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  • 2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own

  • 3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

  • 4. Find statements in the text you agree with Find statements in the text you disagree with. Give your reasons for and against

  • 7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of holiday-making. Work in pairs Text 3.

  • 2. Match the following words and word combinations. Give definition to them

  • 3. Answer the following questions

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    1. Read and translate the following text. Do the tasks that follow it

    Ways of Holiday-Making

    If you are tired of your usual holiday routine, there are many things you can do to vary it. Some take a certain amount of physical energy, but think of the good it will do you.

    People say there’s nothing to compare with a camping holiday. Personally I think it’s only for the young, and will make them appreciate home comforts. Be prepared for damp, mosquitoes, beetles and cow dung, which is never noticed until the following morning. This sort of holiday teaches the young how to survive, and strangely enough they seem to enjoy it, finding great pleasure in making bonfires and cooking barbecues.

    Bicycle holidays are an excellent way of taking exercise. Bear in mind that you are not a professional, and don’t try to do more than thirty or forty miles a day. Keep to side roads wherever possible, and don’t overtire yourself.

    A walking holiday, in good weather with a pleasant companion or two, will do you more good than any other. Select your shoes carefully. Your rucksack should contain a change of everything, but nothing that is not absolutely essential.

    The seaside is good for most people, but definitely bad for some. Take the sun and the sea gradually, and don’t stay on the beach for too long. After the first week or two, you begin to get bored, sunburnt, and lazy.

    It’s a good idea to have a hobby or interest at the seaside. Take a skin diving mask and see how many sorts of fish you can find. Walk along the beach collecting interesting pebbles.

    On this sort of holiday you should be thoroughly relaxed, and soak in the sun and sea air. There is nothing better for giving you vitality and energy to keep you going through the winter.

    A winter holiday is probably even better for you than a summer one. You need it more at that time of the year.

    Once you learn to ski, you can go on doing it to a very advanced age, as long as you don’t do it too strenuously and break a leg. If it happens it will take a long time to heal and you may never be able to ski again.

    There are many other things to do besides skiing. Skating is amusing, and not at all that difficult to learn. You can walk on snowshoes, and the mountains are particularly lovely when you get away from the crowded ski slopes.

    It is even easier to sunburn in the snow than on the beach, so be careful, but do get some sun- it will keep you healthier for the rest of the winter.
    2. Match the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own

    1)to do smb. good 1) загорать

    2)personally I 2) заниматься чем-либо слишком


    3)appreciate home comforts 3) лично я

    4)find pleasure in … 4) иметь в виду

    5)take exercises 5) приносить кому-либо пользу

    6)bear in mind 6) находить удовольствие

    7)to do 30 miles a day 7) преклонный возраст

    8)overtire oneself 8) делать физические упражнения

    9)take the sun 9) ценить домашние удобства

    10)get bored 10) проходить 30 миль в день

    11)to be thoroughly relaxed 11) насытиться солнцем и морским воздухом

    12)soak in the sun and sea air 12) переутомиться

    13)advanced age 13) основательно отдохнуть

    14)as long as 14) надоесть, наскучить

    15) to do smth too strenuously 15) многолюдные склоны гор для

    катания на лыжах

    16) crowded ski slopes 16) до тех пор, пока
    3. Translate the following questions into English, then answer them

    1. Почему автор считает, что походы – это хороший отдых только для молодых? Вы согласны с этим утверждением?

    2. Какие советы дает автор тем, кто предпочитает путешествовать на велосипеде?

    3. Всем ли полезен отдых на морском побережье?

    4. Какому отдыху автор отдает предпочтение: продолжительному, но один раз в год или кратковременному, но несколько раз в год? Почему?

    5. Согласны ли вы с утверждением, что зимний отдых лучше летнего отдыха?

    6. Какие виды отдыха описываются в тексте?

    7. Как вы обычно предпочитаете отдыхать?

    4. Find statements in the text you agree with

    Find statements in the text you disagree with.

    Give your reasons for and against

    5. Discuss the text with a friend. Work in pairs
    6. Speak for and against: a) active holiday-making; b) summer or winter holidays
    7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of holiday-making. Work in pairs
    Text 3.

    1. Read and translate the following text. Do the tasks that follow it


    There are different kinds of trains: passenger trains, mail trains and goods trains. Mail trains carry mail, or post, that is letters, parcels, newspapers and magazines. Goods trains carry goods. Passenger trains carry passengers. Mail trains and passenger trains are usually combined: they have carriages for passengers and a special carriage or two for mail.

    Passenger trains can be slow or fast. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at very large stations. So we can call these trains respectively stopping trains and non-stopping trains.

    There are local trains and long-distance trains. Local trains connect points situated not far away from each other, say, a hundred or two-three hundred kilometres. By a long-distance train you can travel very far — for thousands of kilometres. If you live in a suburb and work in a city, you have to commute, that is to travel regularly to and from work by a suburban train.

    Sometimes, when travelling a long distance, you have to change trains (or make a changing), that is get off one train and board another, if there is no through train to the place of your destination.

    When you are travelling a long distance, it is very convenient to go by an overnight train. Overnight trains have sleeping accommodation: they usually have "corridor cars," i. e. carriages with separate compartments (they are called sleeping cars, or sleepers). In each compartment there are two lower and two upper berths, on which you can sleep like in bed. Trains which run by day are called day coaches. You cannot sleep in these trains: they have only sitting accommodation: very comfortable soft armchairs.
    2. Match the following words and word combinations. Give definition to them

    1)passenger train

    2)mail train

    3)goods train

    4) parcel

    5) carriage, car

    6) to have few stops

    7) local (suburban) train

    8) long-distance train

    9) to commute

    10.)make a changing

    11) board a train

    12) through train

    13) overnight train

    14) compartment

    15) lower/upper berth

    16) day coach

    17) sleeping car

    1) пригородный поезд

    2) нижняя/верхняя полка

    3) пассажирский поезд

    4) делать пересадку

    5) поезд дальнего следования

    6) почтовый поезд

    7) поезд прямого сообщения

    8) дневной поезд (без спальных вагонов)

    9) поезд со спальными вагонами

    10) товарный поезд

    11) посылка

    12) вагон

    13) купе

    14) совершать регулярные

    поездки на поезде

    15) спальный вагон

    16) сесть на поезд

    17) делать мало остановок

    3. Answer the following questions
    1. What are passenger trains, goods trains and mail trains?

    2. What is a combined mail and passenger train?

    3. What is the difference between slow and fast trains?

    4. What is a non-stopping train? Does it mean that it never stops?

    5. What places can you get to by a local train? by a long-distance train?

    6. Where can you see suburban trains? Where can they take you? Why are they called suburban trains?

    7. Why do you sometimes have to change trains (make a changing) while travelling?

    8. Why is a through train convenient?

    9. What is an overnight train?

    10. What do you call a train which runs only by day?

    11. What accommodation do you get on an overnight train?

    12. What accommodation do you get on day coaches?

    13. What is a corridor car?

    14. How many people can travel in one compartment?

    15. Which do you prefer: a lower berth or an upper berth? Why?

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