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1. Marry first and love will come afterwards.

2. Marriage is lottery.

3. Marriages are made in heaven.

4. Men make houses, women make homes.
Vocabulary to Text 1
to respect – уважать

to look after – присматривать

separation разлука – раздельное проживание

extended family – расширенная семья

to grow up – расти

nuclear family – малая семья, состоящая из детей и родителей

to consist of – состоять

hardly – едва
Text 1

1. Read and translate the text. Do the task following it

The Family
The first thing most Western people notice in the Far, Middle and Near East is the respect everyone has for old people. Elderly men and women live with their married children and are important members of the family. They look after the children, help with cooking, give advice and often rule family life. Living in an extended family has advantages for everyone. A small child, for example, knows many people from the very beginning, not just his mother and father. When his mother goes out, it doesn’t matter. He’ll stay with someone who loves him – an aunt, sister or grandmother.

For a young mother and father there are also advantages. They can go out to work, and grandmother will look after the house and children. This is especially important in farming communities, where both men and women work in the fields.

And the older woman, for example, has something important to do. She sees how her children and grandchildren grow up. She is needed and loved.

The nuclear family is a product of the West. The typical family consists of mother, father and two children. If the mother goes out to work, she must leave them with a stranger – someone who looks after them as a job, for money. If there is a divorce or separation, the child’s life will change completely.

And as for the elderly people, too many of them live alone – in special flats or homes. They hardly ever see their children and grandchildren. They have nothing important to do. They are often poor and lonely. In the winter many elderly people die of cold or from falls in the house, because there is no one to look after them.
2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
1. help with cooking 1. особенно важно

2. give advice 2. типичная семья

3. rule family life 3. давать советы

4. from the very beginning 4. жить в одиночестве

5. especially important 5. с рождения

6. farming communities 6. помогать на кухне

7. typical family 7. управлять семейной жизнью

8. live alone 8. колхозы
3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them
1. Что прежде всего западные люди замечают на востоке?

2. Являются ли старшие мужчины и женщины уважаемыми (значимыми) членами семьи?

3. Каковы преимущества проживания в расширенной семье?

4. Как организована жизнь в малой семье?

5. Как живут «старшие» в малой семье?

6. Как Вы можете описать семейную жизнь в России? Кто присматривает за детьми? У нас малые или расширенные семьи? Счастливо или нет старшее поколение в России? Что мы можем сделать, чтобы улучшить их жизнь?
4. Find statements in the text you agree with

Find statements in the text you disagree with
5.Look through the Text . Pick out from the text the words, which are most important in view of the whole text content. Further we’ll term such words “KEY WORDS”. The key words will help you to retell the text completely and briefly. Write the key words down

6. What words in your opinion are associated* (see appendix) with the key words? Write down an associative chain to the key words

7. Arrange the key words and the associations in the form of a graph* (“train” or “tree”) (see appendix 1)



8. Give a brief summary of Text 1 using the key words and combinations with them

Упражнение 5 требует небольшого объяснения.

Очень часто представление об одном предмете вызывает ассоциации - мысли о другом, поскольку все слова функционируют в ассоциативном окружении. Усвоение слов неродного языка бывает зачастую сложным, так как не сформированы ассоциативные связи, слово хранится в нашей памяти не долго потому, что оно не подключено к ассоциативной сети. Когда вы встречаете незнакомое слово, вы пытаетесь соотнести его с уже знакомым, если вы сможете объяснить его значение через связи и отношения, то новое слово станет достоянием опыта. Давайте проведем на родном языке простой эксперимент. Какие слова у вас ассоциируются со словом семья? Оказывается, что вы запомнили это слово и можете им пользоваться потому, что оно связано со многими другими, оно входит в систему целого ассоциативного окружения.

А если провести такой же эксперимент на английском? Какие ассоциации вызывают у вас найденные ключевые слова?

Ключевое слово family в данном тексте должно быть связано со следующими словами: extended, nuclear, parents (elderly men and women), children.

Набор ключевых слов, связанных иерархическими отношениями, т. е. отношениями подчинения и соподчинения, представляет собой структуру содержания текста или денотатную структуру, Именно ее мы и построим. Затем с помощью этого денотатного графа мы сможем передать содержание текста без затруднений. А это - главная цель не только урока, но и всего курса.

В предыдущем упражнении мы выбирали ключевые слова. Сейчас мы ими и воспользуемся. Итак, понятие family объясняется в тексте посредством других, следовательно , оно связано со всеми другими КС. Таким образом, это слово имеет самое большое количество связей. Чем больше связей имеет данное слово, тем более оно существенно. Ключевое слово, имеющее наибольшее количество связей и отношений, обозначает тему текста. Темой нашего текста является слово family, поэтому занесем его в самую верхнюю клетку нашего иерархического дерева. Далее мы выбираем те слова, которые помогут нам раскрыть тему текста, то есть нас интересует, что говорится в тексте о его теме. Тему раскрывают подтемы, и их мы выписываем во второй ряд. Их два: extended, nuclear. А теперь следующий ряд - ряд субподтем, что говориться в тексте о каждой из его подтем. На наш взгляд это слова - parents, children,. Записываем эти слова в ряд и получаем "денотатную структуру текста".

Vocabulary to Text 2
divorce rates – уровень разводов

to bother – суетиться, волноваться

to double – удваивать

to increase – увеличивать

Denmark – Дания

to reverse – переворачивать

fall – упадок
Text 2

1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it
A Quiet Revolution?
As divorce rates rise and fewer couples bother with marriage, we ask if the traditional nuclear family is becoming a thing of the past.

While you are reading this article, somewhere in the United States two couples will get married and another will get divorced. One in three American children now live with only one parent, and the United States is not alone in this: in Canada and France the divorce rate has doubled in the last twenty-five years, and in Hungary and Greece it has increased by 50 per cent. Even in Japan, where the traditional family is still strong, divorce went up by 15 per cent between 1980 and 1995.

What is more, the nature of the family is changing. In Sweden and Denmark, around half of all babies are now born to unmarried parents, and in the United Kingdom and France more than a third. Even in Ireland, traditionally the most Catholic country in Europe, the rate of births outside marriage is 20 per cent.

Families are also getting smaller. The average Turkish family had seven members in 1910; today it has only five. And in Spain and Italy, where families were always traditionally large, the birthrate was the lowest in the developed world in 1995. This fall in the birthrate is due in part to the fact that, as more women have careers, they are waiting longer and longer to start a family. The age at which the average woman has her first baby is now 28 in Western Europe, and it is getting later.

So the nuclear family is clearly changing, but is it in danger of disappearing completely?

The truth is that it is still too early to tell. In some countries these patterns are actually reversing. In the United States, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, the birthrate is rising once more; and in Denmark, for example, marriage is becoming more popular again. In the United States, the divorce rate in fact fell by 15 per cent between 1980 and 1990, and it is continuing to fall.

Perhaps a new revolution is beginning?

2. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
1) divorce rates 1) жить с

2) traditional nuclear family 2) жениться

3) to get married 3) уровень разводов

4) to get divorced 4) природа семьи

5) to live with 5) разводиться

6) to double 6) удваивать

7) the nature of the family 7) родители одиночки

8) increase 8) среднестатистическая


9) to start a family 9) увеличивать

10) the average woman 10) создать семью

11) unmarried parents 11) традиционная малая семья
3. Translate the following questions into English and answer them

1. Существует ли проблема семьи?

2. Распространяется ли на самую католическую страну в Европе повышение уровня рождаемости детей вне брака?

3. Снижается ли уровень рождаемости? Если да, то почему?

4. Согласны ли Вы с утверждением, что браки совершаются на небесах?

(Marriages are made in heaven.)

4. Speak for or against: a) extended family; b) nuclear family; c) divorce; d) women career advancement

5. Discuss the problem of the nature of the family
Study the vocabulary
Cupid ['kju:pid] – Roman God of Love

issue – выпуск, номер

impromptu – экспромт

secluded – замкнутый

chapel – часовня

caretaker – сторож, смотритель

to blush – краснеть

to refer to – ссылаться на

ancestor – предок

to descend from – происходить

to bless – благословлять

resemblance – сходство

to flatter – льстить

to attach – присоединять

Read and dramatize the dialogue
Q: Now Mr. Arbuthnot, what's love?

A: Love is blind.

Q: Good. What does love do?

A: Love makes the world go round.

Q: Whom does a young man fall in love with?

A: With the Only Girl in the World.

Q: When do they fall in love?

A: At first sight.

Q: How?

A: Madly.

Q: They are then said to be?

A: Victims of Cupid's darts.

Q: And he?

A: Whispers sweet nothings in her ear.

Q: When the Only Man falls in love, madly, with the Only Girl, what does he do?

A: He walks on air.

Q: What happens after that?

A: They get married.

Q: What is a marriage?

A: Marriage is a lottery.

Q: Where are marriages made?

A: Marriages are made in heaven.

Q: What does the bride do at the wedding?

A: She blushes.

Q: What does the groom do?

A: He forgets the rings.
Dialogue 2.
Read the following dialogue
A: Did you happen to know that George Bush and Bill Clinton are distant cousins?

B: Well, I've never heard of it! Where on earth did you find that out?

A: I've just read it in "The Japan Times", in the October 23, 1992 issue.

B: What information agency does the paper refer to?

A: Reutor-Kyodo from London.

B: Oh, that's a reliable source. What does the article say?

A: Both presidents share royal ancestors traced back to the 13-th century in England.

B: Any relationship to Queen Elizabeth of Britain?

A: Exactly. Bush is her 13-th cousin. It's a matter of common knowledge now.

B: How very interesting! And who is the common ancestor Clinton and Bush descended from?

A: Both are descended from King John of England, Bush through John's son Henry III and Clinton through his daughter Eleanor.

B: Fancy that! Both have connections to ancient noble families and even to the royal ones!

A: There is one more interesting point. Clinton also descended from Eleanor's husband, Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, who was a great democrat of his days and was called "the champion of Parliament".

B: So, the descendant of a democrat is himself a representative of the Democratic Party of the USA.

A: Yes, exactly! At the same time, Bush is a representative of the opposition party, the Republicans.

B: So, Henry III and Simon, brothers-in-law, were opponents in those far away days, and their descendants were presidential contenders in the fall of 1992.
Dialogue 3.
Read the following dialogue and learn it by heart
A: I looked through an English newspaper and came across a short article titled "Bardot admits improptu marriage".

B: Is it about the famous French actress who starred in so many films in the 60's and 70's?

A: Yes, she is not in films any more. She is on the bad side of her fifties and she leads a secluded life rarely appearing in public.

B: How did she meet her present husband, then?

A: They met at a party, they say.

B: Does it say there that they decided to marry? Love at first sight?

A: Not quite so. The urge to get married came upon them when they took their trip to Norway, where Brigitte's son lives.

B: They both had to get divorced from their previous marriages, I suppose.

A: No, Brigitte had been divorced for 23 years. It was her fourth marriage, by the way.

В: Which marriage is her son by?

A: Brigitte's son Nicolas was born during her second marriage. His father was an actor, too.

B: What does her present husband do?

A: He is a businessman, 7 years her junior.

B: Was it a marvellous wedding ceremony in a church?

A: Nothing of the kind. This is how Brigitte describes it, "We came upon a chapel lost in the romantic countryside. It was raining hard. We went through the doors of the chapel. And there, suddenly, we decided to get married."

B: But the pastor could give them his blessing only in the presence of witnesses.

A: The taxi driver and the church caretaker served as witnesses.
Dialogue 4.
Read and dramatize the dialogue. Work in pair
N: Ann, meet the aunts and uncles, grannies and grandpas, the nephews and nieces, and all the rest.

A: Pleased to meet you all, I'm sure. My, what a big family you are!

N: This is only the immediate family. You're the only outsider here now. You will sit next to the oldest member of family present — my great-grandfather. Grandpa, dear, I'm going to put my friend in this seat near you.

GR.-GRANDF: The pleasure is all mine. Please sit down, my dear. Make yourself at home. So, Nadya must give me away at once and tell my age.

A: You don't look your age at all. So don't mind her.

GR.-GRANDF: A person is as old as he feels, they say. Still...

A: Nadya is your great-grand-daughter, isn't she? She's the exact image of you (there's a strong family resemblance between you) — of course, taking the difference in age into consideration.

GR.-GRANDF: Does she really look like me so much? I'm flattered. She's a good-looking girl, isn't she?

A: How wonderful it must be for you to look round the table and see four generations of your descendants!

GR.-GRANDF: We are a long lived family. Only your dear granny died young.

N: (to A) She was 50 when she died.

A: Your family, it seems to me, are very much attached to each other.

N: Well, more or less, I suppose.
Dialogue 5.
Complete the open dialogue and dramatize it.

Use the vocabulary of the unit
A: Good afternoon, is your wife in?

B: No, Jane isn't home yet. Won't you sit down?

A: ____________________________

B: Oh, yes, it's very warm and sunny. While waiting would you like to have a look at our family album?


B: They are our parents. This man and woman are Jane's parents, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law. And here are my parents.

A: ___________________________

B: And father? He is still a very handsome man, isn't he?

A: ___________________________

B: He is 67, but he is still very handsome. And this is our son Martin.

He is nineteen. He is a student.

A: ___________________________

B: This is Jane's cousin, my sister-in-law. Her mother, Jane's aunt, is a famous actress, and her uncle is an artist, and a very good one. His son is also an artist.

A: ___________________________

B: Yes, and a very big boy now.

A: Oh! It's not you, is it?

B: It is!

Complete the open dialogues and dramatize them. Work in pair
Dialogue 6.
Kate: Hello, Ann!

Aim: Hello, Kate! Haven’t seen you for ages! Meet my fellow student Lena.

Kate: How do you do? Glad to meet you, Lena. Are you from St.Petersburg?


Kate: Do you live in the hail of residence or rent a room?


Kate: You are lucky. Is your sister married?

Lena: _____________________

Kate: What is her husband?

Lena: _____________________

Kate: And is your sister also a manager?

Lena: _____________________

Kate: Is she fond of her job?

Lena: _____________________

Kate: Yes, I am. All my family lives in St. Petersburg.

Lena: _____________________

Kate: Rather. We are five: my parents, a grandmother, my younger brother and me.

Lena: _____________________

Kate: No, she is a retired pensioner. She is over sixty. But she does a lot of housework.


Kate: Yes, he is. He is leaving school this year. He is seventeen.

Lena: _____________________

Kate: His dream is to be an actor. He is a great theatre-lover.

Dialogue 7.
Alice: Good evening, Jane!

Jane: ____________

Alice: Nothing special.


Alice: With pleasure. I like to be in the open. Let’s go to Summer Gardens. It must be lovely there now.


Alice: You see, I live rather far from the Institute and it takes me about an hour to get some. I have dinner, then do my homework.

Jane: _____________

Alice: If there is a good film on in our local cine ma-house, I go to the pictures. In good weather I go for a walk in the park. Sometimes I go to the theatre. By the way, do you know my Mend Lena?


Alice: Well, she is a good guitar player. Sometimes she comes to our place and it’s really a treat to listen to her playing. Come and see us some day, say, next Sunday?

Jane: Thanks, most willingly.
Dialogue 8.

A: Who is this elderly woman?

B: This woman is my grandmother. She is a very nice, kind and loving grandmother.


B: This man is my grandfather.

A: _____________

B: No, he isn’t. He is dead.


B: With us, in St. Petersburg.

A: _____________

B: This is Helen, my girlfriend.


B: She’s 19. She’s a ballet dancer.


B: They’re Helen’s parents. Helen’s mother is a very nice woman and very kind. And Helen’s father is a very good person, too. He is kind and generous.


B: Yes, I hope so.

1. Translate into English

1. Это моя племянница со стороны матери.

2. Разрешите называть вас по имени, вы так молоды.

3. Почему ему дали такое прозвище?

4. Все члены семьи называли его Си-Си для краткости.

5. Он мой троюродный брат, в общем, довольно дальний родственник.

6. Мы считаем тетю Аню очень близкой родственницей, хотя в действительности она нам "десятая вода на киселе".

7. Ему перевалило за 60, хотя он не выглядит на свои годы.

8. Он на 10 лет старше меня.

9. Я семейный человек, я не могу работать так поздно.

10. Ему почти семнадцать, он вполне может поехать в деревню один.

11. В Америке подросткам продают только безалкогольные напитки.

12. Он на 5 лет младше меня.

13. Они поженились по любви, хотя все считают, что это брак по расчету.

14. Бабушка очень состарилась в последнее время.

15. Через 4 года я достигну совершеннолетия.

16. Они очень похожи, как две капли воды.

17. Ему было далеко за сорок.

18. Она принесла большое приданое.

19. Ребенок должен родиться в мае.

20. Она пережила своего мужа на 10 лет.

*2.Translate the following dialogues and dramatize them in English

А: Хорошо, Сэм, я расскажу тебе, как это все получилось. Видишь

ли, я женился на вдове, у этой вдовы была дочь. Тогда мой отец,

тоже вдовец, женился на нашей дочери, таким образом мой отец

стал моим зятем. Понятно?

В: Да, понятно. Но как же ты стал самому себе дедушкой?

А: Слушай, моя падчерица стала моей мачехой, не так ли?

В: Да, ведь она была женой твоего отца. А: Да, тогда ее мать – моя бабушка, не так ли?

В: Да, правильно.

А: Я женат на ней, на моей бабушке. Таким образом, я становлюсь дедушкой самому себе, правильно?

В: Хм, теперь никто не может в этом сомневаться.


А: Я никогда еще не была на свадьбе!

В: Правда?

А: Я уже была на одной. Помнишь моего двоюродного брата Брена?

B: Я помню мальчика, которого я видела у твоей тети Полли несколько лет назад. Он – ее младший сын, не так ли?

A: Да. Но он уже не мальчик. Он вырос и превратился в красивого молодого человека. И ему сейчас за двадцать. Правда?

В: Да. И недавно он женился. Я была приглашена на венчание. На ком он женился?

А: Он женился на девушке на три года моложе его. Хорошенькая блондинка, зеленоглазая, и видно, что у нее хороший характер. Они женились по любви?

В: Да. Брен влюбился в нее, когда она еще заканчивала школу. Поэтому им пришлось ждать, пока она достигнет нужного возраста. Итак, он теперь семейный человек. Надеюсь, они будут счастливы. А кто был на свадьбе?

А: О, там было много народа. Все наши родственники, а также родственники жены Брена, и большинство их друзей. И знаешь, у Джессики (так зовут жену Брена) есть брат. Он очень симпатичный.

А: Почему ты говоришь о нем? Я полагаю, ты влюбилась в него, Элис?

В: Пока нет. Но, сказать по правде, он – самый лучший парень из всех, кого я до сих пор встречала. Он добрый и великодушный. И у него сильный характер.

А: Ты встречаешься с ним?

В: У нас было уже два свидания с ним, и завтра мы собираемся сним в театр.

А: Ну что ж, удачи!


Дэвид: Сьюзен, в субботу у меня день рождения. Мы устраиваем

небольшой семейный вечер. Я хочу, чтобы ты пришла к нам.

Сьюзен: О, с большим удовольствием. Много будет гостей?

Дэвид: Немного. Только несколько близких родственников и наша


Сьюзен: У тебя большая семья?

Дэвид: Нет, небольшая. Нас – трое.

Сьюзен: Не очень весело быть единственным ребенком в семье.

Каждому нужен в семье ровесник, чтобы поговорить об учебе,

о проблемах, вместе отдохнуть.

Дэвид: Верно, но я могу говорить с родителями о чем угодно.

Сьюзен: Люди старшего поколения, кажется, никогда не понимают

молодежь до конца.

Дэвид: Это не относится к моим родителям. Мои родители совсем другие. Мы – друзья. Я уверен, что ты тоже подружишься с ним.

Сьюзен: Хотелось бы. Они ведь среднего возраста, да?

Дэвид: Да, но они не выглядят на свой возраст. Они поженились, когда были студентами.

Сьюзен: Они венчались в церкви?

Дэвид: Нет, это была скромная свадьба в общежитии, где в гостях были всего несколько родственников и друзей.

Сьюзен: Сейчас многие традиции прошлого возвращаются.

Дэвид:У нас с тобой обязательно будет официальная помолвка. Сьюзен: Согласна.


А: Твои родители действительно очаровательны. Мне они очень

понравились при встрече.

В: Да, я тоже их люблю. Они не вмешиваются в мои дела.

А: Удивительно. Мои родители всегда говорят мне сделать то-то и то-то, или приказывают чего-то не делать, хотя я уже достаточно взрослый.

В: Ты хочешь быть независимым?

А: Нет, я их очень люблю. Может в этом-то и причина. Поскольку

я так люблю их, я полностью нахожусь под их влиянием.

В: У меня много друзей, имеющих проблемы с родителями: властная

мать или отец, ожидающий совершенства от своей дочери.

А: Мне понравилось, что твои родители не задавали вопросов о наших взаимоотношениях.

В: Плохая манера (для родителей) вмешиваться в дела других.

А: Но это (звучит) фантастично, что хорошие манеры должны

распространяться даже на отношения между родителями и детьми.

В: Да, я очень признательна родителям за то, что они предоставляют

меня самой себе.

А: Не означает ли это, что твои родители очень отдалены (обособлены) от тебя?

В: Вовсе нет, поскольку я всегда чувствую их поддержку. И мне

нравится быть независимой.

А: Думаю, что мне тоже хотелось бы от родителей и независимости и теплоты.


А: Привет! Как поживаешь?

В: Привет, Галя. Рада тебя видеть. Можешь повесить пальто здесь, и пройдем в мою комнату. Проходи, пожалуйста.

А: Какая уютная комната! А кто эта славная женщина, которую я встретила в коридоре?

В: Это моя мама.

А: Твоей маме лет 35?

В: Нет, ей 45.

А: Но она не выглядит на свой возраст. У нее фигура женщины, которой нет и тридцати.

В: Ты права. Иногда люди думают, что она моя подруга или старшая


А: У тебя есть брат, не правда ли? Почему ты не рассказывала мне о нем?

В: Ты хотела бы что-нибудь узнать о нем?

А: Конечно.

В: Хорошо. Ему 23 года, он закончил наш институт в прошлом году.

А: Он работает сейчас?

В: Он работает на совместном предприятии. И ему там очень нравится.

А: Замечательно!
*3. Questions on the topic

1. Do you have many relatives? Talk about them.

2. Do you have an elder brother or sister? Describe his/her family.

3. Is it difficult to be the only child?

4. What is the size of an average Russian family?

5. Describe your friend's family.

6. Can we say the same about Russian young people? "...young people rarely live with their parents..." Why?

7. What is the average marriage age in Russia?

8. Do we have a lot of single-parent families? Why?

9. What does your father/mother do? Tell about his/her occupation.

10. You like/don't like when your distant relatives from the village come. Give your reasons.

11. In what ways do you take after members of your family, in appearance and character?

12. How close are you to the various members of your family?

13. What sort of present do you normally receive from your relatives?

14. Do you think the idea of getting engaged is old-fashioned?

15. Why do you think divorce is nearly as popular as marriage in some countries but others?

16. You are good at History. Tell about our last tsar's family – the Romanovs.

17. What is the best age for getting married (for a man /a woman)? Why do you think so? Why is this a good age?

18. What do you think about the following statement:” Young people get married too early’?

19. What is more stable and lasting: a love match or a marriage of convenience? Why?

20. Why is divorce rate so high nowadays? Why do so many marriages break up? Does it mean that marriage as a social institution is dying out?

21. Is there such a thing as “ideal wife” or “ideal husband”? What’s your idea of an ideal wife/husband?

22. What’s necessary for a marriage to be happy /to be a success? What makes a good marriage?

23. Do you believe in love at first sight?

24. Do you believe in computer matches?
4. Read the following announcement and if you are not married write your own announcement
“Nice girl of 29, 175 cm, good figure, light hair, kind, gentle, and a civil engineer, is looking for a generous, optimistic man of 26-35 years”.

“Intellectual, romantic and artistic man wants to make happy a young girl who is gentle, well-bred and beautiful in all respects, and who loves nature, travel and home life”. “Looking for a woman with a musical, choreographic or language education ...”

“I’m 30, 165 cm, looking for a man no older than 40, educated, able to understand an other person and take into consideration his character and interests. If he has children, that’s great.”

“If you are fond of travel, sleepless nights and songs by the campfire, and need a friend by your side, i.e., a wife, then we should meet”.

5. Agree or disagree with the following statements by using the phrases like: I (fully/partly) agree. I couldn’t agree more. (I am afraid) I disagree. Try to prove your point
1. A married woman should stay at home and keep the home fires burning.

2. It’s stupid to get married before you are twenty five.

3. Marriage is hard work.

4. All happy families are happy in the same way but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

5. It takes two to make a marriage and it takes two to break it.

6. A woman, especially if she is married shouldn’t work if her husband earns enough to support the family.


Read the stories and anecdotes
1.Daddy’s Little Girl
One evening a little girl was sitting with her father in the living room. They were both reading. He was reading the newspaper and she was reading a book, but every once in a while she found a word that she didn’t understand and asked him to explain it to her.

«Daddy,» she said, «what’s a gossip?»

«A gossip,» said her father, «is someone who repeats unpleasant things about other people, someone who talks about people behind their back.»

«Oh,” she said,» «you mean like Mrs. Stein.»

«That’s right,» said her father, and he continued reading his paper.

A few moments later, she interrupted him again.

«Daddy,» she said, «what’s a bore?»

«A bore,» said her father, trying to be patient, «is a person who is not interesting, a person who talks about himself all the time, for example.»

«Oh, you mean someone like Mr. Kelly?» she asked.

«Exactly,» answered her father, returning to his paper.

«Daddy?» she said, with a question in her voice.

«Yes?» said her father, losing his patience. «What is it now?»

«Daddy,» said the little girl, «what’s a pain in the neck?»

Her father put down his newspaper, looked at her tenderly, and said, «A pain in the neck is a little girl who keeps asking her father questions while he’s trying to read the newspaper.»

2. The Browns recently moved into a new house. One Saturday, the father took his car out of the garage and was washing it when a neighbor came by. The neighbor stopped and commented, «That’s a nice car. Is it yours?» «Sometimes,» the father answered. The neighbor was surprised. «Sometimes?» he said. «What do you mean?» «Well,» the father answered, «when there’s a party, it belongs to my daughter. When there’s a football game, it belongs to my son. When I’ve washed the car and it looks really nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas, it’s mine».

1. Life line (by yourself).

Procedure: What have been the 5 most important events of your life? When did they happen? What do you think will be an important event in the future? Write the events on your PERSONAL LIFE LINE.

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

I was I started I got married I visited the I hope I will

born school I got a Master’s United States get a Doctor’s

degree degree

My Personal Life Line

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

2. Life line (with a Partner )

Procedure: Show your Personal Life Line to your Partner. Talk about the important events of your Lives. Fill in the chart below with information about your partner’s 5 most important events. Ask questions with WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW.

What was the event?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

How did you feel?





What will the event be?

When will it happen?

Where will it happen?

How will you feel?


3. Numbers in my life

Procedure: Guessing; giving personal information. Each student thinks of a number which is important in his or her life – a date, a telephone or house number, an age, or whatever. A volunteer writes his or her number on the board, and the others try to guess what it is and why it is important (19 P.58).
Let’s share
Here is a chart of important social events and ways that they are observed in the United States. After you discuss these American customs with your class, write how you observe these occasions in your culture.


Celebration in the United States

Celebration in Your Country


Friends give a baby shower for expectant mother; gift for baby; flowers for mother in the hospital; send birth announcement to friends; send greeting cards to new parents


Engagement: Fiancé gives future wife a ring, usually with a diamond; bride’s friends give bridal showers where bride receives household gifts; friends of the groom give him a «stag party».
Wedding: Guests attend the ceremony and, if invited, a reception afterwards; guests give gifts, usually of expensive silver, china or glassware, or money.

Wedding anniversary

Husband and wife spend the evening together or go out with friends. On twenty-fifth and fiftieth wedding anniversary, family and friends give the couple a special party and bring them presents.


Funeral home: Friends gather at the funeral home or chapel to pay their respects, offer condolences; they send flowers or make a contribution to a charity in the name of the deceased.
Funeral: Family and close friends go to the religious service and then to the cemetery to pay their respects.

Dramatize the following situation.

A young couple are going to get marriage. Discuss the contract terms

The husband: I will share the housework with my wife, give her enough money, use a deodorant, give my wife breakfast in bed on Sundays, never love my car more than my wife.

The wife: I will sometimes wear clothes that my husband likes, never wear make-up in bed, tell the truth about how much money I spend, never drink too much, never get fat, never invite my mother to stay for more than an hour, always be punctual.
Unit 3.


Read the following proverbs and think of their Russian equivalents. Comment on them

  1. It never rains but it pours.

  2. Everything is good in its season.

  3. After rains comes fair weather.

  1. What do you like and dislike about the climate of your region?

  2. Does the climate of a country affect the lives of the people living there?

Vocabulary to Text

impact – влияние

mood – настроение

disease – болезнь

arthritis – артрит

disorder – нарушение, расстройство

disturbed – беспокойный

cause – причина

on top of – в дополнение, кроме

marital – семейный

disturbance – нарушение, беспокойство

humidity – влажность

to lead to – вести к чему-либо

gloominess – уныние, мрачное настроение

especially – особенно

to be likely – вероятно

to occur – случаться, происходить

elderly – пожилые

weight – вес

to make a difference – иметь значение

heavy – тучный, полный

sight – незначительный

drastic – резкий

obviously – очевидно

Text 1.
1. Read the following interview and translate it into Russian. Do the tasks following it
Angry, Sad, Happy?-Blame the Weather!

(Interview with an expert)
Q. Professor, how much impact does weather have on people's health and moods? A. We know that weather has an effect on certain diseases such as arthritis and heart disorders. Weather is also associated with emotional problems and disturbed behaviour. It is not by itself a direct cause of mental illness, but it can create an added stress on people on top of marital, job and other problems.

Q. What kinds of weather have the greatest effect?

A. Temperature is the most important factor. Heat is clearly linked to mood disturbances. We find that heat is an important factor in the increase of emotional problems.

Q. How much effect does humidity have on individuals?

A. Rainy weather leads to gloominess and depression.

Q. And sunshine?

A. It's not too surprising that sunshine, especially in the North, is associated with positive mood states, especially during winter months. What's more interesting is the finding that people are more likely to help others and behave in a prosocial way.

Q. How long does it take the body to adapt to weather changes?

A. When people move from a cool climate to a warm, subtropical one, they're very uncomfortable at first. But adaptation occurs rather quickly – within about two weeks.

Q. Are some people particularly sensitive to weather?

A. Certainly, elderly people tend to be more sensitive to weather than younger people because their cardio-vascular system is less efficient. Body weight also makes a difference. Heavier people have more difficulty coping with hot weather while thin people have a harder time in extreme cold.

Q. In your opinion, what is the ideal weather for physical and emotional well-being?

A. Temperature in the low 70's, with some variation. People enjoy a slight change in temperature – but not a drastic change where the temperature rises or falls more than 15 degrees. A little bit of freeze, but not a strong wind is also ideal. Obviously, sunshine makes people feel good-as long as there is not too much of it.
2. Match English word-combinations with their Russian equivalents

1) have impact on

1) незначительная перемена

2) heart disorder

2) вес тела

3) disturbed behaviour

3) по моему мнению

4) by itself

4) иметь значение

5) on top of

5) семейные проблемы

6) marital problems

6) вести к унынию

7) mood disturbance

7) резкая перемена

8) lead to gloominess

8) вероятно

9) behave in a prosocial way

9) хорошее настроение

10) a positive mood state

10) нарушение сердечной деятельности

11) elderly people

11) беспокойное поведение

12) body weight

12) испорченное настроение

13) make a difference

13) физическое здоровье

14) in my opinion

14) вести себя согласно принятым в обществе правилам

15) physical well-being

15) само по себе

16) a slight change

16) до тех пор, пока

17) a drastic change

17) пожилые люди

18) obviously

18) оказывать влияние на

19) as long as

19) кроме, в добавлении к

3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

1. Как вы думаете влияет погода на здоровье людей?

2. Вы согласны с утверждением, что настроение зависит от погоды?

3. Какая погода оказывает наибольшее влияние на людей?

4. Как вы чувствуете себя в дождливую, пасмурную погоду?

5. Погода в Англии очень изменчивая. Как вы думаете, на что это влияет?

6. Какие люди особенно чувствительны к переменам погоды?

7. Какая погода по вашему мнению является наиболее благоприятной для хорошего настроения и самочувствия людей?

4. Find statements in the text you agree with.

Find statements in the text you disagree with. Give your reasons for and against

5. Discuss the text with your friend. Speak on the effect of the weather on people’s health, mood and behaviour. Describe your own experience
6. There are two texts. Work in pairs. Student A reads the first text on page 46, Student B reads the second text on page 47 and do the TASKS after the two TEXTS
Weather in Britain

British people say:

"Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather."

The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool.

People talk about the weather more in Britain than in most parts of the world. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they can't think of anything else to talk about, they talk about the weather. The weather is also considered a safe topic of conversation. If you do not know each other well enough to talk about personal matters, you can at least sound friendly by talking about the weather. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about the weather as they pass, just to show their friendliness.

Every daily paper publishes a weather forecast. Both the radio and television give the weather forecast several times each day.
All Students A do TASK I together.
TASK I. Make up different kinds of questions the answers to which will cover the content of the text. Let your groupmates answer them.
TASK II. Look through the Text . Pick out from the text key words, write them down. Write down an associative chain to the key words
TASK III. Draw the graph using the chosen key words and associations
TASK IV. Using the graph retell theText to Student B.
Weather in New York

The only thing you can rely on is that New York weather is entirely unreliable. A temperature change of as much as 4 degrees within a single day is not uncommon. It may be freezing cold one afternoon, and bright, warm and sunny the very next morning, or unfortunately vice versa.

According to the US Weather Bureau, New York City has a modified continental climate.

New Yorkers live in a relatively damp climate of cold winters and warm, humid summers. Hot spells can be difficult to bear. During the summer months there are brief but intense thunderstorms. Rains which continue for a few days are not uncommon. On an average it will rain or snow 120 days out of the year. New York has many beautiful sunny days, especially during autumn.

July is the hottest month of the year, with an average temperature of 30° and the coldest months are January and February with an average temperature of 30 degrees.

Most of the strong winds that visit New York are from the northwest.

TASK II. Look through the Text . Pick out from the text key words, write them down. Write down an associative chain to the key words
TASK III. Draw the graph using the chosen key words and associations
TASK IV. Using the graph retell theText to Student A
2. Answer the following questions

1. What seasons do they have in Britain (the USA)? 2. What can you say about the weather in Moscow (London, New York)? 3. Is the winter in your city as cold as the winter in New York? 4. Has the climate of our country changed lately? 5. What can you say about weather as a topic of a conversation?
*3. Complete the text about the weather in Britain, using appropriate words
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   29

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