бизнес английский. Английский язык
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Exercise 3Listen to the following extract from the conversation between Grant and John, which shows how the situation progressed after Mr. Mahawi, the government representative, arrived and was entertained royally. Try to complete the gaps, using no more than three words in each case.
Exercise 4 Match the terms on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Five of the phrases have more than one explanation. Fill in the grid below.
POST-LISTENING1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.the advantages and disadvantages of the order under discussion for Harper & Grant Ltd.; the requirements of the supplier as to the method of payment; the special requirements of a buyer and the way the supplier managed to meet them; measures taken in order to guard against a loss owing to currency fluctuations. Recount the situation as if you were Hector Grant. Account for your choice of the terms of payment and delivery and the reason why you agreed to a lower price. Suppose you are Mr. Mahawi, the government representative. You are making arrangements to order goods from Harper & Grant Ltd. Speak about the particulars of the quotation, the terms of payment and delivery. Act out a conversation between Mr. Mahawi and John Martin. Discuss the quotation, terms of payment and delivery. Try to bargain. an imaginary talk between Mr. Mahawi and his Minister after the visit to Harper & Grant Ltd.
Phrase listListen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian. to upset the balance of power to postpone the possibility (of a takeover) to be over-weighed with somebody / something to be tempted away by somebody budgetary control to introduce monthly accounting by cost centres to draw up quarterly accounts to sound somebody out to have everything one’s own way to balance somebody’s power to put something forward the Rules of Association the qualification holding to put somebody in the picture to offer somebody a directorship to be a counter to somebody to draft (suitable) minutes about proposals to table recommendations (on budgetary control) to give an outline of something to do the accounts to reduce personnel LISTENING_Task_I'>PRE-LISTENING Task I Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets. 1. What changes occurred in the structure of the capital of Harper & Grant Ltd. after Hector Grant postponed the possibility of a takeover? (to buy two hundred and fifty more shares in the company; the remaining two hundred and fifty shares; the rather dynamic owner of a neighbouring mattress factory; to own a large proportion of the shares; be asked to join the Board) 2. In what way did the death of the Chairman, Ambrose Harper, upset the balance of power on the Board of Directors of Harper & Grant Ltd.? (to become the next Chairman; the present members of the Board; Chairman and Managing Director; to be invited by the Board to become a director; to attend Board meetings; to leave somebody to act for somebody; the Company Secretary) 3. Why does Peter think it is high time John Martin was made a director? (to have a very successful year; to increase sales by almost forty per cent in the two years; to join the firm; to be an added support for himself; to be overweighed with somebody; to have an up-to-date outlook on business; to be tempted away by somebody; to make it worth somebody’s while to stay) 4. What changes in financial control does William Buckhurst initiate? (to discuss budgetary control; to attended a course on something; to introduce monthly accounting by cost centres; to have information about the company's trading position more accurately and more often than at present) 5. How does William Buckhurst explain the necessity of monthly accounts? (to be the forward plan; to spend, to make and to sell during a specific period; a record of what has actually been bought, sold and spent; to be drawn up every three months in a financial year; to discover the profits and losses more often to keep a firmer control; modern management) Task2Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:
LISTENING Exercise 1 You are going to hear a talk between Peter Wiles and John Martin. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements, which you will mark T (True) or F (False) after you have listened to the tape.
Exercise 2Listen to the following extract from the conversation between Grant, Buckhurst and Peter, which shows how the situation progressed. Try to complete the gaps, using no more than three words in each case.
Exercise 3 Act as an interpreter. Grant: Now the next item on the agenda is to consider a report with recommendations tabled by you, William, on budgetary control. Perhaps you'd like to give us an outline of your proposals. Бакхерст: Как вам известно, я недавно прослушал курс по финансовому учету, в результате чего я пришел к выводу, что нам необходимо проводить анализ состояния бухгалтерских счетов чаще, чем сейчас. Grant: At present the accounts are done every quarter. Бакхерст: Да, но поквартальные отчеты не позволяют вести более детальный контроль бюджета. Если компания неожиданно понесет убытки, мы должны быть в состоянии немедленно отреагировать на ситуацию. Если мы не отреагируем сразу же, то можем просто не успеть предотвратить еще большие убытки. Grant: Well, if sales go down, we reduce stocks, which means cutting down purchases and, if necessary, we reduce personnel. Бакхерст: Конечно, но информацию мы должны все-таки получать гораздо оперативнее, чем сейчас. Если прибыль начнет сокращаться - или от продажи готовой продукции, или с оборота капитала, - то, возможно, надо будет поднять цены, сократить производственные затраты и т.д. Но для этого мы должны иметь наготове нужную информацию. Grant: What do you propose? Бакхерст: Я бы хотел поделить всю фирму на учетно-калькуляционные подразделения. Grant: What does all this mean? Бакхерст: Каждый менеджер будет отвечать, по крайней мере, за одно учетно-калькуляционное подразделение. В его обязанности будет входить своевременное прогнозирование доходов и расходов этого подразделения. Затем мы сведем расчеты всех подразделений вместе. Одобренные всеми нами, они и составят годовой бюджет или финансовый план нашей компании. Если реальные доходы и расходы будут значительно расходиться с запланированным бюджетом, то ответственность за это будет нести менеджер данного подразделения, и ему придется объяснить нам причины таких расхождений с прогнозом и принять соответствующие меры. Grant: Will you let us have more details about this budgetary control, exactly how it would operate and so on? Бакхерст: Конечно. Grant: Now let's get on. The next item on the agenda is a recommendation that we buy two lorries for the Transport Department ... Exercise 4 Match the terms on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Five of the phrases have more than one explanation. Fill in the grid below.