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  • Read and practise the following flashes of conversation A

  • Dialogue 1. Read and dramatize the following dialogue

  • Dialogue 2. Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech

  • Dialogue 3. Read and dramatize the following dialogue

  • Dialogue 4. Learn the following dialogue by heart

  • Dialogue 5. Complete the open dialogue. Use the vocabulary of the unit

  • EXERCISES 1. Fill in prepositions where necessary

  • 2. Translate into English

  • 3. Translate into English

  • 4*. Translate the following dialogues into English. Use the vocabulary of the unit A

  • 5. Questions on the topic

  • JOKES AND FUN Read the stories 1.

  • 3. The Vacation In Florida

  • SHORT ACTIVITIES Non-stop conversation Questionnaire

  • ROLE PLAY Dramatize one of the following situations

  • Unit 6. EDUCATION IntroductionRead the following English proverbs, think of their Russian equivalents

  • Text 1. 1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks that follow it How to Educate a Child

  • 2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own

  • 3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

  • 4. Find statements in the text you agree with. Find statements in the text you disagree with

  • Text 2. Higher Education

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    Study the vocabulary
    booking-office – билетная касса

    to book a seat – заказывать билет на поезд

    a flight – самолет

    a cabin – заказывать каюту

    departure gate – выход к самолету

    to board a plane – садиться на самолет, поезд

    a train

    boarding pass – посадочный талон


    one way (Am.) ticket – в одну сторону

    return (Br.) ticket – обратный билет

    round trip (Am.)

    to travel by train, by air, etc. – путешествие; путешествовать поездом, самолетом и т.д.

    trip – путешествие, поездка, экскурсия

    voyage – плавание, морское путешествие

    flight – полет, рейс

    non-stop flight – беспосадочный рейс

    case – чемодан

    brief-case – портфель

    to weigh luggage (baggage) – взвешивать багаж

    guard (Br.) – проводник

    conductor (Am.)

    railway (Br.) – железная дорога

    railroad (Am.)

    weight – вес

    to be overweight – весить слишком много

    to be underweight – весить слишком мало

    Your luggage is well underweight

    Ваш багаж весит значительно

    меньше положенного веса

    ticket desk – регистрация (билетов и багажа)

    label – бирка

    to disembark – высаживаться, выгружаться

    destination – место назначения

    departure – отправление

    Passengers should proceed to gate 3. Пассажирам следует пройти в тоннель 3.

    to get the ticket punched – закомпостировать билет

    lounge – зал ожидания

    lower berth – нижняя полка

    upper berth – верхняя полка

    carriage (Br.) – вагон

    car (Am.)

    dining-car – вагон-ресторан

    sleeping car– спальный вагон

    (non) smoking car, (non) smoker – вагон для (не) курящих

    van – багажный вагон

    express train – экспресс

    local train – местный поезд

    long-distance train – поезд дальнего следования

    a ticket for a train – билет на поезд

    a seat on a train – место в поезде

    an upper (lower) berth on a train – верхняя/нижняя/полка в поезде

    I bought a ticket on the fifth of March – Я купил билет пятого марта

    I bought a ticket for the fifth of March – Я купил билет на пятое марта

    a train to Moscow – поезд на Москву
    Read and practise the following flashes of conversation


    1. Please, I want my ticket punched for the 4.35 (four-thirty-five) train to Omsk.

    2. Just a moment. I've got only upper berths on that train.

    1. It's О. К. I like travelling on an upper berth.

    B. Very good, sir. Here you are.

    A. Thank you.


    A. Did you spend much time getting a ticket?

    B. Oh no. I just booked by telephone in advance and had my ticket delivered.


    1. Can you help me? What platform does the 5 o'clock train to Edinburgh leave?

    2. From platform two, track four.


    1. Two return tickets to London, please.

    2. Here you are.

    1. What platform do trains to London leave?

    2. From platform one.

    A. Thank you.

    1. Did you make a changing in Moscow?

    2. Oh no. We travelled by a through train.


    1. When will you arrive in Kiev?

    2. I don't know. We did not get tickets for a through train, so we'll have to change trains in Moscow.

    Dialogue 1.

    Read and dramatize the following dialogue

    1. I want a one-way ticket to Springfield. When does the next train leave?

    2. There's a train at four-ten. There's also another at seven-twenty this evening.

    1. Are they both through trains?

    2. Yes. The four ten is a fast train and makes only one stop in New Haven. It arrives in Springfield at nine-thirty. The second is a local and takes about an hour and a half longer.

    1. Is there a dining car on both trains?

    2. There's a diner on the four-ten. The seven-twenty has just a cafe. You can get there sandwiches and coffee, drinks, etc.

    1. What is the price of a ticket?

    B. A seat on the four-ten will cost you ten dollars.

    A ticket for the seven-twenty is cheaper: it will cost you only six dollars and eighty cents.

    1. I think I'll have a ticket for the four-ten. It will be more expensive, but I'll save time.

    2. As you like. Here is your ticket.

    1. Thank you.

    Dialogue 2.

    Read the following dialogue. Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech
    A.. Hello, Peter. Here you are, safe and sound. Did you enjoy your trip by air?

    1. Oh, it was an exciting trip. I think there's nothing like flying. It's so convenient and besides it's the quickest way of travelling. It took me only five hours to get here.

    1. And how long would it have taken by train?

    2. Three days, I think. I shall never go by train now if I can fly.

    A. And what about a ticket? Was it easy to get?

    B. Oh, quite easy. I booked my ticket in advance at an air-travel booking office. It took me only a few minutes to do that. The very next day I had it delivered to the hotel I was staying at.

    A. And how did you like the plane? It's wonderful inside, isn't it?

    B. Oh yes. It's very comfortable. The hostess, a very nice-looking girl, took great care of the passengers and offered us some snacks and soft drinks.

    A. I see that you travelled in comfort. At what height did you fly?

    B. At a height of eight thousand to nine thousand metres. I say, why don't you try to fly by plane?

    A. I will try it by all means
    Dialogue 3.

    Read and dramatize the following dialogue

    1. . My son is travelling with us. He is just a little over four. Shall I pay for him?

    2. No. Children under five may travel free. Anything else?

    1. Do you have tickets for the seven-twenty-five (train) to Sochi tomorrow?

    2. B. How many tickets?

    1. Two, please.

    B. Just a minute. Let me see... Well, I can let you have two tickets but the seats are in different carriages. Will that do?

    A. I am afraid not. What about the day after tomorrow?

    1. Yes, we have some upper berths in a compartment car, if you like.

    1. We won't have to change trains, I hope?

    2. No, it's a through train.

    1. All right, I'll take the tickets.

    2. Here you are.

    A. I've got a question.

    How long does it take to get to Sochi, please?

    1. I think something like seventy hours. Ask for the exact information at the inquiry office over there. They'll give you all the information you want.

    1. Thank you.

    Dialogue 4.

    Learn the following dialogue by heart
    Porter: Any luggage, madam?

    Mrs. Jones: Yes, the two cases here. I’ll keep this brief-case.

    P. I’ll take your luggage to be weighed, madam. You’ll find the ticket desk straight across the hall.

    Mrs. J.: Thank you.

    Receptionist: Good morning.

    Mrs. J.: Good morning. I have a ticket for flight BEA 987.

    R.: May I see your ticket, please?

    Mrs. J.: Here it is.

    R.: Is this your luggage?

    Mrs. J.: That’s right.

    R.: Your luggage is underweight. Here is your ticket and this is your luggage label, which you show at your destination when you get your luggage.

    Mrs. J.: Thank you. Where do I have to wait?

    R.: Will you go upstairs to gate 3 and wait for the announcement of your flight.

    Announcer: British European Airways announce the departure of their flight BEA 987. Passengers travelling on this flight are requested to proceed to gate 3 for customs and immigration formalities.

    R.: (At Gate 3) Have your passport ready. This way, please.
    Dialogue 5.

    Complete the open dialogue. Use the vocabulary of the unit
    Mr. Brown: Flight BEA 783, tourist class, single, please.

    Booking clerk: Fifty pounds, please.

    Mr. Brown:__________________

    B.C. You’ll find the ticket desk further on your left.

    Mr. Brown:__________________Porter!

    Porter. Is this your luggage, sir?

    Mr. Brown: _________________

    Ticket desk receptionist. Good evening. Can I help you?

    Mr. Brown:_________________

    Receptionist: May I see your ticket, please?

    Mr. Brown:_________________

    R. :Here is your ticket and your luggage label. Your plane takes off in half an hour. Your flight will be announced soon.

    Mr. Brown: ________________

    1. Fill in prepositions where necessary
    1. You needn't go ... the booking office: it is possible to book ... phone ... advance.

    2. Please, I want two lower berths ... the Sevastopol express ... Saturday, the second ... May.

    3. I was looking ... the porthole and saw how our plane took ....

    4. I can give you one upper berth .... a separate compartment.

    5. The train ... Sochi leaves ... eleven-twenty-three ... platform three, track five.

    6. When did you last travel ... railway?

    7. Planes fly ... a speed ... over eight hundred kilometres ... an hour.

    8. She bought two tickets ... a through train ... Kiev.

    9. Fast trains only stop ... large stations, while slow trains stop ... all stations.

    10. The eleven-fifteen is a fast train ... sleeping accomodation.

    11. The train ... Minsk is ... platform three.

    12. When does the plane ... Warsaw take ... ?

    13. Our train leaves ... eight-twenty-five ... platform three.

    14. We got tickets ... the fast train ... Ekaterinburg.

    15. Why is there no train ... Portsmouth today?

    16. Arriving ... the station where he was to change ... the Moscow train, he went... the inquiry office to find out what platform his train started ....

    17. We had to go ... Moscow ... a slow train because there were no tickets ... a fast train ... the booking office.

    18. Our plane took ... ... nine o'clock ... the morning.

    19. We rang ... the air-travel booking office and reserved seats ... a plane ... the tenth ... July.

    20. It takes you only an hour to get ... Moscow ... plane.

    21.1 could not get a ticket ... a plane and had to stand ... a long queue to get a seat... a train ... St. Petersburg.
    22. There are a lot ... trains going ... St. Petersburg ... Moscow every day. Many ... them are overnight trains ... sleeping accommodation, and some ... them are day coaches ... sitting accommodation only.
    2. Translate into English

    1. – Мне нужно два билета на поезд 10.20 до Ливерпуля. Спальный вагон, пожалуйста.

    • Вам билеты туда и обратно, сэр?

    • Нет, только в одни конец.

    • Верхние или нижние места?

    • Два нижних, пожалуйста.

    • Пожалуйста.

    • Спасибо.

    2. – У меня билет на рейс 103.

    • Ваш билет, пожалуйста.

    • Вот он.

    • Ваш багаж превышает положенный вес, вам придется заплатить за перевес.

    • Пожалуйста.

    • Возьмите, пожалуйста, ваш билет и бирку на багаж. Пройдите наверх в зал ожидания. Скоро объявят ваш рейс.

    • Спасибо.

    3. – Это ваши вещи?

    • Да, этот чемодан мой.

    • Разрешите их посмотреть? У вас есть что-либо подлежащее обложению пошлиной?

    • Мне кажется, что нет. Только сигареты для личного пользования.

    • Это разрешается. Все в порядке. Спасибо.

    3. Translate into English
    1. Когда отходит последний поезд на Санкт-Петербург?

    2. С какой платформы и с какого пути отходят поезда на Москву?

    3. Коля достал одно нижнее и одно верхнее место в отдельном купе скорого поезда.
    4. Нам надо делать пересадку? — Нет, это прямой поезд. Вы доедете до места назначения без пересадки.

    5. Да, это поезд на Санкт-Петербург, но это скорый поезд, а у вас билет на почтовый.

    6. С какой платформы отходят поезда на Нов­город?

    7. Моя мама не любит есть в вагоне-ресторане.

    8. Я не достал билет на прямой поезд, и мне пришлось делать две пересадки.

    9. Мы провели все время между поездами на вокзале, пытаясь закомпостировать билеты.

    10. Самолет летел со скоростью восемьсот километров в час.

    11. Насколько я знаю, поезд на Новгород — дневной, и в нем есть только места для сидения.

    12. Я опоздал на поезд три двадцать, и мне пришлось ждать два часа.

    13. Мы бежали очень быстро и успели на четырехчасовой поезд до Сосново.

    14. Могу я заказать билет на самолет до Праги?

    15. Самолет в Лондон отправляется в пять сорок пять.

    16. Вам билет в один конец или обратный? — Обратный, пожалуйста.

    17. Вы придете за билетами сами, или вам их доставить?

    18. Идти в кассу и стоять там в очереди — это потеря времени. Я всегда заказываю билеты на поезд по телефону, и мне их приносят.

    19. Могу предложить вам билет на поезд девятнад­цать пятьдесят.

    20. Могу предложить вам нижнее место на поезд в девятнадцать пятьдесят на десятое апреля.

    21. Мы ехали дневным поездом. Из окна мы видели места, которые проезжали.

    22. В поездах дальнего следования есть вагоны-рестораны.

    23. Стюардесса предложила пассажирам закуски и прохладительные напитки.

    24. Говорят, почти невозможно достать билет на самолет в летний сезон.

    25. До места вашего назначения отсюда нет прямого поезда. — Ничего не поделаешь! Придется делать пересадку.

    26. Поезда обычно отправляются на Москву с четвертой платформы.

    27. Поезда на Москву обычно отправляются с четвертой платформы.

    28. Поезд на Таллин стоит на втором пути.

    29. Поезд на Таллин отправляется со второго пути.

    30. Ровно в четыре часа поезд отправился в Таллин.

    31. Ровно в четыре часа поезд на Таллин отправился.

    32. Я купил билет на десятое апреля.

    33. Я купил билет десятого апреля.
    4*. Translate the following dialogues into English. Use the vocabulary of the unit


    1. Я не достал билет на прямой поезд в Казань, и мне придется делать пересадку в Москве.

    2. Ой, не делайте этого! Насколько я знаю, в Москве почти невозможно закомпостировать билеты.

    1. У меня нет выхода. В прошлом году я заказал билет по телефону, и мне его доставили на дом.

    2. Почему же вы не сделали так же в этот раз?

    1. Потому что я думал, что не поеду в Казань. Я думал, что брат приедет ко мне. А сейчас уже слишком поздно заказывать билеты.


    A. Мне нужен один билет на скорый поезд до Санкт-Петербурга.

    B. К сожалению, у меня нет билетов на поезд в Санкт-Петербург.

    1. Что же мне делать? Я должен быть в Санкт-Петербурге через три дня.

    2. Я могу предложить вам билет на скорый поезд до Москвы. У меня есть верхняя полка в отдельном купе. А в Москве вы сделаете пересадку.

    1. Ой, я так не хочу делать пересадку в Москве! В Москве всегда столько народу. Мне будет очень трудно закомпостировать билет.

    2. Что вы! Каждый день из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург идет десять поездов. Вы легко закомпостируете билет.

    B. Ну ладно, ничего не поделаешь.


    1. Вы чудесно выглядите! Как вы провели отпуск?

    2. Я отлично отдохнул в Сочи.

    A. А как вы туда добирались? Говорят, почти невозможно достать билет на поезд в летний сезон.

    B. Вы знаете, я не хотел идти в кассу и стоять там в очереди. Это пустая трата времени. Я заказал билет по телефону заранее, и мне его принесли.

    1. Это чудесно. Вы ехали прямым поездом?

    2. Да. У меня была нижняя полка в отдельном купе спального вагона.


    A. Как вам понравилась поездка на юг?

    B. О, отлично! Я летел туда самолетом.

    A. Я предпочитаю ездить на поезде. Из окна вагона вы видите местность, по которой проезжаете, и это очень интересно.

    B. Да, конечно, но поездом ехать долго. Кроме того, в поезде у вас всегда проблема, что поесть.

    A. Разве в поездах дальнего следования нет ресторанов?

    B. Есть, но я не люблю еду, которую предлагают в вагонах-ресторанах.

    A. А в самолете вы ели?

    B. Конечно. Стюардесса предложила пассажирам закуски и прохладительные напитки.


    1. Два билета до Москвы в один конец на пятнадцатое апреля.

    2. На какой поезд?

    А. На любой, который отправляется после десяти вечера.

    В. К сожалению у меня есть только один билет на поезд, который отправляется пятнадцатого апреля после десяти вечера. Хотите на поезд двадцать пятнадцать, верхние полки?

    А. Нет, это слишком рано. Кроме того, я еду со своей тетей, а она не любит верхние полки.

    В. Могу предложить вам две нижние полки в отдельном купе на шестнадцатое апреля. Поезд двадцать три сорок пять.

    А. Хорошо, давайте.

    В. Пожалуйста.

    А. Спасибо.


    А. Могу я заказать билет на самолет до Новосибирска?

    В. Когда вы хотите лететь?

    А. Мне надо быть в Новосибирске десятого мая вечером.

    В. Самолет в Новосибирск отправляется утром, так что вы можете лететь десятого. Вам в один конец или обратный?

    А. Обратный, пожалуйста. Я должна возвращаться двенадцатого мая.

    В. Вы придете за билетами, или вам их доставить?

    А. Я бы хотела, чтобы мне их доставили на дом.

    В. Очень хорошо. Будьте дома восьмого мая с девяти до двенадцати утра.

    А. Спасибо.


    А. Простите, который час?

    В. Без десяти четыре.

    А. Ну вот! Я опоздала на поезд. Что же мне делать?

    В. А куда вы едете?

    А. В Сестрорецк.

    В. Не беспокойтесь. Поезда в Сестрорецк отправляются каждые двадцать-двадцать пять минут.

    А. Большое спасибо. Вы не знаете, с какой платформы они отправляются?

    В. Со второй платформы. Бегите, вы еще успеете на четырехчасовой поезд.


    А. Вы ехали из Омска прямым поездом?

    В. Нет, я не достала билет на прямой поезд, и мне пришлось делать пересадку в Екатеринбурге.

    А. Ну, это не так уж плохо. Вы могли осмотреть город. Я бы сел на такси и поездил по городу.

    В. Ой, что вы! Я провела все время между поездами на вокзале, пытаясь закомпостировать билет.

    А. Да что вы говорите! Насколько я знаю, из Екатеринбурга ежедневно идет несколько поездов в Москву.

    1. Да, это верно, но я не хотела делать еще одну пересадку. А в Санкт-Петербург идет только один поезд.

    5. Questions on the topic
    1. How do you like to spend your summer vacations? Do you like to go to the South?

    Many prefer to go to the beach. Doesn’t it annoy that the beaches are very crowded? What do you do on the beach not to get bored?

    2. Have you ever spent a week-end in a country house? When and where was it? What time of the year? Were the people hospitable? How did they entertain you? How did you like it?

    3. Many people are fond of traveling. Do you belong to them? Do you like to travel alone or with your friends? Do you take your camera with you? What places have you already been to?

    4. What is your favourite recreation? Describe it in detail.

    Read the stories

    1. In a Tokyo Hotel: Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing is please not to read notice.

    In a Bucharest hotel lobby: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.

    In a Belgrade hotel elevator: To move the cabin, push button for wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing floor.

    Driving is then going alphabetically by national order.

    In a Japanese hotel: You are invited to take advantage of the chamber maid.

    Outside a Hong Kong tailor shop: Ladies may have a fit upstairs.

    In a Rhodes tailor shop: order your summers suit. Because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation.

    In a Rome laundry: Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time.

    In a Czech tourist agency: Take one of our horse-driven city tours – we guarantee no miscarriages.

    In a Copenhagen airline ticket office: We take your bags and send them in all directions.

    In a Norwegian cocktail lounge: Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.

    At a Budapest zoo: Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty.

    In the office of a Roman doctor: Specialist in women and other diseases from a car rental firm in Tokyo: When passenger of foot heave in sight, tootle the horn. Trumpet him melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigor.

    Two signs from Majorcan shop entrance:

    English well talking.

    Here speeching American.

    2. A traveler stopped at a historic hotel and requested the rates for a single room. « A room on the first floor is $100, on the second floor $80, and on the third floor $60,» replied the desk clerk. The traveler thought a bit, said thank you and turned to go. «Don’t you like our hotel?» asked the clerk. «Oh, it’s beautiful,» said the traveler. «It just isn’t tall enough.»
    3. The Vacation In Florida

    One cold day in the middle of winter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross decided to fly to Florida for a vacation.

    Mrs. Ross packed their summer clothes very carefully the night before their departure, and the next morning they got early and drove directly to the airport.

    While they were waiting at the check-in counter, Mr. Ross began to question his wife about the things she had packed.

    «Did you remember my red bathing suit?» he asked.

    «Of course,» she answered.

    «You didn’t forget out tennis shoes, did you?» he asked.

    «Of course not,» she replied. Suddenly there was a long silence.

    «Murray, what’s wrong?» said Mrs. Ross. «You look worried».

    «I’ll bet you didn’t bring the piano,» he replied.

    «The piano?» she said. «Why on earth would I bring the piano?»

    «Because,» he said sheepishly, «I left our plane tickets on top of it.»

    Non-stop conversation
    1. Imagine you are talking in your own language with a foreigner. The person doesn’t speak your language very well and is very difficult to understand. What do you do? Do you:

    a) pretend you understand even when you don’t?

    b) ask him or her to repeat everything slowly and carefully?

    c) try to get away?

    2. What do you say when the foreign speaker apologizes for his poor accent? Do you:

    a) tell him his accent is very good even when it isn’t?

    b) tell him that his poor accent doesn’t matter?

    c) tell him that his accent is very bad and that he must work hard to improve it?

    3. How do you feel when a foreigner pronounces your name wrong?

    a) very angry

    b) it bothers me a little

    c) it bothers me a lot

    d) it doesn’t bother me at all

    4. How do you feel when you meet a foreigner who speaks your language with a very good accent?

    a) surprised

    b) pleased

    c) not surprised

    d) full of admiration

    e) don’t care or think about it

    5. In the future, who will you speak English to?

    a) mostly English people visiting my country who don’t know my language

    b) mostly English-speaking people in this country (Britain, USA, etc.)

    c) mostly non-English people who don’t know my language and whose language I don’t know, so that we speak English together

    d) don’t know

    6. Do you think it is more important to have good pronunciation when:

    a) you are speaking English to English people?

    b) you are speaking English to non-English people?

    7. Below are some situations. When is it most important to pronounce well? Put them in order of importance with a number you want:

    a) speaking on the telephone

    b) meeting someone for the first time

    c) talking to someone you know very well (a good friend) in an informal situation (e.g. at a party)

    d) doing business in English (e.g. at the bank, post office, bus station, railway station, in shops, etc.)

    e) talking to strangers (e.g. asking the way)

    f) chatting to a fellow student (e.g. during break time).


    Dramatize one of the following situations
    1. Your family is planning a month holiday. You want to spend your holiday in the South. Your parents say that there is only one place where to go in the South – the beach. They think that the beaches are annoying because they are very crowded. They prefer some quiet place and suggest going camping. Will you join them?
    2. You’ve just come back from your holiday in the Crimea. Share your impressions with your friends.
    3. You are leaving for a holiday with your family of 4 people: mother, father, your younger sister who is 4 years old and yourself. Book the tickets for the train at the railway booking – office.
    4. Your friend and you are looking at old snapshots and photographs you took while travelling. What do they remind you of? Make up a dialogue for the situation.
    5. You are talking with your friends who have been on students exchange programme abroad. You ask them about their impressions.
    6. You are discussing your holiday plans with your parents. Choose the place to go for a holiday. Discuss what things you should take with you, the place to stay at, the best day of the departure.
    6. You went to a typical seaside town in the Crimea. Your friend asks you to tell him about your trip in detail. Act out your conversation.

    Unit 6.

    Read the following English proverbs, think of their Russian equivalents

    1. Live and learn

    2. Nothing to be got without pains

    3. Learning is the eye of the mind

    4. Labour conquers all things (Homer)

    5. Learning a foreign language takes a lot of effort.
    Can you remember:

    • how old you were when you first went to school

    • the names of the friends you made

    • the name of your first teacher

    • how you felt about going to school

    Vocabulary to Text 1.

    Merchant Navy – торговый флот.

    Rabelais, Francois (1494-1553) – Ф. Рабле, французский писатель – сатирик, автор романа “Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль”

    to educate – воспитывать

    compulsory (free) education – обязательное (бесплатное) обучение

    to solve – решать, разрешать

    to point (at, to) – указывать, показывать

    to convince (smb. of smth.) – убеждать, уверять (кого-л. в чем-л.)

    to encourage – ободрять, воодушевлять

    doubt – сомнение, колебание, опасение

    reason – причина, основание

    harm – вред, ущерб, неприятность

    I meant no harm – Я не хотел вас обидеть.

    to mind – возражать, иметь что-л. против

    to lead (led) – вести, приводить

    to insist (on) – настаивать

    grasshopper – кузнечик

    bumble-bee – шмель

    bishop – епископ

    to fling (flung) – бросать, кидать

    vague – неясный, неопределенный

    gloomy – мрачный

    to stuff – набивать, впихивать

    tongue-tied – косноязычный

    Text 1.

    1. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks that follow it
    How to Educate a Child

    Gerry was ten years old when he and his family left England to go and live on the Greek island of Corfu.

    Hardly had we settled into the Strawberry-pink Villa when Mother decided that I was running wild, and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education. But where to find this one on a remote Greek island? As usual when a problem arose, the entire family flung itself with enthusiasm into the task of solving it. Each member had his or her own idea of what was best for me.

    “Plenty of time for him to learn,” said Leslie; “after all he can read, can’t he? I can teach him to shoot, and if we buy a boat I can teach him to sail.”

    “But, dear, that wouldn’t really be much use to him later on.” Mother pointed out adding vaguely, “unless he was going into the Merchant Navy or something.”

    “I think it’s essential that he should learn to dance,” said Margo, “or else he’ll grow up into one of these awful tongue-tied idiots.”

    “Yes, dear, but he doesn’t need to learn that sort of thing till later. He should get some sort of grounding in things like mathematics and French ... and his spelling’s awful.”

    “Literature,” said Larry, with conviction, “that’s what he wants, a good solid grounding in literature. The rest will follow naturally. I’ve been encouraging him to read some good stuff.”

    “But don’t you think Rabelais is a little old for him?” asked Mother doubtfully.

    “What he wants is a healthy outdoor life; if he takes up shooting and sailing”, began Leslie.

    “Oh, stop talking like a bishop … you’ll be in favour of cold baths next.”

    “Now, now, there’s no sense in fighting,” said Mother. “Gerry needs educating, and what we want is someone who can teach him and who’ll encourage him in his interests.”

    “He appears to have only one interest,” said Lair bitterly, “and that’s this awful urge to fill things with animal life. I don’t think he ought to be encouraged in that. I went to light a cigarette only this morning, and a great bumble-bee flew out of the box.”

    “It was a grasshopper with me,” said Leslie gloomily “Yes, I think this sort of thing ought to be stopped,” said Margo.

    “He doesn’t mean any harm, poor little chap,” said Mother pacifically.

    “I wouldn’t mind being attacked by bumble-bees, if it led anywhere,” Larry pointed out. ‘But it’s just a phase ... he’ll grow out of it by the time he’s fourteen.”

    “He’s been in this phase from the age of two,” said Mother, “and he’s showing no signs of growing out of it.”

    “Well, if you insist on stuffing him full of useless information, George can have a shot at teaching him,” said Larry.

    “That’s a brain-wave!” said Mother delightedly.
    2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own
    1) have a shot at doing smth 1) чем скорее, тем лучше

    2) the sooner the better 2) в конце концов

    3) after all 3) приложить руку к чему-л.

    4) that would not be much use to him 4) в этом нет смысла; делать что-л. не имеет смысла

    5) there’s no sense (point) in smth/ 5) Вот это находка (идея)!

    doing smth

    6) That’s a brain-wave! 6) это не принесет ему/ей и т. п. большой пользы

    7) in favour of 7) в защиту, за; на (чьей-л.) стороне

    3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

    1.C какого возраста, по-вашему, следует начинать обучать детей?

    2. Нужно ли заниматься с маленьким ребенком математикой или можно ограничиться только музыкой и танцами?

    3. Что такое, по-вашему, образованный человек?

    4. Нужно ли всем иметь высшее образование?

    5. Становиться ли обучение дороже с каждым годом?

    6. Когда студенты начинают изучать свою специальность?
    4. Find statements in the text you agree with.

    Find statements in the text you disagree with

    1. There is a text. Work in pairs. Student A reads the first part of the text on page 106, Student B reads the second part of the text on page 108 . Do the tasks that follow it

    Vocabulary to Text 2.

    completion – завершение

    origin – происхождение

    to establish – устанавливать

    to admit – позволять

    preparatory – подготовительный

    to terminate – заканчивать

    rigorous – строгий, суровый

    to attain – достигать

    to distinguish – различать

    appointee – назначенный

    uniformity – однородность

    curriculum – учебный план, курс обучения

    hence – с этих пор; следовательно

    amenities – удобства

    accommodation – жилье

    to affiliate – присоединять

    to recruit – набирать, вербовать

    to possess – владеть

    autonomy – автономия

    to elect from within – избирать из числа

    strength – сила, крепость

    regarding – относительно

    Text 2.
    Higher Education
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   29

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