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Теоретическая грамматика. Теорграм. Comment on the actual division of

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НазваниеComment on the actual division of
АнкорТеоретическая грамматика
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Практическая работа Вариант 1

  1. Comment on the actual division of the following sentences and the language means used:

  1. There was a studio couch and on the studio couch lay a man (Chandler).

  1. There are several dialects in England.

  1. Only then he realized the truth.

  1. Chopra has the look of a guru who has arrived. And arrived he has (Time).

  1. Appeal and fear were in his glance.

  1. It was at that moment that I realized the truth.

  1. "Albert, there's Mrs. Forrester to see you." (Maugham)

  1. "Both in prose and verse you are absolutely first class." (Maugham)

  1. Define the communicative sentence type and speech-act characteristics of the given sentences, dwell on the actual division patterns used in them:

  1. "You'd better put on your coat, Albert." (Maugham)

  1. "What on earth do you mean by that?" (Maugham)

  1. Why don't you write a good thrilling detective story? (Maugham)

  1. "But you must play fair with your reader, my dear." (Maugham)

  1. Образуйте формы множественного числа следующих существительных; объедините их в следующие группы:

  1. регулярные продуктивные формы множественного числа;

  1. супплетивные формы;

  1. формы с архаичными суффиксами;

  1. формы с заимствованными суффиксами;

  1. формы множественного числа, омонимичные формам единственного числа. Некоторые существительные могут иметь две формы множественного числа; объясните разницу в значениях подобных «грамматических дублетов»:

foot, crisis, child, horse, stimulus, deer, louse, formula, man, pupil, ox, brother, cloth, terminus, trout, cow, swine, datum, goose, virtuoso, sheep, cactus, antenna, leaf
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