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  • Gerund Finite verb

  • The grammatical categories of the gerund § 117.

  • The category of perfect § 118.

  • The category of voice § 119.

  • Active gerund Passive gerund

  • Syntactical Functions of the Gerund § 120.

  • The gerund as subject § 121.

  • The gerund as part of the predicate The gerund is used in compound predicates of both types - verbal and nominal. The gerund as part of the compound nominal predicate (predicative)

  • The gerund as object § 124.

  • The following verbs are followed only by the gerund

  • Verbs followed by either the gerund or the infinitive.

  • The gerund as attribute § 125.

  • The gerund as adverbial modifier § 126.

  • Учебник Кобрина. Грамматика. Синтаксис.1999. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности 2103 "Иностранные языки". Спб., Союз, 1999. 496 с

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    The gerund

    § 116. The gerund is a non-finite form of the verb with some noun features. It is formed by adding the suffix -ing to the stem of the verb.

    The grammatical meaning of the gerund is that of a process. Thus to some extent it competes with nouns of verbal origin, e.g. translating -translation, describing - description, arriving - arrival, perceiving - perception, helping - help. Nouns, however, tend to convey the fact or the result of an action, which in certain circumstances may be something material, whereas gerunds convey the idea of action or process itself.
    Show me your translation: it is neatly done, and there, are no mistakes in it.

    You will enrich your vocabulary by translating from English into Russian and vice versa.
    If the meaning of the gerund is nearly the same as that of the noun, the former emphasizes the process, and the latter - the fact:
    Thank you for helping me.

    Thank you for your help.
    It is natural that the verbal character of the gerund is more prominent in transitive verbs, owing to their combinability and their passive forms.

    Morphologically the verbal character of the gerund is manifested in the categories of voice and perfect (see table V) and syntactically in its combinability. Thus the gerund may combine: a) with a noun or pronoun as direct, indirect or prepositional object, depending on the verb it is formed from; b) with an adjective or a noun as a predicative; c) with an infinitive.

    Gerunds can be modified by adverbs and prepositional phrases function­ing as adverbial modifiers.


    Finite verb

    I remember your telling me the story five years ago.
    It’s no use arguing about trifles.
    John dreams of becoming a sailor.
    There is some chance of his being able to join us.
    We enjoyed walking slowly along the silent streets.

    You told me the story five years ago.
    I never argue about trifles.
    John became a sailor.
    We hope he will be able to join us.
    We walked slowly along the silent streets.

    The nominal character of the gerund reveals itself syntactically, mainly in its syntactical function, partly in its combinability.
    Like a noun, it can function as subject, object, or predicative.
    Seeing you is always a pleasure. (subject)

    I remember seeing you somewhere. (object)

    I am thinking of seeing the film again. (prepositional object)

    Peter’s hobby is seeing all new films. (predicative)
    When it is an attribute or an adverbial modifier, a gerund, like a noun is preceded by a preposition.
    There is a chance of catching the train.

    Don’t forget to call me up before leaving London.

    I reached my goal in spite of there being every reason against it.
    The fact that the gerund can associate with a preposition is a sure sign of noun features.

    Like a noun, but unlike the other non-finites, it can combine with a possessive pronoun and a noun in the genitive case denoting the doer of the action expressed by the gerund.
    Excuse my interrupting you.

    I insist on John’s staying with us.
    It combines with the negative pronoun no in the idiomatic construction of the type: There is no getting out of it.
    The grammatical categories of the gerund
    § 117. As already stated the gerund has only two grammatical categories, those of voice and perfect.
    Table V

    The Grammatical Categories of the Gerund









    being taken


    having ran

    having taken


    having been taken

    The category of perfect
    § 118. The category of perfect finds its expression, as with other verb forms, in the contrast of non-perfect (indefinite) and perfect forms.

    The non-perfect gerund denotes an action simultaneous with that expressed by the finite verb.

    Students improve their pronunciation

    John improved his pronunciation

    You will improve your pronunciation

    by listening to tape recordings.

    The perfect gerund denotes an action prior to the action denoted by the finite verb.

    I regret

    I regretted

    I will always regret

    having uttered these words.

    The perfect gerund is invariable in indicating priority, whereas the meaning of the non-perfect gerund is vaguer and more flexible and may easily be modified by the context. Thus according to the context the action denoted by the non-perfect gerund may precede or follow the action denoted by the finite verb. The non-perfect gerund may denote a prior action thanks to the lexical meaning of the verb or the preposition suggesting priority, so the non-perfect gerund is generally used after verbs of recollection, gratitude, blame, reproach, punishment and reward.
    I shall never forget taking this exam.

    I remember talking to him once.

    Thank you for helping me.
    The non-perfect gerund is to be found in gerundial phrases introduced by the prepositions on and after. The preposition on suggests immediate priority and an instantaneous action.
    On reaching the end of the street we turned towards the river.

    Tom, after reflecting a little, gave a long sigh.
    The lexical meaning of the above-mentioned verbs and prepositions makes the use of the perfect form redundant. It is used, however, when the priority is emphasized, as in following examples:
    And all of a sudden David remembered having heard the name before.

    He came back after having been away for about ten years.
    The non-perfect gerund expresses a succeeding action after verbs, adjectives and prepositions implying reference to a future event (such as to intend, to insist, to object, to suggest, to look forward to) and after the preposition before:
    I insist on your staying with us.

    We are looking forward to visiting new places.

    Ann suggested going to the cinema.

    I’m not keen on getting myself into trouble.

    We met once more before parting.
    The same form occurs after nouns suggesting futurity such as plan, intention, hope, prospect:
    There is some hope of catching the last train.
    The category of voice
    § 119. The gerund of transitive verbs possesses voice distinctions. Like other verb forms, the active gerund points out that the action is directed from the subject (whether expressed or implied), whereas the passive gerund indicates that the action is directed towards the subject.

    Active gerund

    Passive gerund

    I hate interrupting people.

    I am not used to talking in that way.

    On telling me the time, he turned away.

    He entered without having knocked at the door.

    - I hate being interrupted.

    - I am not used to being talked to in that way.

    - On being told some impossible hour, he turned away.

    - The door opened without having been knocked on.

    The perfect passive gerund is very rarely used.

    There are some verbs (to need, to want, to require, to deserve) and the adjective worth which are followed by an active gerund with passive meaning.
    Your hair needs cutting.

    This house wants painting.

    Your suggestion is worth talking over.
    Syntactical Functions of the Gerund
    § 120. The gerund can perform any syntactical function typical of a noun, although in each case it has peculiarities of its own. It may function (a) alone, without modifiers, or (b) as the headword of a gerundial phrase, or (c) as part of a gerundial predicative construction. Since the functions of gerundial constructions are identical with those of single gerunds or gerundial phrases, we shall treat them together. The gerundial constructions are usually translated by clauses.
    a) I like driving.

    b) I like playing the piano.

    c) I like John’s (his) playing the piano.
    A gerundial phrase consists of a gerund as headword and one or more words depending on it.

    A gerundial construction contains some nominal element denoting the doer of the action expressed by the gerund and the gerund itself with or without some other words depending on it. The nominal element can be a noun in the genitive case or a possessive pronoun (if it denotes a living being), or a noun in the common case (if it does not denote a living being).
    I remember John’s telling me that story once.

    I remember the weather being extremely fine that summer.

    We are absolutely against grown-up children being treated as babies.
    There is a growing tendency, especially in informal speech, to use the pronoun in the objective case and a noun in the common case to denote the doer of the action expressed by the gerund with reference to living beings too.
    They were all in favour of Tommy playing the main part.
    The gerund as subject
    § 121. As a rule the gerund as subject stands in front position.
    John(‘s) coming tomorrow will make all the difference.

    Growing roses, collecting postage stamps or old swords are hobbies.
    The subject stands in postposition in sentences opening with an introductory it, which happens when the meaning of the subject is accentuated and the predicate is a phrase such as to be (of) no use (no good, useless), to make all the (no) difference.

    If you want me to help, it’s no good beating about the bush.

    It will make no difference your being quiet.
    In American English the pattern There is no use in doing it is preferable to It is no use doing it. In sentences with the introductory there the gerund is preceded by the negative pronoun no. Such sentences are usually emphatic.
    Well, there’s no avoiding him now.

    There is no accounting for his strange behaviour.
    The gerund as part of the predicate
    The gerund is used in compound predicates of both types - verbal and nominal.
    The gerund as part of the compound nominal predicate (predicative)
    § 122. As predicative the gerund expresses either characterization or identity. In the latter case the predicate reveals the meaning of the subject.
    John’s hobby is collecting all sorts of bugs and butterflies.

    The gerund as part of the compound verbal predicate

    § 123. In combination with phasal verbs the gerund forms a compound verbal phasal predicate. The finite phasal verb denotes a phase of the action expressed by the gerund. The most common phasal verbs followed by the gerund are: to begin*,* to burst out, to start*, to cease, to continue*, to give up, to go on, to finish, to keep on, to leave off, to stop.

    * The verbs marked by an asterisk may also be followed by the infinitive.
    Again you start arguing.

    On hearing the joke everybody burst out laughing.

    They kept on arguing.

    Your health will improve as soon as you give up smoking.
    This is the only function of the gerund that is not characteristic of the noun, for it is caused by the verbal character of the gerund.

    A gerundial predicative construction cannot form part of a compound verbal predicate.
    The gerund as object
    § 124. The gerund can be used as a direct or a prepositional object. As a direct object it follows a number of monotransitive verbs, some of which take only the gerund, while others may be followed either by the gerund or by the infinitive. The gerund is also used after the adjective worth.
    The following verbs are followed only by the gerund:

    to admit

    to appreciate

    to avoid

    to deny

    to detest

    to enjoy

    to excuse

    to fancy

    to imagine

    to mention

    to mind

    to miss

    to postpone

    to practise

    to put off

    to recollect

    to resent

    to resist

    to risk

    to suggest

    to understand
    can’t help

    can’t stand

    We all appreciate your helping us.

    Avoid using very long sentences.

    Fancy us (our) having to walk a mile in a wind like this!

    I’m sorry that I missed seeing you!

    Do you mind Ann’s joining us?

    Practise listening to tape recordings. It’s good practice!

    I find the book worth reading.
    Verbs followed by either the gerund or the infinitive.

    to have

    to forget

    to intend

    to like (dislike)

    to plan

    to prefer

    to remember

    to regret
    can’t bear

    can’t afford*

    * On the difference between the use of the gerund and the infinitive with some verbs see § 127.
    I can’t bear your (you) being so sad.

    We can’t afford going to the cinema too often now, we are revising for our exams.

    I prefer walking home (to taking a bus).
    After verbs taking an object and an objective predicative the gerund, or rather a gerundial phrase or construction, is preceded by an introductory object it.
    I find it strange our going without you.

    I think it no use your (you) arguing about trifles.
    As a prepositional object the gerund may follow (a) monotransitive prepositional verbs, (b) ditransitive verbs taking a direct and a prepositional object, (c) adjectives and statives and (d) participle II, generally when used as a predicative.


    to agree

    to object

    to look forward


    to count

    to depend

    to rely


    to hear

    to learn

    to think


    to persist

    to consist

    to succeed


    We all agree to your opening the discussion.

    Happiness consists largely in having true friends.

    All depends on the doctor being sent for in time.

    They are thinking of doing something for him.


    to accuse

    to suspect


    to thank

    to blame to praise to punish

    to sentence


    to prevent

    to stop


    to assist

    to help in

    to have no difficulty


    to congratulate smb. on

    Roy accused me of disliking him.

    What prevented you from becoming a professional actor?

    Who will help me in hanging these pictures?

    You should blame yourself for getting such a low mark.

    I had no difficulty in getting the tickets for the concert.

    As is seen from above a prepositional for-object has a shade of causal meaning.


    to be afraid

    to be aware

    to be conscious

    to be capable

    to be fond


    to be ignorant

    to be proud

    to be sure


    to be responsible for

    to be sorry about

    to be keen on

    I don’t have the TV too loud, because I’m afraid of disturbing the neighbours.

    We are all proud of our citizen’s getting the first prize.

    Ned will be responsible for arranging the farewell party.

    Don’t be sorry about missing the first scene, it was rather dull.


    to be accustomed

    to be used


    to be (dis)pleased with (at)

    to be surprised at

    to be tired of

    to be absorbed

    to be engrossed


    I’m not used to being talked to in that rude way.

    The teacher was displeased with the boys being noisy.

    We were surprised at your leaving the party.

    A teacher shouldn’t get tired of explaining things to his pupils.
    The gerund as attribute
    § 125. When used as an attribute, the gerund modifies nouns, mainly abstract nouns. It is always preceded by a preposition, in the vast majority of cases by of, as in the following combinations: the art of teaching, the habit of speaking, a certain way of walking, a chance of seeing somebody, a hope of getting a ticket, an idea of going to the cinema, an intention of learning another foreign language, etc.
    There is a chance of catching the train.

    Professor N spoke about new methods of teaching English to foreign students.

    The idea of him being in Paris was not a pleasant one.

    Lucy had the impression of being carried upstairs.

    Isn’t there any hope of your being able to go with us at all?
    In some cases the choice of the preposition depends on the requirements of the modified noun, as in surprise at, experience in, skill in, apology (excuse) for, objection to.
    The boy showed his skill in building model boats.

    Imagine his surprise at seeing me.
    When a gerund modifies a concrete noun it is preceded by the preposi­tion for and the whole gerundial phrase as attribute expresses the purpose or destination of the thing mentioned.
    The barometer is an instrument for measuring the pressure of the air.
    A gerund as attribute may precede the noun it modifies in phrases bordering on a compound noun. A premodifying attribute is used without a preposition, as in a dancing master, a diving suit, a reading lamp, a spending habit, a working method, a writing career, a swimming pool, a walking stick, etc.*

    * See §132.
    The gerund as adverbial modifier
    § 126. Owing to the variety of prepositions which may precede the gerund in the function of an adverbial modifier, a gerund may have different meanings.
    1) As an adverbial modifier of time it may characterize the main verb from the viewpoint of priority, simultaneity, or posteriority. It may also indicate the starting point of the action. The prepositions used are on, after, in, before, since.
    One day, on returning to his hotel, he found a note in his room.

    At first he couldn’t understand. After thinking it over he hit upon the explanation.

    And I’ll wash the dishes and clean up before coming to bed.

    I had had a lot of thoughts since leaving the office.
    2) As an adverbial modifier of reason it is introduced by the prepositions because of, for, from, for fear of, on account of, through.
    So you see I couldn’t sleep for worrying.

    We lost ourselves through not knowing the way.

    He (Jolyon) took care not to face the future for fear of breaking up his untroubled manner.
    3) As an adverbial modifier of manner the gerund generally occurs with the prepositions by or without.
    You will achieve a lot by felling the truth.

    She dressed without making a sound.
    4) As an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances it requires the preposition without.
    They danced without speaking. (= They danced and didn’t speak)

    The door opened without having been knocked on.
    5) As an adverbial modifier of concession it is preceded by the preposition in spite of:
    I don’t ask any questions in spite of there being a lot of questions to ask.
    6) As an adverbial modifier of condition it takes the prepositions without, but for, in case of.
    You won’t enrich your vocabulary without making use of an English dictionary. (= if you don’t make use


    But for meeting John, I shouldn’t have become an English teacher.
    7) As an adverbial modifier of purpose it is introduced by the preposi­tion for, though this pattern is rather rare.
    They took her to the station for questioning.

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