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  • урок в 10 классе по подготовке к сдаче к ОГЭ. Выполнение лексикограмматических упражнений формата егэ

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    Имя файлаурок в 10 классе по подготовке к сдаче к ОГЭ.docx

    Класс: 10 «А»

    Предмет: английский язык

    Раздел: Человек в поисках счастья

    Тема: Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений формата ЕГЭ

    Цель урока: формировать практические умения, необходимые для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

    Задачи урока: 1) образовательные: повторение, обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний, умение применять их на практике, подготовка к сдаче экзамена по английскому языку;

    2) развивающие: развивать гибкость мышления, способность ориентироваться в типах экзаменационных заданий, вырабатывать навык работы над тестовой частью ЕГЭ;

    3) воспитательные: формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально-культурной сфере; воспитывать культуру общения

    Форма проведения урока: урок-практикум.

    Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал

    Используемые материалы:

    1. Официальный портал государственной итоговой аттестации (11 класс) http://www.ege.edu.ru

    2. 3. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: грамматика и лексика

    3. Ягудена, Анжелика. Английский язык в формате ЕГЭ. Письмо / Анжелика Ягудена.— 2-е изд. — Ростов н /Д : Феникс, 2016. — 95 с. — (Большая перемена).

    Ход урока



    Деятельность учителя

    Деятельность учащихся

    1.Орг. момент

    Задача: снять напряжение; настроить детей на работу; ввести в атмосферу иноязычной речи, погрузить в языковую среду


    Good afternoon, pupils! I`m glad to see you. Take your seats.

    Everyone is present. So I think we can start. We have a lot of things to do.

    And today we keep on preparing for the State Final Exam.

    Учащиеся приветствуют учителя.

    2. Фонетическая зарядка

    Задача: отработка фонетических навыков чтения учащихся


    Your first task is to mark the stress in the words below. This exercise will help you to sound intelligent.

    1. advert / advertisement

    2. popular / popularity

    3. celebrate / celebrity

    4. music / musician

    5. photograph / photographer

    6. organize / organization

    7. publish / publicity
    That`s right. Your work was good/ Unfortunately you had some mistakes.

    Учащиеся расставляют ударения в словах разных частей речи. Такое упражнение ведет к выработке ритмико - интонационных навыков, т.е позволит избежать невыразительности речи в чтении.

    3. Работа с заданиями В4-В9


    Your next task is doing lexical and grammar exercises.

    You have cards with words written on them. Your task is to write down all possible grammar and lexical forms.

    Учащиеся предлагают всевозможные лексико-грамматические формы слов. После этого учитель предлагает им упражнение в формате ЕГЭ (Приложение 1).

    4. Работа с личным письмом


    And now let`s get down to a personal letter. First of all let`s remember the structure of a personal letter. You can see parts of a letter. Your task is to put the different sections of the letter in the correct order. 
    Let`s play the game “I`m an expert”. Your task is to check the letter using the definite criteria.

    Учащиеся составляют структуру личного письма.

    (Приложение 2).
    Учащиеся проверяют личное письмо согласно предложенным критериям (Приложение 3).


    Let`s read the text about Canada.

    Now your task is to remember as many word associated with Canada as possible.

    And now answer my questions, please.

    1.Where is Canada situated?

    2. What is the capital of Canada?

    3. What are its national symbols?

    4. What are the languages spoken in Canada?

    And now try to speak about Canada. Don`t forget to mention:

    • its capital

    • its variety of nature

    • if you`d like to go there

    Ученики сначала читают текст. После этого составляют тематическую карту (Приложение 4).

    Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя.

    6. Подведение итогов


    Your work at the lesson was… Thank you for your work. Let me ask you. Was the lesson helpful for you?
    The lesson is over. See you tomorrow. You may be free. Good-bye.

    Pupil1: Yes, of course. It will help me to pass the Final State Exam.

    Pupil2: It will help me to improve my English.

    Pupil3: it will help me to know English better.

    Pupil 4: It will help me to be well-educated.

    Приложение 1

    Do you know what a maple leaf is? It’s on the ______
    flag. _______ like it so much that they have special
    ______ in honour of this plant.
    At the _______ of spring sugar maples start to produce
    sap or tree water. The_______ of sap and maple sugar
    to make maple syrup is one of the _______traditions in
    Canada. They got it from native people of North
    America, Indians.
    There are maple syrup_______ all over Canada. They
    start in March and last from three to six weeks. You can see sap coming from trees and help cook syrup. You can listen to live music and take part in _______contest.







    Приложение 2
    A – I write Love, or Best wishes, here.

    B – I write Dear and my friend’s first name here.

    C – I write my first name here.

    D – I answer my friend’s questions here.

    E – I explain why I’m finishing here.

    F – I write the date here.

    G – I thank my friend for his letter and beg pardon for not answering earlier.

    H – I write my address here.

    Приложение 3


    Dear Daniel

    I was happy to get your letter. I am sorry I couldn’t reply straight away. I have just come back from Italy.

    In your letter you asked me if I have got a pet. Well, I have a dog. As once Josh Billings said, “A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” I think dogs are the most devoted animals in the world. I guess you should prove to your parents that you are responsible enough to care for a dog.

    Great news! How many people are you going to invite? Have you checked the weather forecast? Have you ever had your plans ruined because of bad weather?

    Best wishes




    the appropriate form of greeting

    reference to the previous contact

    answers to the questions

    the closing sentences


    the addresser’s name

    Приложение 4
    Canada is one of the largest countries in the world. Canada is situated in North America. The capital is Ottawa; the main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. The word Canada comes from one of the Red Indian languages – “Kannata”, meaning “a number of huts”.

    Canada is often called the “Land of the Maple Leaf”. The maple leaf is the national emblem of Canada.

    Canada is an independent federative state, consisting of 10 provinces and 2 territories. It is a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. The two official languages are English and French. But many other languages are spoken: Italian, Chinese, German, Polish and Greek. 

    Canada is a country of lakes. It has seven of the world’s largest lakes. Niagara Falls are one of the most wonderful sights in the world. They are located on the Niagara River between the province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the USA.

    The animals in the country have very much in common with those of Northern Europe and Asia. There is the beaver, the sable, the wolverine, the brown bear, the elk, the polar bear, the buffalo, the lemming and the grizzly bear. The beaver became the official emblem of Canada in 1975.

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