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  • Match if these statements are true or false or there is no such information in the text: 1.

  • Answer to the following question. Write only short answer (not full sentences): 3.

  • Listen to the text and complete the sentences by typing the word in the box. Write only one word in each box.

  • By each definition write in the letter of appropriate name

  • Read the sentences and decide which one of the given words fits each gap in the expressions: 1.

  • Choose the correct sentences in the future continuous. Example: Correct

  • Choose the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

  • Complete the sentences using the information in the brackets. Write full positive or negative verb forms in the future simple.

  • Choose the present simple or the present continuous to express future. Dont use capital letters. Write only verb forms.

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    Часть «чтение»

    Internet Addiction


    Psychiatrists consider Internet Addiction Syndrome as a disease that can result in relationship, workplace and financial problems.
    IAS have pretty much in common with smoking and gambling as well as with alcohol abuse. Social media and smartphone addiction are the part of IAS. Addicts can't quit, they are spend online unreasonable amount of time, they check mail first thing in the morning and they can even dream about surfing the net.
    Users who are hooked on the Internet can spend online more than 10 hours a day - that's more than a usual working day in the office. Internet addicts can't cut down time they spend online, because it's quite difficult to do so on their own. If you feel like you're hooked, it's definitely time to get help. You can ask your friends or parents for advice and support. Spending more time outdoors and finding a new hobby is an option too. 


    Match if these statements are true or false or there is no such information in the text:


    1. Social media and smartphone addiction have nothing to do with IAS.


    • true

    • false

    • does not say


    2. Addicts can spend online less than 10 hours a day .


    • true

    • false

    • does not say


    Answer to the following question. Write only short answer (not full sentences):


    3. Is spending time outnside helpful? Why?

    Приложение 10

    Пример контрольной работы для 11 класса по теме «Современные технологии» с использованием тестов открытого типа. Часть «аудирование»

    Listen to the text and complete the sentences by typing the word in the box. Write only one word in each box.



    Jess and Tom


    1.The conversation is between Tom and  .


    2.Tom checks his e-mail    a day..


    3.Tom answers his e-mails in one or two  .


    4.Tom has got accounts at facebook and my space and hi5, all these are social networking  .


    5.Tom has got a lot of free  .


    6. Jess joined   a couple of years ago.

    Приложение 11

    Пример контрольной работы для 11 класса по теме «Современные технологии».

    Часть «лексика» с использованием тестов закрытого и открытого типа.

    Приемы: matching, completion, multiple choice.

    By each definition write in the letter of appropriate name.




    With it you can wash multiple dishes simultaneously

     B Dryer

    With it you can cook many meals, using heat or gas

     F Dishwasher      

    With it you can dry your hair

     J  Cooker

    Complete sentences with the appropriate household appliance.

    1. Put the chicken in the   and let it roast for 45 minutes.

     2. I bought 10 kilos of salmon and put it all into the   to keep it good until the party.

    3. Many students in their rooms have a   ,so that they can make quick pizzas and other fast food.

    Read the sentences and decide which one of the given words fits each gap in the expressions:

     1. You need to connect _.......... your modem to the telephone line.

    • out

    • on/in

    • off

    • in

    • on

    • into

    • down

    • up

    2. All you have to do is to type ______ your name and address.

    • on

    • on/in

    • up

    • in

    • out

    • into

    • down

    • off

    3. We'll have to wait whilst the computer powers ______ . Then we can start.

    • in

    • up

    • out

    • down

    • off

    • on/in

    • into

    • on

    4. It's not enough to just delete the information. It is still there and can be recovered. You need to wipe it ______ with a special program.

    • into

    • out

    • on/in

    • on

    • down

    • off

    • in

    • up

    Приложение 12

    Пример контрольной работы для 11 класса по теме «Современные технологии»

    Грамматические темы «Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect»

    Часть «грамматика» с использованием тестов закрытого и открытого типа

    Choose the correct sentences in the future continuous.


    Correct: I will be eating pizza soon.

    Incorrect: I will be eatting pizza soon. (We don't double 't' when adding -ing)

    Incorrect: I will eat pizza soon. (We have to use future continuous)



    • We be will meeting her tomorrow.

    • Tomorrow we will her be meeting.

    • We will be meeting her tomorrow.



    • At 8 o'clock on Sunday they will been singing the new song.

    • At 8 o'clock on Sunday they will have been singing the new song.

    • At 8 o'clock on Sunday they will be singing the new song.



    • Today at eight I have written a test.

    • Today at eight I will be writting a test.

    • Today at eight I will be writing a test.



    • They will be arriving in Rome just about now.

    • They will be arriveing in Rome just about now.

    • They will be ariving in Rome just about now.

    Choose the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

    1.  At the end of June, Jane ______ enough credits to earn her Doctor's degree.

    • will have been earning

    • will have earned

    2.  Since you’ll be arriving late for the meeting, we _____ most of things by the time you come.

    • will have already covered

    • will have been covering

     3.  Next month, Anthony _____ Spanish at this school for 30 years.

    • will have been teaching

    • will have taught

     4.  By the time she retires next month, James _____ 5 years as a receptionist in the hotel.

    • will have spent

    • will have been spending

    Complete the sentences using the information in the brackets. Write full positive or negative verb forms in the future simple. 


    1.  Hey! Wait a minute. I   a word with you. (to have)


    2.  He   his boss next week. (to contact)


    3.  He   breakfast tomorrow morning. (not/to prepare)


    4.  She   the vase on the shelf. (not/to reach)
    Choose the present simple or the present continuous to express future. Don't use capital letters. Write only verb forms.

    • 1.  My friends_____(fly) to Madrid next month. They have bought the tickets.


    •  2.  We_____(meet) at Jim’s house at 7 pm.


    •  3.  Liz _____(play) tennis next Friday.

    1   2   3

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