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  • Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

  • Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику уроков

  • 4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. How to Be a Good Interpreter.

  • Вариант 2 1. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

  • Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. The Role of Foreign Languages in Education.

  • Ключи 1 вариант


  • контрольная работа по англискому. Для текущего контроля успеваемости типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык (Английский)

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    НазваниеДля текущего контроля успеваемости типовые задания для оценки освоения учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык (Английский)
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    Контрольная работа № 2

    Время выполнения работы – 45 минут

    Вариант 1

    1 .   Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

     1. He goes to the office every day.

     2. They often read English books.

     3. His marks are always good.

     4. Her sister lives in Moscow.

     5. He is having a dictation now.

    1. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

        1.  My friends work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

        2. I sometimes give Peter my exercise-books.

        3. She writes a lot of sentences on the blackboard.

        4.  We usually have our English in the evening.

         5. You are going to the blackboard.

    1. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику уроков

    1.  Вы любите получать письма?

     2. Да. Наш новый инженер иногда переводит письма иностранных фирм.

     3. Ей нравится этот фильм, а мне нет.

     4. Этот ученик всегда делает домашнюю работу очень хорошо.

     5. Вы повторяете грамматические правила дома или в классе?

     6. В следующем году я буду учить (to be going to learn) два иностранных языка.

     7. В классе мы не учим новые слова, мы делаем это дома.

     8. Как он переводит с русского на английский? – Я не знаю.

     9. Вы часто получаете телеграммы?

    10. Вам здесь нравится? – Мне здесь очень нравится.

    4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    How to Be a Good Interpreter.

    Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. Today more and more people are trying to learn at least one foreign language, but there are still a great number of people who have to appeal to an interpreter. Hence, interpreters play a very important role in modern life. They are people who make possible the communication between different nations. To be a good interpreter one must work hard. The work starts when you enter a university and it never ends because you are to improve your knowledge permanently. A lot of things depend on an interpreter and his abilities. It is important for him not only to be good at languages but he has to be intelligent and to be able to get out of a difficult situation when it is impossible to make a metaphrase. Generally, he must be ready for out-of-order situations. So, we can see that the role of interpreter is really great especially in modern conditions when all countries are open to each other. And due to this fact labour-market is in need of qualified and competent interpreters.

    1. Why do people learn foreign languages?

    2. What do you need to be a good interpreter?

    3. What is the role of an interpreter?

    Вариант 2

    1. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

     1. These students read a lot.

     2. Sometimes we have dictations.

     3. He is usually at his office in the morning.

     4. His sisters always give me books to read.

     5. Her friend does English exercises at home.

    1. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

     1. Our teacher always speaks English in class.

     2. We often have dictations in class.

     3. They do a lot of exercises at home.

     4. Ann goes abroad twice a year.

     5.  They are having their lunch now.

    1. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику уроков

     1. Это очень хороший журнал. Я собираюсь почитать его сегодня вечером


     2. Мой сын всегда приходит на занятия во время.

     3. Кто из ваших друзей обычно получает хорошие оценки? – Том.

     4. Вы обычно ходите домой вместе?

     5. Чья это книга? Она мне нравится.

     6. Кто из вас живет в центре Москвы?

     7. Завтра он получит две телеграммы: от меня и от наших друзей.

     8. Как часто вы получаете плохие оценки? – Очень редко.

     9. Что вы делаете сегодня вечером?

    10. Как мне доехать до вашего учреждения?

    1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

                   The Role of Foreign Languages in Education.

    During the educational process we learn different subjects and get different skills. It will help us in our future life to get interesting well-paid job and we want. But as usual there is always a foreign language in every educational curriculum. So why do we need foreign languages for? The answer is rather simple. There are for about 6 billons of people on our planet and all of them speak a great number of languages. Most popular of them are very necessary for every person in modern life. The reason is simple – to understand people from others countries and make communication with them easier. It is very important because people don`t live separately from each other. But it isn`t enough to know only popular languages. People also need to study ancient languages. Why? Because they are maternal to modern languages and learning them help us to understand modern languages better.

    1. Why do we need foreign languages for?

    2. Why is it important to know foreign languages?

    3. What is the role of ancient languages in learning modern ones?



    1 вариант

    2 вариант

    1. задание

    1.  He doesn’t go to the office every day.

     2. They don’t often read English books.

     3. His marks aren’t always good.

     4. Her sister doesn’t live in Moscow.

     5. He isn’t having a dictation now. (5 баллов)

    1. These students don’t read a lot.

     2. Sometimes we don’t have dictations.

     3. He isn’t usually at his office in the morning.

     4. His sisters don’t always give me books to read.

     5. Her friend doesn’t do English exercises at home. (5 баллов)

    2 задание

        1.  Where do my friends work?

        2.  How often do you give Peter your exercise-books?

        3. Does she write a lot of sentences on the blackboard?

        4.  Who usually has English in the evening?

         5. Who is going to the blackboard? (5 баллов)

    1. Where does our teacher always speak English?

     2. What do we often have in class?

     3. Where do they do a lot of exercises?

     4. How often does Ann go abroad?

     5. Who is having lunch now? (5 баллов)

    3 задание

     1. Do you like to get letters?

     2. Sometimes our new engineer translates the  

     letters of foreign companies.

     3. She likes this film, but I don’t.

     4. This student always does homework very well.

     5. Do you revise grammar rules at the lessons or at home?

    6. Next year I’m going to learn two foreign languages.

     7. We don’t learn new words at the lesson, we do it at home.

     8. How does he translate from Russian into English? I don’t know.

     9. Do you often get telegrammes?

    10. Do you like here? I like it very much here.

    (10 баллов)

    1. It’s a very good magazine. I am going to read it tonight.

     2. My son always comes to the classes in time.

     3. Which of your friends usually get good marks? – Tom is.

     4. Do you usually go home together?

    5. Whose is this book? I like it.

     6. Which of you lives in the center of Moscow?

     7. Tomorrow he will get two telegrammes: from me and from my friends.

     8. How often do you get bad marks? – Very seldom.

     9. What are going to do tonight?

    10. How can I get to your office?


    4 задание

    За каждый лексически и грамматически правильно оформленный ответ  при решенной коммуникативной задаче 2 балла.

    Всего 6 баллов.

    За каждый лексически и грамматически правильно оформленный ответ при решенной коммуникативной задаче 2 балла. Всего 6 баллов.





    24-26 баллов


                               18- 23 балла


      13- 17 баллов

    2 (неудовлетворительно)

              12 и менее баллов
    1   2   3   4

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