks.

Б. Грамматика. 1. Особенности употребления и способы перевода, страдательного залога (Passive Voice). 2. Количественные местоимения many, much, a few, a little. ТекстБ. Weathering of Rocks. В. Текст В. The Earth's Crust. Кроссворд (Crossword).


ГРАММАТИКА 1. Конструкция there + be

Present Simple There is/are

Past Simple There was/were

Future Simple There will be

There is a computer in the lab.

В лаборатории (есть) компьютер.

There are many students at the lecture. На лекции много студентов.

There was a computer in the lab.

В лаборатории был компьютер.

There were many students at the lecture. На лекции было много студентов.

There will be two

computers in the lab.

В лаборатории будет два компьютера.

There will be many students at the lecture. На лекции будет много студентов.

Конструкция there + be употребляется, когда необходимо сообщить о наличии или существовании в данном месте предмета/лица или предметов/лиц.

На таблице приведены примеры с этой конструкцией в на­стоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. На русский язык пе­реводить предложения с этой конструкцией лучше начиная с обстоятельства места (см. перевод примеров в таблице).

Для образования вопросительной формы глагол to be, а в будущем времени will, ставится перед there:

Are there many people На площади много людей?

in the square?
Will there be many people На площади будет много

in the square on Sunday? людей в воскресенье?

Отрицательная форма может быть образована при помощи отрицания по (которое ставится перед существительным и явля­ется его определением) или с отрицанием not (в кратких отри­цательных ответах на общие вопросы или если перед существи­тельным есть определение, выраженное словами any, many, much, enough и т.д. или числительными):

There was no computer in В лаборатории не было
the lab. компьютера.

  • Was there any computer in — В лаборатории был
    the lab? компьютер?

  • No, there wasn't. — Нет (не было).

There were not (weren't) На площади было немного

many people in the square. людей.

После слова there кроме глагола to be могут употребляться другие глаголы, например: to exist 'существовать', to appear 'появляться', to live 'жить' и др.:

There exist different types Существуют различные типы
of mining machines. горных машин.

2. Местоимения some, any, noи их производные

Тип предло­жения

+ thing

+ body + one

+ where



некоторый, какой-то, какой-нибудь, несколько


что-то, что-нибудь, что-либо, кое-что, нечто

somebody, someone

кто-то, кто-нибудь, кто-либо, кое-кто, некто


где-то, где-нибудь, куда-то, куда-либо, куда-нибудь





что-то, что-нибудь, что-либо

anybody, anyone

кто-то, кто-либо, кто-нибудь


где-нибудь, куда-нибудь, где-то, куда-то


no (=not any)

никакой, ни один

nothing (" not ...anything)

ничто, ничего

nobody (-not.anybody) no one, none


nowhere (=not... anywhere)

нигде, никуда


Не made some mistakes. Он сделал несколько


Give me some coffee, Пожалуйста, дайте мне

please. (немного) кофе.

There is somebody there. Там кто-то есть.

Have you got any books Есть ли у вас какие-ни-
on geology? будь книги по геологии?

Is there anybody in В лаборатории кто-нибудь
the lab? есть?

There aren't any students В лаборатории нет

in the lab. (никаких) студентов.

Nobody tells me anything. Никто мне ничего не


Обратите внимание на то, что в предложении используется только одно отрицание (aren't + any, nobody + tells + anything).


1. Any и его производные имеют другое значение в утвердительном предложении.


всякий, любой


всё что угодно


всякий, любой


где угодно, куда угодно, везде

Come and see me any time Приходите навестить меня

(-it doesn't matter when). в любое время.

2. Some в вопросительном предложении употребляется, когда мы
предлагаем или просим что-нибудь.

Would you like some coffee? Вы хотите кофе?

Can I have some milk in my Можно взять (немного) молока

coffee? . для кофе?

3. Someone/somebody/anyone/anybody являются местоимениями единст-
веннoro числа (см. форму глагола-сказуемого в примерах).

Someone wants to see you. Кто-то хочет вас видеть.

Isanybody there? Кто-нибудь есть там?

После этих слов часто употребляется they/them/their.

If шугае waits to leave Если кто-нибудь хочет уйти

early, they can ("he or рано, он (она) может

she can). сделать это.

ПРЕДТЕКСТОВЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 1. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слом:

[л] — crust, des 'tractive, 'substance, re'suit, 'other

[э:] — salt, form, be'cause, cause, coarse

[ae] — 'fragment, 'magma, 'glacier, 'gravel, 'angular, sand

[i:j — heat, sea, peat, feet, meet

[ei] — main, grain, change, shale, 'layer, clay

[ф]'picture, 'structure

[э:] — Earth, 'surface, firm, 'firmly

6) Прочитайте следующие слова и запомните их произношение:

igneous ['ignias], metamorphic [jneta'mafik], sedimentary [^edi'mentan], sediment ['sedimsnt], conglomerate [kan'gbmant], sandstone ['saen(d)stoun), calcium carbonate ['kaelsiam 'kabanit], do­lomite f'dobmait], schist [fist]

Z. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2 раза про себя, затем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

cause [ko:z] v заставлять; вызывать; force [fo:s] v заставлять, принуж-

влиять; причинять; л причина, дать; ускорять движение; л си-

основание; дело; общее дело; ла; усилие

'syn reason glacier ['glaesjs] я ледник, глетчер

clay [klei] л глина; глинозем grain [grein] л зерно; angular grains
consolidate [ksn'solideit] v твердеть, угловатые зерна (минералов);

затвердевать, уплотнять(ся); grained а зернистый

укреплять; synsolidify gravel f'grsevel] л гравий, крупный
crust [krAst] л кора; геол. земная песок

кора internal [m'ta:nl] а внутренний

decay [di'kei] v гнить, разлагаться; intrusive [m'trursiv] а интрузив-

л выветривание (пород); рас- ный, плутонический

пад, разложение iron [ 'aisn] л железо

derive [di 'raiv] v (from) происхо- layer [ 'leis(r)] л пласт

лить, вести свое происхожде- like [talk] а похожий, подобный;

ние (от); наследовать syn similar; ant nnUke; adv no-

destroy [di'stroi] v разрушать; унич- добно

тожать; destructive а разруши- lime [laim] л известь; limestone л

тельный . известняк

dtsMhre [di'zalv] v растворять loose [lu:s] а несвязанный, свобод-
скри| [iks'pouz] v выходить (наный; рыхлый

поверхность); обнажаться; ex- make up ['meik 'лр] v составлять;

рмиге л обнажение л состав (вещества)

extend [iks'ta:nl] а внешний
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