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  • Урок 8.Инфекция:происхождение,правил для персонала. INFECTIOUS DISEASES

  • Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

  • Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

  • Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы .

  • Свиной грипп. Безличные предложения. SWINE INFLUENZA

  • Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты .

  • Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты .

  • УРОК 10. Скарлатина.Безличные предложения 1.Выпишите и прочитайте слова

  • 6. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using the given words. Role-play the dialogue.

  • 1.Выпишите и прочитайте слова.

  • 2.Read and translate the text.

  • Hepatitis A virus (HAV)

  • 4.Fill in the table using the text “Hepatitis”

  • Роль мед сестры при гиперемии. Уро поликлиника. Общий вопрос

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    УРОК 7.Особенности системы здравоохрнения в РФ.Разделительный вопрос.

    Изучите и выпишите новые слова
    1. health care-здравоохранение

    2. district doctor-участковый врач

    3. emergency ambulance service –скорая (неотложная) помощь

    4. primary medical care- первичная медицинская помощь

    5. to be equipped with- быть оборудованным чем-либо

    6. qualitative-качественный

    7. mental impairment [im'peəmənt]-умственное расстройство

    8. medical insurance - медицинское страхование


    The characteristic feature of health care in Russia is the attention paid to the prophylaxis. One of the main tasks is the fight against various diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the diseases. That’s why much attention is paid to the health education of the population.

    The primary medical care is provided by polyclinics. Modern polyclinics are large, they have their own laboratories and X-ray, physiotherapy (medical treatment), surgical and dental departments. There are polyclinics for adult patients and for children. Outpatients are seen at the polyclinics by district doctors.

    The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. A person has to dial 03 for a doctor to come. Specialized hospitals in big cities are for the treatment of particular diseases –

    infectious diseases and mental impairments, cancer, eye diseases and others. Nowadays there are a number of private diagnostic and consultation centers, general hospitals specialized clinics in Russia. Medical and health care is provided with compulsory and voluntary medical insurance programs set up by the State via [vaiə] private insurance companies.
    Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

    Раннее выявление; санитарное просвещение, взрослые пациенты, участковые врачи,работает день и ночь, надо набрать 03, определенные заболевания, обязательное и добровольное страхование.

    Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

    the attention paid to the prophylaxis; the fight against various diseases; polyclinics for

    adult patients and for children; are for the treatment of particular diseases .

    Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is the characteristic feature of health care in Russia?

    2. Why is much attention paid to the health education of the population?

    3. What is primary medical care provided by?

    4. Is ambulance service free of charge in our country?

    5. What are specialized hospitals for?

    Г рамматика

    Разделительный вопрос – представляет собой высказывание, заканчивающееся вопросом «не так ли?, не правда ли?». Применяется довольно редко, когда спрашивающий хочет получить у своего собеседника подтверждение или, наоборот, отрицание сказанного им самим. Он имеет две части: утвердительная первая часть и отрицательная вторая часть (усеченный общий вопрос), или наоборот.

    You want to help me, don’t you?

    You don’t want to help him, do you?

    She is very busy, isn’t she?

    Если говорящий хочет получить подтверждение им сказанного, то вторая часть вопроса произносится с понижающейся интонацией.

    The pain is here,isn’t it?

    Боль здесь, не так ли?

    Если говорящий хочет получить отрицание им сказанного, выразить неуверенность, тревогу, беспокойство или сомнение, то вторая часть вопроса произносится с повышающейся интонацией.

    You can manage alone, can’t you?

    Вы справитесь сами, не так ли?

    Обратите внимание на расхождение в употреблении «да» и «нет» в отрицательных предложениях в русском и английском языках.

    You don’t like autumn, do you?

    (Вы не любите осень, не так ли?)

    No, I don’t. Yes, I do.

    Да, не люблю. Нет, люблю.

    1. The single dose is indicated on the label___?

    2. Life in the hospital begins early in the morning___?

    3. Any Russian citizen may go to the district doctor___?

    4. You were ill yesterday___?

    5. He didn’t study at the college__?
    Итоговый контроль

    2.Разделительные вопросы

    1. Doctor prescribes you treatment____?

    2. At the chemist’s all medicines are kept on the open shelves____?

    3. There are two departments _____?

    4. At the chemist’s you can get patent medicines of all kinds___?

    5. The nurses take the temperature every day___?
    Урок 8.Инфекция:происхождение,правил для персонала.

    Infection means invasion of the body by microorganisms which are harmful. Every infectious disease has its own specific way of invasion into a human body. Infection may pass from one person to another through blood, stools, saliva, instruments; it may enter the body through skin cuts, it may be swallowed.

    There are intestinal infections, which are spread through intestines and stools; infections of the respiratory tract, which are spread during coughing or talking; skin infections and infections spread by living insects.

    All-the infectious diseases are divided in several stages. They are: 1) the period of incubation, 2) the prodromal stage during which the initial symptoms may appear, 3) the stage of a fully developed disease, 4) the stage of decline

    To establish a proper disease it is necessary to do some laboratory tests at the right time and in the right place.

    Characteristic symptoms of the diseases may be local and systemic. Symptoms very according a disease, but a sore throat, sneezing, nausea and vomiting, restlessness and prostration, pain the limbs and back, rash may occur among the most characteristic local symptoms.

    A lot of disease may begin with these symptoms.

    It is necessary for a medical staff to be careful during physical examination of the infected patients. There are two important steps which mustn't omitted: to take the temperature and examine the throat. A nurse who looks after the infected person must wear a special gown and a mask. She must wash her hands with soap as often as she can, she must be very careful to prevent the spread of the infection.


    1. infection - инфекция

    2. infectious - инфекционный

    3. invasion - инвазия, вторжениеi

    4. intestinal - кишечный

    5. respiratory - респираторный

    6. insect - насекомое

    7. prodromal - предшествующий

    8. decline - упадок, стихание

    Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

    Микроорганизмами; может переходить; через порезы в коже; можно проглотить; во время кашля или разговора; распространяемые живыми насекомыми; делятся; чтобы осмотреть горло; ухаживать за инфицированным больным; предотвратить распространение инфекции.

    Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

    Invasion of the body; specific way of invasion; it may be swallowed; through intestines and stools; skin infections; are divided; fully developed disease; characteristic symptoms; rash may occur; medical staff; must be very careful.

    Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What does infection mean ?

    2. In what ways may infection pass?

    3. What kinds of infections are there ?

    4. How many stages are infectious diseases divided in ?

    5. What is necessary for a medical staff during examination of the infected patients?

    7. What are the main tasks for nurses?

    УРОК 9. Свиной грипп. Безличные предложения.


    Swine influenza is a new highly infectious respiratory disease of pigs caused by

    influenza a (H1N1) that was not previously detected in swine or humans. Infection in human is a result of close contact with infected animals. Later the infection is spread by human-to-human transmission. If efficient human-to-human transmission is established, a pandemic is possible.

    Symptoms of H1N1 influenza (swine flu) are the same as of seasonal influenza: fever,cough, a sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

    Persons with these symptoms should stay at home, avoid close contact with people

    who are not sick, wash their hands often, avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth and should call their districts doctor immediately. The duration of illness is typically 4-6 days.

    If swine flu is suspected, the doctor should obtain a respiratory swab for H1N1

    influenza testing and send it to the laboratory for diagnostic study.

    Treatment of a patient ill with swine flu, is largely supportive and consists of the

    following: a doctor must give a patient a sick list or take him to the hospital prescribe him a bed regimen, much fluid to drink, cough suppressants , may require intravenous infections and others supportive measures.

    If there is a confirmed case of H1N1 flu, preventive measures are recommended.

    Schools and colleges should be closed for some time. Children and students must avoid all meetings. Duration of schools and colleges closing depends on epidemiological findings.


    1. pandemic - пандемия

    2. chills - озноб, дрожь

    3. fatigue - усталость, утомление

    4. diarrhea - понос

    5. nausea - тошнота

    6. vomiting - рвота

    7. respiratory swab - мазок из верхних дыхательных путей

    8. сough suppressants - противокашлевое средство

    9. antipyretic - жаропонижающее средство

    10. to confirm - подтверждать

    Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

    Инфекционное респираторное заболевание; вызванное; тесный контакт;

    распространяется; устанавливается; озноб и усталость; тошнота и рвота; участковый

    врач; продолжительность заболевания; подозревается; мазок из верхних

    дыхательных путей; поддерживающий; пить много жидкости; внутривенная

    инфекция; предупредительные меры; должны избегать встреч; показатель.

    Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

    Highly infectious disease ; close contact ; infected animals ; human -to-human

    transmission ; seasonal influenza ; should call a district doctors ; should obtain a

    respiratory swab ; antipyretics and analgesics for fever; other supportive measures ;

    schools and colleges should be closed ; depends on epidemiological findings

    Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is swine influenza ?

    2. How is swine influenza spread ?

    3. Is pandemic of swine influenza possible ?

    4. What are the symptoms of swine influenza ?

    5. What is the treatment of swine flu ?

    6. Should a patient stay at home if he becomes ill?

    7. What are the tasks of a district doctor?

    8. What preventive measures are recommended if there is a confirmed case of a swine flu ?

    УРОК 10. Скарлатина.Безличные предложения
    1.Выпишите и прочитайте слова

    1. to pass – переходить

    2. through – через

    3. to vomit – страдать рвотой

    4. to rise – подниматься

    5. to remain – оставаться

    6. rash – сыпь

    7. to appear – появляться

    8. to peel – шелушиться

    9. to isolate – изолировать

    10. fluid diet – жидкая диета

    11. nourishing food – питательная еда

    2. Read the text

    Scarlet fever
    Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. We can often meet this disease with children and only sometimes in grown-ups.

    This disease passes from one person to another through the nose and mouth. The beginning of the disease is quick. The patient has a sore throat, fever, headache, and he often vomits. The face is flushed and the skin feels hot and dry. The temperature rises quickly on the first day and remains high for a few days. The rash appears on the second day. After the temperature falls, the skin begins to peel. The nurse must isolate the child and put him in bed. When the temperature is high the nurse gives him fluid diet and when the temperature falls she gives him nourishing food.
    3. Fill in the gaps. Use the given words
    disease temperature rash skin nurse

    1. … passes from one person to another.

    2. … appears.

    3. … peels.

    4. … rises.

    5. … isolate the child.

    4. Situations

    1. You are a beginning medical worker. Observe scarlet fever and make a diary of the development of the disease.

    • the first day - …

    • the second day - …

    • the fourth day - …

    1. Mary fell ill with scarlet fever. The nurse isolated her. Why did she do it?

    2. On the fourth day Mary’s temperature fell. She looked at her skin and noticed … . What did she notice?

    3. Jenny’s temperature was very high. When the nurse came in, she gave Jenny some food. Tell what kind of food the nurse brought Jenny.

    5. Correct the mistakes

    1. The disease begins slowly.

    2. The skin is cold and dry.

    3. When the temperature falls, the patient gets fluid diet.

    6. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using the given words. Role-play the dialogue.
    Mrs Smith is calling in a doctor.
    vomit / ill / consult a doctor / the polyclinic / wait for / high / flushed

    • Good morning. It’s _____________. Can I help you?

    • Yes. I’d like to ____________. My daughter has become ____________.

    • What’s the trouble?

    • She has a _________temperature, fever, headache and __________. Her face is _________ and the skin is hot and dry.

    • Well, I’ll put in the list of the patients. ___________your doctor to come.

    • Thank you.

    УРОК 11.Гепатит.Безличные предложения.

    1.Выпишите и прочитайте слова.

    1. ingestion - приём пищи

    2. exhibit – обнаружить, проявлять

    3. sanitation – улучшение санитарных условий

    4. exposure – подвергание внешнему воздействию

    5. clear the infection – устранять инфекцию

    6. replicate – воспроизводиться путём клеточного деления

    7. scarring – появление рубцов

    2.Read and translate the text.


    Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The condition can be healing on its own or can progress to fibrosis (scarring) and cirrhosis. Hepatitis may occur with limited or no symptoms, but often leads to jaundice, loss of appetite and malaise. Hepatitis is acute when it lasts less than six months and chronic when it persists longer. A group of viruses known as the hepatitis viruses cause most cases of hepatitis worldwide, but it can also be due to toxins (alcohol, certain medications), other infections.

    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water or through direct contact with an infectious person. The incubation period is between two and six weeks and the average incubation period is 28 days.

    Early symptoms of hepatitis A infection can be mistaken for influenza, but some people exhibit no symptoms at all. Symptoms of hepatitis A infection include fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, jaundice, weight loss, itching, dark urine. Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and sanitation.

    There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. Patients should rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol, eat a well-balanced diet.

    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Possible forms of transmission include sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth.

    The acute hepatitis B infection causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice and rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B may cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The infection is preventable by vaccination.

    Acute hepatitis B infection does not usually require treatment because most adults clear the infection spontaneously. Treatment of chronic infection may be necessary to reduce the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Although none of the available drugs can clear the infection, they can stop the virus from replicating, thus minimizing liver damage.

    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by blood-to-blood contact. The infection is often asymptomatic, it is mostly discovered accidentally. Persistent infection can be treated with medication. 51% are cured overall. No vaccine against hepatitis C is currently available. Chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years.
    3.Say into English

    1. передаётся от человека к человеку

    2. приём зараженной пищи и воды

    3. инкубационный период

    4. не обнаруживать симптомы

    5. можно предотвратить путём вакцинации

    6. избегать жирной пищи

    7. зараженная кровь

    8. повторное использование зараженных игл и шприцов

    9. быть причиной цирроза и рака печени

    10. острый и хронический гепатит

    11. устранять инфекцию

    12. уменьшать риск цирроза печени

    13. имеющиеся в наличии лекарства

    14. остановить вирус от самовоспроизведения

    15. бессимптомный

    16. обнаружить случайно

    17. лечить лекарственными средствами

    4.Fill in the table using the text “Hepatitis”

    The Types of the Disease

    The Cause of the Disease

    The Symptoms of the Disease

    The Treatment of the Disease

    The Preventive Measures

    Hepatitis A

    Acute Hepatitis B

    Chronic Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis C

    5.Answer the questions

    1. What is hepatitis?

    2. When is hepatitis acute and chronic?

    3. What are the causes of hepatitis?

    4. What should the patient with hepatitis A do to get well?

    5. What may chronic hepatitis B and C cause?

    1   2   3   4

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