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  • Dialogue 3. Render the contents of the dialogues in indirect speech

  • Dialogue 5. Complete the open dialogue using the vocabulary of the unit. Dramatize it. Work in pair

  • EXERCISES 1. Read three different descriptions of early school memories. What are the memories about Are the memories happy or unhappy Note down three memories for each speaker

  • 2. Translate into English

  • 3. Questions on the topic

  • JOKES AND FUN Read the stories 1.

  • ROLE PLAY Dramatize one of the following situations 1.

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    Education in England

    Ann: In Britain all children have to go to school from the age of five to sixteen. It’s the law.

    Bill: Yes. I believe the school-leaving age has been raised to sixteen, hasn’t it?

    Ann: Yes, it has.

    Bill: Do all parents send their children to State schools?

    Ann: Nearly all of them do, yes. But we have independent schools where the fees are high and not many parents can afford them. Many private schools are boarding schools, though they usually cater both for boarders and day pupils.

    Bill: Did you go to a State primary school?

    Ann: Yes, I did. I went to a nursery school first, at the age of four. There was a good kindergarten in our neighbourhood so my parents decided to send me there for a year.

    Bill: Can you still remember it?

    Ann: Yes, I have faint but very pleasant memories of it. It was a delightful place, full of fun and games. As in most nursery schools, work – if you can call it that — consisted of story-telling, drawing, singing and dancing.

    Bill: And you went to the Infants’ School at the age of five, didn’t you?

    Ann: Yes, but you know, right up to the age of seven school life was very pleasant. It was only later in the Junior School that we began to have more formal lessons and even worry about exams.

    Bill: Really? Did you have to do exams at that age?

    Ann: Yes, we used to then. We had to take an exam at the age of eleven called the “Eleven Plus” to see what kind of secondary school we would get into. But this exam is slowly disappearing nowadays.
    Dialogue 3.

    Render the contents of the dialogues in indirect speech

    Mary: You look happy today!

    Fred : I am happy. I have just passed my Literature exam.

    Mary: Congratulations! I am glad somebody’s happy.

    Fred: Why? What’s the matter?

    Mary: Oh, I’m just worried, I guess. I have to take a history exam next week.

    Fred: Oh, come, you are always worried about your exams, but you get only fives, as far as I know. You’ve passed some exams already haven’t you?

    Mary: Yes, I’ve passed my French exam.

    Fred: Oh, I give up. 1 simply can’t learn French.

    Mary: Why do you say that? I think you are making a lot of progress.

    Fred: No, I’m not. I try and try and 1 still can’t speak it very well.

    Mary: Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don’t give up. Why don’t we practise those dialogues together?

    Fred: Good idea. That just might help.
    Dialogue 4.
    Bob: Excuse me, Tom is this seat taken?

    Tom: No, it isn’t.

    Bob: Would you mind moving over one, so my friend and I can sit together?

    Tom: Not at all.

    Bob: Thanks a lot. Do you always attend Professor Brown’s lectures? -

    Tom: As a rule I do. I find them very interesting and instructive, besides he is a brilliant speaker.

    Bob: Yes, 1 quite agree with you.

    Tom: What do you think of Professor Green’s course?

    Bob: Not much.

    Tom: Why, what’s wrong with it?

    Bob: Oh, I don’t know. It’s just that he ... Well, because he overloads it with detail. That course he gave on town planning last year. It was just the same — just a load of detail which you could have got from a book

    anyway and more and more technical terms. There was no……

    Tom: No general overview you mean.

    Bob: Yes. I suppose you could call it that. I couldn’t see the town for the buildings.

    Tom: But you’ve got to have detail in this kind of subject, Bob, and anyway I think he’s good. You take his first lecture for instance I thought that was very interesting, and not at all over-detailed.

    Bob: But that’s just it, Tom. That’s just what I’m getting at. He starts off all right and engages your interest so that you sit back and think “I’m going to enjoy this. I’m going to get a general idea of the important points in “this topic”. When bang! Before you know it you’re up to your neck in minute details and he’s bombarding you with technical terminology.

    Tom: Oh rubbish! Now you’re exaggerating.
    Dialogue 5.

    Complete the open dialogue using the vocabulary of the unit. Dramatize it. Work in pair

    A: – Excuse me, lady. Can I ask you some questions?

    B: – Sure.

    A: – Can you tell me about higher education in GB?

    B: – Well, ___________

    A: – In Russia our academic year lasts two terms. What about the Universities?


    A: – Yes, I’ve heard only about two English Universities: Oxford and Cambridge. Are all English Universities as old as Oxford and Cambridge?


    A: – What does it mean “Redbrick University”?


    A: – I see. And which Universities do you call “Concrete and glass”?


    A: – Do you have any Polytechnics in GB?

    B: __________________

    A: – Some pupils in Russia leave schools at 16. What about your country?

    B: __________________

    A: – Thank you very much.
    1. Read three different descriptions of early school memories. What are the memories about? Are the memories happy or unhappy? Note down three memories for each speaker
    speaker 1 It's odd, you know, because, I can't remember very much about my first year at school, but I remember very clearly the first time I went to kindergarten. My mum drove me there in the morning, and I think I was only supposed to stay a few hours -anyway that's what she told me later. Well, I can clearly recall the place. We went up an outdoor staircase with a sort of concrete balcony at the top. There was, there was a glass door with another half door leading into the main room. I can still picture a big, bare room with toys scattered on the floor. I, I can't recall there being any other children there, but I suppose there must have been. Anyway, mum stayed for a bit and played with me and then she left. Oh, I remember that moment as clearly as if it was yesterday. I ran to the door at the top of the steps and hung on to the handle, screaming and sobbing hysterically. I have no idea how long I stayed there, but it seemed like forever. Anyway, then mum came to fetch me and I never went back there again.

    speaker 2 I'll never forget my first riding lesson at school. I must have been four or five perhaps. We had to choose between riding and piano. I chose riding. I recall the journey to the riding stables. I was tremendously excited. A lady called Mrs. Jenkins, came to fetch us in a sort of mini-bus and she took us to her farm a few miles away. She was a very loud lady, but very friendly and I don't recall being at all frightened. Then I tried on riding hats until I found one my size. I can even remember the feel of the elastic under my chin and the marvellous smell of the saddles. I can't remember much about the ponies on that first day, but I can clearly recall being covered in mud when I got home. I can also remember enjoying that very much too! It is one of my most vivid memories and I'm sure that wonderful first impression made me fall in love with riding.

    speaker 3 I have a very blurred memory of my first day at school, so I suppose it can't really have upset me very much. What I remember most were the new smells, and in particular, the smell of my new blouse. It was a sort of soft cotton with a very distinctive smell. I can also recall struggling to do up my tie. Apart from that, I can't even picture my teacher's face or those of the other children. One particular memory has stuck in my mind, and unfortunately it set me against the school for a long time. One morning, when the bell went, the headmistress called us all into assembly and held up an empty bag of sweets. She waved it about and then said that she had left it on the hall table and someone had stolen the contents. She said that she knew who the culprit was and would give her two minutes to own up. Everyone went very quiet. Nobody said a word. Then, she called me out to the front, grabbed my arm and said to the rest of the school that not only was I a thief, but 1 was also a coward. I remember being completely bewildered and humiliated. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I had never stolen anything in my life and I couldn't understand why she was accusing me of stealing the sweets. From that day I hated her and the school.
    2. Translate into English
    Обычно в Англии в школу начинают ходить в пять лет, но некоторые дети еще раньше ходят в дошкольную подготовительную группу (nursery school).

    Некоторые родители отдают своих детей в дневные садики, где за ними присматривают в течение рабочего дня, но если у родителей есть кое-какие учебники и книги, они занимаются с детьми дома, учат их читать и писать, так что, когда ребенок идет в школу в пять лет, он подготовлен лучше других детей.

    И все же настоящее образование начинается именно с пяти лет. С этого возраста до девяти лет дети посещают частную школу, и это довольно необычно для Англии.

    Уровень подготовки в школе очень высокий: дети изучают такие предметы, как французский язык, математика и английская литература. Кроме этого можно брать уроки балета и риторики, на этих уроках детей учат правильно говорить, заучивать наизусть и читать стихотворения.
    3. Questions on the topic

    1. When did you enter the University (institute)? Who was the first to

    congratulate you on this event? Was it difficult to realize your dream -- to become a student of the faculty? If so, why?

    2. What entrance exams to the University did you take? Were they oral or written exams? Which examination turned out to be the most difficult exam of all for you? Why?

    3. What is your purpose in learning English? Have you good knowledge of English? Which aspect do you find the most difficult one? What should you do to acquire good knowledge of English? Are you a member of the Student Scientific Society?

    4. Where can Englishmen get higher education? Could you give the names of some universities of Great Britain? Which of them are the oldest universities? What is typical of the teaching methods at Oxford and Cambridge universities? Explain the essence of the tutorial system.
    4. Talking points

    Express your opinion about the following statements. Try to use as many different phrases as possible.

    1. Education is the responsibility of parents.

    2. Grammar rules don’t really help you to speak English.

    3. The more words you know the more fluently you’ll be able to speak.

    4. The British are very polite; you need to use so many unnecessary words when you speak English.

    5. English is difficult because it has many exceptions.

    6. Doing the same things twice is boring.

    7. It’s hard to convince others when you are not convinced yourself.

    8. No news is good news.

    9. Life is what you make of it.

    10. One should judge people by appearances not by actions.

    11. Our examination session is not a holiday time.

    12. What determines the lecturer’s success?

    13. What do you think is more difficult — learning or teaching?

    14.The students of your faculty are going to set up a Students' Debating Club. What problems of your life and studies would you raise for debate? Here are some suggestions: ... .

    15. Is students' tourism a luxury or a necessity?

    16. A students' group. How do you see it?
    5. Here are some viewpoints on ’’How to train a specialist better’’. Sometimes they are contradictory. Discuss and criticize them. Give your arguments for and against. Think out your own problems for discussion. Use the hints given below.
    1. Institutes, especially technical ones, should admit more young people with practical experience in industry. Evening and correspondence departments should be expanded.

    2.In present-day conditions, the existence of evening and correspondence departments is absoluteiy unjustified. The combining of studies and work means extreme physical and mental stress which leads to shortcomings in work and in studies.

    3. Syllabuses are overloaded. Not every scrap of knowledge which students acquire finds application.

    4. There is no such thing as useless koowledge.

    5. Some courses rush the students too quickly even though they are very important; others are too slow.

    6. Text-books should be more self-instructive.

    7. What is taught in science education sometimes lags behind currently accepted concepts.

    8. To keep up with the time students must see how ’’science is done’’. The basic principle of an Institute should be to give academic training in close cooperation with research Institutes, design bureaus and industry.

    Hints for a debate:

    The chairman outlines the problem. The first (the second) speaker gives his (her) arguments. The speakers question, each other. The rest of the students put questions to the speakers, make suggestions, put forward objections. The chairman rounds up the discussion.

    Introducing your point of view, expressing agreement say: To my mind; In my opinion; It seems to me that; As I see the problem; I quite agree with you; It goes without saying; I see; There is something in what you say

    Expressing your disagreement say: On the contrary; I don't quite understand what you mean; I disagree with you on this point; I can't quite agree with you; I can't see why

    Making yourself understood say: I mean to say that; You haven't quite caught my meaning; In other words; Do you follow me?

    Bringing the discussion back to the point say: Let’s go in for details; Let’s keep to the point; You're getting away from the point

    Winding up the talk say: To surn it up; In short

    Admitting that you are beaten in the argument say: I admit I was wrong; I give in.

    Read the stories

    1. The wife of a foreign graduate student could not speak a word of English and so was terrified every time the telephone rang when her husband was not at home. He taught her to say, «Mr. Montoya is not at home». But this didn’t help much because the caller usually continued talking. He then taught her to add, «He will be back this afternoon.»

    Her problem was still unsolved because callers sometimes left messages she couldn’t understand. Finally, the couple figured out a solution. When the phone rang, Mrs. Montoya answered, «Mr. Montoya is not at home. He will be back this afternoon. This is a recording.»
    2. Dreams

    Three students were talking one day about their dreams for the future.

    One of the students was a struggling young painter. The second was planning a career in the business world, and the third was studying philosophy.

    «I’d like to be as famous as Picasso,» said the painter.

    «I’d like to be as rich and powerful as Rockefeller,» said the business student.

    The student of philosophy waited for a few moments before he spoke, and then he looked at the other two and said very quietly, «You know there are only two great tragedies in life.»

    «What do you mean?» said the others.

    «Well,» he said, «the first is not to get the thing you want the most in life.»

    «And what is the second?» they asked.

    «The second,» he replied, «is to get it.»
    3. Income Tax
    One day a teacher was giving her young students a lesson on how the government works. She was trying to explain the principle of income tax:

    «You see,» she began, speaking slowly and carefully, «each person who works must pay part of his or her salary to the government. If you make a high salary, your taxes are high. If you don’t make much money, your taxes are low.»

    «Is that clear?» she asked. «does everyone understand the meaning of income tax?»

    The students nodded.

    «Are there any questions?» she asked. The students shook their heads.

    «Very good,» she said. «Now, I would like you to take a piece of paper and write a short paragraph on the subject of income tax.»

    Little Joey was a slow learner. He had lots of problems with spelling and grammar, but this time at least he seemed to understand the assignment. He grabbed his pen and after a few minutes, he handed the teacher the following composition:

    Once I had a dog. His name was Tax.

    I opened the door and income tax.

    Dramatize one of the following situations

    1. Imagine that a Russian student is asking a student of Oxford University about the tutorial colleges and universities. What questions would the student ask?

    2. Imagine that you’re discussing some course of lectures with a friend of yours. You highly appreciate them; your friend criticizes the lectures. What would you both say?

    3. You are talking to a student of Moscow University about the university, his department, his studies, his future profession What questions would you ask him?

    4. Role I

    You are parents of children at the old school. Decide if you are for or against the move and list your arguments. Be prepared to put your opinion clearly and politely.
    Role II

    You are teachers at the old school. Decide if you are for or against moving. List your arguments. Be prepared to give your opinion clearly and politely.
    Role III

    You are the school governor. You must chair the meeting. You must make sure that everyone’s views are heard. You yourself are for the move, but must appear to remain neutral. Remember to “open” and “close” the meeting.
    Situation. A small school in a country village is threatened with closure. It is not economical and has few educational facilities. It is suggested that the students be bussed to a huge new school some 15 miles away. Many parents have protested and a meeting of parents and teachers is called by

    the school authorities to discuss the problem.

    Small school

    Large school

    distance 20 km

    Built 1923

    Built 1978

    90 students

    600 students

    5 rooms

    50 rooms (including cookery, woodwork, art rooms, etc.)

    No special facility except school garden where children grow vegetables

    All newest equipment including swimming pool, no school garden

    Used nightly for evening classes and all other community activities

    Used nightly for evening classes. Not used for other community activities
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