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Теоретическая грамматика. Теорграм. Comment on the actual division of

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НазваниеComment on the actual division of
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12. Account for the use of the Complex Subject and Complex Object constructions:

  1. He heard a woman say in French that it would not astonish her if that commenced to let fall the bombs (Fitzgerald).

  2. Over her shoulder, Michael saw a man come toward them to cut in (Fitzgerald).

  1. It did the trick for Thomas Wolfe as long as he lived, and for a lot of others, too, but exuberance seems to stop when a man gets past his middle thirties, or the man himself stops (Saroyan).

  2. He had expected the man to look like a giant, and to act something like one, but the old writer had looked like a bewildered child... (Saroyan).

  3. All cocktail parties are alike in that the idea is to drink and talk, but every party is made special and unique by the combinations of people who happen to be at them (Saroyan).

13. Open the brackets using the forms of degrees of comparison:

  1. It is much more pleasant to go bathing in bright weather than on a rainy day.

  1. I'm sure he is the truest friend I have.

  1. He felt even unhappier after what he had heard.

  1. It is truer to say that Australian English is less influenced by American than British English.

  2. It was the gladdest day of her life.

14. Intensify the expressiveness of the utterances:

  1. You have been kind to me, I appreciate this.

  1. His position in the firm is better now than before.

15. Define the language means used to mark the gender distinctions of the nouns:

  1. The tom-cat was sleeping on the window-sill.

  1. Australia and her people invoke everyone's interest.

  2. Next week we are going to speak about the continent of Australia: its climate and nature.

  3. The tale says that the Mouse was courageous, he never let down his friends when they were in danger.

  4. Something is wrong with my car I can't start her.

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