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  • Напишите слова противоположного значения

  • Найдите и переведите предложения со сложным дополнением и предложения со сложным подлежащим

  • Text С . Cancer of the Stomach

  • CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Supply the words of the same root

  • Recall and supply the most characteristic words to be used with the following nouns as attributes

  • Choose the appropriate word. Translate the sentences

  • Define Infinitive functions. Translate the sentences

  • Use Complex Subject instead of the subordinate clause

  • Read and translate the following words: epigastrium

  • Finish the following sentences using the necessary words from Assignment XIV

  • 1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. Characterize the pain in this disease.

  • I .* Выразите следующие понятия одним словом

  • * Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос в соответствии с содержанием текста С

  • Замените придаточное предложение причастным оборотом (письменно). Переведите полученные предложения

  • А. М. Maslova Z. I. Winestein L. S. Plebeyskaya Essential English for

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    Напишите слова, близкие по значению:

    1. 1. disturbance; 2. to radiate; 3. to result in; 4. a damage; 5. continuous; 6. influence; 7. fever; 8. constant; 9. mild; 10. acute; 11. internal; 12. adequate; 13. onset; 14. to diminish; 15. ache; 16. to rise; 17. to involve; 18. carcinoma; 19. to nourish; 20. state; 21. bleeding; 22. to extend

    1. Напишите слова противоположного значения:

    1. 1. gradually; 2. to increase; 3. to diminish; 4. mild; 5. internal; 6. to be due to; 7. to follow; 8. onset; 9. base; 10. to accomplish; 11. to be admitted; 12. adult; 13. to decrease; 14. to disappear; 15. to divide; 16. dry; 17. exertion; 18. to rise; 19. to improve; 20. physical; 21. cold; 22. benign; 23. to leave; 24. to doubt

    1. Найдите и переведите предложения со сложным дополнением и предложения со сложным подлежащим:

    1. 1. Academician А. N. Bakulev is considered to be the founder of a new branch of surgery — cardiosurgery. 2. The cardiologist expected the patient to undergo the heart operation if the therapeutic measures proved to be ineffective.

    1. Hypothermia is known to be employed in cardiosurgery to enable the surgeon to correct small congenital or developed heart defects. 4. The evidence of gastric ulcer seemed to be confirmed by nausea and vomiting, though such a sign as intermittent fever was not characteristic of the disease. 5. The physician observed the patient’s appetite have been gradually improving since the administration of the adequate preparation.

    1. Переведите следующие предложения, используя сложное подлежащее (письменно):

    1. 1. Вероятно, у больного метастазы в печени вследствие рака желудка.

    1. Было обнаружено, что у него язва желудка. 3. Оказалось, что больной был слишком слаб для такой операции.

    1. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Найдите: а) предложения со сложным подлежащим и переведите их; б) в каждом предложении пятого абзаца — сказуемые. 3. Изложите основную мысль шестого абзаца в одном предложении. 4. Составьте пять вопросов по второму абзацу текста:

    1. Text С. Cancer of the Stomach

    2. Gastric carcinoma is a frequent form of cancer causing about 35-40% of all deaths from malignant tumours.

    3. This disease is more common in men than in women. The highest incidence is noted at ages of 50 to 60. Gastric carcinoma is known to have a more malignant course in young persons than in old age. The duration of gastric cancer from the appearance of its first manifestations to death is not longer than 1 -2 years.

    4. The aetiology of cancer is unknown. But such pathologic conditions as benign tumours, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis and stomach polyps have been determined to contribute considerably to its development.

    5. According to certain data the use of too hot or too cold food, smoking and alcohol are considered to be responsible for the development of stomach carcinoma.

    6. In the past few years a virus theory of cancer has been suggested. Though this theory is supported by many it has not yet been proved. For a long time many scientists have beep discussing the importance of hereditary factors in the development of cancer. The hereditary theory has not yet been confirmed either (также).

    7. The clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma vary with the stage of its development, location and spread through the lymphatic nodes and other inner organs. The main symptoms of gastric carcinoma are known to be disturbance in gastric digestion, epigastric pains, loss of weight and sometimes vomiting of blood. A prolonged, usually external, profuse bleeding results in severe anaemia. The appetite is usually reduced.


    1. Supply the words of the same root:

    1. extensive, exist, node, evidence, various, characterize, contribution, bleed, support, response, impulsive, ulcerous, associate, preventive

    1. Recall and supply the most characteristic words to be used with the following nouns as attributes:

    1. tumour, bleeding, node, vomiting, ulcer, manifestation, onset, fever, failure

    1. Choose the appropriate word. Translate the sentences:

    1. 1. (Malignant, benign) tumours are known to cause numerous metastases (involving, improving) various internal organs. 2. In the presence of anaemia the red blood cell count is considerably (increased, reduced). 3. Gastric carcinoma appears to be more (common, rare) in the male than in the female.

    1. Define Infinitive functions. Translate the sentences:

    1. 1. No doubt chronic gastritis is one of the diseases to be responsible for the development of gastric carcinoma. 2. Academician A. N. Bakulev was the first surgeon in the Soviet Union to perform the operation on the heart. 3. To reveal the early symptoms of malignant tumours is one of the measures contributing to their effective treatment. 4. In the patients with ulcer pain is known to have cyclic character with periodic remissions.

    1. Use Complex Subject instead of the subordinate clause:

    1. 1. It was reported that the patient had been suffering from the digestion disturbances for several years. 2. It seems that the pathologic changes in the gastric mucous membrane due to chronic gastritis are responsible for the development of malignant tumours of the stomach. 3. It was stated that the patient had developed anaemia after profuse bleeding caused by perforating ulcer.

    1. Read and translate the following words:

    1. epigastrium [.epi’gsestriam], peritonitis [,penta’naitis], metastasis [me’taeaestasis], barium [‘beariem], degeneration [di,d3ena’reijn]

    1. Finish the following sentences using the necessary words from Assignment XIV:

    1. The change of tissue from one form to another is.... 2. The inflammation of the internal serous coat of the abdominal cavity is.... 3. The upper portion of the abdomen is.... 4. Secondary cancerous lesions due to the spread of the disease in to other organs and systems of the body are .... 5. A special food given to the patient before the X-ray examination of his stomach or intestine is ... .

    1. 1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. Characterize the pain in this disease.

    1. Why is the prevention of this disease so important?

    1. TextD

    2. In gastric carcinoma pain is felt in the epigastrium and the patient often complains of the feeling of pressure in the stomach area. Pain may become severe when the tumour involves the pancreas, in peritonitis, and metastases into the bones.

    3. The gastric juice is known to contain much mucus, leucocytes and tumour cells. In the majority of cases gastric secretion proves to be considerably reduced.

    4. The X-ray examination is particularly important for the diagnosis of gastric carcinoma. It reveals the so-called filling defect, when some areas of the stomach remain empty after barium meal has been taken.

    5. Preventive measures are carried out extensively to reveal the early signs of gastric cancer an adequate therapy of ulcers and chronic gastritis is widely used not to result in malignant degeneration.

    1. Instead of the words and phrases in bold type use those from Texts С and D:

    1. 1. A continuous haemorrhage causes the decrease in the red blood cell count. 2. 35—40% of all persons who die from cancer are known to have had gastric carcinoma. 3. When the patient’s stomach was X-rayed the doctor saw that some of its areas did not contain any barium. 4. Too hot or too cold food is considered to contribute to the development of gastric cancer.

    2. LESSON 43


    4. I.* Выразите следующие понятия одним словом:

    1. the decrease of the red blood cell count; 2. a physician who treats the heart diseases; 3. the causes that produce the development of a certain disease;

    1. the mechanism of the development of a disease; 5. the inflammation of the internal serous coat of the abdominal cavity; 6. artificial cooling of the body;

    1. the state of the organism when a person is neither well nor ill; 8. irregular contractions of atria and ventricles; 9. an increase of the white blood cell count

    1. * Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос в соответствии с содержанием текста С:

    1. 1. What appetite has the patient suffering from gastric carcinoma? (a) It is increased; 6) It is reduced.) 2. What do the clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma vary with? (a) They vary with the stage of the development of the disease; 6) They vary with the age and sex of the patient.) 3. At what age is the highest incidence of gastric carcinoma observed? (a) It is observed at the age from twenty to thirty; 6) It is observed at the age from fifty to sixty.)

    1. Замените придаточное предложение причастным оборотом (письменно). Переведите полученные предложения:

    1. 1. After the patient had suffered profuse external bleeding he developed severe anaemia. 2. While the surgeon was performing the operation he revealed the ulcer on the anterior wall of the stomach. 3. The dullness which was revealed on percussion was associated with the pathologic changes in the left lung.

    1. Переведите текст E. Передайте его содержание:

    1. Text Е. Intestinal Tumours

    2. Many forms of tumours are known to occur in the intestines, but we shall limit our attention to the commonest, which is cancer. It generally leads to chronic intestinal obstruction and its accompanying symptoms. In addition there are usual symptoms of cancerous invasion—loss of weight and strength, progressive anaemia and pain of varying degree depending of the part affected. Any portion of the intestines is likely to be affected by carcinoma, but the usual areas are the upper part of the colon, the sigmoid and the rectum. In the latter situation the obstruction may be felt on rectal examination. In cancer of the colon and sigmoid a tumour is usually well palpable, the esophagus above the tumour is often thickened and spastic and peristaltic waves may be seen passing in the direction of the obstruction.

    1. Выучите следующие слова и переведите предложения, в которых они употреблены:

    1. retention [ri’tenfn] п задержка. The retention of urine is one of the clinical manifestations of a kidney disease.

    2. stool [stu:l] n стул, испражнение. The laboratory analysis of the stool failed to reveal any blood.

    3. tenderness [‘tendanis] n болезненность. The patient complained of a moderate tenderness on palpation.

    4. remove [rimu:v] v удалять, устранять. The surgeon removed the tumour which had involved the stomach.

    1. Переведите, используя или сложное подлежащее или сложное дополнение (письменно):

    1. 1. Известно, что прободная язва двенадцатиперстной кишки часто сопровождается обильным кровотечением. 2. Хирург заметил, что при пальпации болезненность в надчревной области распространяется вниз.

    1. Считается, что задержка мочи является одним из клинических проявлений болезни почек. 4. Оказывается, что перемежающаяся лихорадка отмечается в большинстве случаев туберкулеза. 5. Студенты наблюдали, как отоларинголог удаляет инородное тело из горла.

    1. a) Give the words of the dose meaning:

    1. to affect, to cause, to decrease, acute, slight, damage, to rise, to perforate, to spread, to enlarge, permanent

    1. Give the words of the opposite meaning:

    1. onset, gradually, fat, exertion, to precede, internal, malignant, moist, frequent, to improve, to result in

    1. Supply one of known to you words of the same root. Make up sentences using them:

    1. appear, tender, danger, occur, digest, bleed

    1. Explain the following terms:

    1. hypothermia, fibrillation, leucocytosis, a causative agent, anaemia, malaise, pathogenesis, aetiology

    1. Translate the sentences:

    1. The surgeon did not doubt that he could perform this operation under local anaesthesia. 2. Gangrenous forms of appendicitis are dangerous to life because they may result in peritonitis. 3. The retention of stool may be due to the inflammatory process in the appendix. 4. During the operation the upper lobe of the lung was removed since a malignant tumour had been revealed there. 5. After the attack of acute appendicitis had been controlled the patient complained of a moderate tenderness on palpation.

    1. 1. Read and translate Text F. 2. Put questions to the text. 3. Retell it:

    1. Text F. Acute Appendicitis

    2. Acute appendicitis is known to occur in all age groups. Its incidence varies in different sex groups; it is more frequent in women from 20 to 40 years of age. Cases of appendicitis have been noted to occur even in infants and in very old age.

    3. Acute appendicitis is known to begin suddenly with sharp pain which is at first felt in epigastrium but then becomes generalized in the abdomen. The pain becomes worse on deep breathing in and coughing, it does not radiate and is accompanied by nausea, retention of stools and gases.

    4. The temperature is normal or subfebrile and there is moderate leucocytosis. The ESR is initially normal. With the development of the disease temperature elevation is observed and ESR becomes increased. The pulse is quick but it is found to be not more than 90-100 beats per minute. The tongue is coated and dry.

    1. The attack of acute appendicitis is known to last for 3-4 days. Then the temperature returns to normal, abdominal pains decrease and only a moderate tenderness is felt in the right lower part of the abdomen on palpation.

    2. Acute appendicitis is treated surgically. The operation is performed both under general and under local anaesthesia.

    3. The appendix is removed immediately to prevent its rupture which may result in peritonitis. Such forms of appendicitis as gangrenous and perforating are particularly dangerous to life. But sometimes even a mild form of appendicitis may take a severe course and to result in perforation.


    5. Грамматика: Самостоятельный причастный оборот.

    6. LESSON 44


    8. I. Прочтите предложения, ответьте на вопросы и выполните задания:

    9. а) Suffering from a severe pain I called in a doctor.

    10. б) My friend suffering from a severe pain, I called in a doctor.

    1. * Найдите общее подлежащее в предложениях. 2* Найдите сказуемое в предложениях. 3.* Какой неличной формой глагола является слово suffering в предложениях? 4.* Какую синтаксическую функцию выполняет слово suffering в предложениях? 5.* Переведите предложение (а) и скажите, кто страдал от сильной боли и кто вызвал врача. 6.* Кто страдал от сильной боли и вызвал врача в предложении (б)? 7. Следовательно, чем могут служить слова my friend по отношению к причастию suffering, и как надо перевести причастие?

    2. * Найдите самостоятельный причастный оборот. Предложения переведите:

    1. 1. The abdominal incision having been made and the stomach opened, the ulcer was found to involve the posterior wall of the stomach. 2. There being profuse external haemorrhage, the patient was immediately taken to the hospital. 3. The digestion being considerably impaired, the patient constantly complained of epigastric pains.

    1. * Укажите, что опущено в самостоятельных причастных оборотах. Переведите предложения:

    1. 1. The patient’s condition better, he was allowed to sit up. 2. The procedure over, the nurse left the ward. 3. The surgeon out, I could not talk to him. 4. The retention of stool noted, the patient was administered a light diet.

    1. * Определите форму причастия в самостоятельном причастном обороте и время глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения:

    1. 1. The patient being admitted to the hospital, the doctor on duty examined him in the reception ward. 2. The female having been hospitalized, the generalized abdominal pain was controlled in three hours. 3. Generalized abdominal pain having increased, the doctor asked the nurse to give the patient another injection.

    1. * Найдите самостоятельный причастный оборот. Определите в нем слово, играющее роль подлежащего:

    1. The majority of the patients with hepatitis were between the ages of 41 and 55 years, the highest incidence of the disease being between 46 and 50 years. 2. Of the total number of the patients forty-eight have been relieved of digestive symptoms, four having died of other pathologic conditions. 3. Three patients have had symptoms of recurrence, one having died of a gastro-intestinal bleeding.

    1. Запомните чтение следующих слов. Найдите их перевод ниже: hepatitis [,hepataitis], viral [‘vaiaral], infective [infektiv] . инфекционный, гепатит (воспаление печени), вирусный

    2. Выучите следующие слова: hepatic [hipaetik] а печеночный bile [bail] и жёлчь

    1. duct [d\kt] и проток

    2. Jaundice [‘d3o:ndis] и желтуха, желтушность

    3. advance [advans] v выдвигать (теорию, идею); продвигаться вперед effort [‘efat] п усилие elderly [‘eldali] а пожилой

    4. survive [savaiv] v выживать, остаться в живых, уцелеть; перенести (операцию)

    5. source [so:s] и источник entire [intaia] а весь, целый

    6. subsequent [‘sAbsikwant] а последующий

    7. simultaneous [,sim3lteinj3s] а одновременный

    1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

    1. jaundice [‘d3o’.ndis]: severe jaundice, to suffer from severe jaundice, jaundice was clearly marked;

    2. survive [sa’vaiv]: to survive an injury, the patient survived the operation well, some viruses survive at a high temperature;

    3. source [so:s]: a source of infection, a source of knowledge, the source of virus is a sick person;

    4. inadequately [in’aedikwitli]: inadequate, the patient was given an inadequate dose of medicine, inadequately treated;

    5. subsequently [‘sAbsikwantli]: subsequent, subsequent examination, to invade other organs subsequently;

    6. simultaneously [.simal’teinjasli]: simultaneous, simultaneous impairment, to be impaired simultaneously

    1. 1. Прочтите текст Л. 2. Найдите и переведите предложения:

    1. а) с самостоятельным причастным оборотом; б) с причастным оборотом; в) с усилительным оборотом ‘it is... that’. 3. Переведите текст:

    2. Text A. Botkin’s Disease

    3. Botkin’s disease, or the so-called epidemic or infectious hepatitis, is an acute viral disease affecting hepatic cells and bile ducts.

    4. The prominent German scientist Virchow believing it to be due to obstruction of the common bile duct with mucus during inflammatory processes in the duodenum, the disease was called catarrhal jaundice.

    5. But in 1880 the prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin having advanced the idea of an infectious origin of this disease, proved his suggestions by such facts as the involvement in this pathologic process not only of the liver but also of the nervous system, the kidneys, the enlargement of the spleen, etc.

    6. But it was not before 1940 that the term “Botkin’s disease” was introduced into medicine due to the efforts of the well-known Soviet physician M. Konchalovsky.

    7. Botkin’s disease occurs in epidemic form. This disease more commonly affects children, adults as well as elderly persons suffering from it frequently too.

    8. Botkin’s disease is known to be due to a filterable virus present in the blood, liver and found in stool and urine. The virus is infective only for man. As this virus cannot be seen under a usual microscope, it is revealed only by an electronic one. Being highly virulent virus survives in water, food, and on hands for days and weeks.
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