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  • Sentence

  • 9. Complete the following sentences by adding adjective clauses with when

  • 10. Complete the following passage about traditional medicine with the correct relative pronouns. Tribal Medicine

  • 11. Complete the passage using appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses. Choose from all tenses. Changes in Medicine

  • 12. The discovery of the X-ray is one of the greatest changes in medicine. Study the text and do the task after it The Discovery of the X-ray.

  • 14. Briefly describe the experiment made by Professor Roentgen. 15. Say whether, in your opinion, Professor Roentgen knew he was

  • 18. Read the texts and compare two systems of Public Health. a) Public Health in the United States.

  • 19. Write the table of comparisons of two systems. Mention all advantages and disadvantages. Discuss it with your class mates. Using What Youve Learned

  • 2) Use of Adjective Clauses

  • Part 1. Circle the correct completion for the following. example

  • Part 2. Circle the letter below the word(s) containing an error. example

  • Prove that medical science has changed greatly since the Middle ages. Write a report which includes all the most outstanding facts. Раздел III. Human Anatomy

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    Work with grammar

    Adjective Clauses with When and Where

    When and where can introduce adjective clauses if they come after nouns. When

    usually modifies a noun that has the meaning of time or a time period. Where

    usually modifies a noun that has the meaning of a physical place or an abstract

    area or field.
    Two simple The 1950s were a time. At that time, doctors stillmade house-


    Sentences We can expect continued progress in the medical field.

    New discoveries are made every day in the medical field.
    One Complex The 1950s were a time when doctors still made house-calls.


    With When, We can expect continued progress in the medical field,

    Where where new discoveries are made every day.

    8. Combine the following sentences with when or where. Add
    commas where necessary.

    example: Treatment for cancer will be more effective in the future. In the future, scientists will know more about the body's immune system.

    Treatment for cancer will be more effective in the future, when scientists will know more about the body's immune system.

    1. It's interesting to visit a hospital laboratory. In the laboratory, there is a lot of sophisticated equipment.

    2. Teaching hospitals often have the most modern facilities. In these hospitals, new doctors are educated and trained.

    1. We are now in an age. Medicine is very specialized.

    1. The doctor's office is now a complicated place. In the doctor's office, many tests and even surgery can be performed.

    2. Medicine will become a very competitive field in the future. In the future, there will be too many doctors in the United States.

    3. University hospitals around the U.S. are places. A great deal of research on cancer is taking place there today.

    4. The whole world is hoping for the time. A cure for cancer will be discovered then.

    5. We would all like to see the day. That day, good medical care will be available to everyone.

    9. Complete the following sentences by adding adjective clauses

    with when or where.
    example: An intensive care unit is the place . . . where critically ill or injured

    patients are cared for.

    1. A hospital is the place . . .

    2. Emergency room is the place . . .

    3. A laboratory is the place . . .

    4. The twentieth century is the time . . .

    5. The Middle Ages was the time . . .

    6. A pharmacy is the place ...

    7. A nursing home is the place ...

    8. Your visit to the doctor is the time . . .

    10. Complete the following passage about traditional
    medicine with the correct relative pronouns.

    Tribal Medicine
    In most areas of the world, people who are sick are taken to a doctor or a hospital

    for treatment. But there are still many places -------------- patients are taken instead to a local medicine man, or healer, ----------------is a combination of doctor, priest, and psychologist.

    In Western thinking, disease is something-------------------people regard as natural. In

    tribal cultures, however, people consider illness an unnatural condition; it is a sign of

    deep anger, hatred, fear, or conflict.

    To discover the reason for an illness, a healer might use astrology or ask the patient

    about his dreams. Once the cause of illness is known, the patient may go to a healing

    shrine or temple, he cleans himself. After that, he

    returns to the healer, performs different ceremonies to

    chase the evil spirits out of the patient's body. The patient,------------- family also

    participates in the healing ceremony, may be put into a trance,------------------- is a state of deep, unconscious concentration. While the patient is in the trance, the healer performs different ceremonies to chase the evil spirits out of the patient's body.
    Finally, the healer suggests changes the person must make so that the

    disease does not return.

    11. Complete the passage using appropriate forms of the
    verbs in parentheses. Choose from all tenses.

    Changes in Medicine
    Modern medicine began (begin) in the nineteenth century. At

    that time, French physicians (develop) methods of clinical

    medicine that we ____ (use) ever since.

    There (be) many important landmarks from that time to

    the present. A French physician, Rene Leanne, ---------------(invent) the

    stethoscope in the early 1800s. Later, in 1842, a U.S. physician, Crawford Long, (anesthetize) a patient with ether. Painless operations

    --------------(be) possible since that day. This---------------------------(be) the

    beginning of modern surgery.

    The science of how the body fights disease and infection

    (interest) many medical scientists for hundreds of years. Louis Pasteur

    first clearly (show) that bacteria cause disease, and Joseph Lister

    (discover) that bacteria enter a patient during surgery,

    explaining why so many surgical patients (die).

    12. The discovery of the X-ray is one of the greatest changes in
    medicine. Study the text and do the task after it

    The Discovery of the X-ray.

    Scientists working on a problem do not know and sometimes can't even guess what the final result will be. Professor Roentgen was a physicist at the University of Wartburg in Germany. Late on Friday, 8 November, 1895, he was doing an experiment in his laboratory when he noticed something extraordinary. He had covered an electric bulb with black cardboard, and when he switched on the current he saw little dancing lights on his table. Now the bulb was completely covered; how then could any ray penetrate? On the table there were some pieces of paper which had been covered with metal salts. It was on his paper that the lights were shining. Professor Roentgen took a piece of this paper and held it at a distance from the lamp. Between it and the lamp he placed a number of objects, a book, a pack of cards, a piece of wood and a door key. The ray penetrated every one of them except the key. This mysterious ray could shine through everything except the metal. He called his wife into the laboratory and asked her to hold her hand between the lamp and the photographic plate. She was very surprised by this request, but she obediently held up her hand for a quarter of an hour, and when the plate was developed there was a picture of the bones of her hand and of the ring on one finger. The ray could pass through the flesh and not through the bone or the ring.

    At a scientific meeting where he described what happened, Professor Roentgen called this new ray "the Unknown", the X-ray. Doctors quickly saw how this could be used, and soon there were X-ray machines in all the big hospitals. At first the doctors didn't understand how powerful the rays were and many of them were injured, losing a finger or an arm through exposure to X-rays when they were using the machines. The most obvious use for this discovery was to make it possible for doctors and surgeons to see exactly how a bone was fractured. Other uses came later. It was found that these rays could be used to destroy cancer cells, just as they destroyed the healthy cells of the doctors who first used the machine. Methods were found later by which ulcers in the stomach could be located, and the lungs should be X-rayed to show if there was any tuberculosis present. "Mass X-ray" units are sent round to factories and detect early signs of trouble in the lungs.

    Unfortunately for Professor Roentgen, whose discovery did so much for medical science, envious colleagues spread the story that he had stolen his discovery from a laboratory assistant who worked for him. He died, poor and forgotten, in 1923.

    13. Quickly look through the list and mark the lettered phrase

    nearest in the meaning to the word or phrase tested.

    1. Guess. 1. know for sure; 2. be in two minds; 3. suppose.

    2. At a distance. I. not very near; 2. very close; 3. a long way off.

    3. Mysterious. 1. hard to explain; 2. unexplainable; 3. easy to explain.

    4. Obediently. 1. unthinkingly; 2. unwillingly; 3. willingly.

    5.Throughin "through exposure to X-rays": l. with the help of; 2. inspite of;

    3. as a result of.

    6. Destroy 1. kill; 2. make useless; 3. break to pieces.

    14. Briefly describe the experiment made by Professor

    15. Say whether, in your opinion, Professor Roentgen knew he was

    going to discover the X-ray, or he discovered it by chance. Quote

    facts from the text.
    16. Look through the text once again, and select the statement which

    best expresses its main idea. Explain your choice.

    17. Sum up what the text has to say on each of the following points.

    Discuss it with your class mates.

    * How the X-ray got its name.

    * How it happened that many doctors were injured through exposure to X-rays.

    * The most important uses of the X-ray at the present time.
    18. Read the texts and compare two systems of Public Health.

    a) Public Health in the United States.

    Health protection in America is not nationalized and there is no State public health in this country. Most of the clinics and hospitals Are private so everything should be paid for. People pay their own medical insurance and it's a person's will. For pensioners medical treatment is partly paid and for those who have no money there is Medicaid, it is a federal system of health insurance in the USA for those requiring financial assistance or in other words" medical + aid". It is paid by the State. Some people do not have insurance so they pay for all medical expenses, but sometimes your medical insurance is covered by your job. It depends on your work. In the past hospitals did not need in advertising but now people want to choose the best and the cheapest, because health service is very expensive. Much medical information is published in pamphlets and journals and some hospitals provide people with details of their services there. They print many articles about their work in order to compete with each other. For example, video-telemedicine service that is very useful and helpful in the work of the American doctors is explained in one of the pamphlets which is named "House Calls", and its advantages is also given here. In these article you can read the information about the doctors' private lives and their families, about new equipment, new methods of treatment and about different kinds of medical services. There are many clinics in the USA. A clinic is usually a group of doctors of different qualifications who join to work together. Each state has a Department of Health and they provide free service of inoculation for all people. And also the doctors can pay a house visit and examine the patients there. One of the American doctors says that although Americans pay high prices for medical help they can get excellent treatment.
    b) Public Health in Russia
    Health protection in Russia is nationalized. But there are some private hospitals and clinics there. Much attention is given to the health of population in our country.

    In pre - revolutionary Russia the rate of mortality was very high, because of infectious diseases such as: typhus, small - pox, children diseases: scarlet fever, measles were widely spread. Epidemics carried away millions of people. Since 1917 care for health of the home population became one of major concerns of the government of Russia. A wide network of medical institutions was established in the country. Our clinics and hospitals are supplied with modern medical equipment. They don't limit their work to giving assistance to the patients who come to ask for advice, they pay great attention to disease prevention. The medical services are steadily expanding. A great number of hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, dispensaries, all kinds of laboratories and drug stores are constantly growing. There are many medical Universities, Institutes and medical colleges in our country now. There are local medical centers not only in every district in our towns and cities but at all big factories and farms as well. Various associations for the promotion of the public health are doing enthusiastic work. Thanks to our medical aid mass hygienic and educational work among the population is being conducted. There are no negative cases of any disease as it is checked at the very beginning. Thus prevention of infectious diseases is the main principle of the Russian medical service. Sanitary education helps greatly with the aim of prophylactics. Special institutions, controlled by the Public Health service help to solve problems of organization of sanitary education. The Russian government provides a wide network of health resorts for workers and their families, where they can undergo a course of treatment. Special attention is paid to the care of a mother and a child. The Ministry of Health directs all public health work. The center of the scientific medical thoughts is the Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia.

    19. Write the table of comparisons of two systems. Mention all

    advantages and disadvantages. Discuss it with your class mates.

    Using What You've Learned
    1) Playing the Dictionary Game. You will need a dictionary for this game. First, divide into groups of four. Take turns selecting a word from the dictionary. Choose a word no one in the group knows the meaning of. The person who chooses the word writes the correct meaning on a piece of paper. The other people write false definitions that they think "sound" real. Then the person who chose the word reads all the definitions aloud (without laughing!). Each person in the group votes for the definition he or she believes is correct. The object is to get your classmates to choose your definition rather than the correct one. You score one point for every person who voted for your definition.
    2) Use of Adjective Clauses

    Adjective clauses are frequently tested on standardized English proficiency exams. Review these commonly tested structures and check your understanding by completing the sample items on the next page.

    Remember that. . .

    1. In object clauses, whom (not who) is grammatically correct.

    2. The original object is omitted in object clauses.

    3. The relative pronoun may not be omitted from a nonrestrictive clause.

    4. The verb in an adjective clause is singular or plural, depending on the word it modifies.

    Part 1. Circle the correct completion for the following.

    example: I have a friend-------------neighbours are from France.



    1. The doctor----------was a specialist in orthopedics.

    a. that saw

    b. whom I saw

    c. who I saw

    d. which I saw

    2. Aspirin is a pain reliever---------- been used for centuries.

    a. which it has

    b. that it has

    c. that has

    d. that have

    3. In traditional medicine, a healer is someone-----------may use a combination of rituals and remedies to treat a sick person.

    a. whose

    b. who

    c. that

    d. whom

    Part 2. Circle the letter below the word(s) containing an error.

    example: There are many languages used around the world today

    A B

    which they do not have a form of writing.

    1. The system that it controls the flow of blood through the body is the

    A B CD

    circulatory system.

    2. Over the centuries, three alcoholic liquids that has been used

    a b c

    as medicine are beer, brandy, and gin.


    3. Aristotle, his writings about medicine were used by physicians and

    A BC

    barbers for hundreds of years, believed the brain to be a cooling


    system for the heart.
    3) Prepare for the Student Science Conference.

    Prove that medical science has changed greatly since the Middle ages. Write a report which includes all the most outstanding facts.

    Раздел III. Human Anatomy

    Topic 5. The Human Body. Parts of the Body
    1. Do you keep your body in good form?

    What do you do for it?
    2. Study new words

    1. body -тело

    2. head -голова

    3. hair -волосы

    4. face -лицо

    5. cheek -щека

    6. eye -глаз

    7. ear -ухо

    8. mouth -poт

    9. tooth-зуб

    1. arm -рука

    2. leg -нога

    3. hand -кисть (руки)

    4. finger -палец (руки)

    5. toe -палец (ноги)

    1. foot -стопа

    2. forehead- лоб

    3. nose -нос

    4. shoulder -плечо

    5. chest -грудь

    6. back -спина

    7. moustaches- усы

    8. eyebrow-бровь

    9. lip-губа

    10. chin-подбородок

    11. eyelashes-ресницы

    12. beard-борода

    13. neck-шея

    14. thumb-большой палец

    15. elbow-локоть

    16. waist-пояс, талия

    17. hip-бедро

    18. knee-колено

    Internal organs:

    1. heart -сердце

    2. lungs -легкие

    3. tongue -язык

    4. pharynx -глотка

    5. esophagus –пищевод

    1. stomach -желудок

    2. liver -печень

    3. gall bladder –желчный пузырь

    4. pancreas -поджелудочная железа

    1. duodenum -двенадцатиперстная кишка

    2. small intestine –тонкая кишка

    3. appendix -аппендикс

    4. rectum –прямая кишка

    5. kidney -почка

    6. bladder –мочевой пузырь

    7. uterus –матка


    The Human Body

    The principal parts of the human body are the .... the ... , the..... . We speak of
    the upper extremities ( arms ) and of the lower extremities (legs).
    The head consists of two parts: the ... which contains the brain and the face which
    consists of the .... the .... the ..., the ... with the lips, the ..., the ... and the ... .
    The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal
    The mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are ...
    with ..., a ... and a ... . The head is connected with the trunk by the neck. The upper
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