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    6.Fill in the gaps using the given words.

    vaccination / an inflammation / liver cirrhosis and cancer / viruses / infectious blood / reduce / sanitation / treatment / avoid fatty foods / acute / jaundice / replicating / contaminated
    Hepatitis is 1________________of the liver. Hepatitis may be 2______________ and chronic. Most cases of hepatitis are caused by a group of 3______________, alcohol, certain medications, other infections. Hepatitis can be transmitted by ingestion of 4_____________________food or water, through direct contact with an infectious person, by exposure 5_______________________________________ to or body fluids. Symptoms of acute hepatitis include fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss,6__________________ , weight loss, itching, dark urine. Chronic hepatitis can cause 7__________________________________. Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and 8___________________. Hepatitis B is preventable by 9__________________. Acute hepatitis doesn’t usually require 10_________________. Patients should rest, and 11________________________alcohol, eat a well-balanced diet. Treatment of chronic infection may be necessary to 12_______________ the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer and to stop the virus from 13 _____________________.

    УРОК 12. Сифилис. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

    1.Выпишите и прочитайте слова

    1. insanity - умопомешательство

    2. chancre - шанкр, язва

    3. patch - пятно

    4. bump - шишка

    5. constipation - запор

    6. nausea - тошнота

    7. lesion - повреждение, поражение

    8. slurred - неразборчивый

    9. senility - дряхлость

    10.miscarriage - выкидыш

    11.still birth - рождение мертвого плода

    12.damage - повреждение

    2.Прочитайте и переведите текст.


    Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Syphilis can affect men, women and infants.

    Syphilis is dangerous, but it is easily treated if it is diagnosed early. If left untreated, it can cause blindness, insanity, paralysis, heart disease or death. Symptoms may appear 10-90 days after exposure. Symptoms of syphilis are divided into four stages:

    Stage One: The main symptoms in this stage are: swelling of the glands and the

    appearance of chancres, which are usually seen on genitals, the mouth or anus. Chancres are very infectious. Chancres in women may not be noticed because they may occurьinside the vagina. Chancres are not painful.

    Stage Two: After the chancre is gone, a rash appears on the hands and feet. The

    lymph glands swell, the throat may be sore, patches appear in the mouth. There may be bumps around the genitals and the mouth. The bumps are very infectious. Other symptoms are: hair loss, loss of appetite, nausea, joint or bone pain.

    Stage Three: This latent stage may last many years. Some people may have lesions in bones, skin, nervous tissue and the heart. It is not infectious stage.

    Stage Four: Heart problems, skin rashes, bone and joint pain develop. There are

    many other problems such as insanity, slurred speech, senility or paralysis. If left untreated syphilis may cause death.

    A pregnant woman with syphilis can infect her unborn child. She may experience

    miscarriage, stillbirth or give birth to a child with birth defects: blindness, brain damage or other problems with growth and development.

    Those who have number of sexual partners and unprotected sex have a greater

    risk to be infected by syphilis. The use of condoms can prevent the spread of syphilis. Avoiding multiple sexual partners is also helpful.

    Syphilis is diagnosed on fluid from chancres at the first stage. At the three later stages a blood test is needed to detect the disease.

    Syphilis is treated with penicillin. Syphilis is curable if treated in time. It is very

    important to take all the medications the physician prescribes.

    Ex.3 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

    Болезнь, передающаяся половым путем; может поражать; если оставлен без лечения;может вызвать; могут появиться; после заражения; четыре стадии; основные симптомы; можно не заметить; не болезненный; лимфатические железы опухают;пятна появляются; потеря волос; потеря аппетита; боль в суставах или костях; проблемы с сердцем; беременная женщина; врожденные дефекты; незащищенный секс; лечится.

    Ex.4 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

    It is easily treated; if left untreated; can cause blindness; heart disease; after exposure; swelling of the lymph glands; may not be noticed; inside vagina; after the chancre is gone;constipation; lesions in bones; many other problems; syphilis may cause death; may experience miscarriage; sexual partners; to be infected by syphilis; is needed to detect; with penicillin.

    Ex.5 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is syphilis?

    2. When do symptoms appear after exposure?

    3. How many stages is the disease divided in?

    4. What are the main symptoms of the first stage?

    5. Are chancres painful? Are they infectious?

    6. What is the last stage characterized by?

    7. What problems may a pregnant woman with syphilis have?

    8. How do people may prevent the risk to be infected by syphilis?

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