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  • Voice peculiarities of participle II § 143.

  • The aspectual meaning of participle II and perfect § 144.

  • Syntactical functions of participle II § 145.

  • Predicative constructions with participle II § 149.

  • § 151. The nominative absolute participial construction with participle II.

  • § 152. The prepositional absolute construction with participle II. This construction differs from the discussed above in that it is introduced by the preposition with

  • Учебник Кобрина. Грамматика. Синтаксис.1999. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности 2103 "Иностранные языки". Спб., Союз, 1999. 496 с

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    Participle II

    § 140. Participle II is a non-finite form of the verb with verbal and adjectival features. Participle II stands apart from the other non-finites in that it does not possess their morphological categories. Nevertheless, being a verb form, it possesses the potential verbal meaning of voice, aspect and correlation, which depend upon the meaning of the verb it is formed from and which are realized in the context.

    The main meanings of participle II are those of a state as a result of some action or an action itself. One of the most essential characteristics of participle II is that when it is used as part of the sentence, participle II of a transitive verb is passive in meaning, participle II of an intransitive verb is active.

    Thus the participles invited, told, taken are semantically passive and correspond to the Russian passive participles приглашенный, рассказан­ный, взятый. The participles arrived, gone, risen are semantically active and correspond to the Russian active participles прибывший, ушедший, поднявшийся (взошедший).
    § 141. The adjectival nature of participle II manifests itself in its function in the sentence, which is usually that of either attribute or predicative. It may combine with adverbs of degree typical of adjectives, such as very, too, slightly, so, much, more, as in:
    I am very pleased with you.

    The children were too excited to notice the newcomer.

    No man has ever had a more devoted sister than I.
    Instead of the negation not, which we find with the other non-finites, participle II is often negated with the prefix un-, as in unfinished, unanswered.

    Participle II may turn into adjectives with qualitative meaning synonymous with other adjectives, as in celebrated - famous, tired - weary.

    Similar to adjectives and participle I, participle II may form adverbs with the help of the suffix -ly: fixedly, unhurriedly, admittedly.

    The adjectival nature of participle II is traced in adjectivized participles with a form different from the verbal participle II. These forms occur as attributes in such phrases as on bended knees, a drunken man, a lighted match (candle, torch), molten lava (lead, steel), roast meat, a rotten apple, a shaven head, a well-shaven man, sodden clothes, sunken eyes, a swollen river. Some forms are used predicatively: to be well-stricken in years, to be panic-stricken, poverty-stricken (but thunder-struck, theatre-struck).
    § 142. The verbal character of participle II is manifested in its combinability. Thus participle II of transitive verbs easily combines with a by-object denoting the doer of the action as in Jane entered the room followed by her brother.

    Participles II of phrasal verbs retain their composite structure: a boy brought up in a teacher’s family.

    Participles II of prepositional transitive verbs are followed by the appropriate prepositions: a book often asked for, the article referred to, a man much spoken of.

    Ditransitive verbs keep their second object as in: That was the main question asked her at the wedding.

    Participle II may be accompanied by an adverbial modifier expressed by adverbs or phrases combining with verbs: a house built two years before, man hidden in the bush, a play well acted, a story long forgotten.

    One of the main verbal features of participle II is revealed in its functioning as part of the compound verb forms of the passive voice and the perfect.
    Voice peculiarities of participle II
    § 143. Participle II of transitive verbs, when it is not part of a perfect form, is always passive in meaning. Depending on the verb and the context it may correspond to any passive participle in Russian: built -построенный, строившийся, строящийся; begun - начатый, начинае­мый, начинающийся; translated - переводящийся, переводившийся, переводимый, переведенный.

    Having a passive meaning participle II of transitive verbs is opposed to participle I active: asking - asked, loving - loved, seeing - seen, writing -written, teaching - taught, watching - watched, etc.

    The doer of the action or state denoted by participle II is to be found in the subject or object of the sentence, in the noun or pronoun modified by participle II, in the first (nominal) element of a predicative construction.

    The passive meaning of participle II may be of three types:
    1) denoting an action directed towards the person or non-person expressed by the subject or object. This is peculiar to durative (non-terminative) transitive verbs, such as to accompany, to follow, to watch, to carry, to teach, to listen (to), to laugh (at), to look (at, for, on), to speak (of, to), to love, to hate, as in:
    Spanish is one of the foreign languages taught at our Institute.

    I won’t have my friend laughed at.
    2) denoting a state, which is the result of an action. This is typical of terminative transitive verbs, such as to bring, to catch, to do, to find, to make, to put, to solve, to build, to realise, to open, to close, etc.
    The problem is solved. The door is shut.
    Occasionally, in a certain context, participle II of the above-mentioned verbs may denote action, as in: Brightman’s place was an old English farm-house, built two years before.
    3) denoting a pure state. This is the case with verbs denoting psycological states and emotions, such as to amuse, to annoy, to offend, to surprise, to please, to excite.
    I felt annoyed when he refused to help me.

    I’m very (much) pleased with what he has done.
    Participle II of intransitive verbs is always active in meaning. The use of these participles is restricted. Only participles II of verbs denoting motion or change of state can be used as attributes. These are participles II of the verbs to arrive, to fall, to go, to rise, to depart, to decease, to retire, to fade, to wither, to vanish, to decay and some others. Participles II of these verbs correspond to the Russian active participle of the perfective aspect: arrived - прибывший, vanished - исчезнувший, faded - увядший, decayed - сгнивший, as in arrived guests, the risen moon, the vanisned civilisation, the fallen leaves, the retired president.

    Among these participles we find some which can be used either transitively or intransitively, such as hidden, increased, diminished, returned. They correspond to the Russian perfective active participles with the suffix -ся (спрятавшийся, увеличившийся, вернувшийся): the man hidden behind the tree, an increased population, a returned traveller.
    The aspectual meaning of participle II and perfect
    § 144. The original aspectual meaning of participle II is perfectivity. It is evident in terminative verbs and verbs of double aspectual meaning.

    In transitive terminative verbs the passive meaning of participle II is combined with perfectivity. Thus participle II can be opposed to participle I in their aspectual meanings of perfectivity/imperfectivity: taking - taken, asking - asked, writing - written, telling - told (берущий - взятый, спрашивающий - спрошенный, etc.).

    The original meaning may be modified by the context, as can be seen by comparing the following sentences: The story told by the hostess amused everybody (история, рассказанная хозяйкой...). Why don’t we believe stories told by hunters and fishermen? (истории, рассказываемые охотни­ками, т. е. которые рассказывают охотники)

    There is a growing tendency in present-day English to use participle I passive as an attribute to emphasize the processual character of the action. Thus we may paraphrase the last sentence, saying, “Why don't we believe stories being told by hunters?”

    Participle II of intransitive verbs or verbs used intransitively is always perfective in meaning and can be opposed to non-perfect participle I: rising - risen, decaying - decayed, going - gone, arriving - arrived, retiring -retired, as in: the rising moon - the risen moon, the retiring director— the retired director. The same in the auctioneer’s formula: Going! Going! Gone! (Продается! Продается! Продано!)

    The meaning of perfectivity/imperfectivity results in the potential meaning of perfect. The idea of priority and simultaneity is suggested by the aspectual character of the verb and is realized in the given context.

    In many cases, however, the ideas of priority and simultaneity become fused, since the action is prior to, and the resulting state is simultaneous with, the action of the finite verb or the moment of speech. Thus in the sentence First of all she went to the bombed building the action of “bombing” is prior to the action of the finite verb “went”, but the resulting state of the action is simultaneous with it.
    Syntactical functions of participle II
    § 145. As part of the sentence participle II may stand alone or be the headword of a participial phrase. It may function as an attribute (close or detached), predicative, or as an adverbial modifier.

    Participle II as attribute

    § 146. Participle II usually functions either as premodifier when it stands alone or forms a very short participial phrase containing an adverb. The verbal character of the participle in the first case is made clear only by its lexical meaning:
    First of all she went to the bombed building.

    Our minds should meet in a serious, mutually needed search for common understandings.

    It was a neatly written letter.
    Sometimes the preposition is kept:
    The room even had a faint perfume about it which gave it a lived-in air.
    As a postmodifier participle II manifests its verbal character more explicitly, even when it stands alone. It may be accompanied by a preposi­tion, by an agentive by-object, an adverb and prepositional phrases as adverbial modifiers.
    Things seen are mightier than things heard.

    The dictionary referred to is to be found in our library.

    These are cities inhabited by their creators.

    Two women dimly seen in the shadow are talking softly.
    When participle II or a participial phrase is detached, its position is not fixed. It may occupy the initial position, the mid-position or the final position in the sentence. Detached attributes are separated from the noun by a comma (or commas) in writing and by a pause in speech. They are confined to literary style only.
    Greatly excited, the children followed her into the garden.

    Johnson, left in charge of both officers, marched about for a little while.

    And people hurried by, hidden under their dreadful umbrellas.

    Participle II as predicative

    § 147. In this function participle II denotes a state, as in:
    The Fada road is finished, the great idea is realized.

    You seem surprized.

    He looks perplexed and troubled.

    He felt thoroughly disappointed.

    The door remained locked.
    Occasionally we come across a participle II with an active meaning used predicatively:
    The sun is not risen.

    Everybody is gone.

    Evening is come.

    Participle II as adverbial modifier

    § 148. The adverbial function and meaning of participle II can be seen only from the general meaning of the sentence. In the vast majority of cases, when used adverbially, participle II is preceded by a conjunction, which explicitly indicates the semantic type of the adverbial modifier.

    Participle II may serve as an adverbial modifier of:
    time, usually with the conjunction when or until:

    He is very affable when spoken to, but naturally silent.

    He won’t stop arguing until interrupted.

    Deprived of his wife and son by the Spanish adventure, Jolyon found the solitude at Robin Hill intolerable.
    condition, mostly with the conjunction if or unless:

    I shall certainly give evidence on your behalf, if required.

    John will speak for hours, unless interrupted.
    concession, with the conjunction though or although:

    Though asked in disarming sociability, Haldone’s question was loaded.
    comparison, with the conjunction as if or as though:

    “I get off the train,” he repeated as if hypnotized.
    Predicative constructions with participle II
    § 149. Participle II forms the second (verbal) element of the objective with the participle construction and of the absolute participial construction in two variants: non-prepositional and prepositional.
    § 150. The objective participial construction with participle II.
    The objective participial construction with participle II consists of a noun in the common case or a personal pronoun in the objective case and participle II forming a syntactical complex, in which the two components are in a preducative relationship.

    I must have my watch mended.

    I never heard him spoken of badly.

    Мне нужно починить часы.

    Я никогда не слышал, чтобы о нем плохо отзывались.

    The construction functions as a complex object to transitive verbs, mainly verbs (a) of causative meaning, (b) of physical perception, (c) of wish:
    a) to have, to get, to make
    You must have your photo taken.

    Where did you have your hair done?

    I won’t have my best friend laughed at.

    We must get our tickets registered.

    The speaker made himself heard with the help of a microphone.
    Besides the causative meaning suggesting inducement, sentences the verb to have may occasionally express experience or possess participle II emphasizing the resulting state, as in:
    The patient has an arm broken.

    I have my task done.
    If the action is emphasized, the perfect form is preferable:
    The patient has broken an arm.

    I have done my task.
    Notice the difference in translation:
    У больного сломана рука. Больной сломал руку.

    Мое задание выполнено. Я выполнил задание.
    b) to see, to hear, to feel, to find
    I saw Jane addressed by a stranger.

    Have you ever heard the writer’s name mentioned before?

    We found the door locked.
    c) to wish, to want, to like, to prefer
    I want the answer sent at once.

    We prefer the letter answered by the chief.
    Sentences with causative verbs are usually translated into Russian by simple sentences, the causative meaning being evident from the context or the situation. In other cases a complex sentence with an object clause is preferable.
    § 151. The nominative absolute participial construction with participle II.
    The construction consists of the nominal element (a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case) and participle II which form a syntactical complex, the nominal element and the participle being in subject-predicate relation. The preparation completed, we started off.

    The nominative absolute participial construction with participle being has the syntactical function of a detached adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances (a), manner (b), time (c), reason (d), condition (e).
    a) The next day I observed you - myself unseen - for half an hour.

    She was smoking now, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
    b) He sat on the sofa, his legs crossed.
    c) The duster refolded and restored, he threw his legs across the saddle. “Give it to Harriet, please,” was

    then the direction, “and she can put it away.” This said, he turned and fixed his eyes on Mrs. Bretton.
    d) We began to talk, but my attention distracted by my surroundings, I took small notice of him.
    e) He was a gentleman, but he was passionate, the cup once sipped, would he consent to put it down?
    § 152. The prepositional absolute construction with participle II.
    This construction differs from the discussed above in that it is introduced by the preposition with and its nominal element is hardly ever presented by a pronoun; it is more closely related to the predicate verb and is seldom set off by a comma.
    She went on reading with her eyes fixed on the pages of the book.

    It is unhealthy to sleep with the windows shut.
    The main syntactical function of the construction is that of an adverbial modifier of manner or attendant circumstances.

    An additional idea of time, reason, or condition may be prompted by the context, as in: I can’t walk with my leg broken (reason).

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