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Part2_испр. Учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей уровня Intermediate Под редакцией Г. Н. Земляникиной

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НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей уровня Intermediate Под редакцией Г. Н. Земляникиной
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Предисловие 1

Contents 4

Unit 1. HOTEL 4

Unit 2. EATING OUT 19

Unit 3. SHOPPING 37

Unit 4. Education 51


Unit 1. HOTEL

Warm up

Exercise 1. Discuss the following problems:

Where would you like to stay if you went to a foreign country? Have you ever stayed at a hotel? Was it a pleasant experience?
Vocabulary and Functions

Exercise 2. Read, translate and memorize the new words and phrases.

A Types of hotel

Hotels in Britain are graded with stars from one-star to five-star (five-star hotels are the best and the most expensive). You can also stay in a Bed and Breakfast (B & B), (also called Guest Houses) where you pay for a bedroom, possibly an ensuit (=room with private bathroom) and breakfast. If you travel by car you may choose a motel which offers lodging and parking.

B Types of hotel accommodation

a single room: for one person with a single bed

a double room: for two people with one large double bed

a twin room: for two people with two single beds

C A visit to a hotel

We stayed in the Carlton hotel for three nights in July, but booked (=reserved = made a reservation for) our room in advance, because it was the middle of the tourist season. When we arrived we checked in at reception, where the receptionist asked us to fill in the registration form (=card) and pay our bill by credit card (cash) before checking out. Then the porter carried our suitcases up to our room and I gave him a small tip (tipped him) – about 50 p. The staff were very friendly – we had a very nice chambermaid (= the woman who cleans the room) – and the room was very comfortable. We liked the hotel very much and decided to extend our stay for two nights. The only problem we had was with the shower which didn’t work very well (= there was something wrong with the shower).

D Facilities and services a hotel usually offers

room service (= having meals in a hotel room)

booking office (=ticket desk)

dry cleaner’s (= a place where one can have one’s coat cleaned)

barber’s (for men) (= a place where one can have one’s hair cut)

hairdresser’s (for women)=(a place where one can have one’s hair cut and styled)

laundry (= a place where one can have one’s clothes washed and ironed)

gift shop (= a stall for the sale of souvenirs)

news-stand (=a stall for the sale of newspapers)

switchboard (the central control for the telephone lines in a building)

business facilities, health and fitness , children’s .

E Useful words and expressions

Could I book (= reserve) a room for next Thursday?

Could I have an early morning call at 7 a.m. please? (=Could you wake me up at 7 a.m.?)

Could you put it on my bill, please? (= add the cost to the bill, e.g. for a drink you have in a hotel bar).

Could I pay my bill, please? (= pay for everything)

Could you order a taxi for me to the airport?

Are you fully booked (=completely full) next week?

Is breakfast included (=Does the price include breakfast?)

Everyday English


Exercise 3. Read and memorize the following phrases.

Could I/Can I/May I/Might I/Do you mind if I/I wonder if I could ask you something?


Yes?/I don’t mind at all. Please do./Not at all. Go ahead.
Vocabulary Activities

Exercise 4. Put these sentences in a logical order.

1) I paid my bill. 2) I checked at reception. 3) I left the hotel. 4) I went up to my room. 5) I spent the night in the hotel. 6) I had an early morning call at seven o’clock. 7) I booked a room at the hotel. 8) I went out for dinner in a local restaurant. 9) I arrived at a hotel. 10) I got up and had a shower. 11) I had breakfast. 12) I tipped the porter who carried my luggage upstairs.

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences:

1) If you decide to stay at a hotel and don’t want to have any trouble with accommodation you’d better … . 2) If you travel alone you should take … . 3) When checking in you’ll be asked to … . 4) The person who registers newcomers is called … . 5) When you are through with the formalities you ask the receptionist to give you … . 6) … helps you with your luggage and takes it up to your room. 7) If you would like to have a meal served in your room you should order … . 8) Guests are usually requested to … at the reception desk when they go out. 9) Guests are requested to vacate their rooms before 9.30 on the day of … . 10) How can I pay my bill: … or by … ?
Exercise 6. These people work at hotels. What do they do?

1) a receptionist; 2) a room service waiter; 3) a chambermaid; 4) a bellboy; 5) a switchboard operator.
Exercise 7. Where in the hotel can you …

1) have your shirt washed and ironed? 2) have your hair styled? 3) have your money changed? 4) book a seat on a plane? 5) buy a newspaper? 6) make an international call?
Exercise 8. You are staying in quite a good hotel (e.g. two-star). Would you expect to have the following?

1) a room without the private bathroom; 2) a hairdryer in the bathroom; 3) a colour television in the room; 4) a telephone in the room; 5) writing paper in the room; 6) a machine for making tea and coffee in the room; 7) an electric trouser press (= a machine which presses/irons your trousers for you) in the room; 8) air conditioning in the room.
Exercise 9. Match the facilities with the icons below.

wheelchair access health and fitness facilities credit card accepted

pets welcome air conditioning swimming pool

24-hour room service business facilities children’s facilities

rooms for more than 2 people

Exercise 10.What facilities do you think these icons show?

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with a word formed from the word in brackets.

1) The Monarch Hotel overlooks a … mountain valley (picture). 2) There are … views from all the rooms on the south side (magnify). 3) It is … by both rail, bus or private transport (access). 4) All the … have been chosen to match the elegant eighteenth-century architecture (furnish). 5) The west wing is of … importance as Queen Anne once stayed in the Regency Room (history). 6) Recently awarded the Hotel of the Year prize, we aim to combine … with tradition (modern). 7) All rooms are fully … with internet access, minibar and coffee-making facilities (function). 8) Our friendly, welcoming staff will ensure your stay is as … as possible (enjoy).
Exercise 12. What would you say in these situations?

1) You want to stay in the hotel for two nights next week with your husband/ wife. You phone the hotel. What do you ask or say? 2) You are at the hotel reception and you are planning to leave in about 15 minutes. What could you ask the receptionist? 3) You want to wake up at 7 a.m. but you don’t have an alarm clock. What do you ask at reception? 4) You`d like to have a drink in the hotel bar. The barman asks how you want to pay. What’s your reply? 5) When you turn on the shower in your room, the water comes very slowly. What could you say at reception? 6) You want to go to the nearest bank but don’t know where it is. What do you ask at reception?
Communication Activities

Exercise 13. Read the dialogue several times with your partner. Trade roles. Then try to act it out.


A: Good afternoon. What I can do for you?

B: I’d like to check in.

A: Do you have a reservation with us?

B: Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last night.

A: Your name, please.

B: Gregory Borisov from Moscow.

A: Would you spell your last name, please?

B: B-O-R-I-S-O-V

A: OK. You have a reservation for a single room. Is it correct?

B: Perfectly correct.

A: How long are you going to stay?

A: At least until Wednesday. But I may stay longer than that.

B: If you decide to extend your stay, please let us know Tuesday night.

A: All right. What’s the price of the room?

B: $ 75 per night. Please, fill in the registration card. Print your name and home address.

A: Shall I sign my name?

B: Put your signature right here. OK. Will you pay cash or by credit card?

A: By credit card. Do you need it right now?

B: You can give me your credit card before checking out.

A: By the way, what’s the check-out time?

B: One o’clock in the afternoon.

A: Thank you. Do you mind if I ask you something?

B: I don’t mind at all.

A: What about room service?

B: Room service is available from 6 a.m. to 10 p. m. You can make your order by phone.

A: Excuse me. May I ask one more question?

B: Yes?

A: Can I have my shirt washed and ironed?

B: Sure. You’ll find a laundry slip in your room.

A: Thanks for the information.

B: You are welcome. Here’s your key. Your room is 1546. A bellboy will help you with your luggage. When you go out, please, leave your key at the reception desk. Enjoy your stay.

A: Thanks.
Exercise 14. Practise the way the Englishmen talk in a hotel. Trade roles.

Dialogue 1.

A: I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight?

B: Yes, I can offer you Room 24 on the first floor.

A: How much is it?

B: £27.50 a night excluding service.

A: Can I see it, please?

B: Certainly. Would you take a seat for a moment?

Dialogue 2.

A: Have you a single room for two nights?

B: Yes, but only on the top floor.

A: What price is it?

B: £34 with service and TV.

A: Fair enough. Can you show me the room, please?

B: Of course. Would you like to follow me?

Dialogue 3.

A: Can I book a double room from now until Friday?

B: You can have Room 33, overlooking the sea.

A: What’s the price?

B: £28.75 not counting the service.

A: Can I have a look at it, please?

B: Yes, of course. Come this way.

Dialogue 4.

A: Have you got a twin-bedded room for one night?

B: I can let you have a room at the back.

A: What does it cost?

B: With a private bath, £31, service included.

A: Can you show me something a little cheaper?

B: Yes, of course. I won’t keep you a moment.
Exercise 15. Remember the samples of the conversations you’ve just read and make sentences as in the example.

Example 1: Can I require a double room from Sunday till Tuesday with a view of the sea?

1) … book … ? 2) ... private bathroom? 3) ... single … ? 4) ... now … ? 5) … have … ?

Example 2: A: Have you got a double room?

B: No, but I can offer you two singles.

1) A: … a single room with a shower? – B: ... one with a bath. 2) A: ... a room overlooking the sea? – B: ... one facing the park. 3) A: ... a twin-bedded room? – B: … one with a double bed. 4) A: … two singles on the second floor? – B: … two on the top floor. 5) A: … a double room from Monday to Friday? – B: … one till Wednesday.

Example 3: Reply to A’s questions using the comparative form of the adjective.

A: Is this room big enough for you, sir?

B: I suppose you haven’t anything a little bigger, have you?

1) A: ... floor quiet … ? – B: ... . 2) A: … date early ... ? – B: ... . 3) A: ...room large ... ? – B: ... . 4) A: ... price reasonable … ? – B: ... . 5) A: ... room comfortable ... ? B: ... .

Example 4: Change A’s sentences as in the example. You may saya room with a double bed” or “a double-bedded room”.

A: I’d like a room with a double bed.

B: I’d like double-bedded room.

1) A: I want a room with twin beds. – B: … . 2) A: This tip is for the waitress with the blue eyes. – B: … . 3) A: Please reserve me a suite of two rooms. – B: ... . 4) A: I slept in the room with a red carpet. – B: … . 5) A: I want to complain about the waiter with the long hair. – B: … .
Exercise 16. Make your own conversations “Choosing a room”.
Exercise 17. You have just arrived at the Startler Towers Hotel. Your room isn’t ready yet. Make up a conversation with the receptionist. Begin like this:

A: Excuse me. Do you mind if I ask you something? – B: I don’t mind at all. Go ahead. – A: Where can I leave my bags? – B: You can leave them with the bell captain, over there.

Look at the plan. What other questions might you ask? While making a conversation try to use different phrases, expressing inquiries.

Exercise 18. Having things done. Using the following pattern and working with a partner ask someone at the hotel:

1) to have your laundry done; 2) to have a blouse and a shirt ironed; 3) to have your car looked at and repaired; 4) to have a meeting room scheduled; 5) to have a long-distant call dialed; 6) to have a table reserved for dinner.


A: Say hello → B: Respond and ask to have smth done → A: Give a polite answer → B: Thank.


Exercise 19. Work in groups. You are going to stage a short performance on “At the Hotel” according to the following plan:

1. Arrive at the hotel. Check-in. 2. In a room. 3. Spare time. 4. Check-out. Departure.

Distribute the roles. Good luck!

Exercise 20. Many of you look forward to visiting a foreign country. If your dreams come true the information given in the following texts may be quite useful to choose a place to stay. Before you read them make sure if you understand the following:


– a place to stay for a short time

to run

– to manage


– a meeting of a large number of people to take action about a common interest, also the annual business meeting of an organization with many branches in different areas


– for adults only, pornographic


– the central control for telephone lines in a building


– a place with coin-operated washing machines

public address system

– microphones and loudspeakers used by speakers to large groups of people

Text 1


Many people like to use their vacation time to take a trip. When you are ready to take a vacation trip the first thing you should think about is a place to stay.

Depending upon where you go, you may choose from a hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast inn. A hotel offers lodging, meals, entertainment, personal services, such as room service, laundry and transportation to and from airports. Because they offer these additional services, hotels cost more than motels. If you want these types of services, you should make sure they are available when you call to reserve a room.

Motels are places that offer lodging and parking. Certain companies run motels with the same name across the whole country. They are called “chains”. Most motels and hotels charge for rooms according to how many people stay in the room. One person is “single occupancy”, two persons is “double occupancy”. Sometimes children under a certain age are allowed to stay for free.

A bed and breakfast inn is located in what is or was once someone’s home. If you receive a room to sleep in and meet and spend time with people who live there, staying at bed and breakfast inn can be very nice.

Wherever you wish to stay you should make reservations ahead of time. Then you can be sure there will be a room for you when you arrive. Without a reservation you’ll have to watch for a vacancy sign. If the sign says “No Vacancy”, then there are no rooms available.

How do you go about finding a place to stay? Well, plenty of hotels advertise at airports. If you arrive by train or car, probably the best thing is to look in the Yellow Pages under Hotel, Motel and Lodging. You can start by comparing the services offered in their ads. In any case you’ll have to call them and see if they have the kind of room you are looking for.

Some helpful things to know about US hotels

If one stays at a US hotel one should know some helpful things. Who should you tip at the hotel? The bellman gets 50 cents to 1 dollar per bag for taking your luggage to your room. Maids usually don’t expect a tip, but if you stay more than a few days or if your maid does something special for you, a $2 tip is a good idea. Room service waiters should get 15% of a bill.

You may want to avoid some motels that advertise “in-room movies” or “in-house films”. These are usually X-rated or pornographic films.

Lots of hotels have special facilities for conventions – large and small meeting rooms, banquet rooms, PA (public address) systems and so on. They may also offer quests attending the convention special rates on services.

Electricity in North America is 110 volts (60 Herz) – not 220. This means you won’t be able to use your hair drier or electric razor unless you can change it to 110 volts.

When telephoning from your hotel room, you will often have to go through the hotel switchboard, especially for long distance calls. These calls can be quite expensive, because the hotel usually adds a high service charge to the calls you make. On the other hand, local calls can generally be made from your room by dialing direct. You can also ask the hotel receptionist to give you a wake up call in the morning.

If your hotel does not have a laundry service, maybe you can find a laundromat nearby, which might even be open 24 hours a day. You will need exact change to operate the washing machines and dryers.

You will always find soap, towels and linen in hotel and motel rooms in the US.
Comprehension Check

Exercise 21. Answer the questions.

1) What is the first thing to do if you decide to take a vacation trip? 2) What types of lodging may you be offered? 3) Why are hotels more expensive than motels? 4) How do most hotels and motels charge for rooms? 5) What services do B&Bs offer? 6) Why is it advisable to make a reservation in advance? 7) Who are you expected to tip at US hotels? How much? 8) What additional services do US hotels usually offer? 9) What should you remember if you use an electric hairdryer in a US hotel? 10) How can you make a long-distance call from a hotel? 11) Where can you have your laundry done?

What do you think?

1) Why do quests have to give some information about themselves when they check-in? 2) Why is it advisable to check out in the morning?
Exercise 22. Read the hotel description and decide which hotel is most suitable for the following people.

1) Helen Townsend, travel manager at Selftrade plc is looking for a centrally-located hotel in which fifteen managers can stay while attending an exhibition in July. If possible, they would like direct internet access in their rooms. 2) Bozena Leszkowicz, mother of energetic twins aged eighteen months, is looking for a reasonably-priced hotel where she can stay for a week with her husband and children and not have to worry about upsetting other guests. 3) Mr. and Mrs. Wendt are planning to stay in Berlin with their two teenage children to visit the museums. They plan to eat out so it’s not important for the hotel to have its own restaurant but they do like attractive surrounding. 4) Mabel Seijas is the singer of a rock band and is going to Berlin with the group for a weekend music festival. They don’t have much money and just need to place to keep their instruments and sleep.
Text 2


Hotel Penison Wittelsbach

The bedrooms here are huge and some are ornately decorated. This hotel is recommended for families. There are plenty of toys and the nursery rooms are done up in the style of a palace and the “Wild West”.
Comfort Hotel Fruhling am Zoo

This is a mid-range hotel situated in a nineteenth century building on the Kurfurstendamm. It doesn’t have a restaurant, and the hotel is located over a row of shops and the windows in the bedrooms overlook a busy street. Although the windows have been soundproofed, there is no air conditioning so in summer the noise may affect light sleepers. The hotel also offers apartments with small kitchens.
Hotel Seehof Berlin

This is an amazing hotel situated in the town centre. It is only ten minutes on foot from the Messegelande (the complex of trade fair halls) but at the same time it overlooks a picturesque lake. The modern structure of this hotel does not reveal the stylish interiors. If you like large rooms with mahogany furniture and a lakeside view, you will love this place. Its restaurant, the Restaurant Au Lac, is one of the best in Berlin.
Die Fabrik

Die Fabrik is a type of youth hostel set in an old factory building. Its simple furnishings are made from pale wood and there are shared bathrooms along the corridors. However, its easy-going atmosphere appeals not only to young people. Apart from single and double rooms, it also offers rooms for three or four people and even larger group rooms where the price of a bed is very cheap.
Forum Hotel

Modern and functional, all rooms offer either a bath or shower en suite, direct dial telephone, satellite and pay TV, minibar and hairdryer. Unfortunately, the rooms tend to be small and without air conditioning so any rooms that catch the sun can get ho in summer. However, rooms on the upper floors (26-35th floors) are equipped with extras such as air conditioning, a large work station, modem connection and safe and provide magnificent views over the city.
Exercise 23. This ad uses a “flowery” language to describe the features of a new hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. Read the ad to get the general meaning and the main message and ignore the unnecessary descriptive words.
Text 3

Hartley Inn


A worldwide chain of excellence

Innovative interior design and decorative motif sparked with a sophisticated international flavor

200 colorfully-decorated quest rooms and suites

The Polo Restaurant, with its plush appointments and select international cuisine

The Polo Lounge, featuring an intimate setting and entertainment nightly

The Scandia Cafe – cheery, casual and charmingly continental coffee shop 4,700 square feet of modern meeting, banquet and conversation space

The Games – billiards room with a cozy, masculine decor/ United Press International (UPI) news machine

Full-facility Decathlon Health Club for men

Lighted tennis and handball courts jogging track/putting green

Free-form, tunnel-connected, heated swimming pool surrounded by a spacious patio – Victory Court. Colorful cabana bar and putting green adjacent to pool

Eastern Airlines ticket desk in lobby

Gift and barber shops

Airport limousines/auto rental and repair valet/room service

Free local telephone calls

Comprehension Check

Exercise 24. Answer the following questions. If you answer them you’ve done a good job of getting the message.

1) What’s the hotel name? 2) Is it independent or a chain hotel? 3) How many units (rooms and suites) does the hotel have? 4) How many eating places does the hotel have? Which one sounds more expensive? More casual? 5) Does the hotel have facilities for guests to use in their free time? 6) Does the hotel have facilities for business meetings and conventions? What are they? 7) Are there any shopping facilities in the hotel? What are they? 8) What special transportation services does the hotel provide? 9) Does this hotel try harder to attract business people or tourists? What makes you think so? 10) Does it have any special facilities for men and women? What are they? Do you think more men or women stay at this hotel? Why?


Exercise 25. Translate into English.

1) В Нью-Йорке много хороших гостиниц. Номера большинства из них со всеми удобствами и обслуживание вполне удовлетворительное. Номер можно заказать по телефону или интернету. Желательно сделать это заранее.

Когда ваша машина остановится у входа в гостиницу, носильщик поможет донести вам вещи. В вестибюле вы подойдете к дежурному администратору, который занимается распределением номеров, и он попросит вас заполнить бланк. Он занесет в журнал ваше имя, гражданство и постоянный адрес. Когда все формальности будут окончены, вы получите ключ, и коридорный отведет вас в ваш номер.

В гостинице вам могут оказать ряд услуг. Вам могут погладить костюм и рубашку, постирать белье, почистить пальто в химчистке, подать обед в номер. Вам нужно только позвонить портье, и он позаботится об этом.

Счет обычно оплачивают каждую неделю (at weekly intervals). Если вы собираетесь выехать из гостиницы, вам следует заблаговременно известить об этом администрацию, и вам подготовят счет. Выписка из гостиницы обычно производится до 12 часов дня.

Если вы останавливаетесь в американских отелях, не забудьте дать чаевые коридорному (от 50 центов до 1 доллара за каждую сумку) и горничной, если вы остаетесь на двое и более суток. Официант, обслуживающий в номере, обычно получает 15% от счета.

2) Отель «Форум» – один из трех лучших отелей Дрездена. Он отличается тем, что находится в тихом и уютном месте. Из окон открывается прекрасный вид на парк. Сюда можно добраться на метро, на автобусе или частным транспортом. Близость к центру и огромный выбор услуг отличают наш отель от других, а цены полностью отвечают уровню обслуживания. Все комнаты имеют кондиционер, отдельную ванную, доступ в Интернет и большой рабочий стол. Наш гостеприимный персонал сделает все возможное, чтобы вы остались довольны своим пребыванием.
Exercise 26. Write a composition on “What I expect from a five-star hotel”.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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