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Part2_испр. Учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей уровня Intermediate Под редакцией Г. Н. Земляникиной

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Exercise 23. Here are three telephone conversations. Choose the best word from the brackets to complete each sentence.

Dialogue 1.

A: Good morning. This is Pierre Cognet. Could I … to Mr. Robert, lease?

B: I’m … he’s in a meeting. (afraid/scared/unfortunate)

A: Ah. Could I … a message? (ask/send/leave)

B: Of course.

A: Could you ask him to call me …? My number’s 33-1-4776-5821 .(back/down/ round)

B: OK. I’ll tell him you called.

A: Thank you.

Dialogue 2.

A: Hello. Is that Anna?

B: … (Saying/Talking/Speaking)

A: Hi, Anna. This is Alain. Is this a … time to call? (fine/good/best)

B: Not really, Alain. Could you call back …? (late/lately/later)

A: OK. I’ll call back after lunch.

B: That’s great. Bye.

Dialogue 3.

A: Hello. Is that Sven Anderson?

B: No. Sven’s not in the office today. Can I … a message? (make/take/place)

A: Oh, I’m calling … tomorrow’s meeting. I wanted to confirm that it starts at 10. (about/for/to)

B: Yes, it does. I’ll be there too.

A: Ah, good. Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow then Bye.

B: See you tomorrow. Bye.

Exercise 24. Work in groups of three. Make a conversation with a possible employer by phone. Use the following pattern:

A+C: A ask to speak to B. → C: Take a message and ask to call back. → A: Call back again. → B: Reply. → A+B: Make an appointment. → A+B: Close the conversation. Distribute the roles. Good luck!

Pre-reading task

Exercise 25. When you graduate from University how are you going to look for a job? Are you going to use the Internet or classified advertisements? Or do you think you’ll apply to a career center, ask your friends for help or use connections? What should you do to do well in an interview? If you happen to look for a job in the UK you might need to know some helpful things. Try to find them in the text given.

Text 1


In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, the Career Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first jobs. Career Officers give practical advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, National Insurance and Trade Unions. This is an extract from a leaflet which is given to young people by Dorset Careers Service.

You’ve got an interview for a job – good! So now for the hard work. To do well at an interview you need to put in some thought first.

The employer wants to know if you are the person he wants, so you’ll be asked about yourself. Think about it now: What do I do well?/What are my good points?/Why do I like this job?/Spare-time interests?/What is my family like?/School activities?/School subjects?/Previous work?/Saturday job?/What do I like doing and why?/What do I not like doing and why?

You will want to ask questions too: The job itself?/Training?/Prospects?/Further Education?/Conditions?/Can I see where I would be working?/Hours?/₤ ₤ ₤

Write your questions down and take them with you.

Before the interview

1) Find out what you can about the firm. 2) Find out the interviewer’s name and telephone number. 3) Find out where the interview is. 4) Find out how long it will take to get there. 5) Make sure you know what the job involves. 6) Dress to look clean and tidy.

At the interview

1) Do arrive early. Phone if you’re held up. 2) Do try to smile. 3) Do show interest in the job and ask questions. 4) Do be polite. 5) Don’t panic, even if faced by more than one person. 6) Don’t slouch around and look bored. 7) Don’t smoke or chew. 8) Don’t give one word answers or say you don’t care what you do.
Comprehension Check

Exercise 27. Answer the questions.

1) How similar is the interview process in the UK and in your country? 2) What sort of home task should you do before you go on an interview? 3) What sort of advice can you give to someone who is going to a job interview?

What do you think?

Suppose you didn’t do well in an interview. What lessons can you learn from your failure?
Pre-reading task

Exercise 28. Have you ever applied for any job? What’s the usual process of getting a job in your country? Compare your ideas with the information in the text given.

Text 2


In different countries, different conventions apply to the process of job application and interviews. In most parts of the world, it’s common to submit a typed or laser-printed CV (curriculum vitae – British English) or resume (American English). This contains all the unchanging information about you: your education, background and work experience. This usually accompanies a letter or application, which in some countries is expected to be handwritten, not word-processed. A supplementary information sheet containing information relevant to this particular job may also be required, though this is not used in some countries.

There’s lots of advice on CVs and a lot of it differ so it’s hard to say exactly what perfect CV is. A good CV should cover no more than two sides of A4 paper and be divided into clear headings. The first section should include personal details: name, address, telephone number, email, and things. Some employers like to see a photo, too. You can always phone the company and find out.

Next comes education and qualifications starting with the most recent things. The third section deals with work experience – again starting with the most recent job. It’s most important here to be brief, so use bullet points and action verbs. You don’t need to use complete sentences as long as it’s very clear what you’ve done.

Following this is the section on professional skills. Show the employer your abilities, including your ability to use IT and foreign languages.

Finally, detail your interests. An employer likes to know what kind of person you are and things like team sports, for example, show this.

Perhaps the most important thing is to show how you meet the criteria in the job advertisement. Make it easy for the employer to ask you to an interview.

Presentation is also important. Good quality paper and a clear typeface make a difference. And once you’ve written your CV check your grammar and spelling carefully. Then put it in a good quality large envelope so you don’t have to fold it.

Many companies expect all your personal information to be entered on a standard application form. Unfortunately, no two application forms are alike, and filling in each one may present unexpected difficulties. Some personnel departments believe that the CV and application letter give a better impression of a candidate than a form.

If you are lucky you may be called for an interview. There are different kinds of interviews: traditional one-to-one interviews, panel interviews where one or more candidates are interviewed by a panel of interviewers and even “deep-end” interviews where applicants have to demonstrate how they cope in actual business situations. The atmosphere of an interview may vary from the informal to the formal and interviewers may take a friendly, neutral or even hostile approach. Different interviewers use different techniques and the only rules that applicants should be aware of may be “Expect the unexpected” and “Be yourself!”

Progress interviews are interviews where employees have a chance to review the work they are doing and to set objectives for the future. Such interviews usually take place after a new employee has been working with a company for several months, and after that they may take place once or twice a year.

In different countries, and in different trades and different grades, the salary that goes with a job may be only part of the package: extra benefits like a company car or cheap housing loans, bonuses paid in a “thirteenth month”, company pension schemes, free canteen meals, long holidays or flexible working hours may all contribute to the attractiveness of a job.

Comprehension Check

Exercise 29. Answer the questions.

1) What conventions should you follow when you apply for a job? 2) What information should a resume contain? 3) What requirements should a perfect CV meet? 4) Why do you think presentation is important? 5) Why do you think an application letter a CV might give a better impression of a candidate than a standard application form? 6) What difficulties can you come across when you fill in an application form? 7) What are the further selection procedures in the recruitment process? 8) What types of interviews are there? 9) What is special about each type? 10) What is special about the atmosphere in an interview? 11) What rules should applicants observe to do well in an interview? 12) What usually makes a job more attractive?
Exercise 30. Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1) CV should be no longer than two pages. 2) You should always include a photograph. 3) You put the most recent experience first. 4) You should write in full sentences. 5) An employer is not interested in your hobbies and interests. 6) You should adapt your CV to the job description. 7) You should use good quality stationery. 8) You should make sure there are no grammar and spelling mistakes.

What do you think?

1) What fears might applicants have when they apply for the job? What should they do to do away with their fears? 2) Suppose you have a chance to choose from several different jobs. Which one would you prefer? Why? Which of the benefits mentioned would you first take into account?

A Resume

Exercise 31. One of the most important conventions in the process of job application is to submit a resume or CV (Curriculum Vitae). Look through the following CV. Does it meet all the requirements for a perfect CV. What do you like/dislike about it? If possible, how would you change it? (Написать заголовок в рамке “Resume” или “Curriculum Vitae”

Curriculum Vitae
Personal details

Michel Blanc

5 rue de la Liberation

56000 Rouen, France

e-mail: michel_blanc@yahoo.fr

25 years old


Education and qualifications

-Baccalaureate (Equivalent of British “A” levels, specializing in economic subjects.)

-BTC Tourism (Two years’ vocational training in Leisure and Tourism.)

Work Experience

- Internship at the Ibis Hotel (Southampton) 62 bedrooms, three conference rooms.

Supervised the operation of the night shift, dealt with questions and complaints, implemented routine checks of the hotel, collected and compiled the daily business figures and entered statistics into a database to produce the daily reports.

- Le Parc (Rouen) Assistant Manager of a three-star hotel. (45 rooms, 26,000 covers p.a.) Responsible for customer care, staff supervision, sales promotion (accommodation, seminars, banquets) and accounting.

Professional Skills

Project management, sales, customer care and public relations budgeting and forecasting.

Computer skills

MS Office, specialist management software. (HOTIX, LONHOREST, CALLSTAR)

Languages: English, Spanish, some German.

Interests: sailing, skiing, scuba diving.

Name and address of referee: Mr. Clark, Oasis Hotel, 26 Wharf Street, Southampton.

Exercise 32. Study the CV below and write each heading in the correct space. Remember the requirements for a perfect CV. How would you change it?

Address Achievements E-mail Experience Telephone Referees

Interests Personal details Profile Qualifications Special skills

Curriculum Vitae

Ana Lekic

1. Address 89 Cara Lazara, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

2. … + 381 21 633 177

3. … analekis@EUnet.yu

4. … An Assistant Marketing Director in a medium-sized company. Avala Airlines plc. Seeking a more challenging position with more responsibility. Able to work on own initiative to tight deadlines.

5. …

*Contributed to the development of a successful sales strategy

*Coordinated the work of sales, marketing and advertising personnel

*Designed Excel spreadsheets for sales records

6. …

*Negotiating contracts with foreign and domestic airlines

*Working as part of a team

*Proficient user of MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Quark XPress

7. …

* 1999 – present Assistant Marketing Director (Avala Airlines plc. Belgrade)

* July-Sept 1998 Work placement at Malev Hungarian Airlines (London office)

8. …

* 1996-1998 MBA at Brentford College (UK/Distance course)

* 1992-1996 BA in Economics at the University of Belgrade

9. …

Date of Birth: 6 June 1973./Driving Licence: Full, clean

10. …

I sing in a choir and play basketball in an amateur team

11. …

Dr. Vanja Martinovic Ms. Celia Gutlerner

Professor of Economics Director MBA Programmes

2 Dositeja Obradovica Brentford College

11 000 Belgrade 27 Burrard Street

Tel: + 381 11 316 3645 Brentford TW9 OAK

Email: marvan@ptt.yu Email: mbadir@BMBA.ac.uk

Exercise 33. Under which heading in the above CV do the following items belong?

1) 1996: IELTS Certificate (Academic) – Overall Band 8; 2) Designed Avala’s website; 3) Excellent conversational Hungarian and some Italian; 4) I enjoy helping other people design their websites; 5) An excellent team worker.
B Cover letter

Exercise 34. A short cover letter should always accompany your CV. Look at the sample of the letter. What sections does it consist of? What sort of information does each section contain? Could you pay special attention to the position of each section?

44 Deepdale Road, Boscomb

Letter-head Bournemouth, BH92 7JX
4th April, 2005

The Personnel Department,

Continental Computers, Opening

Honeywell Road,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your advertisement in yesterday’s “Evening Echo”.

I’m interested in training as a computer programmer. Body

Could you please send me an application form, and any

further details.
Yours faithfully,

(Signature) Closing

Joanne Evans

Exercise 35. This draft cover letter is not suitable. Rewrite it using some of the expressions from the “Useful language” box.


I saw your ad in our local paper last week, so I want to apply for the job of Communication Assistant.

I know I am the person you’re looking for. I just got various A-levels from school, and all my friends say they love chatting with me.

So write soon, and tell me when you want me to come for an interview.

Useful language

Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your advertisement in …

I would like to apply for the position of …
I feel I am well qualified for the position because …

I would be happy to give you more details and can be connected at any time.

I would be happy to come for an interview at any time convenient to you.
I enclose a copy of my CV.

A full CV is attached.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Exercise 36. Use these phrases to complete the cover letter below.

I am confident I am available Please find enclosed

I’m writing with reference to I look forward to hearing

I have experience of

Michel Blanc

5 rue de la Liberation

76000 Rouen, France


6th August

The Human Resource Officer

Global Tours

80 Campbell Street

London WC2 9AN
Dear Sir or Madam,

… (1) the position of Night Auditor as advertised in The Guardian of 11 January.

… (2) a copy of my CV outlining my background and qualifications for your consideration. As an Assistant Manger of a three-star hotel … (3) managing staff and dealing with guests.

I also have practical experience of increasing room occupancy and producing financial statistics. If given the opportunity …(4) that I could make a valuable contribution to the running of the hotel.

… (5) for interview at a time and place of your convenience. I can be reached at the above postal and email addresses or on 0033 1 5543 7574. I appreciate your time and consideration and … from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Michel Blanc

Enclosures: CV and Photograph


Exercise 37. Translate into English.

1) В различных странах существуют различные условия приема на работу. Однако общими для всех требованиями являются: предоставление резюме, письменного заявления о приеме на работу и прохождение собеседования. Хорошее резюме должно быть кратким, сжатым и занимать не более двух страниц формата А4. Резюме должно содержать всю необходимую информацию о кандидате и иметь следующие разделы: личные данные, профиль кандидата, образование и квалификация (начиная с последнего места учебы), опыт работы (начиная с последнего места работы), профессиональные навыки и умения (включая знание иностранных языков и компьютерные навыки), интересы и увлечения, данные поручителей. Чтобы произвести лучшее впечатление на работодателя, кандидату следует тщательно проверить резюме на предмет стиля и орфографии и представить его в привлекательном виде.

Резюме обычно сопровождается письменным заявлением о приеме на работу. Как правило, такое письмо состоит из четырех частей: данные отправителя (letterhead), вступительная часть (opening), текст письма (body) и заключительная часть (closing).

В letterhead указываются имя и фамилия кандидата, его адрес, контактный телефон и e-mail. Под letterhead ставится дата отправления письма.

Во вступительной части (opening) указывается учреждение или частное лицо, которому направлено письмо и адрес получателя . В этой части письма перед фамилией адресата используются обращения Mr, Mrs, Ms. Обычно женщины предпочитают Ms.

Основная часть письма (body) начинается с обращения к адресату, например: “Dear Mr Jones/Dear Professor Lee”, за которым следует запятая. Если вы не знаете фамилии адресата, то нужно написать “Dear Sir (Madam)”. Далее вы должны указать дату и название источника, где вы обнаружили соответствующее объявление, конкретную должность, на которую вы претендуете и почему вы считаете себя подходящим кандидатом.

Заключительная часть (closing) состоит из форм заверения в уважении, например: ”Sincerely yours/Yours truly”, личной подписи кандидата, а также фамилии и имени, отпечатанных на принтере.

2) Я работаю в крупной компании супермаркетов. Я начальник отдела планирования и развития. В моем подчинении 15 человек. Я работаю над созданием новых супермаркетов. В мои обязанности входит также работа с документацией.

У меня очень ответственная работа. Мой рабочий день начинается в 8:30 и заканчивается в 18:00. Мне часто приходится работать сверхурочно.

Наша компания предоставляет хорошие возможности для карьерного роста. Если вы достигаете успехов в работе, вас продвигают по службе и предоставляют надбавку к зарплате. Наши сотрудники регулярно проходят курсы повышения квалификации. Мы получаем хорошую зарплату, имеем бесплатное питание в столовой, оплачиваемый отпуск и больничные, дешевый ипотечный кредит. Тот, кто хочет сменить работу, может уйти в любое время. Но сейчас тяжелые времена, многих людей увольняют, в городе много безработных. Однако перспективы нашей компании довольно хорошие.

3) – Здравствуйте. Это компания Intec? – Да, говорите. – Могу ли я поговорить с господином Смитом? – Одну минуту. Соединяю. – Смит у телефона. – Здравствуйте. Меня зовут Дэйвид Джонс. Я звоню по вашему объявлению. – Какую работу вы имеете в виду? – Что-нибудь, связанное с рестораном. – А у вас есть опыт? – Да, я когда-то работал официантом. – Оставьте ваши контактные данные. Вам позвонят. – Большое спасибо. – Не стоит благодарности.
Exercise 40. Draw up your resume and cover letter.

Учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных специальностей

уровня Intermediate

English to survive: Part II

Г.Н. Земляникина, Н.А Крашенинникова, А.А. Шабанова

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