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Part2_испр. Учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей уровня Intermediate Под редакцией Г. Н. Земляникиной

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей уровня Intermediate Под редакцией Г. Н. Земляникиной
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Warm up

Exercise 1. Discuss the following problems:

1) Are you ambitious? Why or why not? 2) Do you have a career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time? 3) Which of the following would you prefer: a) to work for one company during your career? b) to work for several different companies? c) to work for yourself?
Exercise 2. Comment on the quotation “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” (Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese philosopher).

Exercise 3. Look at the questionnaire. Find out from your classmates how they rate the following aspects in the questionnaire:

A. Job satisfaction

1) How important are the following to you in giving you job satisfaction?

a) being popular with colleagues; b) being part of a team; c) challenge; d) increased responsibility; e) personal freedom; f) security; g) status; h) being praised by our superiors; i) exercising power; j) seeing the results of your actions; k) working conditions

2) Which of these features exist in your present job/ the job you are planning to do one day?

B. Success

1) How important are the following attributes in helping someone to get ahead in their career?

a) practical mind; b) ability to work fast; c) ability to express yourself; d) being good at giving orders; e) concentration; f) experience; g) good education; h) good social background; i) ability to delegate; j) being good at flattery; k) good connections; l) being good with people; m) patience; n) willingness to take risks; o) willingness to study for extra qualifications; p) ability to use charm and sex appeal with your superiors

2) Which of these attributes do you have?
Vocabulary and Functions

Exercise 4. Read, translate and memorize the new words and phrases.

A What do you do?

To find out what someone’s job is you say: What do you do?/What’s your job?/What do you do for a living?” You may answer like this: I’m (+) a banker/an engineer/I work in (+ place or general area)a bank/banking./I work for (+ name of company) Union Bank/Opel etc.

B Job responsibilities

To find out someone’s responsibilities you can ask like this:” What does your job involve?/What do you do in your job?”

Main responsibilities

I’m in charge of/responsible for new car designs./I have 20 employees under me./I work on car designs./I deal with clients./I run the design department./I attend a lot of meetings./My job involves a lot of paperwork.

C Pay

The money you get in your job is called a salary. You may say: My salary is $60000 a year/I earn $60000 a year. With many jobs you get a holiday pay and a sick pay. If you want to ask about holidays you may say:” How much holiday do you get?/How many weeks’ holiday do you get?”

The total amount of money you receive in a year is your income. And on this income you pay part to the government – income tax.

D Working hours

When people start and finish work at the same time we talk about a nine-to-five job (regular working hours). Some people work flexitime (=they can start an hour or so earlier and finish later); some have to do shift work (=working at different times, e.g. days one week and night the next week). Some people also work overtime (=extra hours). Some people may have a full-time job, others may work part time.

F Career ladder

Many people work for the same organization until they reach retirement - the age at which people retire. Others want a fresh challenge (=a new exciting situation). So they resign from their company /quit the company and start looking for a new job. After they apply for a job (=write an official request for) and do well in an interview they may be sent on training courses/do/go on training courses.

If you work hard at the company a make progress at all times your prospects (=future possibilities) may look good. You may get a pay rise (=more money) and be promoted/get a promotion (=given a higher position with more money a responsibility).

But if they are not satisfied with your work or you are late for work every day you may be sacked/dismissed/given a sack and become unemployed.

Everyday English


Exercise 5. Read the following expressions and learn them by heart.

Asking to speak to someone

Making calls Receiving calls

It’s X (here) Yes, speaking.

This is Speaking.


Could I speak to Y, please? Hold on!

Is that Y? I’ll put you through.

Is this a good time to call? I’m rather tied up at the moment.

Could you call back later?

I’m afraid Y is on another line/with someone right now/not in the office/in a meeting/off sick today/on holiday.


Giving messages Taking messages

I’m calling about… I wonder if you could call back later.

Could you ask Y to call me back. Who’s calling, please?

I’m on…/My number is… Can I take a message? /Would you like to leave a message?
Vocabulary Activities

Exercise 6. What do we call:

1) your everyday duties in your job; 2) the money you get in your job; 3) the money you get from several different jobs; 4) the money you get when you go on holiday; 5) the money you get when you are ill; 6) the part of your income you have to pay to the government; 7) the job with regular working hours; 8) working at different times(e.g. days one week and nights the next week); 9) the system in your company which means you can work when you want within certain limits; 10) when you work extra hours; 11) the job for the whole of the normal working week; 12) the job which is for less time than the normal working week.
Exercise 7. Give a single word synonym for each of these words/phrases.

1) to be given the sack; 2) out of work; 3) to leave the company; 4) to be given a better position in the company; 5) future possibilities in a job; 6) to stop working for ever; 7) workers in a company.
Exercise 8. Match the verbs in the first column with the nouns or phrases in the second.




go to

deal with




a shop


₤ 500

income tax.

Exercise 9. Starting with the words you are given rewrite each of the sentences using your active vocabulary.

Example: I’m a banker.= I work in banking.

1) What do you do? = What’s … ? 2) I earn $ 50,000 dollars.= My … . 3) I get ₤ 20,000 from my teaching job and another ₤ 10,000 from writing.= My total … . 4) I am a chemist.= I work for … . 5) In my job I have to look after and maintain all the computers in the building.= My job involves … . 6) I’m responsible for one of the smaller departmens.= I’m in …
Exercise 10. Complete the following text with the words and phrases from “Vocabulary and Functions”.

I work (1) … a French supermarket company. I work (2) … Development of new supermarkets. In fact I (3) … the development department and I (4) … a team looking at the possibilities in different countries. It’s very interesting. One of my (5) …. is to make sure that that new supermarkets open on time. I’m also (6) … financial reporting. I (7) … with lots of different organizations in my work.

Exercise 11. This is a part of a conversation with a teacher about her job. Can you supply the missing questions?

A: … ? – B: I usually start at nine and finish at four. – A: … ? – B: Yes a bit. On certain courses I work until five o’clock, and then I get paid extra. –A: … ? –B: Twelve weeks. That’s one of the good things about being a teacher. – A: … ? – B: No we don’t, I’m afraid. That’s one of the disadvantages of being a teacher. But I suppose money isn’t everything.
Exercise 12. Find the logical answer in the first box for each of the questions in the second box.

1) Why did they sack him? 2) Why did they promote him? 3) Why did he apply for the job? 4) Why did he retire? 5) Why did he resign? 6) Why did he go on the course?

a) Because he was nearly 65. b) Because he was late for work every day. c) Because he needed more training. d) Because he was out of work. e) Because he was the best person in the department. f) Because he didn’t like his boss.

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase.

1) I don’t want a full-time job. I’d prefer to work … . 2) She’d like to go on another training … . 3) I’m bored in my job. I need a fresh … . 4) He works on a stall in the … . 5) At the end of this year we should get a good pay … . 6) She’s got more than a hundred workers under … . 7) I didn’t know he was the new manager. When did he take … ? 8) It’s a boring job and the pay is awful. Why did he … ?
Exercise 14. Put the steps in the following career into the correct order.

1) He was promoted to assistant to the sales manager. 2) He took up gardening as a hobby. 3) He looked for a job. 4) He was appointed managing director. 5) He made an application. 6) He was offered the job. 7) He was out of work. 8) He retired. 9) He went for an interview. 10) He worked as a clerk. 11) He got the job of sales manager. 12) He gave in his resignation.
Exercise 15. Answer the questions. Summarize your answers.

1) a) What sort of job would you like to do when you graduate from University? b) What area would you like to work in? c) What sort of routine would you like to have?

2) a) Which would you prefer: a nine-to-five job or would you rather work flexitime? Why? b) Is flexitime common in your country? c) What jobs involve flexitime? d) What jobs involve shift work? e) What are the normal working hours in your country?

3) a) What sort of job does your father/mother do? b) Is it a challenging job? c) Does it provide a high salary? d) What jobs in your country provide high salaries?

4) a) Does your father/mother like his/her job? Why? Why not? b) Doe he/she earn much? c) What’s his/her total income? d) Does he/she have a long holiday? c) How much holiday does he/she get? d) Does he/she get a sick pay? e) Does he/she get a holiday pay?

5) a) What are your father’s /mother’s future prospects in his/her job? Do they look good? b) Has he/she ever been promoted? c) Has he/she got a pay rise in the last few years? d) What should you do to get ahead in your career?
Communication Activities

Exercise 16. In fact, after graduating from University every person wants to find a nice job. Normally the only jobs open to foreigners in the U.K. are in hotels and hospitals, or as domestic workers in schools or in families. A work permit is required for all jobs except “au pair” positions. With the entry of Britain into the European Economic Community, the regulations changed and British Embassies abroad should be asked for the latest information. Read the following dialogues and remember the way people behave while looking for a job.

Dialogue 1.

A: Have you got any vacancies for full-time staff?

B: What did you have in mind?

A: Something in the domestic line.

B: Have you had any experience?

A: No, I’m more or less straight from school.

B: I can’t promise anything, but I'll do my best.

Dialogue 2.

A: I was wondering whether you need any part-timers?

B: What were you thinking of?

A: A hotel job of some sort.

B: Have you ever done anything similar?

A: Not so far, no.

B: There’s nothing at present, but look back in a week,

Dialogue 3.

A: I'm looking for a job where I can live in.

B: What exactly did you want?

A: I wouldn’t mind working in a pub.

B: Have you done anything like that before?

A: Well, I once did a bit of waiting.

В: Fill in this form and I’ll let you know if anything turns up.

Dialogue 4.

A: Can you fix me up with a part-time job?

B: Anything in particular that appeals to you?

A: I was rather hoping to find something in a school.

B: Have you done that kind of thing before?

A: Yes, I was doing the same job last year.

B: I might be able to help you, but I’d need references.
Exercise 17. Try to remember the samples of the conversations you have just read and fill the gaps in the following phrases.

Example: There are no part-time vacancies at the moment but look back in a month.

1) … call back … . 2) … full-time … . 3) … bar jobs … . 4) … temporary … . 5) … positions … .
Exercise 18. This time try to remember the above conversations and fill the gaps in the following dialogues:

Example: A: Have you got any vacancies for full-time chambermaids?

B: No, but we need a part-time waitress.

1) A: … temporary cleaners? – B: …weekend barman. 2) A: … permanent waitress?В: …night porter. 3) A: … part-time washers-up? B: … temporary gardener. 4) A:hospital porters? B:full-time cleaner.
Exercise 19. Work in pairs. Suppose you’ve joined the US Work and Travel Program without a job offer. Make your own conversation with the possible employer using the above drills.
Exercise 20. Sometimes it might be necessary to make inquiries about your possible job by phone. Read the dialogue with your partner. Trade roles.

A: Good morning. VTS. Which department, please?

B: I`d like to speak to Carmen Diaz in Human Resources, please.

A: Thank you. Hold on. I`ll put you through.

C: Hello. Human Resources.

B: Hello. Is that Carmen Diaz?

C: Speaking.

B: Yes, I`m phoning about your advert in Careers Now. Could you send me an application form, please?

C: Certainly. Can I take some details? Could you give me your name and address, please

B: Yes, sure. It`s Christophe Boiteaud, which is B-O-I-T-E-A-U-D. And my address is …
Exercise 21. Look at the conversation again. Complete the expressions, so that they have the same meaning.

1) Can I talk to … ? = I’d like to speak to … 2) Just a moment. = Thank you. … . 3) I’ll connect you. = I’ll … . 4) Am I speaking to Carmen Diaz? = Hello. … Carmen Diaz? 5) Yes, it’s me. = … . 6) The reason I’m calling is … = Yes, I’m … your advert … . 7) Can I have your name and address? = … your name and address?
Exercise 22. Look through “Vocabulary and Functions” and change these conversations so that they sound more correct and more polite.

Dialogue 1.

A: I want to speak to Mrs. Lee.

B: That’s me but I’m busy.

A: Sven Nyman talking. I want to talk about your order.

B: Call me back later.

Dialogue 2.

A: Are you James Cassidy?

B: No. Who are you?

A: Annelise Schmidt. Is James Cassidy there and, if he is, can I speak to him?

B: He can’t speak to you. He’s in a meeting. Give me a message.

A: He has to call me as soon as possible.
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