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  • Read the text and be ready to further discussion.

  • Answer the following questions

  • ІІІ.

  • Match a word describing a market on the left with a word with a similar meaning in the middle and their opposite on the right

  • Match the terms with their definitions

  • Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match the words with the correct definition from the list below

  • Put the words in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences

  • UNIT6 Topic: Ма rketing and Advertising Vocabulary

  • Книжка. Завдання до практичних занять

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    UNIT 5
    Topic: Product, Market and Market Relations
    entity - одиниця; річ; самостійна одиниця, самостійне утворення; самостійна правова одиниця; особа; підприємство; організація; органзізація-суб’єкт права;

    core product - товар по задуму, узагальнений товар (продукт); базова ідея товару (товар з позиції основної вигоди, заради якої споживач його купує; наприклад, пральна машина як узагальнений товар буде представляти собою чисту білизну, шампунь – чисте і здоров’я волосся);

    actual product - товар у реальному виконанні, конкретний товар, фактичний товар (фізична сутність товару або товар з точними якісними характеристиками; до характеристик реального товару відносять: функціональні властивості, якість, оформлення (дизайн), назву марки, упаковку);

    augmented product - товар з підкріпленням, розширений товар (товар з комплексом додаткових послуг і переваг, які отримує покупець: особиста увага до покупця, доставка на дім, гарантія повернення грошей, кредитування, обслуговування після продажу і т.д.);

    benefit - користь; вигода; прибуток;

    valuable - цінний, коштовний, дорогий; корисний, важливий;

    convenience - зручність; вигода, користь;

    core benefit - основна користь (вигода);

    to travel (around) - подорожувати (по);

    vehicle - транспортний засіб, автомобіль; автотранспорт;

    to test drive - здійснювати тест-драйв (пробну поїздку під час придбання автомобіля);

    to collect (a car) - забирати (автомобіль);

    added value - додана вартість;

    to pay a premium - платити премію (нагороду, винагороду; надбавку до винагороди; страхувальну премію);

    warranty - гарантія;

    customer service support - підтримка клієнтського обслуговування;

    after-sales service - гарантійне обслуговування; сервісне обслуговування; обслуговування після продажу;

    branding - брендинг (процес створення бренду та керування ним; полягає у формуванні в споживачів особливого враження про товар / послугу даного виробника та підтриманні у споживачів довіри до якості товару); фірмове оформлення;

    installation - проведення, установлення, розміщення; монтаж; інсталяція;

    delivery - доставка; поставка; передача; відправлення.
    Read the text and be ready to further discussion.
    The product is everything that one receives in an exchange. Some products are tangible (material, palpable), such as clothing items, phones, computers, etc., while others are intangible (impalpable – they cannot be touched). Products are divided into two classes: goods and services. For example, a hamburger is an item, while a doctor's examination is a service. When you buy an automobile, you are purchasing a product. When you have someone adjust a carburetor, however, you are purchasing a service. So a product is a real, physical, tangible thing that is produced and consumed. A service is an intangible attribute that involves selling help and advice, or delivering goods for customers.

    For many people a product is simply a tangible, physical entity that may be sold and bought. But the concept of product is more complex as there exist three different products – the CORE product, the ACTUAL product, and the AUGMENTED product. These are known as the “three levels of a product”.

    The CORE product is NOT a tangible, physical product. You cannot touch it, because the core product is the BENEFIT of the product that makes it valuable to you. So with the car example, the benefit is convenience i.e. the ease at which you can go where you like whenever you want to. Another core benefit is speed since you can travel around relatively quickly.

    The ACTUAL product is the tangible, physical product. You can get some use out of it. Again with the car example, it is the vehicle that you test drive, buy and then collect.

    The AUGMENTED product is the non-physical part of the product. It usually consists of lots of added value, for which you may or may not pay a premium. So when you buy a car, part of the augmented product would be the warranty, the customer service support offered by the car’s manufacture, and any after-sales service.

    The definition of the term ‘product’ is based on the concept of a market. The term ‘market’ is an extension of the ancient idea of a market as a place where people gather to buy and sell goods. In former days some part of a town was kept as a market or marketplace, and people would travel many kilometers on special market-days in order to buy and sell various commodities. Today, however, markets such as the gold market or cotton market do not need to have any fixed geographical location. Such a market is a set of transactions in which a particular kind of commodity is exchanged and in which the transactions for this commodity among different individuals and firms are related.

    Some people come to a market because they want to buy (demanders) others come because they want to sell (suppliers). Thus, a market is created when those who willingly supply a product or service exchange with those who desire to use, control, or consume a product or service.

    Supply and demand are the twin factors which determine the price in any market. Supply is the quantity of goods or services sellers will offer for sale at different prices at a particular time and place. Demand is the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or companies buy at a particular time and place.

    A market is equilibrium when the quantity that suppliers are willing to provide to the market at a specific market price is exactly equal to the quantity that demanders desire to purchase in the market at the same market price.

    The importance of equilibrium is that the equilibrium relative price is the only price at which the interests of demanders happen to coincide precisely with the interests of the suppliers.

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the product?

    2. What products are tangible and intangible?

    3. What is a service?

    4. Why is the concept of product more complex?

    5. What are the three levels of a product?

    6. Is the core product a tangible, physical entity? Can you touch it? Why?

    7. What is the core benefit of a car?

    8. What is the actual product?

    9. What does the augmented product usually consist of?

    10. What is the term market ?

    11. Why do people come to a market?

    12. What is supply?

    13. What is demand?

    14. When is a market equilibrium?

    15. What is the importance of equilibrium?

    ІІ. Find in the text English equivalents to Ukrainian words and word combinations:

    Товар по задуму, самостійна одиниця, матеріальні продукти, основна користь, додана вартість, визначати ціну на ринку, точно співпадати з інтересами, цінний продукт, доставка товарів покупцям, товар у реальному виконанні, платити премію, товар з підкріпленням, постачальник, споживач, підтримка клієнтського обслуговування.

    ІІІ. According to the text, are the following statements true or false? If they are false, give the correct statement:

    1. All products are tangible.

    2. A service is a tangible attribute that involves selling help and advice, or delivering goods for customers.

    3. For many people a product is simply a tangible, physical entity that may be sold and bought.

    4. The core product is a tangible, physical product.

    5. The augmented product is the tangible, physical product.

    6. The augmented product usually consists of lots of added value.

    7. The definition of the term ‘product’ is based on the concept of a marketing.

    8. Demanders are people who come to a market because they want to sell.

    9. Supply determines the price in any market.

    10. Demand is the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or companies buy at a particular time and place.

    ІV. Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the box. Translate the text into Ukrainian:

    leader, line, price, position, research, trend, decline, entered, take over, withdraw from

    We've spent the last month doing extensive market (l) … - talking to customers in-store and asking them how we can improve our service. This research shows that customers want two things: first, more ready-made food, and second, better quality organic food. In relation to the first point, we know that the market for ready-made food is growing rapidly. It already accounts for 8% of our total sales, up from 5% just three years ago. This (2)… is likely to continue, as the pressures of work mean that people have less and less time to cook meals for themselves. This doesn't mean that sales of fresh fruit and vegetables will disappear; it just means that they are likely to slowly (3) … . This leads to the second point: organic food. We (4)… this market about ten years ago, and for a time sales were very strong. It even looked as if organic food would (5)… the fruit and vegetable market. However sales peaked and have now fallen to low levels. The problem is that organic food is expensive – its(6)…will always be significantly higher than non-organic. This doesn't fit well with our market (7)… as a value-for-money supermarket with lower prices than our competitors. Given the low levels of sales, one option would be to (8)… the organic food market completely. However, I think this would be a mistake. We are the market (9) … and we can't simply stop selling this product (10)… .This matter needs further discussion.

    1. Match a word describing a market on the left with a word with a similar meaning in the middle and their opposite on the right:

    domestic open declining

    existing expanding foreign

    free current mass

    growing home potential

    huge specialist protected

    niche enormous small

    1. Match the terms with their definitions:

      1. Market segment

      a) a fundamental economic concept that describes the total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers.

      1. Market niche

      b) the consumer's need or desire to own the product or experience the service. 

      1. Supply

      c) the percentage of an industry or market's total sales that is earned by a particular company over a specified time period.

      1. Market share

      d) a small area of trade within the economy, often involving specialized products.

      1. Market research

      e) a group of people who share one or more common characteristics, lumped together for marketing purposes.

      1. Financial market

      f) the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present and potential customers for the product or service; research into the characteristics, spending habits, location and needs of your business's target market, the industry as a whole, and the particular competitors you face .

      1. Commodity market

      g) a broad term describing any marketplace where trading of securities including equities, bonds, currencies and derivatives occurs.

      1. Demand

      1. a physical or virtual marketplace for buying, selling and trading raw or primary products.

    2. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match the words with the correct definition from the list below:

    Core product, actual product, augmented product, fast moving consumer goods, white goods, brown goods, perishable goods, durable/hard goods, nondurable/soft goods

    1. goods that are used up or last for less than three years – for example, perishable goods, consumable suppliers such as CD ROMs, or ink for a printer.

    2. major household electrical goods that are not usually white, such as camcorders, televisions and DVD players.

    3. goods that last for a long time-they cannot be easily worn out or used up, such as cars, furniture and white goods.

    4. not the actual product but can be defined as the benefit of the product that makes it useful to the purchaser.

    5. the physical parts of a product like brand name, design, features, quality, and style.

    6. a product that has extra features that make it better or more attractive than the ordinary product.

    7. major household electrical goods that are not usually white, such as freezers, washing machines and dishwashers.

    8. products with a high turnover and relatively low price, such as table salt or shampoo.

    9. goods that have a limited shelf life and must be consumed relatively quickly, such as fresh fruit, fresh meat and eggs.

    1. Put the words in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences:

    1. It concerns the cycle life product.

    2. A product with a market relative high share and market growth rate low is a cash cow.

    3. Cash cows can be used to fund development research and for new products.

    4. Stars may cash high flows generate but are not always profitable.

    5. Dogs may cash negative flow generate.

    6. Supply and demand are the twin factors which any market the price in determine.

    Topic: Маrketing and Advertising

    movement – рух;

    objectives - завдання, цілі;

    promotion - сприяння у продажу (товару);

    to insure– забезпечувати;

    to charge - призначати ціну, вимагати сплату;

    distribution - розповсюдження, розподіл;

    wholesaler - оптовий торговець;

    retailer - роздрібний торговець;

    advertising - рекламна справа, реклама, рекламування;

    to achieve – досягати;

    advertising media - засоби розповсюдження реклами;

    to persuade – переконувати;

    media - засоби масової інформації;

    to advertise – рекламувати;

    vital- життєво необхідний;

    failure – помилка;

    quality – якість;

    quantity – кількість;

    to establish – встановлювати;

    communication - передача інформації.
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