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The Weather in Britain

In Britain, the …1… is very …2… ; it …3… a lot, but the sun often …4… too …5… can be …6… cold and damp, with an average …7… of 50C, in the South there is often snow. Summers can be cool or warm, but the temperature …8… not usually go above 30°C. It is …9… cloudy, and there are …10… grey …11… for days or weeks …12… . Days are …13… in summer and …14… in winter. There is sometimes fog, especially in …15… and autumn, …16… it is not so common as foreigners think. Thunderstorms (storms with thunder and …17… ) are quite common in mountainous areas. British …18… never …19… what tomorrow’s weather will be …20…

Study the vocabulary

Weather Bureau – Бюро погоды

Weather forecast – прогноз погоды


5° below (zero) – 5° ниже нуля

average temperature – средняя температура

thunderstorm – гроза

it’s foggy. – сильный туман.

shower – ливень

frost – мороз

drizzle – моросящий дождь

It's frosty – морозит

It's drizzling – моросит

clear – проясняться

It's pouring. – Идет проливной дождь.

It’s raining cats and dogs

degree (°) – градус

15 C° (Centigrade) – 15° по Цельсию

wind – ветер

It's windy. – Ветрено.

80°F (Fahrenheit) C (Centigrade) – 80° по Фаренгейту (27° по Цельсию)

сloud – облако

It's cloudy. – Облачно.

5° above (zero) – 5° выше нуля

fog – туман

the sky is overcast – небо затянуто облаками

slush – слякоть

mild – мягкий

hoar-frost – иней

the wind has dropped – ветер стих
Dialogue 1.

Read and dramatize the following dialogue
Talking about Weather
Mr. Jones: Good morning, Mrs. Williams. How are you this morning?

Mrs.: Williams: I'm quite all right, thank you, Mr. Jones. And how are you?

Mr. J.: Fine too, thank you. Nice day, isn't it?

Mrs. W.: Absolutely lovely. Much warmer than yesterday, I believe, though a bit misty. Have you read the weath­er forecast for today by the way?

Mr. J.: Yes, I have. It says that the early morning mist is to clear before noon and the rest of the day will be bright and sunny with the temperature between 15° and 17 °C

Mrs. W.: Good, and what is the outlook for tomorrow?

Mr. J.: It says there will be little change, so I believe we may have a few fine days after all.

Mr. W.: Splendid! A fine week-end is just what we all need, don't we?

Mr. J.: Oh, yes, quite true. Good-bye, Mrs. Williams.

Mrs. W.: Good-bye, Mr. Jones.
Dialogue 2.

Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech

A. Have you heard the weather forecast, Mary?

B. No, I haven’t. But I can tell you without any forecast that the weather is beastly. A strong wind is blowing, it is cold, the sky is overcast and it looks like rain.

A. Yes, autumn is awful with its slush and drizzle. I think we are not going to see the sun for days and days.

B. They say we’ll have a mild winter.

A. I do hope so. It was terribly cold last winter.

B. But the sunny mornings with the hoar-frost on the trees were very pleasant, weren’t they?

A. Yes, indeed.
Dialogue 3.

Read and dramatize the following dialogue
A. Why don’t you go out, Bob? I don’t like the way you sit at home and read all day long.

B. But there’s a hard frost, Mom.

A. You haven’t been out yet, so how do you know?

B. Kate says it’s very cold and windy.

A. Kate doesn’t know. She was out early in the morning, then it was really cold. I’ve just come in, so I know. It’s not so frosty now as it was in the morning, and the wind has dropped. Go for a walk.

B. Oh, Mom, I’ve got such a wonderful book and I am so comfortable here.

A. Look how pale you are. An hour or two in the open air will do you good. Just put aside that book, get into your coat and go out like a good boy.

B. Oh, all right.
Dialogue 4.

Complete the open dialogue using the vocabulary of the unit
Mr. B: Good afternoon. How are you today?

Mr. C: ______________

Mr. B: I am more or less all right, thanks. Lovely day, isn't it? Did you hear the weather forecast for today?

Mr. C: _____________

Mr. B: Good. And what about the outlook for tomorrow?

Mr. C: ______________

Mr. B: It doesn't sound promising. We'll have to carry our umbrellas and raincoats.
1. a) Fill the gaps in sentences 1-5 with the correct-form of one of these verbs

blow fall pour shine strike

1.When I looked out of the window this morning snow ____.

2.It ____ with rain all day, so the match was cancelled.

3.Can you hear the wind ____ outside?

4.During the storm last night our school was ____ by lightning.

5.The sun didn't ____ once during our two-week holiday.

b) Fill the gaps in the sentences below with an adjective meaning the opposite of the adjective in italics. The first letter is given

Yesterday was fine, but today it's been w_ _ all day.

1.It was bright in the morning, but it became quite d _ _ _ later on.

2.The day started c_ _ _ _but became cloudy by midday.

3.The atmosphere in the west is quite damp, unlike the east, which has a reputation for staying d_ _.
2. Match these adjectives with suitable weather nouns

gentle heavy high light loud strong thick

Example: a light wind

  1. a wind 4 snow 7 thunder 10 a breeze

  2. rain 5 drizzle 8 clouds

  3. fog 6 a shower 9 a downpour

3. Guess the meanings of the weather idioms in italics in these sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian

1.Ever since Laura's party, I've felt under the weather.

2.Did you see that dog chase those two cats? It went like the wind.

3.I'm going to get up early tomorrow morning come rain or shine.

4. I'm certainly not going to spend all my money in one go. I'm going to save some for a rainy day.

5. I don't know what all the fuss is about, As far as I'm concerned it's a storm in a teacup.

6.Our teacher has tried to explain it to me several times, but I'm still in a complete fog.

7.I've enjoyed living here, but now there's a cloud on the horizon. They're planning to build a new office block right opposite our house.
4. Translate into English

1. – Прекрасный день сегодня, не правда ли?

– Да, чудесная погода. Я как раз собираюсь погулять.

– После всех дождей, которые у нас были, это очень приятная перемена.

2. – Здравствуйте! Какая ужасная погода!

– Да. Проливной дождь.

– Вы знаете прогноз погоды на завтра?

– Да. Прогноз погоды на завтра – тоже дождь, дождь весь день.

– Как жаль.
5*. Translate the following text into English, then write a short text about the weather in your country or another country

Климат Восточного Техаса жаркий и очень влажный. Температура колеблется (to range) от 300С до 400С, средняя температура зимой 250С. Временами бывает холодно в течение двух или трёх дней. Снег выпадает лишь один раз в 20 лет. Часто идут сильные дожди в течение 2-х, 3-х дней или больше. Но погода здесь в основном солнечная с ярким безоблачным небом. Иногда бывает засуха (droughts), когда в течение продолжительного времени не бывает совсем дождей. Ветров здесь обычно нет, но случаются ураганы каждые 2-3 года, когда скорость ветра достигает (to reach) 150 км/час.
6*. Translate into English
1. Вчера утром была хорошая погода. Небо было голубое и безоблачное. Солнце ярко светило на голубом небе. Но к полудню погода начала портиться. Подул холодный ветер с северо-запада. Стало холоднее. Когда я шел из школы, небо было затянуто облаками. Похоже было, что пойдет дождь. И действительно, когда я подошел к дому, первые крупные капли дождя упали на землю. Всю вторую половину дня дождь лил как из ведра. Когда папа пришел домой в пять часов, он был мокрый до нитки.
2. Зимой обычно холодно. Земля и деревья покрыты снегом. Небо серое и облачное. Часто идет снег. Но иногда погода зимой хорошая. Небо голубое и безоблачное. Ветра нет. Солнце ярко светит на голубом небе.
3. Мой друг родом из Греции. Климат в Греции очень хороший. Летом там жарко. Небо обычно голубое и безоблачное. Иногда идет дождь, но обычно погода ясная.
4. Зимой дни короткие, а ночи длинные. Сегодня солнце взошло в девять часов утра. В четыре часа дня оно сядет. Зимой холодно, особенно когда дует холодный ветер с севера или с востока. Когда ветер дует с запада или с юга, обычно бывает теплее и идет снег. Сейчас тоже идет снег, но ветра нет. Земля покрыта покрывалом из чистого белого снега.
7. Questions on the topic

1. What is the weather like in different seasons in your city? What is the average temperature?

2. Have you ever been in a fog? If not, how do you imagine it?

3. Do you ever listen to the weather forecast? Is the weather forecast always reliable?

4. Would you like to fly in foggy weather? Why not?

5. What are the worst weather conditions you have ever experienced?

6. Which part of the country has the best climate?

7. What would be the ideal climate for you?

8. Which is the best season for a holiday? Why?

Read the stories

1. We take the bus to school every day, and every morning as soon as the bus reaches the campus, everybody rushes to get off. One day, one of the first students to get off suddenly turned around and tried to get back on. He was having a hard time and started shouting, «My lunch! My lunch!» A voice from the back of the bus answered, «It was delicious!»
2. The Woman Who Wanted To Sing

Claire always wanted to be a singer. Music was the most important thing in her life but, to tell you the truth, she had a terrible voice. She took lessons for years, practised every day, but in spite of all this, her voice didn’t improve. Honestly, it didn’t get better, it just got louder.

Her teacher finally gave up and stopped the lessons, but Claire refused to quit, and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her former teacher to attend.

The teacher was very worried about what to say after the performance. She knew it would be awful and it was. She didn’t want to tell a lie, but she didn’t want to hurt Claire’s feelings either. Finally, she got an idea and went backstage to greet her former pupil.

«Well,» said Claire, «what did you think of my performance?»

«My dear,» said the teacher, «you’ll never be better than you were tonight.»

  1. R.S.V.P.

A very boring and snobbish woman met George Bernard Shaw, the famous Irish playwright, at a garden party one afternoon in London.

She was the sort of woman who was only interested in people who were rich or famous, preferably both, and she was very eager to have Shaw as a guest in her own home so she could show him off to her friends.

One day she sent her chauffeur in a black Rolls Royce to Shaw’s home with the following invitation:

Lady Whitley – Fallwell will be at home

on Thursday, the 14th of December,

from 4 to 6

The following reply came back immediately:

So will Mr. G.B. Shaw

Act out one of the following situations

  1. You intend to go out and ask your sister who has just come in about the weather.

  2. You are planning to go hiking. Discuss the prospects of the weather for the coming week with your friend.

  3. You tell your foreign friend of the climate of the region where you live.

  4. Discuss with your friend the plans of the scientists to change the climate in some parts of the world.

  5. Tell your friend about a case when the weather made you change your plans.

6. Talk about the weather and discuss how it can influence people’s mood and health.

7. Speak about how weather conditions, like extreme heat or cold, affect people’s lives.

Unit 4.


Read the following proverbs, think of their Russian equivalents. Use them in situations of your own

  1. Health is better than wealth.

  2. A sound mind in a sound body.

  3. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

What do you do to keep fit?
Vocabulary to Text1.
Self-care – забота о собственном здоровье

to come of age – достичь совершеннолетия

to obliterate – уничтожать

disease – болезнь

to mount – повышаться, увеличиваться

surgical – хирургический

to devise – придумывать, изобретать

for a while – в течение некоторого времени, на время

immune – невосприимчивый

to soar – парить; резко увеличиваться

innocent – невинный

burst – вспышка, взрыв

harm – вред

drugs – лекарства

to promote – содействовать, способствовать

cancer – рак

approach – подход

incomplete – неполный

dimension – размер, величина

to heal – исцелять, излечивать

to strengthen – усиливать, укреплять

improvement – улучшение

to forgo – отказываться

intervention – вмешательство

treatment – лечение

to require – требовать

sufficient – достаточный

vitality – жизнеспособность, жизненность

to recover – выздоравливать, восстанавливаться

trauma – травма

to prevent – мешать, предотвращать

naught – нуль, ничто

to reject – отклонять, отвергать

in effect – фактически, в действительности

to rely on – полагаться на

because of – из-за, вследствие

occasional – случайный, редкий

unique – уникальный

excess – излишек, крайность

technique – технический прием

good sense – здравый смысл

literally – буквально

good sense – здравый смысл
Text 1

1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it
Self-Care Has Come of Age – Again!

Some 30 or 40 years ago, there was general belief that "scientific medicine" would in short order obliterate just about all disease. Optimism continued to mount as new antibiotics and tranquilizers were discovered, new surgical procedures devised and perfected. For a while it seemed that if we could all live just a few more years, new discoveries might make us immune to death itself.

Looking back, we can see that the party mood began to soar about 10 or 15 years ago.

It was not just an innocent burst of enthusiasm. Real harm was done. Drugs, we all learned, sometimes had "side effects". Needless X-rays were thought to promote cancer.

But that's only half of the new perspective. The other half has this to say: Even when done correctly, the medical approach to disease is incomplete. Wonderful, yes. But not quite the whole answer.

What it ignores is the dimension of natural healing:

strengthening the body's immune system through nutritional and other natural means; physical therapies; stress reduction; diet improvement; and lifestyle change. To ignore these factors is to forget, perhaps, a much more conservative, perhaps even more effective treatments. And even when extensive medical intervention is required, we now know, the battle against disease cannot be won by medicine alone. Unless the body has sufficient vitality to recover from the trauma of intervention, then reestablish a state of health that will prevent the return of disease, medicine may be for naught.

Some people reacting against what they see as overdoctoring have rejected the technological approach almost completely. They have returned, in effect, to the l9th century, relying on herbs, untested diets and unscientific procedures to treat all illness.

But there is no need to reject all of modern medicine because of its occasional excesses. Nor is total rejection very smart. Today, we are in the unique position of being able to take advantage of the best technological medical care and the best natural healing techniques.

By using both approaches, as dictated by good sense, we can literally enjoy the best of two worlds.
2. Match the following words and word-combinations and use them in the sentences of your own.

1)in short order

2) to come of age

3) looking back

4) party mood

5) to do harm

6) side effects

7) needless

8) nutritional

9) diet improvement

10) to recover from trauma

11) to prevent the return of disease

12) to be for naught

13) overdoctoring

14) in effect

15) to rely on herbs

16) untested diets

17) to take advantage of both approaches

18) good sense

  1. побочные явления

  2. непроверенные диеты

  3. злоупотребление применением лекарственных препаратов

  4. воспользоваться преимуществами обоих методов

  5. предотвратить рецидив

  6. достичь совершеннолетия

  7. улучшение диеты

  8. фактически, в действительности

  9. здравый смысл

  10. оглядываясь назад

  11. наносить вред

  12. полагаться на лекарственные травы

  13. свестись к нулю

14) бесполезный, излишний, ненужный

15) восстановиться после травмы

16 настроение в обществе

17) питательный, пищевой

18) в скором времени

3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them.
1. Почему лет 40 тому назад считали, что научная медицина сумеет вылечить все болезни?

2. Все ли лекарства безвредны? Почему?

3. Какие другие методы лечения рассматриваются в тексте?

4. Некоторые люди полностью отказываются от научной медицины. Какое лечение они предпочитают?

5. Какой метод (методы) лечения вы думаете является наиболее эффективным?
4. Find statements in the text you agree with

Find statements in the text you disagree with

5. Speak for or against: a) scientific medicine; b) natural healing; c) physical therapies

6. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to self-care

7. Discuss the problem of self-care with a friend. Work in pair

Vocabulary to Text 2.

to refer to – относиться к

effort – усилие, старание

to increase – увеличивать(ся)

consumption – потребление

lungs – легкие

to be forced – быть вынужденным

host – множество

to pump – накачивать

tissues – ткани

to nourish – питать

to gain – достигать

resting state – исходное состояние (покоя)

benefit – преимущество, польза

capacity – способность

to discharge – выдыхать

to improve – улучшать(ся)

to engage in – заниматься

strenuous – энергичный, напряженный

fatigue – утомление, усталость

confusion – путаница, беспорядок

to constitute – составлять

definitely – точно, определенно

as well as – а также

vigorous – сильный, энергичный

to sustain – поддерживать, выдерживать
Text 2.

1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks following it

Aerobic dancing

There's nothing mysterious about aerobic exercise. It simply refers to the kind and level of physical effort that increases the body's consumption of oxygen. In fact, aerobic means "needing oxygen in order to live".

When we exercise enough to need more oxygen, our heart and lungs are forced to work harder to provide it. When they work harder, a host of good things happen. The heart is conditioned to beat more strongly. As a result, it pumps more oxygenated blood to all our tissues, nourishing them better. Though we gain a faster heart rate during the exercise, the heart returns to its resting state quickly. In other words, it works much more efficiently. (These benefits translate into more protection against heart attacks.) Our capacity to take in oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide also improves; our lungs become better conditioned. As we gain in physical fitness, we become able to engage in more strenuous activity over a greater length of time with less fatigue.

There's confusion in some people's minds about what constitutes an aerobic exercise and what does not. Jogging is definitely aerobic. So are swimming, brisk walking and bicycling, as well as aerobic dancing. Tennis is not always an aerobic exercise because it isn't continuous. In order for an activity to qualify as aerobic, it has to be somewhat vigorous and sustained, maybe 15 minutes or a half hour, at least 3 or 4 times a week. Improvement in fitness comes over time, not overnight.
2. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own

  1. consumption of oxygen

  2. a host of things

  3. oxygenated blood

  4. nourishing tissues

  5. to return to its resting state

  6. in other words

  7. heart attack

  8. physical fitness

  9. strenuous activity

  10. jogging

  11. at least

  12. overnight

  13. to engage in aerobic exercise

1) другими словами

2) заниматься аэробикой

3) бег трусцой

4) потребление кислорода

5) по меньшей мере

6) множество вещей

7) за ночь

8) насыщенная кислородом кровь

9) питая ткани

10) сердечный приступ

11) напряженная деятельность

12) вернуться в исходное состояние покоя

13)хорошее физическое здоровье

3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

  1. Что означает слово аэробика?

  2. Что происходит с сердцем и легкими, когда человек занимается физкультурой?

  3. Почему сердце работает лучше, когда человек занимается физкультурой?

  4. Можно ли теннис отнести к занятиям аэробикой? Почему?

  5. Какие виды спорта можно отнести к аэробике?

  1. Give a summary of the text "Aerobic Dancing" using the following words and word-combinations from the text:

aerobic exercise; to refer to; consumption of oxygen; to work harder and more efficiently; oxygenated blood; to nourish; to constitute; continuous; vigorous; improvement in fitness; to engage in a more strenuous exercise, to gain in physical fitness, over a greater length of time; to nourish tissues.
Study the vocabulary
illness – болезнь

disease – заболевание

catching disease –заразное заболевание

sore throat – воспаленное горло

quinsy – ангина

flu – грипп

pneumonia – воспаление легких

bronchitis – бронхит

tonsillitis – тонзиллит

tuberculosis (ТВ) – туберкулез

concussion of the brain – сотрясение мозга

lumbago – радикулит

to prescribe a medicine – прописать лекарство

to examine – осматривать, выслушивать

to оperate – делать операцию

to take one's temperature – измерять температуру

to keep the temperature down – снизить температуру

to suffer from a pain – страдать от боли

to have a tooth filled – запломбировать зуб

to have a tooth pulled out – удалить зуб

toothache – зубная боль

headache – головная боль

stomachache – боль в животе

heart attack – сердечный приступ

cough – кашель; кашлять

to sneeze – чихать

back – спине

pain in one's leg – боль в ноге

arm – руке

side – боку

to recover – поправляться

to have a cold – быть простуженным

to catch cold – простудиться

a slight fever – небольшая температура

I'm running a temperature. – У меня температура.

medical history – история болезни

blood test – анализ крови

Х-rау – рентген; делать рентген

injection – инъекция, укол

ambulance – карета скорой помощи

physician – врач

dentist – зубной врач

surgeon – хирург

to call the doctor in – вызвать врача

to stay in bed – лежать в постели

I have a running nose – у меня течет из носу

I’m feeling sore over. – у меня все болит

I’m feeling fit for nothing . – Я чувствую себя ни на что не годным.

I have a splitting headache. – У меня раскалывается голова.

Your tongue is coated. – У вас обложен язык.

Take a deep breath. – сделайте глубокий вдох.

diagnose the case – поставить диагноз.

psychiatrist – психиатр

oculist, eye specialist – окулист
How to ask about people's health

How are you?

How are you getting on?

How are you keeping?

How are things with you?

How are you doing?

How are you feeling?

How is it going?

  • Grand, thank you.

  • Very well indeed, thank you.

  • Quite well, thank you.

  • Pretty good, thank you.

  • Not bad, thank you.

  • Might be better, I'm afraid. Thank you, anyway

  • Thank you. Midling.

  • So-so. Thanks

  • Fifty-fifty. Thank you.

Read and practise the following flashes of conversation. Work in pairs
1. “How do you do, Mr. Jones?”

“How do you do, Mr. Hardy?

“Sit down, please. What can I do for you?

“I’ve come to fix an appointment with you for our Deputy Minister of Health, if I may.”

“ Certainly you may.”

2. “Good morning, Mrs. Garland.”

“Good morning, Mrs. Davis. How are you today?

“I am quite well, thank you. And how are you?”

“Fine, thank you.”

3. “Morning, Frank.”

“Hello, Jim. How are you?”

“More or less all right, thanks, and you?”

“Very well, thanks, be seeing you soon.”


4. “Good evening, Mr. Mailer, nice to see you well again.”

“Thank you, Mr. Davis, and how are you feeling?”

“I’m not so well unfortunately.”

“I’m sorry to hear it.”

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