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  • Ex.4. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

  • Ex. 5. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

  • Ex 6. Mixed Tenses. Put the sentences into the Passive.

  • Ex. 7. Open the brackets.

  • 3. PROGRESSIVE FORMS Ex. 8. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

  • Ex. 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Progressive Passive.

  • Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Progressive Passive form.

  • 4. PERFECT FORMS Ex. 11. Put the sentences into the Passive Voice.

  • Ex. 12 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Passive or Present Perfect Passive.

  • Ex. 13. Complete the text with expressions given below.

  • SECTION III. 1. THE PASSIVE MIXED FORMS Ex. 14. Open the brackets, using the correct form in the Passive.

  • Ex. 15. Open the brackets. Use the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.

  • Ex. 16. Use the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

  • Ex.17. Write passive sentences.

  • Ex. 19. Put the verbs into a suitable tense in the passive. Dramatise the dialogue. Rewrite the dialogue in the Reported Speech.

  • Ex. 20. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive.

  • Составители Ст пр. Виноградова Т. В. Ст пр. Яковлева Н. В. пр. Егорова Е. Н

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    Note that the rules for choice of tense are the same in the passive as they are in the active sentences.
    Ex. 3. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

    1. We hear a sound of a violin in the hall.

    2. His father always praises him when he works hard.

    3. My sister often takes Bob for his brother.

    4. My mother wakens me at 7 o’clock every morning.

    5. We use this room for special occasions.

    6. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles.

    7. They make these artificial flowers of silk.

    8. They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day.

    9. Beavers make these dams.

    10. They sell soft drinks here.

    11. Most people oppose such things.

    12. Usually students do a lot of work in spring.

    13. They don’t admit children under sixteen.

    14. Now they start these engines by electricity.

    15. They never discuss it in her presence.

    Ex.4. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

    1. She found the envelope at last behind the dining-room clock.

    2. I bought this book a weak ago a week ago.

    3. A great artist painted this picture.

    4. John broke the window the other day

    5. The mob broke all the shop windows in recent riots.

    6. They rang the church bells as a flood warning.

    7. It is high time someone told him to stop behaving like a child.

    8. The judge gave him two weeks in which to pay the fine.

    9. An uneasy silence succeeded the shot.

    10. They showed her the easiest way to do it.

    11. Lightning struck the old oak.

    12. A jelly-fish stung her.

    13. Did the idea interest you?

    14. They used to start these engines by hand.

    15. Who wrote it?

    Ex. 5. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

    1. I shall post this letter tomorrow.

    2. They will discuss your report next week.

    3. The secretary will change our time-table in a week.

    4. Tom will meet us at station.

    5. Someone will serve refreshments.

    6. The lawyer will give him the details of his uncle’s will.

    7. The closure of the workshops will make a lot of people redundant.

    8. We will not admit children under sixteen.

    9. She will wear an evening dress.

    10. The organisers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.

    11. They will say nothing more about the matter.

    12. The police will interview him tomorrow.

    13. We shall discuss this problem later.

    14. What measures shall we take?

    15. I shall send him this report tomorrow.

    Ex 6. Mixed Tenses. Put the sentences into the Passive.

    1) a) They told me an interesting story yesterday.

    b) They offered him a cup of tea.

    c) They promised us a interesting book.

    d) They pay him regularly.

    e) They will show us some new magazines.

    f) They teach the children French and German.

    g) They gave him an invitation card to the party.

    h) They granted him the film a long term credit.

    Fire almost completely destroyed the Royal Hotel last night. By the time someone called the Fire Brigade, the hotel was already blazing. Ambulance took fifteen people to hospital suffering from severe burns. They say that seven of them are in a serious condition. People think that a discarded cigarette started the fire.
    (E.g.: The Royal Hotel was almost completely destroyed by fire last night By the time the Fire Brigade was/were called, ...)

    Last month the Council put forward a plan to make the seafront traffic free. Many of the shop and restaurant owners support the plan as they believe that a more pleasant environment will improve their trade. However, the hotel owners are less enthusiastic and say

    that the traffic restriction will make access to their car parks very difficult. There have also been protects from local residents who complain that the closure of the seafront road will make their journeys around the town much longer.
    Ex. 7. Open the brackets.

    1. My car (damage) last night.

    2. This computer (make) in the USA.

    3. The machine (make) in Scotland.

    4. The President (kill) last night.

    5. The money (change into dollars) at the bank.

    6. The parcel (post) yesterday.

    7. Cheese (make) from milk.

    8. The children (give) some food.

    9. The house (paint) every ear.

    10. Several people (hurt) in an accident last night.

    11. He (show) the way to the station.

    12. She (tell) the news when she returned home.

    13. They (offer) the goods at a low price.

    14. Children (teach) foreign languages at school.

    15. They (pay) twice a month.

    16. He (offer) some interesting work..

    17. He (promise) immediate help.

    18. The buyers (grant) a credit of six months.

    19. They (give) detailed directions tomorrow.

    20. The film (show) to us at 6 o’clock.

    21. The child hopes he (give) a computer by Santa Claus, but his parents made up their minds that the boy (present) with a new scooter.

    22. The boss assured the stuff they (tell) about the coming changes. “Toy (tell) of my future plans”, he said.

    23. Don’t worry! The burglars (catch) by the police. – Hm, but they are sure they (not catch).

    24. Get your passport ready, they (examine) by the officer. Do toy remember we were warned that our papers (examine) here?

    25. The hole nation hoped he (elect) Prime-Minister.

    26. Mind, you (punish) if you disobey my orders.

    27. I wonder when my project paper (publish).

    28. The child (bring up) in a respectable family.

    29. They made sure that the child (bring up) by the decent people.

    30. Don’t leave your outside. It (steal).

    31. When he turns up he (tell) the truth.

    32. The new spaceship (launch) in Florida in some days.

    33. The delegation (meet) at the airport.

    34. No one expected that the flight (delay).

    35. We felt happy that the car (repair) the next day.


    Ex. 8. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.

    1. They are pulling down the old theatre.

    2. People are spending far more money on food now.

    3. The librarian says that they are starting a new system because people were not returning books.

    4. They are building a new road here.

    5. Mike is doing a lot of work.

    6. They will be lengthening the runways at all the main airports.

    7. It is now 6 a.m. and at most of the hospitals in the country they are awakening patients with cup of tea.

    8. They were towing the damaged ship «Titanic» into harbour when the tow-line broke.

    9. She is still typing the letters.

    10. They were taking more effective measures at the time.

    11. They will be building a new movie theatre in this square next year.

    12. They are examining the students in room 206.

    13. The government is spending little money on roads.

    14. They were throwing stones into the sea.

    15. Your can’t go in. They are interviewing her for the TV.

    16. Our scientists are examining a new spaceship.

    17. Our friends are making preparation to meet them.

    18. They are preparing the meal now.

    19. Tom and Harry were carrying our suitcases.

    20. They will be discussing a very important question at the meeting tomorrow.

    Ex. 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Progressive Passive.

    1. Such mistakes (make) by even the best students.

    2. The houses (build) of stone, brick and wood.

    3. A new museum now (open).

    4. A special rule (make) for students to be taken to the University.

    5. The goods (examine) at the moment.

    6. Papers (deliver) usually at 8 in the morning, they (look through) at the moment and you’ll get yours soon.

    7. Dress (make) preferably of cotton in hot countries. This wonderful costume (make) specially for this performance now.

    8. - What strange sounds!

    - Oh, our piano (tune).

    1. - Where is your car?

    2. - It (fill) usually on the garage at the moment.

    3. Tea (lay) usually on the balcony in fine weather.

    4. We are finishing the last preparations for the party: the lights (switch on), the tables (lay). Do toy think we’ll be ready on time?

    5. I’ve got two questions to you. First: «What language (speak) all over the world?» Second: «What language (speak) in this room?»

    6. The witness (question) by the police-inspector now.

    7. The old motorway (use) by many people, but it’s not very convent, that’s why a new ring-road (build) in the city.

    8. Our luggage (examine) at the Custom now. Any luggage going abroad (check) usually here.

    9. We (give) a lot of advice by our parents.

    10. All the contacts (sign) by the President.

    11. You’ll have your copy soon, the contract (type).

    12. Lots of people (operate on) in this clinic. And now unfortunately my uncle John (operate) on here.

    Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Progressive Passive form.

    1. The student (ask) to tell the story again.

    2. While the professor (speak) no sound was uttered.

    3. A modern tune (play) when we came into the hall.

    4. Every morning the boys (tell) what they had to do.

    5. I sat down for a rest while the repairs (do).

    6. At last the problem (solve) to everyone’s satisfaction.

    7. The life of man (change) by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.

    8. A week ago the students of our group (choose) for jury service.

    9. The game (play) with zest by both teams.

    10. Last Friday he (meet) at the railway station.

    11. Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Japan last year.

    12. The helicopter (construct) in Russia.

    13. He (throw) out of class cheating.

    14. The pop singers arrived at the airport and (welcome) by thousands of fans. Flowers (throw) at them all the way to the exit.

    15. The exposition (open) when we drove up to the picture gallery.

    16. He couldn’t go out as his suit and shirt (clean).

    17. The petrol tank (fill) last week.

    18. The policeman noticed that the suitcase (carry) by the porter in a most strange way.

    19. The naughty boy (teach) a very good lesson by his friends.

    20. When I came to the skating-rink he (teach) to skate by his elder brother.

    21. His cousin (fine) for exceeding speed limit yesterday.

    22. I drove up to the shop just as it (close), but the owner was kind enough to let me in.

    23. They (award) the highest prize.

    24. She watched television while the dinner (prepare).

    25. When I came into the kitchen I smelt something delicious. My favourite cookies (bake) in the oven.

    Ex. 11. Put the sentences into the Passive Voice.


    1. The secretary has recently brought this letter.

    2. Jack has just spilled the milk.

    3. My little brother has broken this cup.

    4. She has dusted the room carefully.

    5. He felt better when he had reached the post office, bought a registered envelope and posted the letter.

    6. By the time the director came she had typed the letters.

    7. They went home after they had finished the work.

    8. He wondered why we had not visited him before.

    9. car has been lent to me for the week.

    10. They will have passed the exams by the end of June.

    11. Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit.

    12. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice.

    13. We shall have finished this report by 6 o’clock.

    14. Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife.

    15. The burglars had cut an enormous hole in the steel door.

    16. Someone has already told her to report for duty at six.

    17. Compare clothes which we have washed with clothes which any other laundry has washed.

    18. The author will have written a special edition for children by the end of the year.

    19. Have they bought the books?

    20. Nobody have noticed the girl.

    21. Have you given the children their milk?

    22. What have you done about it?

    23. They have built the house in record time.

    24. By the time he came we had done it all.

    25. They have proved the scientific theory to be false.


    1. Someone told us a very funny story yesterday.

    2. The people gave him a hearty welcome.

    3. They have offered my brother a very good job.

    4. The house agents showed us very nice flats.

    5. The secretary didn’t tell me the exact time of my appointment.

    6. They have never taught that that rood boy good manners.

    7. The teacher hasn’t asked Peter any questions at this lesson.

    8. People wished the newly married couple a long and happy life.

    9. They never tell me the family news.

    10. The examiners didn’t give us enough time to answer all the questions.

    11. A guide will show the tourists most of the sights of London.

    12. They waste a lot of time discussing unimportant things.

    13. They type the letters in the other office. They will type yours in a minute.

    14. They are repairing my piano at the moment.

    15. The guests ate all the sandwiches, and drank all the lemonade. They lest nothing.

    16. Has someone posted my parcel.

    17. Why did no one informed me of the change of the plan?

    18. I’m afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more.

    19. They haven’t stamped the letter.

    20. She didn’t introduce me to her mother.

    21. An earthquake destroyed the town.

    22. He didn’t tell me the whole truth.

    Ex. 12 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Passive or Present Perfect Passive.

    1. The decorations (complete) an hour ago.

    2. The preparations for the party just (finish) and the guests are already arriving.

    3. The baby (feed) an hour ago.

    4. Christopher (feed) yet? - Not yet.

    5. He (not see) for a week already.

    6. The paper (not ready) by anyone yet.

    7. The suit (not wear) for a long time.

    8. This fact (not mention) in his last speech.

    9. I’m happy as I just (allow) to stay here for an extra day.

    10. She (teach) music in her childhood.

    11. You ever (teach) how to play chess?

    12. I just (advise) to keep to a diet.

    13. The sportsmen (give) instructions before the match.

    14. The motorist (disqualify) some five months ago.

    15. I can’t believe my eyes! My book (publish) already!

    Ex. 13. Complete the text with expressions given below.
    had been given had been told had never been taught

    was given (twice) was offered was promised

    was shown wasn’t being paid was sent
    I’ll never forget my first day at that office. I __(1)__ to arrive at 8.30, but when I got there the whole place seemed to be empty. I didn’t know what to do, because I __(2)__ no information about the building or where I was going to work, so I just waited around until some of the secretaries began to turn up. Finally I __(3)__ a dirty little office on the fifth floor, where I __(4)__ a desk in a corner. Nothing happened for an hour; then I __(5)__ some letters to type on a computer by one of the senior secretaries. This wasn’t very successful, because I __(6)__ how to use a computer. (in the letter I __(7)__ when I __(8)__ the job, I __(9)__ computer training, but they’d obviously forgotten about this.) By lunchtime things hadn’t got any better, and I decided that I __(10)__ enough to put up with the nonsense, so I walked out and didn’t go back.


    Ex. 14. Open the brackets, using the correct form in the Passive.

    1. Don’t enter the room! A student (to examine) there.

    2. The event (to report) by the newspapers before they arrived home.

    3. After the accident he (to take) home immediately.

    4. The letter (to type) by the typist when I came in.

    5. I am sure that his work (to complete) by the end of the month.

    6. Some new magazines just (to bring). Would you like to look them through?

    7. The exercises usually (to correct) by the teacher at home.

    8. I can’t show you my written work as it not (to return) by my teacher.

    9. Many new houses (to build) in our town lately.

    10. We think that the ship ( to charter) next week.

    11. The goods not (to examine) yet at the custom-house. When they (to examine)?

    12. The question which (to discuss) now at the conference is very important.

    13. This bridge (to build) in 1954.

    14. The contract (to type) before the director comes to the office.

    15. Important scientific work (to carry on) by that institute.

    16. All the students (to examine) by five o’clock.

    17. The documents not (to sign) yet by the manager. They to check now.

    18. She (to frighten) by a loud noise in the street.

    19. This book (publish) soon.

    20. Ann (ask) when I entered the classroom.

    21. I’m not wearing my black shoes today. They (mend).

    22. This copy (not read). The pages (not cut).

    23. Why the car (not lock) or (put) at the garage?

    24. The damaged ship (tow) into harbour when the towline broke.

    25. This room (use) only on special occasions.

    26. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall.

    27. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and (operate on) tomorrow morning.

    28. It was a lonely road, and the girl was afraid; she thought she (follow).

    29. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.

    30. The little girl is the only child, and she (spoil) by her parents and grandparents.

    31. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday.

    32. It was very cold yesterday afternoon, but we couldn’t light a fire in the sitting room; the chimney (sweep).

    33. This purse (leave) in a classroom yesterday, it (find) by the cleaner.

    34. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.

    35. When I saw the car, it (drive) at over fifty miles an hour.

    36. This room (not used) for ages.

    37. The children are very exited this morning. They (take) to the circus this afternoon..

    38. My keys (return) to me; they (pick up) in the street.

    Ex. 15. Open the brackets. Use the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.

    1. Look! There’s nothing here. Everything (to take) away.

    2. We (to tell) to wait because the man (to question) just.

    3. If anyone comes in you (to find) looking through his papers.

    4. We can’t get there in time. By the time we get there the papers (to destroy).

    5. Why nothing (to do) about it at the time?

    6. You can’t go in. She (to interview) for the TV.

    7. She promised that nothing (to do) till he came back

    8. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I (to watch).

    9. She looked a different girl. Her face (to watch), her hair (to comb).

    10. We could still see the tracks where the car (to drag) off the road.

    Ex. 16. Use the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

    1. You can’t use the refrigerator at the moment, it (to fix) by the mechanic.

    2. A new metro line (to construct) now. One of its station (to build) in our street.

    3. Like many medieval cities, Moscow developed round the walls of a stronghold. First a brick wall (to build) around the merchants’ quarter which (to know) as Kitaigorod, then, in the 16th century, a new wall (to erect) round the so-called Bely Gorod.

    1. Maize (to use) by many peoples of the world to make their bread.

    2. A second talk on how to handle the new machine (to give) tomorrow at the same time by one of the inventors.

    3. No objections to the plan (to offer) so far, but it (not to introduce) until it (to put) to vote.

    4. Everybody was busy as a welcoming party (to operate) in honour of the distinguished visitors.

    5. Some final touches (to put) to the picture; it (to complete) in a quarter of an hour.

    6. Evidently the tea (to sweeten) before I put sugar into it.

    Ex.17. Write passive sentences.

    1. Chinese (speak) in Singapore.

    2. The Taj Mahal (build) around 1640.

    3. The new hospital (open) next year.

    4. She (interview) now

    5. I released I (follow).

    6. (You invite) to Andy’s party.

    7. He found that all his money (steal).

    8. These computers (make) in Korea.

    9. Passengers (ask) not to speak to the driver.

    10. Sorry about the noise - the road (mend).

    11. The village church (burn down) last year.

    12. A Roman pavement (just find) under Oxford street.

    Ex. 18. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense in the passive.

    The building at the top of the High Street is Barford Hall. It (build) in 1827 and today it (regard) as the finest Georgian building in the country. A number of changes (make) since it was built, but the front of the building (not change). Today the Hall (own) by Bardale Council, and for the last ten years it (use) as a home for Barford Arts Centre. At the moment a small art gallery (build) behind the Hall.
    Ex. 19. Put the verbs into a suitable tense in the passive. Dramatise the dialogue. Rewrite the dialogue in the Reported Speech.











    Hi! I’m back. Sorry I’m late.

    Hello. What kept you?

    I had to use the ring road and I (stick) in a traffic jam for forty minutes.

    Why didn’t you use the usual route?

    Because the road (close) until work on the access road to the new hospital (complete).

    When is it due to (finish)?

    Well, the access road (open) by the Mayor next week, according to the newspaper, and the Health Minister (invite) to open the hospital on the same day, but they don’t know yet whether she’s definitely coming.

    A lot of money (waste) if she doesn’t come.

    Why is that?

    Haven’t you seen all those rose bushes that (plant) round the hospital?

    So? They’ll be lovely for the patients.

    But the patients won’t bee able to see them, because they’re round the entrance, and the wards look out in the other direction. A lot of people protested about it, but all their complains (ignore) until it was too late.

    If they had money to spare, it (spend) on facilities for patients, not on making the front look pretty for the Minister.



    Absolutely. It’s typical of this local council. They (elect) to save money, but they do just the opposite.

    Perhaps they (throw) out at the next election.

    I hope so. Now, are you ready for supper?

    Ex. 20. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive.

    1. Glinka composed the opera «Ivan Susanin».

    2. This mine will produce large quantities of coal this year.

    3. A railway line connects the village with the town.

    4. A famous architect designed this theatre.

    5. This plant had fulfilled the yearly plan by the 15th November.

    6. The student read the text aloud

    7. The teacher will correct the student’s composition.

    8. Soviet scientists are making wonderful discoveries.

    9. Who has written this article?

    10. The workers are unloading the steamer.

    11. The director has just signed the letter.

    12. The customs officer is counting the cases.

    13. When he entered the room, the legal adviser was checking the contract.

    14. The buyers will insure the cargo with «Gosstrakh».

    15. As the buyers had not opened a letter of credit, we could not ship the goods.

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