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Тесты по английскому языку (1000 вопросов с ответами)
Вопрос 1

... always go abroad during their summer holidays.

A) they;

Вопрос 2

Give ... the book, please.

D) me;

Вопрос 3

He is an old friend of ... .

C) ours;

Вопрос 4

He washed and dressed ... .

C) himself;

Вопрос 5

... is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich.

B) Who;

Вопрос 6

... ... pupils are there in your class?

A) How many;

Вопрос 7

... is that man?- He is a doctor.

B) What;

Вопрос 8

... friend made some mistakes in his dictation.

A) My;

Вопрос 9

Is ... absent today?

B) anybody;

Вопрос 10

I can’t do it today. I have ... free time.

C) little;

Вопрос 11

If you ever have ... problems, let me know.

A) any;

Вопрос 12

Did ... see this film yesterday?

B) anybody;

Вопрос 13

How ... English words do you know?

A) many;

Вопрос 14

Don’t worry. We have ... time before the train comes in.

C) much;

Вопрос 15

These pencils are ... , take ... if you want.

E) mine / them.

Вопрос 16

I have lost ... pen, may I take ... ?

C) my / yours;

Вопрос 17

... often meet here.

A) We;

Вопрос 18

She’ll go there with ... husband and ... daughter.

A) her / her;

B) hers / her;

C) her / hers;

D) my / mine;

E) mine / my.

Вопрос 19

My elder brother looks like ... mother .

A) hers;

B) my;

C) yours;

D) this;

E) her.

Вопрос 20

... of you knows his address?

A) Who;

B) Which;

C) What;

D) How;

E) How many.

Вопрос 21

We have very many relatives in ... native town.

A) my;

B) our;

C) ours;

D) theirs;

E) them.

Вопрос 22

They can do it ... .

A) ourself;

B) myself;

C) themselves;

D) theirself;

E) theirs.

Вопрос 23

She took off ... coat and began to work.

A) she;

B) her;

C) hers;

D) herself;

E) mine.

Вопрос 24

I’ve got no pen to write with. I’ll ask Mary to give me ... .

A) her;

B) hers;

C) herself;

D) mine;

E) my.

Вопрос 25

First of all we shall listen to ... suggestions, then we shall put forward ...

A) their / our;

B) theirs / our;

C) their / ours;

D) theirs / ours;

E) they / our.

Вопрос 26

There are more than ... books in the library.

A) 2 million;

B) 2 millions;

C) 2nd million;

D) the 2 million;

E) 2th millions.

Вопрос 27

The first of June nineteen hundred

A) первое июня 1900;

В) первое июля 1900;

С) первое июня 9010;

D) первое июня 19100;

Е) первое июня 1990.

Вопрос 28

His birthday on ... of October.

A) the four;

B) four;

C) the fourth;

D) fourth;

E) the fours.

Вопрос 29

He moved there some years ago, in 1950.

A) ninety fifty;

B) nineteen fifty;

C) ninety fifteen;

D) nineteen fifteen;

E) ninty fifty.

Вопрос 30

This famous poet was born on ... of October.

A) the twenty three;

B) twenty threeth;

C) the twenty third;

D) twentieth third;

E) twenty third .

Вопрос 31

Are you a student?-Yes, ... .

A) I’m;

B) I do;

C) I have;

D) I’m not;

E) he is.

Вопрос 32

Does he spend his holidays by the sea?

A) Yes, I do;

B) No, he does;

C) Yes, he does;

D) Yes, I am;

E) No, I am not.

Вопрос 33

Have the workers done their work?-Yes, ... .

A) I have;

B) they have not;

C) they do;

D) they have;

E) they are.

Вопрос 34

She is very pretty, ... ?

A) is she;

B) does she;

C) isn’t she;

D) doesn’t she;

E) has she.

Вопрос 35

He is rich and famous.-... .

A) So do I;

B) So am I;

C) So I am;

D) Neither do I;

E) Neither I am.

Вопрос 36

Ann knew it, ... ?

A) didn’t she;

B) does she;

C) doesn’t she;

D) did she;

E) is she.

Вопрос 37

There is no bread at home, ... ?

A) is there;

B) isn’t there;

C) there is;

D) are there;

E) is here.

Вопрос 38

There are many students at the meeting, ... ?

A) isn’t it;

B) aren’t there;

C) are there;

D) is there;

E) are they.

Вопрос 39

You can’t swim, ... ?

A) can she;

B) can’t you;

C) can you;

D) may I;

E) can.

Вопрос 40

Where ... my glasses? – I have just lost ... .

A) is / it ;

B) are / it;

C) is / them;

D) are / them;

E) was / it.

Вопрос 41

Your advice ... very useful. I usually use your ... when I am in trouble.

A) is / advice;

B) is / advices;

C) are / advice;

D) are / advices;

E) were / advices.

Вопрос 42

They say money ... the soul of business.

A) is;

B) are;

C) were;

D) to be;

E) have.

Вопрос 43

Too ... knowledge ... the head bold.

A) much / make;

B) many / makes;

C) much / makes;

D) many/ make;

E) little / make.

Вопрос 44

The book contains ... information. It’s very useful.

A) much;

B) many;

C) little;

D) few;

E) a few.

Вопрос 45

He has ... friends in this town and he feels lonely.

A) much;

B) many;

C) little;

D) few;

E) a little.

Вопрос 46

His clothes ... usually very cheap, but he is actually well-off.

A) are;

B) is;

C) was;

D) were;

E) to be.

Вопрос 47

... character my father is a quiet man.

A) On;

B) By;

C) For;

D) The;

E) At.

Вопрос 48

I’ve got good relations ... my mum.

A) to;

B) by;

C) with;

D) at;

E) from.

Вопрос 49

She is always interested ... what I do.

A) at;

B) in;

C) by;

D) on;

E) of.

Вопрос 50

My younger sister is very popular ... her friends at parties.

A) at;

B) by;

C) with;

D) from;

E) of.

Вопрос 51

He is keen ... ancient languages.

A) in;

B) on;

C) at;

D) with;

E) by.

Вопрос 52

My mother’s sister is my ... .

A) niece;

B) aunt;

C) sister;

D) sister-in-law;

E) nephew.

Вопрос 53

Parents of my father are my ... .

A) grandparents;

B) relatives;

C) distant relatives;

D) parents-in-law;

E) stepparents.

Вопрос 54

My sister’s husband is my ... .

A) son-in-law;

B) brother-in-law;

C) relatives;

D) father-in-law;

E) stepbrother.

Вопрос 55

Son of my brother is my ... .

A) cousin;

B) brother-in-law;

C) niece;

D) nephew;

E) brother.

Вопрос 56

The mother of my husband is my ... .

A) mother;

B) mother-in-law;

C) grandmother;

D) sister;

E) stepmother.

Вопрос 57

Children of aunt are my ... .

A) sisters;

B) brothers;

C) cousins;

D) nephews;

E) nieces.

Вопрос 58

My children are my parents’ ... .

A) children-in-law;

B) grandsons;

C) granddaughters;

D) grandchildren;

E) grandnephews.

Вопрос 59

Our large family consists ... 8 people.

A) at;

B) on;

C) of;

D) with;

E) by.

Вопрос 60

We ... fond ... reading fairy-tales when we were children.

A) are / at;

B) are / of;

C) were / with;

D) was / by;

E) were / of.

Вопрос 61

... appearance he is an impressive figure.

A) At;

B) By;

C) In;

D) On;

E) To.

Вопрос 62

We ... friends with Oleg in childhood.

A) did;

B) took;

C) made;

D) called;

E) began.

Вопрос 63

He is going ... for sports.

A) at;

B) on;

C) in;

D) with;

E) by.

Вопрос 64

Nursery school , kindergarten , ... , institute.

A) university;

B) college;

C) secondary school;

D) work;

E) pension.

Вопрос 65

I’m quite ... and easy to deal with.So I have a lot of friends with whom we spend much time together.

A) kind;

B) industrial;

C) sociable;

D) energetic;

E) calm.

Вопрос 66

He usually gets up ... half past seven.

A) in;

B) at;

C) on;

D) a;

E) into.

Вопрос 67

My working day ... 6 hours.

A) begins;

B) starts;

C) lasts;

D) finishes;

E) continues.

Вопрос 68

He tries to do ... morning exercises every morning.

A) his;

B) her;

C) hers;

D) our;

E) my.

Вопрос 69

Shame on you. Why you don’t ... classes.

A) miss;

B) go;

C) attend;

D) visit;

E) show.

Вопрос 70

All our students have dinner in their University’s ... .

A) library;

B) cloakroom;

C) canteen;

D) Dean’s Room;

E) labs.

Вопрос 71

Students often read up for lessons in the ... .

A) library;

B) cloakroom;

C) Dean’s Room;

D) canteen;

E) labs.

Вопрос 72

On week-ends we like to go ... a walk with our friends.

A) at;

B) on;

C) for;

D) with;

E) to.

Вопрос 73

As ... rule we have little free time on my week-days.

A) the;

B) an;

C) a;

D) - ;

E) to.

Вопрос 74

Sometimes I have scrambled eggs ... breakfast.

A) on;

B) for;

C) at;

D) - ;

E) by.

Вопрос 75

After ... I put on my coat, take my bag, and go to the University.

A) breakfast;

B) lunch;

C) dinner;

D) supper;

E) 5 o’clock tea.

Вопрос 76

In the morning if I have enough time I take ... .

A) a pen;

B) a breakfast;

C) a taxi;

D) a lessons;

E) a shower.

Вопрос 77

As a rule before I go to ... I read books.

A) home;

B) bed;

C) Institute;

D) away;

E) friends.

Вопрос 78

... weekend I get up later than usual.

A) At;

B) On;

C) Of;

D) The;

E) By.

Вопрос 79

It ... me half an hour to go to the University on foot.

A) does;

B) makes;

C) takes;

D) keeps;

E) asks.

Вопрос 80

Then I go to the ... where I clean my teeth, wash myself and brush my hair.

A) my room;

B) bathroom;

C) sitting room;

D) dining room;

E) kitchen.

Вопрос 81

I don’t want ... for the first lesson so I come a few minutes before the bell.

A) to be ill;

B) to be fond;

C) to be late;

D) to be interested;

E) to be proud.

Вопрос 82

After classes I go ... and have dinner there.

A) at home;

B) to home;

C) home;

D) to the house;

E) in the home.

Вопрос 83

When I have ... I try to do my best to meet with my friends.

A) few time;

B) free time;

C) many time;

D) a few time;

E) a free time.

Вопрос 84

Eight o’clock a.m. is ... time in our family.

A) breakfast;

B) dinner;

C) supper;

D) lunch;

E) 5 o’clock tea.

Вопрос 85

When do you leave home ... work?

A) at;

B) for;

C) to;

D) in;

E) into.

Вопрос 86

What I do on my days off realy depends ... what the weather is like.

A) at;

B) on;

C) in;

D) to;

E) of.

Вопрос 87

... the left of the wall unit there is a corner-sofa with two armchairs.

A) At;

B) In;

C) To;

D) Near;

E) On.

Вопрос 88

... the opposite corner there is a TV-set with a video and tape-recorder.

A) At;

B) In;

C) To;

D) Near;

E) On.

Вопрос 89

You can see a lovely carpet ... the middle ... the room.

A) on / in;

B) of / at;

C) in / of;

D) at / in;

E) of / of.

Вопрос 90

We are looking ... a flat with all modern conveniences.

A) at;

B) in;

C) after;

D) for;

E) out.

Вопрос 91

My flat is ... the third floor.

A) at;

B) in;

C) to;

D) on;

E) of.

Вопрос 92

Where do you keep your clothes?

A) sofa-bed;

B) side-board;

C) wardrobe;

D) cupboard;

E) bedside table.

Вопрос 93

Where do you usually have meals?

A) bedroom;

B) living-room;

C) study;

D) kitchen;

E) entrance hall.

Вопрос 94

Where do people hang their clothes?

A) hall-stand;

B) mirror;

C) arm-chair;

D) sofa;

E) door.

Вопрос 95

... there white curtains on the windows?

A) Is;

B) Are;

C) Have;

D) Has;

E) Was.

Вопрос 96

I live ... a new 9-storeyed block ... flats ... Chockin Street.

A) on / of / on;

B) at / at / of;

C) in / of / in;

D) in / at / at;

E) of / of / on.

Вопрос 97

My room... a green park and has a lot of sunshine.

A) looks;

B) sees;

C) overlooks;

D) is;

E) shows.

Вопрос 98

I spend most of my time in my bedroom which I use ... a study.

A) like;

B) as;

C) how;

D) look like;

E) looks.

Вопрос 99

East or West ... is best.

A) house;

B) flat;

C) home;

D) block of flats;

E) room.

Вопрос 100

An Englishman house is his ... .

A) work;

B) hobby;

C) castle;

D) residence;

E) box.

Вопрос 101

I know …. story.

  1. interesting;

  2. interestinger;

  3. more interesting;

  4. the most interesting;

  5. interestingest.

Вопрос 102

It is the …. way.

A) long;

B) longest;

C) longer;

D) more long;

  1. the most long;

Вопрос 103

His work is …. important than her work.

  1. important;

B) the most important;

C) more important;

D) as important as;

  1. so important as.

Вопрос 104

English is … …. … German.

  1. so difficult as;

  2. as difficult as;

  3. more difficulter than;

  4. difficult as;

  5. difficult.

Вопрос 105

Kate is not … nice …Ann.

A) is… as;

B) as…as;

C) so…as;

D) is… than;

  1. so…than.

Вопрос 106

Mike is not … tall… Pete.

A) so… as;

B) is… as;

C) is… than;

D) as…as;

E) is… than.

Вопрос 107

I hope Mike will be… than we were.

A) most luckier;

B) more lucky;

C) lucky;

D) most lucky;

E) luckier.

Вопрос 108

It is … to cross the river in this place than over there.

A) less dangerous;

B) little dangerous;

C) dangerous;

D) little dangerous;

E) much dangerous.

Вопрос 109

She was … than Roy.

A) short;

B) shortest;

C) shorter;

D) more shorter;

E) the most shortest.

Вопрос 110

The bill is not … as I thought it would be.

A) such expensive;

B) expensive;

C) more expensive;

D) so expensive;

E) the most expensive.

Вопрос 111

They live … from school than we do.

A) farther;

B) more far;

C) farthest;

D) as far as;

E) far.

Вопрос 112

In the competition I was nervous and played … than usual.

A) worst;

B) badly;

C) worse;

D) as badly;

E) as badly as.

Вопрос 113

Some car engines work … than others.

A) more efficiently;

B) efficient;

C) most efficient;

D) more efficient;

E) most efficient.

Вопрос 114

I would be …. if you could answer my letter.

A) cheerful;

B) glad;

C) good;

D) kind;

E) bad.

Вопрос 115

Which is ….: the United States or Canada?

A) large;

B) larger;

C) largest;

D) the largest;

E) more large.

Вопрос 116

What is the name of the …. Port in the USA?

A) bigger;

B) the biggest;

C) big;

D) biggest;

E) the most biggest.

Вопрос 117

The new cinema in our district is … …. than the old one.

A) more bigger;

B) much bigger;

C) so big;

D) as big;

E) little bigger.

Вопрос 118

He is one of the … … criminals in the world.

  1. most dangerous;

B) much dangerous;

C) more dangerous;

D) little dangerous;

E) dangerous.

Вопрос 119

Nevsky Prospect is…. …. …. than our street.

A) more much beautiful;

B) much more beautiful;

C) as more beautiful;

D) so much beautiful;

E) such as beautiful.

Вопрос 120

Our house is not … … … yours.

A) so big as;

B) as big so;

C) such big as;

D) such big so;

E) as big as.

Вопрос 121

That is the …. story I have ever heard.

A) funnier;

B) funniest;

C) the funniest;

D) funny;

E) more funnier.

Вопрос 122

The tram system is not … …. .. it is used to be.

A) so reliable as;

B) such reliable as;

C) as reliable as;

D) more reliable than;

E) so reliable so.

Вопрос 123

What is your weight? You are … than me.

A) taller;

B) tallest;

C) tall;

D) more taller;

E) the tallest.
Вопрос 124 She felt as … … her brother.

A) so strong as;

B) strong as;

C) so strong so;

D) more strong than;

E) much stronger than.

Вопрос 125

He was… than I.

A) good;

B) best

C) well;

D) better;

E) worst.

Вопрос 126

This student is …….. in our group.

A) attentive;

B) more attentive;

C) less attentive;

D) most attentive.

E) the most attentive.

Вопрос 127

I need ….. coat.

A) a warmer;

B) warme;

C) the warmer;

D) the warmest;

E) more warm;

Вопрос 128

He is .. … … you.

A) so tired as;

B) as tired as;

C) so tired as;

D) such tired as;

E) more tired as.

Вопрос 129

late than never.

A) best;

B) good;

C) better;

D) the best;

E) the better.

Вопрос 130

He was one of ………….. workers at the factory.

A) the more experienced;

B) more experienced;

C) the most experienced;

D) most experienced;

E) less experienced.

Вопрос 131

She was not … … … her mother.

  1. as attractive as;

B) such attractive as;

C) as attractive so;

D) so attractive as;

E) more attractive as.

Вопрос 132

His work is not … … … mine.

A) so difficult as;

B) as difficult as;

C) such difficult as;

D) so difficult so;

E) so difficult so.

Вопрос 133

He was …. in the family.

A) the eldest;

B) eldest;

C) older;

D) the oldest;

E) old.

Вопрос 134

It is … to swim in the sea than in the river.

A) easy;

B) more easier;

C) easier;

D) most easier;

E) easiest.

Вопрос 135

This is … room in the flat.

A) small;

B) smaller;

C) the smallest;

D) smallest;

E) the most smallest.

Вопрос 136

We should eat … food.

A) healthier;

B) healthiest;

C) the most healthy;

D) more healthier;

E) healthy.

Вопрос 137

Today the streets are not … … … they used to be.

A) as clean as;

B) so clean as;

C) as cleaner than;

D) so cleaner than;

E) such clean as.

Вопрос 138

Mary is a … student than Lucy.

A) good;

B) worst;

C) the better;

D) better;

E) the best.

Вопрос 139

Which is …. place in this part of the country?

A) beautiful;

B) the most beautiful;

C) more beautiful;

D) beautifuler;

E) beautifulest.

Вопрос 140

Today the weather is …. than it was yesterday.

A) most cold;

B) more cold;

C) coldest;

D) cold;

E) colder.

Вопрос 141

This book is … of all I have read this year.

A) interesting;

B) more interesting;

C) the most interesting;

D) most interesting;

E) interestinger.

Вопрос 142

She is not … fond of sports … my brother is.

A) as\so;

B) so\as;

C) such\as;

D) so\so;

E) as\as.

Вопрос 143

Her eyes are … than mine.

A) greyer;

B) greyest;

C) more grey;

D) the most grey;

E) greier.

Вопрос 144

He was…. man in the village.

A) fat;

B) fattest;

C) fater;

D) fatest;

E) the fattest.

Вопрос 145

As he went on, the box became …and … .

A) heavy \ heavy;

B) heavyier \ heavyier;

C) heavier \ heavier;

D) heavier \ heavy;

E) heavy \ heavyier.

Вопрос 146

Who is … student in your group?

A) attentive;

B) more attentive;

C) most attentive;

D) the most attentive;

E) the more attentive.

Вопрос 147

It is autumn. Every day the air becomes …., the leaves … .

A) cold \ yellow;

B) colder \ yellower;

C) the colder \ yellower;

D) colder \ the yellower;

E) coldest \ yellowest.

Вопрос 148

This is the … view I have ever seen in my life.

A) beautiful;

B) more beautiful;

C) most beautiful;

D) as beautiful as;

E) beautiful as.
Вопрос 149

Your handwriting is now … than it was last year.

A) better;

B) the best;

C) good;

D) gooder;

E) goodest.

Вопрос 150

Your handwriting is not … … … Nick’s handwriting.

A) better;

B) good;

C) the best;

D) as good as;

E) so good as.

Вопрос 151

And, of course, Nellie has the … handwriting of all.

A) better;

B) the best;

C) as good as;

D) so good as;

E) good.

Вопрос 152

Oil is … than water.

A) light;

B) the lightest;

C) lighter;

D) lightest;

E) more light.

Вопрос 153

I’m … … my little sister.

A) busier than;

B) busyer than;

C) more busier;

D) the more busier;

E) most busier.

Вопрос 154

London is … New York.

A) most old than;

B) more old than;

C) older than;

D) old than;

E) as old as.

Вопрос 155

I’ve got a headache. Be … , please.

A) quiet;

B) quieter;

C) quietest;

D) quietter;

E) quiettest.

Вопрос 156

Yesterday he started to feel … .

A) more mad;

B) most bad;

C) badder;

D) worse;

E) worst.

Вопрос 157

He makes … mistakes … you do.

A) the more\ than;

B) most \ than;

C) many \ than;

D) the most \ than;
E) mоre \ than.

Вопрос 158

I met my ... friend yesterday.

A) good;

B) best;

C) better;

D) the best;
E) the better.

Вопрос 159

Dorothy is … in her family.

A) young;

B) younger;

C) youngest;

D) the youngest;
E) the young.

Вопрос 160

Your friend looked upset yesterday. I’m glad he looks … today.

A) more happy;

B) more happier;

C) happy;

D) happier;

E) happiest.

Вопрос 161

Public transport in London is …. in Europe.

A) the expensivest;

B) the most expensive;

C) the more expensive;

D) expensive;

E) the expensiver.

Вопрос 162

Do you think the Americans are …the English people?

A) nicer than;

B) the nicest;

C) nice than;

D) more nice;

E) more nicer.

Вопрос 163

Go to the library if you need … information.

A) farer;

B) far;

C) farther;

D) further;

E) furtherst.

Вопрос 164

Life is … it used to be.

A) so easy as;

B) more easy than;

C) easier than;

D) as easy as;

E) as easy so.

Вопрос 165

The problem was … we expected.

A) seriouser than;

B) serious than;

C) more seriously than;

D) seriously than;

E) more serious than.

Вопрос 166

Let’s go by train. It’s much … .

A) cheap;

B) the cheap;

C) the cheapest;

D) cheap;

E) cheaper.

Вопрос 167

I earn … money than he does.

A) littler;

B) less;

C) more little;

D) little;

E) least.

Вопрос 168

He has … time than me.

A) big;

B) bigger;

C) much;

D) more;

E) many.

Вопрос 169

Your cottage isn’t … I thought.

A) farther;

B) so far as;

C) as farther as;

D) as far as;

E) far.

Вопрос 170

I get, … I am.

A) the oldest \ the happiest;

B) the old \ the happy;

C) the older \ the happier;

D) oldest \ happiest;

E) older \ the happier.

Вопрос 171

The grass is always … on the other side.

A) green;

B) greener;

C) greenest;

D) as green as;

E) green as.

Вопрос 172

Dad often says that Mom is his … half.

A) the good;
B) good;

C) the better;

D) best;

E) the best.

Вопрос 173

He said that money was …thing to him.

A) important;

B) more important;

C) the more important;

D) most important;

E) the most important.

Вопрос 174

I come… home at… half past two.

A) a, the;

B) an, a;

C) -, -;

D) -, a;

E) the, -.

Вопрос 175

Is there … sofa in your … living room?

A) a, -;

B) a, the;

C) the, the;

D) -, -;

E) -, the.

Вопрос 176

My friend’s … flat is … very comfortable.

A) the, a;

B) a, a;

C) -, -;

D) the, -;

E) an, the.

Вопрос 177

Through ... window we can see … room.

A) the, a;

B) a, a;

C) -, -;

D) the, -;

E) an, the.

Вопрос 178

I come from … pretty rich … family.

A) the, a;

B) a, -;

C) a, a;

D) the, an;

E) -, -.

Вопрос 179

When my grandfather was ... young man, he studied … physics.

A) a, a;

B) a, the;

C) -, -;

D) the, an;

E) a, -.

Вопрос 180

He is … wonderful teacher. He teaches … History.

A) a, -;

B) a, the;

C) a, an;

D) -, -;

E) -, the.

Вопрос 181

Russia occupies … eastern half of … Europe.

A) the, the, the;

B) -, the, a;

C) a, an, the;

D) -, the, -;

E) -, -, -.

Вопрос 182

Several rivers run into … sea at … New York.

A) the, -;

B) -, -;

C) -, the;

D) a, a;

E) a, the.

Вопрос 183

.. France is to … north of … Italy.

A) the, the, the;

B) -, the, -;

C) -, -, -;

D) a, the, a;

E) -, a, -.

Вопрос 184

In … small town in … East there was … man who had … parrot.

A) a, the, a, a;

B) a, -, a, the;

C) -, the, an, -;

D) the, the, a, -;

E) -, -, the, the.

Вопрос 185

One day … man decided to sell … bird.

A) a, a;

B) the, the;

C) a, an;

D) -, the;

E) -, -.

Вопрос 186

train stopped at … little station.

A) the, an;

B) the, a;

C) a, an;

D) -, the;

E) -, -.

Вопрос 187

weather was fine, … sun was shining in … blue sky.

A) -,-,-;

B) -, the, a;

C) a, a, a;

D) a, the, an;

E) the, the, the.

Вопрос 188

group of … farmers were sitting in … village house.

A) a, -, the;

B) the, the, the;

C) the, a, a;

D) a, the, a;

E) a, a, the.

Вопрос 189

My grandmother … not nervous and she … rarely upset.

A) is, is;

B) are, am;

C) was, were;

D) was, will be;

E) will be, is.

Вопрос 190

Art … long, life … short.

A) was, will be;

B) is, was;

C) is, is;

D) will be, is;

E) was, were.

Вопрос 191

You … right. That … a lot of money.

A) is, is;

B) were, were;

C) is, are;

D) is, is;

E) are, is.

Вопрос 192

Where … yours books now? They ... in my bag.

A) is, is;

B) were, were;

C) is, are;

D) is, was;

E) are, are.

Вопрос 193

Where … your mother yesterday? - She … at the cinema.

A) is, is;

B) was, was;

C) were, were;

D) is, are;

E) is, was.

Вопрос 194

When my granny … young, she … an actress.

A) is, is;

B) was, was;

C) were, were;

D) is, are;

E) is, was.

Вопрос 195

you … at school tomorrow? – yes, I …

A) is, is;

B) will be, will;

C) was, were;

D) will be, am;

E) were, will.

Вопрос 196

He … with his family now. His sons … so much exited.

A) will be, will;

B) were, will;

C) was, were;

D) is, are;

E) are, will be.

Вопрос 197

Yesterday he … in Geneva. Tomorrow he … in London.

A) will be, was;

B) are, will be;

C) was, will be;

D) is, is;

E) was, was.

Вопрос 198

The students … in the Russian museum last night. Last month they … in the Hermitage.

A) are, was;

B) were, will be;

C) will be are;

D) were, were;

E) are, were.

Вопрос 199

The children … not upset, they … very angry.

A) were, are;

B) are, are;

C) will be, were;

D) is, is;

E) is, are.

Вопрос 200

The neighbours …not happy because her children … too noisy.

A) was, were;

B) will be, are;

C) was, are;

D) are, are;

E) were, will be.

Вопрос 201

I … sorry. They … not at the office at the moment.

A) am, are;

B) am, were;

C) was, will be;

D) were, were;

E) will be, are.

Вопрос 202

How … you? – I … not very well today.

A) was, was;

B) is, am;

C) will be, was;

D) are, am;

E) are, are.

Вопрос 203

you a doctor? – yes, I ….

A) is, is;

B) are, am;

C) am, am;

D) am, is;

E) are, are.

Вопрос 204

The shelf … brown. It … on the wall.

A) are, is;

B) was, will be;

C) is, is;

D) were, was;

E) is, are.

Вопрос 205

Where … Lisa and John? - They … at college.

A) were, are;

B) are, is;

C) will be, were;

D) are, are;

E) is, is.

Вопрос 206

She … the kindest person I’ve ever seen. My grandmother … really wonderful.

A) was, were;

B) is, is;

C) is, are;

D) will be, will be;

E) were, were.

Вопрос 207

you busy? – No, I … not.

A) are, am;

B) am, am;

C) is, is;

D) was, were;

E) will be, was.

Вопрос 208

Do you have any idea where he…? – he … at work.

A) was, were;

B) will be, were;

C) is, is;

D) are, am;

E) is, was.

Вопрос 209

Which sport, do you think, … the most dangerous?

A) am;

B) was;

C) were;

D) is;

E) are.

Вопрос 210

His family … not in St. Petersburg, it … in Moscow.

A) was, will be;

B) are, was;

C) is, will be;

D) is, is;

E) was, were.

Вопрос 211

An interesting film … on at the nearest station. It … Bumer.

A) is, are;

B) is, is;

C) was, will be;

D) were, were;

E) was, is.

Вопрос 212

The lesson … interesting. We studied a new theme.

A) will be ;

B) is;

C) are;

D) am;

E) was.

Вопрос 213

I … glad to help you. You may come tomorrow.

A) was;

B) am;

C) is;

D) are;

E) were.

Вопрос 214

I … writing a letter at the moment.

A) was;

B) will be;

C) am;

D) were;

E) is.

Вопрос 215

They … playing football from 5 till 7.

A) were;

B) am;

C) is;

D) will be;

E) are.

Вопрос 216

My father … a programmer. He … interested in politics.

A) was, will be;

B) is, will be;

C) are, were;

D) is, is;

E) were, was.

Вопрос 217

We … busy, we can’t help you now.

A) were;

B) are;

C) will be;

D) is;

E) was.

Вопрос 218

Chess and aerobics … not so exiting as skydiving.

A) were;

B) will be;

C) are;

D) is;

E) am.

Вопрос 219

There … a text-book and two exercise-books on my table now.

  1. were;

B) is;

C) was;

D) will be;

E) are.

Вопрос 220

There … many children in the park yesterday.

A) were;

B) are;

C) is;

D) was;

E) will be.

Вопрос 221

There … too little ink in my pen to write two letters.

A) will be;

B) is;

C) are;

D) were;

E) am.

Вопрос 222

Translate: В нашем городе много школ и институтов.

A) In our city has many schools and institutes;

B) There was a lot of schools and institutes in our town;

C) We have a few schools and institutes in our city;

D) There are many schools and institutes in our city;

E) There are many shops and institutes in our town.

Вопрос 223

Translate: Где ты был?;

A) Where you were?

B) Where did you was?

C) Where have you been?

D) Where have you be?

E) Where did you go?

Вопрос 224

Which days do you … much work to do?

A) do;

B) be;

C) go;

D) make;

E) have.

Вопрос 225

Do your children often … colds?

A) has;

B) get;

C) have;

D) do;

E) having.

Вопрос 226

Translate: Does your friend have a large or a small family?

A) У твоего друга большая семья?

B) У твоего друга большая или маленькая семья?

C) Какая фамилия у твоего друга?

D) Хочет ли иметь большую семью твой друг?

E) Какая семья у твоего друга?

Вопрос 227

Did you …. much work the day before yesterday?

A) have;

B) had;

C) has;

D) make;

E) done.

Вопрос 228

Unfortunately, I … time to discuss this question with you.

A) have;

B) doesn’t have;

C) have no;

D) hasn’t;

E) haven’t no.

Вопрос 229

Translate: Tы можешь отдохнуть.

A) You must give a rest;

B) You should make a rest;

C) You can’t have a rest;

D) You may do the rest;

E) You may have a rest.

Вопрос 230

Please, give me … pen and … pencil.

A) the, a;

B) a, a;

C) a, the;

D) the, the;

E) -, -.

Вопрос 231

What … article should we use … there?

A) the, a;

B) a, the;

C) a, the;

D) the, the;

E) -, -.

Вопрос 232

Translate: На нашей улице находится очень интересный музей.

A) We have got a very interesting museum at our street;

B) There is a very interesting museum in our street;

C) We has an interesting museum in our street;

D) There are very interesting museums in our street;

E) We haven’t any interesting museum in our street.

Вопрос 233

Their favorite singer is Sting, .... he?
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   46

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