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  • *Exercise 2. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

  • *Exercise 3. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by Participle II where possible

  • *Exercise 4. Translate into English using participles where possible

  • Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with Participle II or Participle I (passive) of the verbs in brackets

  • *Exercise 7. Translate into English using Participe II.

  • Exercise 8. Translate the following and use them in sentences of your own

  • *Exercise 9. Arrange the given parts into sentences. Pay attention to the place of the participle

  • *Exercise 10. Translate into English

  • Exercise 11. Make up sentences with the following participial phrases

  • *Exercise 12. Translate into English

  • Exercise 13. Study the information about the differences between the Gerund and the Participle I.

  • Exercise 14. Pick out participles, gerunds

  • THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in complex sentences with clauses of unreal condition. Translate the sentences in to Russian

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    Exercise 1. Translate what is given in brackets using:

    Participle I (active, non-perfect) in attributive phrases where possible.

    1. We came up to the man (стоявшему на углу) and asked him the way.

    2. Go to the corner and ask the militiaman (стоящего там) to show you the way.

    3. The man (стоящий у расписания) was our teacher last year.

    4. Did you see in what direction the man (стоящий здесь) went?

    5. He wants to write a book (которая бы подытожила) his impressions of the trip.

    6. A new power plant is to be built here in two years (которая будет снабжать электричеством) a number of industrial regions.

    7. The people (ожидающие доктора) have been sitting here gor a long time.

    8. The people (ожидавшие вас) have just gone.


    Participle I (active, perfect or non-perfect) in adverbial phrases.

    1. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the witness left the box.

    2. (Постучав дважды и не получив ответа) he decided that there was nobody in.

    3. (Толкнув дверь) he felt that it was not locked, and (открыв ее) he looked inside.

    4. (Тихо закрыв за собой дверь) he tiptoed into the room.

    5. Each time (рассказывая об этом случае) he could not help a smile.

    6. (Приехав в гостиницу) she found a telegram awaiting her.

    7. (Приехав сюда) only a few years before he knew those parts as if he had always lived there.

    8. We took a trip in a motor-launch down the river and spent the whole day on the water, (приехав обратно) where it was dark.

    9. I felt very tired (проработав целый день) in the sun.

    10. (Опустив монету и подняв трубку) he began to dial the number.

    11. (Уронив монету на пол) he did not care to look for it in the darkness and took another one.


    Participle I (passive, perfect or non-perfect) in attributive or adverbial phrases where possible.

    1. The conference (проходящая сейчас) at the University is devoted to problems of nuclear physics.

    2. Unable to attend the conference (проходившую тогда) at the University, we asked to be sent the type-written reports.

    3. They are now at a conference (которая проходит) at the University.

    4. They stood (у заправлявшейся машины) and watched the meter.

    5. The sight of (накрываемого стола) made my mouth water.

    6. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the lock.

    7. (Когда их поставили в воду) the flowers opened their petals.

    8. The flowers faded (так как их долгое время держали без воды).

    *Exercise 2. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

    1. (to reject) by the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for revision.

    2. (to reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a weekly magazine.

    3. (to wait) for some time in the reception room, he was asked into the office.

    4. (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would say when asked into the office.

    5. They reached the peak at dusk, (to leave) their camp with the first light.

    6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp, (to leave) it at dawn.

    7. The friends went out into the city (to leave) their cases at the left luggage department.

    8. (to write) and (to leave) a note with the porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour.

    9. (to write) in an archaic language, the book was difficult to read.

    10. (to write) his first book, he could not go far beyond his own experience.

    11. (to be) away so long he was happy to be coming back.

    12. (to be) so far away he still felt himself part of his community.

    13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see) such a huge animal.

    14. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed the conversation.

    *Exercise 3. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by Participle II where possible

    1. The number of apartment houses (стоящихся) for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing.

    2. What is the number of appartment houses (построенных) in the past few years?

    3. The houses (построенных) many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones.

    4. The workers (строившие) this house used new construction methods.

    5. At the conference they discussed new methods (применяемые) in building.

    6. The new methods (примененные) in the building of houses proved more effective.

    7. They decided to abandon some of the methods (применявшихся) formerly in building.

    8. The bricklayer (применивший) a new method in building made a report at the conference.

    9. Here are some samples of the products of this plant (посылаемые) to different part of the country.

    10. These are the samples of products (посланных) last month.

    11. Here are the samples of products of the plants (посылающих) us machinery.

    12. There are the samples of products (посылавшихся) before the restoration of the plant.

    *Exercise 4. Translate into English using participles where possible

    1. Оставив вещи в камере хранения, мы пошли осматривать город.

    2. Оставляя пальто в гардеробе, вы получаете номер.

    3. Человек, оставивший свой чемодан в вестибюле, прошел к администратору.

    4. Пассажиры, оставляющие свои вещи в камере хранения, получают квитанцию.

    5. Вещи, оставляемые в камере хранения, сохраняются там двадцать дней.

    6. Вещи, оставленные в трамвае, могут быть получены в любое время на станции у дежурного.

    7. Оставшись один, он начал распаковывать вещи.

    8. Я не мог переодеться, так как оставил вещи на вокзале.

    9. Мы пробыли весь день в городе и ухали вечером.

    10. Купив билеты и оставив вещи на вокзале, мы решили навестить друзей.

    Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with Participle II or Participle I (passive) of the verbs in brackets

    1. a) The monument … on this square has been recently unveiled. b) The monument … on this square will be soon unveiled. (to erect).

    2. a) We could hear the noise of furniture … upstairs. b) For a moment they sat silent … by the story. (to move).

    3. a) I cannot forget the story … by him. b) They listened breathlessly to the story … by the old man. (to tell).

    4. a) One can’t fail to notice the progress … by our group during the last term. b) These are only a few of the attempts now … to improve the methods of teaching adult students. (to make).

    5. a) We live at a time of outer space…by man. b) “I wish I could live to see outer space … by man,” said the old professor. (to conquer).

    *Exercise 6. Arrange the words in brackets so as to show that either the action has been done by the doer himself, or the doer has caused it to be done by someone else. Learn the dialogue and act it out
    Anne: John ( had- broken- his left arm ) when his car hit another one yesterday.

    Mary: (he-has-had-bandaged-it) yet?

    Anne: Yes, the doctor ( has-seen-him ) and ( has-set-the arm ) himself.

    Mary: Good. And ( John-has-had-X-rayed-it) yet?

    Anne: No, but the doctor ( has-made an appointment) with the X-ray Department at the hospital for him. John (is going to have-done-it) this afternoon.

    Mary: (he-has-hurt-himself) anywhere else?

    Anne: No, he was lucky. The man in the other car ( had -broken-both legs ) by the crash.

    Mary: Oh, dear. That's bad. How did the accident happen?

    Anne: The other car's brakes weren't good, and the driver ( hadn't had-seen to-them) by a garage.

    Mary: (you-have-seen-John ) today?

    Anne: Yes, I ( have-seen-him ) twice? Mary: (you- have-sent-the news ) to his mother?

    Anne: Yes, I (had-sent-a telegram ) to her by John's secretary. His mother (has-answered-it) already
    *Exercise 7. Translate into English using Participe II.

    1. Полученное вчера известие взволновало всех.

    2. Построенный на вершине холма дом был виден издалека.

    3. Преследуемый собаками олень скрылся в чаще.

    4. По дороге на аэродром проехало несколько автомашин в сопровождении мотоциклистов.

    5. Недавно выпущен каталог картин этого художника, хранящихся в национальных музеях.

    6. Собиравшаяся в течение многих десятков лет коллекция рукописей в этом университете является одной из самых богатых в мире.

    7. Получив разрешение сделать копию знаменитой картины, молодой художник с увлечением принялся за дело.

    8. Хотя книга была посвящена узкой теме, она представляла интерес не только для специалистов.

    9. Некоторые вопросы, которые затрагиваются в докладе, заслуживают серьезного внимания.

    10. Поскольку статья была написана трудным языком, ее нелегко было перевести.

    11. Если этот рассказ адаптировать, его можно дать студентам первого курса для домашнего чтения.

    12. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно показалось совсем легким

    13. Цифры, на которые ссылается статья, взяты из отчета комиссии.

    14. Завод приступил к выпуску грузовых автомашин, которые, как говорят, очень экономичны.

    15. Соглашение, которое, как сообщалось, было подписано в прошлом месяце, ратифицировано обеими сторонами.

    Exercise 8. Translate the following and use them in sentences of your own
    Сравнивая эти машины; эта машина по сравнению с той; условившись встретиться; склонившись над бумагами; не найдя нужной книги; не зная, что сказать; экспонируемые картины; инженер, сконструированный; не испугавшись угроз; картина, которая бы отобразила; невиданный ранее; сказав, что неважно себя чувствует; не погасив свет; оперируемый больной; когда его вызвали; прослужив во флоте; прислушиваясь к шуму; не расслышав его слов; геологи, только что вернувшиеся.
    *Exercise 9. Arrange the given parts into sentences. Pay attention to the place of the participle

    1. left, gaily, the company, the café, chattering.

    2. the bus, will arrive, at noon, you, in time, leaving, to catch.

    3. arrived, the telegram, promised, never.

    4. a guide, experienced, was, finding, chief, good, the difficulty.

    5. at the branches, in the darkness, slowly, stared, moving, the girl.

    6. showed, the enemy, no resistance, surrounded.

    7. flooding, the water, came, the valley.

    8. cleaning, the person, inside the building, was, only, a charwoman.

    9. they, into the thicket, soon, the boundary, moved, reaching.

    10. passing over, to any decision, the matter, dropped, not having come, the committee, to the next item.

    11. asleep, the boy, slipping, immediately, fell, into bed.

    12. sleeping, the child was, on his bask, lying.

    13. to him, smiling, turned, she, her face.

    14. no answer, we, receiving, a cable, sent

    *Exercise 10. Translate into English
    Возле небольшого мостика, стонавшего от страшной тяжести, стояла легковая машина, пережидавшая, пока пройдут пушки. Шофер, привыкший, очевидно, к такого рода остановкам, с улыбкой оглядывал пьющего из каски бойца. Сидевший рядом с ним батальонный комиссар то и дело смотрел вперед – видел ли хвост колонны…

    Вскоре машина снова бежала среди прохладных тенистых лесов, по мостикам, пересекавшим извилистые речушки, по заполненным туманом долинам, мимо прудов, отражавших звездное небо. Шофер, долго молчавший, вдруг негромко сказал: «Товарищ батальонный комиссар, помните бойца, пившего из каски, сидя на орудии? Почувствовал я в нем брата своего. Вот почему он меня так заинтересовал».

    Exercise 11. Make up sentences with the following participial phrases
    Striking a match, while waiting outside, grouped around the monument, as if thinking of something else, slamming the door on me, touched by the friendly welcome, though much advertised, taking everything into consideration, never (having) heard of, being imported, being dissatisfied with the answer.
    *Exercise 12. Translate into English

    1. Переодевшись в костюм цыганки, он хотел подшутить над своими гостями.

    2. После того как свидетелей по делу Клайда допросили, им разрешили покинуть зал суда.

    3. Брошь, украденная у кузины лорда Горинга, оказалась у миссис Чивли.

    4. Взглянув на записку, лежавшую на столе, Кит сейчас же узнала почерк брата.

    5. Спрятавшись за дом, Нэл начала следить за Куилпом.

    6. Проводив отца до кареты, Джолион вернулся в дом.

    7. Она ушла к себе в комнату, попросив не беспокоить ее.

    8. Туристы, не раз слышавшие об этих местах, выразили желание поехать туда.

    9. Летчик, вышедший из самолета, выглядел очень усталым.

    10. Они замолчали, исчерпав все возможные темы для разговоров.

    11. Собака подбежала ко мне и завиляла хвостом, как бы приветствуя меня.

    12. Эту воду нельзя пить, пока не профильтруют.

    13. Если этот роман экранизировать, он, несомненно, будет иметь большой успех.

    14. Его родители, привыкшие к таким случаям, приняли меня очень хорошо, нисколько не удивляясь, что их сын привел совершенно незнакомого человека.

    15. Отец ее погиб в первые месяцы войны, оставив жену и двоих детей.

    16. Дым, наполнивший комнату, помешал моему противнику найти шашку, лежавшую возле него.

    17. Я следил за движениями казака, не ожидавшего с этой стороны нападения.

    Exercise 13. Study the information about the differences between the Gerund and the Participle I.



    1. Есть предлог Thank you for doing this work.

    1. He имеет предлога

    2. Есть притяжательное местоимение.

    Excuse my interrupting you.

    2. He имеет притяжательного местоимения.

    3. Указывает на назначение определяемого существительного или одну из его характеристик, неодушевленное существительное действие не совершает (sleeping car).

    3. B форме левого определения определяемое существительное (одушевительное) само совершает действие (a sleeping child).

    4. Переводится инфинитивом, существительным или личной формой глагола в придаточном предложении Her task was looking after children.

    4. Переводится личной формой глагола.

    5. При перемещении слова направо сохраняется прежний смысл.

    boiling water = the water boiling

    a landing problem = the problem landing.

    Exercise 14. Pick out participles, gerunds
    1. Keeping the secret won’t do any harm.

    2. So thinking, he paused before his house door.

    3. Adrian, glancing round, suddenly saw Kate.

    4. The answer to this was unexpected.

    5. Taking his seat, he looked at his watch.

    6. All is getting the truth.

    7. He entered, puzzled but interested.

    8. The young man, having risked his life to save the child, disappeared into the crowd.

    9. ‘ ... my habit of floating very low in water makes people on the shore think that I may be drowning.’

    10. Teaching children is useful work.

    11. She turned round on his entering the room.

    12. Taking the candlestick in his hand, Mr. Pickwick walked quietly downstairs.

    13. She can’t bear thinking of it or speaking of it.

    14. He was good at gathering mushrooms.

    15. Covering her eyes with her hands, she said something very softly.

    16. He replaced used ash-trays on the table with fresh and refilled Dodo’s coffee cup, then the others.

    17. She had no photographs of herself taken since her marriage.

    Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in complex sentences with clauses of unreal condition. Translate the sentences in to Russian
    1. If you were me, here and now, what would you do? 2. He was a stranger to George and he was aware that if he met him in the street he would not recognize him. 3. They would enjoy themselves much more if they had a party of their own. 4. I shouldn’t have slept a wink all night if I hadn’t known you were safe. 5. If I were Jim I wouldn’t tell that to the judge. 6. If Howden had been less preoccupied he might have noticed that she seemed unusually radiant this morning. 7. If Miss Emily suffered half as much as she said she did, she would have sent for Dr. Haydock long ago. 8. If you were a man you’d never speak to her again. 9. She was not old and if she had told you that she was forty you would have been quite willing to believe it. 10. If he closed his eyes, he thought, he would visualize the scene. 11. Oh, if he had had the better fortune to appear before another judge, more sympathetic, would the result be different now? 12. If it had been anybody else’s play, he would have rejected it. 13. If he did retire, would anyone notice the difference? 14. Miss Marple interrupted him: “Oh, but they were not on bad terms!” – “You know that for a fact.” – “Everyone would have known if they’d quarreled.” 15. Mum and Dad were so old-fashioned that if I took a girl home, they would consider her visit as good as shouting an engagement from the house-tops. 16. If his wife had gone away and left a note on the pin-cushion, it would be the first he’d known of anything of that kind.
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