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  • УРОК 3. Аптека.Специальный вопрос.

  • Урок 4. Лекарственные препараты. Специальный вопрос.

  • УРОК 5. Станция скорой медицинской помощи. Вопрос к подлежащему.

  • УРОК 6 .Здравоохранение в РФ. Альтернативный вопрос

  • Роль мед сестры при гиперемии. Уро поликлиника. Общий вопрос

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    1.Больница – это медицинское учреждение.

    Is, a, institution, medical, the hospital.

    2.Оно заботится о здоровье наших людей.

    Our people, cares, about, of, it, the health.

    3.Пациенты получают направление в больницу.

    To the hospital, the patients, a direction, receive.

    4. Дежурная мед. сестра заполняет историю болезни пациента.

    Fills in, the nurse on duty, a case history, the patient, of.
    5.Дежурный врач осматривает пациента и направляет его в палату.

    The patient, examines, the doctor on duty, the ward, admits, to, and him.
    6.Жизнь в больнице начинается рано утром.

    Begins, the life, early, in the hospital, in the morning.
    7.Мед. сёстры измеряют температуру пациентов, ставят инъекции, дают лекарства и выполняют другие назначения врача.

    Take, give, the temperature, the nurses, the patients, injections, medicines, give, and, doctor’s administrations, carry out, other, of .
    8.Около 9 часов утра врачи начинают ежедневные обходы палат.

    The doctors, at about, daily, the wards, rounds of, 9 a.m., begin.
    9.После мед. осмотра врачи назначают пациентам различные процедуры.

    Different, administer, after, the doctors, the patients, the medical, examination, procedures.
    10.Врачи предписывают пациентам соблюдать постельный режим или диету.

    The patients, the doctors, to follow, prescribe, a bed regimen, a diet, or.
    11.Врачи лечат своих пациентов с большим вниманием и заботой.

    With, attention, great, the doctors, their patients, treat, care, and.
    12.Эта забота и лечение помогают пациентами в выздоровления.

    Care, this, and, help, treatment, patients, recovery, in.
    2.Продолжите предложения, используя информацию из упр. 1 .

    1. A hospital is a …

    2. At first a patient receives …

    3. A nurse on duty fills in …

    4. A doctor on duty examines …

    5. Nurses on duty take …

    6. At 9 o’clock doctors begin …

    7. After medical examination doctors administer …

    8. Doctors treat …

    9. The care and treatment help …

    3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из упр. 1.

    1. What is the hospital?

    2. What do the patients get in the polyclinic?

    3. Who admits the patients to the wards?

    4. What duties do the nurses do?

    5. What are the duties of the doctors in the hospital?

    6. What helps the patients in recovery?

    4. Ситуации. Используйтеупр.1.
    1.You work as a doctor in the hospital. Tell about your work there.

    2.You work as a nurse in the hospital. Tell about your work there.

    Г рамматика

    Проверка текущего контроля
    5.Общие вопросы

    1. Patients go to the registry first.

    2. Patients are admitted to the hospital.

    3. A doctor administers different procedures

    4. The case history must always be written.

    5. The ambulances carry artificial respiration apparatuses.

    УРОК 3. Аптека.Специальный вопрос.

    Изучите и выпишите новые слова

    department [di’pa:tmənt] отдел

    immediately[I’mi:diətli] немедленно,сразу

    drug [dr^g]- 1)лекарство(в данном тексте); 2)наркотик

    medicine [‘medsən] 1)медицина; 2) лекарство (в данном тексте)

    internal use [in’tə:nəl ju:s] внутреннее применение

    external use [ik’stɜ:nl ju:s] наружное применение

    intramuscular injections [,int’trə’m^skjulə] внутримышечный

    intravenous injections [,intrə’vi:nəs] внутривенные инъекции

    necessary dosage [‘nesəsəri ‘dəusidɜ]- необходимая доза

    1. Прочите и переведите текст «Аптека»

    At a Chemist’s
    When you become ill, you go to the doctor who examines you and writes out a prescription. It is in the chemist’s where you can buy all sorts of medicines.

    There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs one can order at the prescription department.

    At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle, a tube or a box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. Indication of the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing ( to confuse – путать ) different remedies, some of which are poisonous.

    At a chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, for oral administration and for external use.

    Before using the medicine the patient must know well that he is taking the proper drug and in the necessary dosage.

    2.Найдите эквиваленты из текста

    1. заболеть

    2. осматривать пациента

    3. выписывать рецепт

    4. отдел ручной продажи

    5. рецептурный отдел

    6. иметь этикетку

    7. указывать дозу и название лекарства

    8. лекарства для внутреннего применения

    9. лекарства для наружного применения

    10. внутримышечные инъекции

    11. внутривенные инъекции

    3. Ответьте на вопросы

    1. Where can you buy all sorts of medicines?

    2. What departments are there in the chemist’s? What can one buy there?

    3. What does every medicine have?

    4. What do the labels indicate?

    5. What kinds of drugs can you buy at the chemist’s?

    6. What must you know well before taking the medicine?

    4. Скажите по –английски.

    1. Когда вы болеете, вы идёте к врачу.

    2. Врач осматривает вас и выписывает рецепт.

    3. В аптеке вы можем купить различные лекарства.

    4. В аптеке существуют два отдела: отдел ручной продажи и рецептурный отдел.

    5. У каждого лекарства есть этикетка с названием лекарства и дозой на ней.

    6. В аптеке вы можете купить лекарства для внутривенных и внутримышечных инъекций, для внутреннего и наружного применения.

    Г рамматика
    Специальный вопрос – относится только к какому–либо отдельному члену предложения и всегда начинается с вопросительного слова. На первом месте стоит вопросительное слово, затем следует сказуемое (или часть его), подлежащее и остальные члены предложения. При постановке специального вопроса из структуры утвердительного предложения удаляется то слово (те слова), к которым и задан специальный вопрос.

    He is a surgeon. Он хирург

    Who is a surgeon? (вместо he употребляем who ). Кто хирург?

    What is he? ( вместо surgeon употребляем what). Кто он?

    В вопросах к подлежащему сохраняется порядок слов утвердительного предложения, при этом глагол ставится в 3-м л. ед. ч.

    Who operates on bones? Кто оперирует..?
    Вопросы с DO /DOES (ДЛЯ HE SHE IT)
    A patient (существительное )always comes (глагол) to the polyclinics (When, How often).

    1.When does (так как patient - он) a patient come (s убираем так как появилось does)…?

    2. How often does a patient come…?

    1. During the medical examination doctors question their patients thoroughly (When, How).

    2. Many doctors and nurses work in the polyclinic all day round (Where, When).

    3. The district doctor visit ill patients at home (Whom, Where).

    4. Russian citizens receive medical assistance in the polyclinic (What, Where).

    5. A patient always comes to the polyclinics (When, How often).



    1. Doctors begin to make rounds at 8 o’clock (What, When).

    2. At the end of the physical examination doctor make a diagnosis (When, What).

    3. Doctor gives the instructions in his consulting room (What, Where).

    4. After medical examination the doctors administer the patients different procedures (What, When).

    5. At the in-patient department nurses begin working early in the morning (Where, When).
    Урок 4. Лекарственные препараты. Специальный вопрос.
    Изучите и выпишите новые слова

    1. exclusively[ik’sklu:sivli] - исключительно

    2. prescribe - предписывать

    3. volume - объем

    4. reference[‘refərəns] book - справочник

    5. available[ə’veiləbl] - доступный

    6. precaution - осторожность, противопоказание

    7. data[‘deitə] sheet - вкладыш – инструкция

    9. administer - назначать, применять, давать (лекарство)

    10. externally - наружно

    11. anesthetic[,ænəs’ϑetik] - анестетик

    12. abolish - снимать, устранять

    14. derive - происходить от

    15. derivatives[di’rivətivs] - производные

    16. liable - подверженный, склонный

    18. order – заказывать

    19. just under two pints – приблизительно двум пинтам

    20. various reference books are available – существуют самые различные справочники

    21. keep up to date with new drugs – осваивать новые препараты

    22. trade names – торговые знаки (зарегистрированные фирменные названия,

    например, лекарств)

    23. to provide data sheets – обеспечить вкладышем – инструкцией

    24. which abolish pain – которые действуют обезболивающе
    1.Прочитайе и переведите текст «Лекарственные средства»


    The metric system is used exclusively when ordering and prescribing drugs. The metric unit of weight is the gram (g) and this is divided into thousandths called milligrams(mg).

    The unit of volume is the liter (l) which is subdivided into thousandths called milliliters (ml). A liter is equivalent to just under two pints. The standard medicine teaspoon holds 5 ml.

    Various reference books are available to help practitioners keep up to date with new drugs, the trade names of drugs, dosages and precautions with particular drugs. Manufacturers are also legally required to provide data sheets for all new drugs, giving full details of usage.

    Drugs may be administered externally or internally.

    Drugs are classified into groups which have a specific action, such as antibacterial drugs, which are used for the treatment of infections, or local anesthetics, which abolish pain. Some drugs belong to more than one group. For example, lignocaine, which is local and surface anesthetic. Let's take antibacterial drugs as an example.

    They are administered internally to kill bacteria.

    Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from microorganisms: for example, penicillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin. Many people are allergic to penicillin and its derivatives. If such people are given any of these drugs they are liable to develop a dangerous reaction. Patients must always be asked beforehand if they are allergic to penicillin or any other drugs.

    There are strict legal requirements for the purchase, storage, use, identification, dispensing and prescription of drugs.

    Many drugs are poisonous if taken accidentally or in excess; others caustic and may cause painful burns. Some common sense precautions in storing drugs are to keep them well away from food and drinks; keep poisons locked up in a special poisons cabinet; and to keep caustics on the lowest shelf where accidental spillage cannot affect the eyes or burn the face.

    Stocks of drugs must be stored in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and not kept beyond their expiry date. Records of their purchase, supply and expiry date must be kept for at least 11 years. Any drugs which have passed their expiry date should be discarded, together with any solutions which have become discolored or cloudy.

    Certain drugs, such as adrenaline, halothane and hydrogen peroxide must be stored in dark bottles to prevent premature deterioration, while poisons bottles are ribbed to indicate by touch that their contents are dangerous.
    Ex.2 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

    метрическая система, деленные на тысячные доли, стандартная чайная ложка

    содержит 5 мл, торговый знак, в соответствии с законом, представляя детальное

    предписание по употреблению, внутреннее или наружное применение,

    классифицироваться по группам, местное обезболивающее, получаемые из

    микроорганизмов, быть аллергенным, опросить заранее.

    Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What system is used when ordering and prescribing drugs?

    2. What is the metric unit of weight?

    3. What units of volume do you know?

    4. Why are reference books useful to practitioners?

    5. Who are legally required to provide full details of new drugs usage?

    6. How are drugs administered?

    7. What groups are drugs classified into?

    8. Do drugs belong only to one group?

    9. What is the aim of administering antibacterial drugs?

    10.What are antibiotics originally derived from?

    11. What reaction can develop if the people are allergic to some drugs?
    Г рамматика

    Текущий контроль.

    I. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутым словам:

    1. Doctors use laser to treat ulcers.

    2. Ulcers are often treated surgically.

    3. The doctor removed the stone when it was shattered.

    4. The stone is lodged between the kidney and the bladder.

    5. The analyser measures the concentration of enzymes.

    6. This patient often stays in hospital for about a week.

    7. Dr. Hull heads a research laboratory.

    8. The result of the experiment is very hopeful.

    9. Most boys start their growth between the ages of eleven and fifteen.

    10. Your heart is about the size of your fist.

    УРОК 5. Станция скорой медицинской помощи. Вопрос к подлежащему.
    Изучите и выпишите новые слова
    ambulance-машина скорой помощи, скорая помощь

    artificial respiration apparatus-аппарат искусственного дыхания

    painkiller-болеутоляющее средство

    sedative-успокаивающее средство

    dressings –перевязочные средства

    pincers[‘pinsəz] -пинцет

    scalpel[‘skælpl]- скальпель

    syringes [si’rindɜ]-шприц

    sets of splints-набор шин

    stretcher- носилки


    emergency[I’mɜ:dɜənsi]- экстренный
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст « Первая помощь»


    The First Aid Station has many ambulances which are equipped with everything necessary for giving first aid and making a diagnosis. The ambulances carry artificial respiration apparatuses, different medicines, such as painkillers, tonics and sedatives; dressings, first aid instruments, such as pincers, scalpels, syringes and others; sets of splints and stretchers. There are special ambulances equipped with everything necessary for of the organism. All ambulances are radio equipped. This is a very important

    thing for the ambulance doctor, because it enables him to send the necessary information to the hospital, so that the hospital can prepare beforehand all the necessary instruments for an urgent operation, a blood transfusion or anything else.

    The main thing in the work of the ambulance doctor is to make a correct diagnosisquickly. The ambulance doctor must have a deep knowledge of emergency surgery,toxicology, emergency therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, because he must always do his best to give the patient a proper aid on the spot.

    Г рамматика

    I. Поставьте вопрос к подлежащему. Переведите.

    1. Scientists discovered cells three centuries ago.

    2. Every cell contains the same set of genes.

    3. The great advances took place in the last two decades.

    4. Techniques helped scientists to construct recombinant DNA molecule.

    5. The researcher wrote three papers.
    II Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. Who takes an examination in anatomy at the end of the first year?

    2. Who treats people for different diseases?

    3. Who studies human anatomy?

    4. Who gains knowledge of medicine at medical college?
    УРОК 6 .Здравоохранение в РФ. Альтернативный вопрос
    1.Переведите подчеркнутые слова. Прочитайте и переведите текст «Здравоохранение в России»
    Health service in Russia
    The health service in Russia embraces the entire population and it is financed by the state budget.

    There is a wide network of medical institutions to protect the health of our people. They are polyclinics, hospitals and clinics. Polyclinics give qualified medical assistance. Many doctors and nurses work in the polyclinics. There are a lot of consulting rooms, some laboratories, X-ray, physiotherapy, surgical and dental departments. District therapeutists examine out-patients. The polyclinic has rooms for the examination of infectious diseases and also rooms for treatment and diagnostics. In Russia district doctors are on call part of their working day, they visit patients who are seriously ill and stay at home.

    Any Russian citizen may go to the district doctor or call him in and receive medical assistance. Every citizen has a right to get a sick-leave.

    Health service in Russia provides the emergency service. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and it is free of charge. In case of an emergent disease one dial 03 for the doctor to come. The ambulances are well-equipped. Modern medical equipment enables the doctor to give emergency surgical and therapeutic treatment.

    There are special hospitals for the treatment of particular diseases – infectious, psychiatric diseases, cancer and so on.

    The main principle of health service in Russia is the prevention of diseases. One of the main tasks in the fight against diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the diseases. One of its methods is health education.

    1. The health service

    2. The polyclinic

    3. The emergency ambulance service

    4. The district doctor

    5. Russian citizens

    -operates day and night

    -embraces the entire population

    -examine out-patients

    -provides the emergency service

    -protect the health of the people

    -visit ill patients at home

    -receive medical assistance

    3.Ответьте на вопросы

    1. Who works in the polyclinics?

    2. What rooms does the polyclinic have?

    3. What is the main principle of health service in Russia?

    4. What does modern medical equipment enable the doctors to do?

    4.Продолжите предложения.

    1. Polyclinics give …

    2. Any Russian citizen may …

    3. Every citizen has a right to …

    4. One of the main tasks in fighting against diseases is …

    Г рамматика
    Альтернативный вопрос – похож по своей структуре и смыслу на общий вопрос. Он, как и общий вопрос, ставится ко всему предложению, но одновременно с этим к тому или иному члену предложения. Он предполагает в ответе выбор между двумя или более действиями или качествами, предметами или лицами. При этом в самой структуре вопроса появляется союз or[ͻ:] или. Часть вопроса до союза or произносится с повышающейся интонацией, а после союза or - с понижающейся интонацией.
    She is a nurse (a doctor)- Is she a nurse or a doctor?

    Is she a nurse or a midwife?

    He operates (treat ulcers)-Does he operate or treat ulcers?
    1. You are a student (nurse).

    2. Your family is big(small).

    3. His friend has dog (cat).

    4. You go to the X-ray room (procedure room).

    5. He waits a nurse (surgeon).

    1. You want to help me (him)

    2. Your doctor percuss (palpate)

    3. The duration of illness is typically 6 days (10 days)

    4. You are diabetic (healthy)

    5. Doctors begin to make rounds at 9 o’clock in the morning (six)
    1   2   3   4

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