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  • Ex. 96, p. 488 1. to be missed; 2. to catch; 3. to work; 4. to avoid; 5. to be drawn; 6. not to forget; 7. not to be helped; 8. to find; 9.

  • Ex. 97, р . 488

  • Ex. 104, р . 492

  • Ex. 107, р . 493

  • Ex. 108, p. 493 (possible variants)

  • Ex. 109, p. 494 (possible variants)

  • Аракин, 2 курс, решебник 2. Учебнику Практический курс английского языка

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    Ex. 91, р. 485 (possible variants)

    1. They say you read a lot. — Not so much as I used to. 2. Why didn't you invite them? — I simply didn't want to. 3. Will you write a letter to her ? — Yes, if you wish me to. 4. Why can't you go with us? — I'm not allowed to. 5. I'm afraid you can't come. — I suppose I'll have to./But I'll try to. 6. I see that you haven't bought any oranges. — No, I forgot to. 7. You must take more care of it. — Yes, I ought to. 8. She says you are going to help her. — I suppose I'll have to. 9. Why didn't you dance with him? — He didn't ask me to. 10. You didn't sign your test paper. — I meant to, but I forgot.

    Ex. 92, p. 486 (possible variants)

    1. The infinitive as subject:

    1. To punish the child for such a harmless prank would be unjust. 2. Just to look at her pretty, bright face was very pleasant. 3. To fire him immediately is the only thing to do. 4. To learn this dialogue by heart and dramatize it would be much more useful. 5. To decide which of them is right is not an easy matter.

    1. The infinitive as predicative:

    1. My hobby is to collect coins/stamps/matchboxes/old postcards. 2. The best way to master a foreign language is to learn the basics at home and then go to a country where this language is spoken, stay there for at least a couple of months and get as much practice as possible. 3. The next thing to be done is to find a good, well-paid job. 4. Our aim was to cheat him out of his money. 5. To say so means to demonstrate your complete lack of confidence. 6. His only wish is to get home as fast as possible.

    1. The infinitive as object:

    1. He asked to come with us./He asked us to take him along. 2. In the kindergarten children are taught to read and to count.

    Ex. 93, p. 487

    1. There weren't many children in the neighbourhood to play with. 2. He fell asleep with full determination to go and see for himself. 3. He is a man to be trusted. 4. We didn't know the way to the station, and there wasn't anyone to ask. 5. He was the first person to come to the bar and the last to leave it. 6. It isn't a thing to joke about. It's a serious matter. 7. He will always find something to laugh at. 8. They decided that it was a nice little town to live in quietly for a while. 9. He's not a man to be easily frightened. 10. There's nothing to discuss now. Everything is settled. 11. He was the first man to guess what George was driving at. 12. No doubt it was the best time to find them all at home. 13. A good housewife will always find something to do about the house. 14. The old general wanted nothing but a grandson to dandle on his knee.

    Ex. 95, p. 487

    1. This is a splendid opportunity/an excellent chance to make it up with them. 2. I've got no one to turn to for advice. 3. Here's a fresh rose to stick in/to pin to your hair. 4. It was an inconvenient time to have a break. 5. I doubt if there is anyone here to talk to about this matter. 6.1 was given a text to translate without using a dictionary. 7. There's nothing to argue about. We are practically talking about one and the same thing. 8. He is just the right man to fill the vacancy. 9. Here's the key to open the desk drawer with. 10. To my mind the matter to be discussed at our meeting is very important. 11.1 can't see the duster to rub the blackboard clean. 12. It's just the right book to read before going to sleep. 13. We are leaving tomorrow morning and we still have plenty to do. 14. He was the first to answer. 15. There was no time to lose, and Teleguin jumped out of the window onto the roof of the next house. 16. There's nothing to think over, everything is very simple. 17. Although he wanted to say something cheering, all he was able to do was (to) give a shy smile. 18. He realized with regret that there was nothing to be done.

    Ex. 96, p. 488

    1. to be missed; 2. to catch; 3. to work; 4. to avoid; 5. to be drawn; 6. not to forget; 7. not to be helped; 8. to find; 9. to see; 10. to forget; 11. to find; 12. to help


    1. Я намеревался воспользоваться этим случаем, он был слишком хорош, чтобы упустить его. 2. Выйдя из здания по­чты, я обнаружил, что было уже слишком поздно, чтобы ус­петь на лондонский поезд/что уже не успею на лондонский поезд. 3. Было слишком жарко, чтобы работать, и мы решили сделать перерыв. 4. Диксон был достаточно умен, чтобы не говорить с Уэлчем на эту тему. 5. Майкл полагал, что Джонни слишком молод, чтобы вовлекать его в их религиозную общи­ну. 6. Будучи женщиной в полном смысле слова, она даже в этот критический момент не забыла напудрить нос. 7. Ему ничем нельзя помочь. 8. Он повернулся к Маргарет и обнару­жил, что она беседует с Кэрол Голдсмит. 9. Он услышал гром­кий стук в парадную дверь, открыл ее и увидел незнакомца в потрепанном плаще. 10. Ей нравилось быть доброй и разда­вать обещания, которые она тотчас же забывала. 11. Он быст­ро прошел в ванную, а вернувшись, обнаружил, что Мэри си­дит возле его кровати. 12. Жаль, что я недостаточно силен, чтобы помочь тебе, мой мальчик.

    Ex. 97, р. 488

    1. It was too dark to see anything before him. 2. You are experienced enough to know better. 3. He was too excited to utter a word. 4. He was too angry to speak to me. 5. He knows too few English words to make himself understood. 6. She knows English well enough to read Somerset Maugham in the original./She knows English so well as to be able to read Somerset Maugham in the original. 7. Mr. Burton was so cruel as to send a man to death.

    1. The story "A Friend in Need" is too tragic to be merely ironical.

    2. The man was too down and out to get a decent job. 10. The man was not strong enough to swim the distance. It was too late for anybody to save him.

    Ex. 98, p. 489

    1. He is clever enough to understand it. 2. The current was too strong for him to swim around the beacon. 3. The story was too gripping/absorbing not to read it to the end. 4. Her pronunciation was too correct to be natural. 5. He was so furious that one word would have been enough to drive him mad. 6. I've looked through two chapters to find only five suitable examples. 7. The next morning she woke up to find herself alone in the house. 8. After a


    long travel he returned to realize that there is no place like home. 9. He walked around/round/about all the rooms to find only the cat in the kitchen. The flat was empty. 10. She opened the door of the study to see her father walking up and down/to and fro/back and forth in a rage. 11. From time to time he would wake up only to go back to sleep at once. 12. After a long absence she came back home to find that nothing had changed: they had not forgiven her. 13. He thought over the situation for the umpteenth time only to realize that there was no way out. 14. She opened the door to find that everybody had already gathered and was waiting for her.

    Ex. 99, p. 489

    1. Adverbial modifier of purpose. 2. to know is part of a compound verbal predicate of double orientation and to worry about is an attribute. 3. Part of a Complex Object. 4. Attribute.

    1. to let is an object, and come is part of a Complex Object. 6. come and get are parts of compound verbal modal predicates. 7. Part of a Complex Object. 8. Subject. 9. An adverbial modifier of result. 10. to take is an object and to help is an adverbial modifier of result. 11. Subject. 12. An adverbial modifier of result. 13. Part of a compound verbal aspect predicate. 14. Attribute. 15. to get is an attribute, and to study is a predicative. 16. get is part of a compound verbal modal predicate and to do is an attribute. 17. Part of a compound verbal modal predicate. 18. to stare is an attribute, and to concentrate is an object. 19. Subject. 20. Attributes. 21. water and talk are parts of Complex Objects, and to hear is a subject.

    Ex. 100, p. 490

    1. She is pleasant to talk to. 2. The matter was too complicated to be discussed in an hour. 3.1 am glad to have learnt the truth. 4. You had better not annoy him with your silly questions. 5. This question is too complicated for her to decide/settle it by herself.

    1. He isn't the kind of person to expect any help from. 7. It would be better to persuade him to work than to force him. 8. We are very glad to have seen this performance. 9. The children seem to have forgotten about this sad event. 10. You should have warned me in advance. 11. I kept silent because I had nothing to say. 12. They promised me to help prepare for the party. 13. His phone number is easy to memorize. 14. This man must have been sitting here for about half an hour. Who could he be waiting for? 15. Do you remember who was the first to enter the room? 16. He is hardly a/the man to give you the information that interests you.

    17. We pretended not to have noticed his mistake so as not to
    embarrass him. 18. The most important thing is how to make her
    believe us and follow/listen to our advice.

    Ex. 101, p. 490

    1. The rule is not difficult to remember. 2. My grandfather's armchair is very comfortable to sit in. 3. She is kind and easy to deal with. 4. He is difficult to persuade. 5. This passage is not very easy to translate because it contains some idiomatic expressions. 6. The girLis pleasant to look at but not at all pleasant to talk to. 7. Their quarrel was unpleasant to watch. 8. His stories are always funny to listen to. 9. Uncle Jack's advice was useful to follow. 10. This question is not so very easy to answer.

    Ex. 103, p. 491

    Comments *

    1. me feel — Complex Object. 2. you to say — Complex Object.

    3. my father leave — Complex Object. 4. his door open — Complex
    Object. 5. us sleep — Complex Object. 6. a chap spend — Complex
    Object. 7. it to be — Complex Object. 8. him to come back —
    Complex Object. 9. somebody touch — Complex Object. 10. it to
    be done — Complex Object. 11. She ... to notice — Complex
    Subject. 12. The number... to be — Complex Subject. 13. He... to
    be — Complex Subject. 14. Lady Franklin ... to expect — Complex
    Subject. 15. The boy ... to repeat — Complex Subject.
    16. Professor Lee... to join — Complex Subject. 17. He... to say —
    Complex Subject; the door ... to be shut — Complex Object.

    18. it... to be looking back — Complex Subject. 19. He ... to have
    been — Complex Subject. 20. You ... to keep — Complex Subject.


    1. Я чувствую себя как-то странно из-за таблеток, которые дал мне мой врач. 2. Я хочу, чтобы ты сказала себе: «Он умер смертью храбрых, служа своей стране, и мы должны им гор­диться*. 3. Я видел, как отец вышел из дома в то самое утро.

    4. Уже теряя сознание, он услышал, как его дверь открылась
    и тотчас же закрылась опять. 5. Джордж был уверен, что бла-
    годаря свежему воздуху и физической нагрузке мы будем спать
    как убитые. 6. Никогда не видел, чтобы человек тратил

    столько времени на изучение рентгеновских снимков/радио­грамм. 7. Я думал, что это сигнал начинать. 8. Мы не ожида­ли, что он вернется так быстро, и теперь гадали, что стряс­лось. 9. Она почувствовала, как кто-то ласково коснулся ее рукой. 10. Я бы хотел, чтобы это было проделано как мо>, но незаметнее, не привлекая внимания. 11. Она, похоже, не за­мечала его холодного тона. 12. Оказалось, что дом, адрес ко­торого мне дали/к которому меня направили, стоит несколь­ко на отшибе, задом к реке. 13. «Кажется, он спит, миледи», — сказал дворецкий. 14. Леди Фрэнклин, похоже, ожидала от­вета. 15. Мальчика заставили повторить свой рассказ дваж­ды. 16. Предполагалось, что профессор Ли присоединится к экспедиции в Северной Африке, но он заболел. 17. Было слыш­но, как он сказал, что будет дождь, и велел закрыть дверь на балкон. 18. Я разглядывал дом со смесью подозрения и любо­пытства, а он, в свою очередь, похоже, разглядывал меня. 19. Говорят, что в молодости он был моряком. 20. Ты ведь вряд ли составишь нам компанию, а, Джим?

    Ex. 104, р. 492

    1. Не was made to consult a doctor. 2. You seem to be upset. What's the matter? 4. I've never seen Jane Buck dance. 5.1 was asleep and didn't hear them leave. 6. Parents always want their children to grow up to be honest people. 7.1 think it was unfair of you to do it. 8. Who allowed you to make free with/to use my things? 9. He felt his strength return(ing). 10. Nothing could make him change his decision. 11. This year winter is expected to be severe. 12. I accidentally heard you say the last sentence. 13. They are sure to get married. 14.1 want all of us to meet once more. 15. She felt someone touch her on the shoulder. 16. She was closely watching the other gymnasts jump. 17. He is unlikely to recover by Monday. 18. Don't allow children to play with matches. 19. We turned out to know each other. 20. She grew pale and I felt her shudder.

    Ex. 105, p. 492

    1.1 should be delighted to get acquainted with the captain of your team. 2. He was annoyed to learn that they hadn't chosen him as a player for the All-Union match. 3. I was sorry to have missed the beginning of the match. 4. We must wait for the referee to whistle, then we'll see the teams coming out. 5. They wouldn't be surprised to receive an invitation to play in a tennis match with the fellows from our college. 6. You would be foolish to miss the chance. 7. I'm pleased to have been of some service to you. 8. She turned to me as if to ask me something. 9. We are happy to have won, it was a difficult match. 10. I was sorry to hear of their failure. 11. I'm sorry to have been of so little assistance. 12. He pressed his finger to his lips as if to warn her.

    Ex. 106, p. 493

    1. 1 .Он придержал для нее дверь./Он придержал дверь, что­бы она могла войти. 2. Как мило с вашей стороны помнить мой голос! Я вас не побесяокоил? 3. С вашей стороны было очень любезно приехать, но теперь вы должны уехать. 4. «Три неде­ли и два дня, миледи», — ответил Ледбиттер. «Как мило с ва­шей стороны посчитать дни!» — сказала леди Фрэнклин. 5. «Как мило, что вы пришли», — сказал он, не вставая с кро­вати. 6. Думаю, лучше всего тебе будет увидеть его самой. 7. Сейчас слишком4 поздно, чтобы выпускать детей на улицу.

    2. 1. Мне надо сообщить тебе что-то очень важное, настолько важное, что я и не знаю, как это сказать. 2. Я не вполне уве­рен, присоединяться мне к ним или нет. 3. Мы пока еще не решили, когда тронемся в путь. 4. Он колебался, не зная, что сказать дальше. 5. Я не знал, какую книгу выбрать. 6. Ска­жите мне, кого пригласить. 7. Вопрос в том, где это спрятать.

    3. 1. И по правде говоря, я и сам рад, что у меня есть попут­чик. 2. Откровенно говоря, ни один дом в городе не мог срав­ниться по популярности с их домом. 3. Он, конечно же, не­много опоздает, и Энн станет ворчать. 4. Короче говоря, все закончилось к ее вящему удовольствию.

    Ex. 107, р. 493

    1. She held out the telegram for me to see it. 2. It's quite natural for you to think so. 3. The first thing for him to do is to ring them up. 4. Let us wait for them to settle this matter. 5. This is a problem for you to solve all by yourself. 6. I shall bring the article for you to read. 7.1 gave an umbrella to the children for them not to get wet through. 8. I've put on weight. Now this dress is too tight for me to wear. 9. It is unbelievable for a man to go so far beyond his limit. 10. He spoke loudly for everyone to hear him. 11. There is nothing for me to add. 12. It is very unusual for him to have said such a thing. 13. It's high time for you to know grammar well. 14. This is a boy for you to play with.

    Ex. 108, p. 493 (possible variants)

    1. Can you advise me what university to go to? 2.1 can't make up my mind whether to refuse this offer or not. 3. She hesitated where to go for her holiday: to Italy or to France. 4.1 am at a loss what to say. 5. The trouble is how to choose between the two. 6. Where to put up for the night is the first thing to decide. 7. His chief difficulty was how to tell his twin daughters apart. 8.1 don't know what jewels to put on. 9. Show me how to fix it. 10. Nobody could tell him who to turn to for help.

    Ex. 109, p. 494 (possible variants)

    1. To cut a long story short, Scarlett realized that she loved Rhett when it was already too late. 2. Her grammar is not very good, to put it mildly. 3. My eyes water, my joints ache, and to crown (it) all most of my teeth need filling. 5. What he said is not quite true, to say the least of it. 6. It will be a lot of trouble, to. say nothing of the expense. (Это причинит уйму хлопот, не roj воря уже о расходах.) 7. То begin with, I've never seen the m and don't know him from Adam. 8. To judge by her appearanc she is still in her twenties.

    Ex. 110, p. 494

    1. You had better stay in today. You may catch a cold. 2. often hear you speak in students' debates. 3. You have heard him say it yourself. 4. It would do you good to do more physical exercises. 5. He knew that he must be there but couldn't make himself come in. (He knew that his presence/attendance was A must/was necessary but couldn't make himself come in.) 6. She was heard to say that none of them could be trusted. 7. He must have read this novel quite recently. 8. She is unlikely to know what to say about it. 9. The difficulty is where to obtain this rait book. 10. I don't know him well enough to talk to him about It. 11. She doesn't like her door to be shut. 12. I'm glad to meet you. 13. I'm glad to have met you. 14. There was no one to ask, and wt had to wait. 15. Why not go for a walk? The weather is wonderful 16. They say he was seen to enter the house, but no one saw him leave it. 17. She seems to be practising (at) the piano all morning. 18. Ben was the first to speak. 19. They don't seem to have left yet. 20. I have a lot to talk to you about. 21. We didn't expect him to do it himself. 22. She is too shallow/light-minded to take it seriously. 23. It can't have been done in so short a time/in such a short time. 24. He isn't easy to please.
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