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  • 2) Put the statements below into the proper order: a)

  • 2) Say whether the statements are true or false: a)

  • 3) Which of these statements may be included into the text a)

  • 4.3 Business with Italy 1) Look at the phrases from the text

  • 3) Correct the given outline of the text: a)

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    4.1 A New Product IS Introduced

    1) Read the text and answer the questions:

    a) What drink is this text about?

    b) What qualities of the drink have been improved?

    c) Is the new drink a lemonade or a totally new product?

    d) Why will the new product compete with the existing brands?

    e) Do you think the customers will like the new product? Why?

    A new product has been introduced for production at the KOOL-OUT Company. It’s a drink. Such qualities as flavor, packing, design have been improved for the previously produced lemonade, thus resulting in a completely new product. The new machinery is supposed to increase the productivity and save labor forces.
    The price will be slightly higher than the price of the lemonade in the past. In spite of the higher selling price it will compete well with existing brands due to a better design and more natural flavor.

    The company is sure that the consumers will be pleased with the new drink. They are planning to get a profit rise by 12% on a new product.

    2) Put the statements below into the proper order:

    a) the customers will like the new drink,

    b) a soft-drink company introduced a new drink,

    c) the new machinery will save labor forces,

    d) the flavor of the drink will be more natural.

    4.2 A Plant in Chicago

    1) Translate the text into Russian in writing.

    A plant in Chicago has started producing new machines Model 35. The machines are of high quality and meet the requirements of the customers.

    Many foreign companies are interested in buying this model and the management of the plant has already received a lot of orders for it. For example, they have got a letter from the company “Brumes and Sons”. This company would like to buy 15 machines from the company in Chicago. The company in Chicago is also interested in selling their machines to “Machines and Tools” and would like to invite Mr. Hertz, the manager of the company, to come to Chicago to have talks.

    Now the two companies are going to discuss the terms of delivery and sign a contract.

    2) Say whether the statements are true or false:

    a) A new machine model is produced at a plant in Chicago,

    b) This model has become very popular in the country,

    c) The plant in Chicago, producing the new model, receives a lot of orders for it,

    d) The manager of the company in Chicago is going to the company “Machines & Tools” for talks.

    3) Which of these statements may be included into the text?

    a) The market is short of such kind of machines.

    b) The management is considering what company should be given the priority.

    c) The market abounds in fresh food and vegetables.

    d) They settled the date of the meeting.

    e) Mr. Lyder, the Deputy Director, will head the delegation.
    4.3 Business with Italy

    1) Look at the phrases from the text: come to Russia on business, both for Russian and Italian business, that is why, to sign a contract, according to the contract, in six months, are interested in. What do they mean?

    2) Read the text and answer the questions:

    a) How often does Mr. Lorento come to Russia?

    b) Why does he visit Russia so often?

    c) What will the Italians deliver to Russia?

    d) What will the Russian company deliver to Italy?
    Mr. Lorento is an Italian businessman. His company has good business contacts with Russian companies, so he often comes to Russia on business. He has already been to Saint Petersburg four times. Mr. Lorento thinks that trade with Russia is very important both for Russian and Italian business. That is why they try to understand each other.

    The partners want to develop their trade relations. They have just signed a new contract. According to this contract, the Italians will deliver shoes to Saint Petersburg, and the Russian company will deliver some machines to Italy. Now they are discussing the details of the contract. The first goods will come to St. Petersburg in six months. The Italians are very interested in new machines from Russia. They are planning to use them in their production at the end of the year.

    3) Correct the given outline of the text:

    a) An Italian company is interested in getting machines from Russia very much.

    b) There have already been some business contacts between the two countries.

    c) An Italian businessman, Mr. Lorento, thinks that his company will benefit from the trade with Russia.

    d) Now the partners are in the process of talks.

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