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Import from the U.S. declined about 14 per cent in value, as compared with the like period in the previous year. Considering the increase in import prices the volume decrease was considerably greater. Импорт из США уменьшился в денежном выражении примерно на 14% по сравнению с тем же периодом предыдущего года. Если учесть (учитывая) увеличение импортных цен, то можно сказать, что уменьшение его объема было значительно большим.

Примечание Следует помнить, что отдельные причастия могут вы­ступать в грамматической функции союза или предлога, как например, assuming, concerning, provided, following и др. (См. раздел III).

No statement was issued at the weekend followinga seven-hour meeting of Cabinet Ministers В конце недели, после семичасового совещания ми­нистров кабинета, не было опубликовано никакого заявления.

II. Причастные конструкции

1. Объектный причастный оборот, т. е. сочетание существи­
тельного в общем падеже или местоимения в косвенном падеже с
причастием (имя + причастие), выступающее в функции сложного
дополнения, обычно переводится на русский язык придаточным
предложением, вводимым союзами как, что или чтобы

They spent last Friday listening to the Minister telling the trade union leaders that it is right for workers to hold back on wage claims. В прошлую пятницу они весь день слушали, как министр говорил профсоюзным лидерам, что рабочие сделают правильно, если воздержатся от требований о повышении заработной платы.

We hope to see this issue raised in all trades councils, in every union conference. Мы надеемся, что этот вопрос будет поднят во всех советах профсоюзов, на всех профсоюзных конференциях. (Сравните с объектным инфинитивным оборотом)

2. Каузативный, или побудительный, оборот. После глаголов
to have и to get объектный причастный оборот (have/ get + имя +

причастие) образует так называемую каузативную, или побудитель-

Субъектный причастный оборот аналогичен субъектному инфинитивному обороту и переводится так же (См раздел « Инфинитивные конструкции»)


ную, конструкцию, которая означает, что действие совершается не лицом, обозначенным подлежащим предложения, а кем-то другим за или для него. В русском языке нет аналогичной конструкции или специальных средств для выражения каузативности, поэтому пере­вод ее представляет значительную трудность, тем более, что кон­кретное значение этой конструкции зависит от контекста и может быть весьма разнообразным.

We must treat this as a national emergency issue and must getthisdecisionreversedМы должны рассматривать это как вопрос чрезвычайного значения (важности) для страны и должны доби­ваться, чтобы это решение было (в корне) изменено.

Примечание. Следует помнить, что сочетание глагола to have с объ­ектным причастным оборотом может и не иметь каузативного значения.

For the time being professional diplomats had their attention riveted on Washington. В тот момент внимание профессиональных дипломатов бы­ло приковано к Вашингтону.

(См. о глаголе to have)

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

' 1. Legislators in the Philippines voted not to review a law restoring capital punishment, dealing a serious blow to efforts to halt a planned execution that would be the country's first in 23 years.

  1. A lawsuit charging Merrill Lynch & Co with job discrimination on
    the basis of sex will include 900 women plaintiffs.

  2. In practice, NATO's changes this year seemed to point toward a
    post-Cold War configuration enabling the alliance to cope with most
    foreseeable security contingencies, NATO officials said.

  3. Not only will he introduce a new bottom rate of income tax of 10%
    this April, fulfilling a promise made before the general elections; but next
    year he will cut the basic rate from 23% to 22%.

  4. Commission staff, having finally recognised that labour laws tend
    to increase rather than reduce unemployment, stress how mild these
    measures are compared with those once envisaged.

  5. The National Foreign Trade Council, representing 550 of the na­
    tion's top multinational companies and banks, warned in a report yester­
    day that international provisions in the US tax code were seriously « out
    of step» with those of other big industrial countries.


7. Many immigrants give mafiosi running the refugee rackets their life
savings to reach « Europe», (and the influx has been swollen by refugees
from Kosovo).

  1. Under the proposed tax, each of the European Union member
    countries would be required to impose a 20% withholding tax on all in­
    terest payments made to an individual who resides in another EU state...

  2. Brazil's new central banker hired to do the dirty work, had ill—
    advisedly declared that the devaluation was consistent with the IMF deal
    last October.

  1. The string of disasters midwifed by the global money managers is
    reflective not only of misjudgements but of a fatal flaw in the existing
    «architecture» of the IMF.

  2. A false sense of security has been added to the dangers faced by
    Asia's new nuclear powers and their neighbours.

  3. Appeals to reason fall on deaf ears, because thinking and reason
    tend to get in the way of those who have plans for the rest of us. Agenda
    politics works much better in an environment of belief backed by emo­

  4. Brazil finally gave in to the course followed by most of the world's
    major nations, allowing the currency it has long coddled to trade freely.

  5. Roughly speaking, the Thacherites argued that the story of Britain
    since 1900 has been one of economic decline, followed by imperial and
    international decline.

  6. India's oceanic research vessel Gaveshani has discovered a huge
    carpet of manganese nodules on the sea-bed
    located within India's eco­
    nomic zone, the Press Trust of India said Wednesday.

  7. Having refused to recognise the fact in time, Washington was
    forced to retreat, under the pressure of rather embarrassing circumstances,
    from the juridically sound but politically unrealistic position it had en­
    joined on the United States delegation to the UN.

  8. Barring further sharp increases in the price of crude oil — a de­
    velopment which seems highly unlikely in the short run — there is room
    to believe that the Japanese economy will soon emerge from its current

  9. Having long considered a strong military unnecessary, Mexico
    suddenly decided to spend a portion of its oil earnings on armaments —
    and for the first time intended to buy supersonic jet fighters in the United

  10. Coming on top of the splits within the Social Democratic Party,
    battles between the police and atomic energy protesters, and the worst


monthly trade deficit in 31 years, the poll seemed to suggest that the mo­mentum in German politics was moving with the opposition parties.

  1. All three governments, pleading national budget austerity, have re­
    fused to permit any rise in over-all EU spending above a controversial fi­
    nancial ceiling.

  2. Tackled over the government's promise to maintain and improve
    the quality of education the Education Secretary admitted the cuts would
    leave gaps in schools timetables but hoped schools would help each other.

  3. Most Turkish-Cypriots, seeing their slice of the island become
    ever poorer in contrast to the Greek south, think that joining the EU could
    dramatically improve living standards.

  4. He said that the strike movement may turn into a national strike
    bringing about the downfall of the dictatorship.

  5. Unfortunately the point of view of this politician is becoming in­
    creasingly widespread in the Western press. This is why it seems expedi­
    ent to review some of the arguments put forward by those opposing the
    idea of such talks.

  6. Opening a new session of Parliament, he disclosed that the regime
    intends to introduce legislation providing for preventive detention even
    when there is no official State of Emergency.

  7. Assuming that the second chamber of Britain continues to be ex­
    cluded from debating financial measures, should it have a special role in
    other areas, for instance, on constitutional Bills or on issues affecting the
    developed legislature?

  8. Being monopoly dominated the most powerful of all industrial
    countries, the United States pushed inevitably ahead for world mastery
    with every available means at its command.

28. Considering the complexity of the problem, the decision was
reached at a rather early date.

  1. Not satisfied with the plans for the creation of an independent anti-
    fraud office, which could take months or even years, the Chancellor of
    the Exchequer calls for the speedy appointment of an independent fraud-
    buster within the commission's existing antifraud squad.

  2. The Belgrade Children's Hospital in South London now faces a
    threat to close all the beds,
    meaning that the only children's operating
    theatre in the district will shut down despite recent modernisation.

  3. Looked at in the medium term, it is hard not to be more pessimistic
    about Hong Kong's prospects.

  4. After announcing the new plan yesterday, he admitted that it was
    «the worst economic settlement we've ever made». Then, holding out the


spectre of total job loss, the $622 million in concessions agreed to by the top UAW (United Auto Workers' Union) officials will translate into a virtual wage freeze for auto workers until September, when the current union contract expires.

  1. Even counting Britain's North Sea oil bonanza total industrial pro­
    duction dropped 9 per cent—pulling the British economy back to levels
    of 1960s. Unemployment had burgeoned to 10 per cent of the British la­
    bour force — another post-Depression record — and is rising rapidly.

  2. The main reasons given were the large amount of work commis­
    sioned by the Government and the need to be satisfied that future changes
    in fees were consistent with P.I.B. (Prices and Incomes Board) policy.

  3. The president of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce was
    speaking at the Chamber's annual general meeting after a luncheon at­
    tended by the Russian Minister of Foreign Trade.

  4. Taiwan's jobless rate fell to 2.97 per cent in January as economic
    growth remained strong enough to avoid the skyrocketing unemployment
    seen in most of Taiwan's neighbours.

  5. This would also determine the agenda of the meeting referred to in
    a general way by him.

  6. Taken in the early stages, these drugs prevent infirmity. Used sys­
    tematically, they slowly but surely lead, to cure.

  7. Iraqi armed forces, unprovoked according to an American report,
    engaged in a rare firing of surface-to-air missiles at American and British
    planes conducting a routine patrol on Monday to deny Iraqi planes use of
    airspace over large swaths of northern and southern Iraq.

  8. Decisions have been taken at Brussels, which, if carried out,
    would lead straight to further controversies.

  9. These criminal steps would be a menace to the British security,
    they would be preparation for aggression, which, if not halted, could only
    bring disaster.

  10. When caught, the liar and his apologists attack the one who ex­
    posed the lie and excuse the fabrication as being «in the interest of a
    «Higher good.»

  11. In this «International Year of the Handicapped» the Manhattan
    Program for the Severely Handicapped is already losing some of its
    funding; if slashed by the threatened federal budget, especially by the
    block grants, the entire program could fold. Expansion has already been

  12. President said in a message accompanying the document that it
    «will stop runaway inflation and revitalize the economy if given a


chance». He asked Congress to join him in a quest to «move America back toward economic sanity».

  1. German federal structure devolved political power, to the relief of
    other Europeans, tapping a tradition long
    preceding Hitler's Reich.

  2. Though dragging their feet to the last, Britain and America could
    not avoid agreeing to setting up a control system, faced by Russia readi­
    ness to accept reasonable proposals.

  3. Companies have flowed money raised from stock sales into com­
    puters and new technologies that have accelerated productivity — thus
    increasing corporate profitability while allowing companies to give real

  4. They wanted a Government freely chosen by the will of the peo-

  5. During the work-to-rule campaign many saw their efforts -wasted
    because some were induced to work extra hours.

  6. The peoples of all countries are vitally interested in seeing further
    steps taken at the Foreign Ministers' Conference in October.

  7. All his criticisms were reserved for Labour backbenchers who
    want the British Forces withdrawn from that country.

  8. Those who opposed the «showdown» in the State Department —
    a small and not very influential group at the time — saw their viewpoint
    being taken increasingly into account by the White House.

  9. Over the famous «non-dissemination» draft treaty, harmony is to
    be expected — and a powerful attempt to get it signed by many nations.

  10. The need for pressure from the Labour movement to get such de­
    cisions taken is urgent.

  11. We will not seek to frustrate that consensus, since it is not in the
    world interest
    to have the work of the General Assembly immobilized in
    those troubled days.

  12. It is understood that the decision was taken against strongly ex­
    pressed opposition to the T.U.C. plan, particularly in the light of the Gov­
    ernment's intention to have permanent legislation holding up pay in­
    creases without retrospective payment.

  13. Almost daily, The Washington Post and other newspapers have
    their advertising revenues increased by full-page ads in which one corpo­
    ration or another is telling Congress to quit dallying and pass the pro­

3. Абсолютная причастная конструкция (независимый при­частный оборот) — сочетание причастия с существительным в об-


щем падеже, которое, не будучи подлежащим главного предложе­ния, является субъектом действия, выраженного причастием. Конст­рукция может выполнять в предложении функцию обстоятельства времени, причины, условия или сопутствующего обстоятельства.

1) Препозитивный независимый причастный оборот, т. е. прича­
стный оборот, стоящий перед главным составом предложения, мо­
жет иметь как временное, так и причинное значение. Какое из них
имеется в виду, определяется контекстом.

В функции обстоятельства условия этот оборот выступает обыч­но в тех случаях, когда предложение относится к будущему време­ни; на русский язык переводится соответствующим придаточным предложением.

Whole cities (being) razed to the ground during the war, the building of houses was priority number one. Так как во время войны целые города были стерты с лица земли (разрушены до основа­ния), строительство домов стало первоочередной задачей.

2) Значение сопутствующего обстоятельства эта конструкция
имеет в постпозиции, т. е. когда она стоит после главного состава
предложения, отделяется от главного предложения запятой и пере­
водится на русский язык самостоятельным простым предложением
или простым предложением, входящим в состав сложносочиненного
предложения и вводимым союзами
а, и или причем.

The cargo was badly damaged by the fire, the owners suffering great losses. Груз был сильно поврежден пожаром, и владельцы понесли большие потери.

Независимый причастный оборот часто вводится предлогом with, который на русский язык обычно не переводится.

With the prices going higher and higher and the wages frozen, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the British housewife to make both ends meet. Так как цены продолжают расти, а зарплата замо­рожена, английским хозяйкам становится все труднее сводить концы с концами.

Примечание. Причастие being, обычно в функции связки, может быть опущено. Такая «беспричастная» абсолютная конструкция также пе­реводится на русский язык придаточным предложением.


With unemployment now a crisis issue in many areas, the Labour movement is stepping up its 'right to work' campaign. Теперь, когда вопрос о безработице стоит очень остро во многих районах страны, рабочие активизируют кампанию за « право на работу».

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. With everyone asking « What sort of European Commission do we
    want?», it was hard not to ask simultaneously « What sort of Europe do
    we want?»

  2. With his impeachment trial over, the US President has found him­
    self more easily able to involve himself in foreign policy.

  3. With the economy booming and incomes finally beginning to climb
    for those on the middle and lower rungs of the ladder, a « national culture
    of upscale spending» has emerged.

4. With state pension systems being stretched by the ageing of
Europe's population and with returns on traditional savings instruments
shrinking, investors are turning increasingly to mutual funds.

  1. In 1980s with their profits falling as viewers turned increasingly to
    the choice offered by cable TV and VCRs, the networks (ABC, CBS and
    NBC) were taken over by Wall street deal makers, who thought they
    couid be run more efficiently.

  2. « With many bonds trading above par, any uncertainty about the
    implications of the European tax on sayings will have an impact on the
    trading of these securities,» said Managing director and Head of Euro­
    pean debt capital markets.

  3. With the Conservative Party as deeply divided as ever on Europe,
    its young leader can stamp his little foot as much as he likes and still not
    end the debate.

  4. With the tricky enlargement negotiations ahead, the last thing the
    EU needs is a prolonged bout of budget bickering.

  5. Its economy crumbling, America struggled to escape the global De­
    pression and find its place in a violently changing world.

  1. Their worst fears about the national election realized, leaders of
    the trade union movement now expect an assault against many of organ­
    ized labor's most cherished programs and interests.

  2. With sales of automobiles on the domestic market sagging, and
    many dealers in deficit, the pressure to export autos last year was acute.

  3. With $40 billion of Brazilian dollar reserves having evaporated
    since Russia's debt default last summer, the move to a floating currency
    was increasingly favored by officials at the International Monetary Fund
    and the US Treasury.


  1. With 70 per cent of Japan's land area mountainous and a small
    percentage devoted to farmland, two-thirds of Japan's urban population
    resides and works in less than 5 per cent of the total land area.

  2. With their profits siphoned off by the central government bonds,
    some production units will undoubtedly have to curtail expansion plans,
    profit-sharing and other incentives to workers.

  3. With German industry pressing for lower interest rates to stimulate
    investment, the Bundesbank's capacity to defend the mark by hiking rates
    is extremely limited.

  4. With old-age pensions starting at 60 for both men and women,
    French workers already down tools several years before their counterparts
    in other rich countries.

  5. With the Government doing its utmost to keep wages down, and
    with price increases due to the EU membership coming on top of price
    increases arising from the Government policy, the standard of living in
    this country would be given an extremely serious setback.

  6. The rebellion in Mexico is over four years old. Two years ago
    peace negotiators reached a series of agreements. But the deals broke
    down later that year, with the rebels claiming that the government did not
    really mean to act upon them.

  7. With an ever-widening band of economic and trade issues ap­
    pearing in the spectrum of U N. activities, Western meetings began to
    follow a pattern of economic rather than political alliances.

  8. The European Parliament is coming under sharp criticism with al­
    legations made by members of inflated expenses — too much money
    spent on overseas trips, expensive quarters, and office cleaners.

  9. Japanese diplomats said their government's approach is that the
    lead in opening up new markets should come from industry and com­
    merce, with banks following.

  10. A second round of wage talks for insurance and metal workers
    broke off Wednesday, with employers and unions still far apart on pay

  11. The US's leading maker of tires for trucks and buses, has em­
    braced globalization, with factories and dealers stretching from Brazil to
    Europe to Indonesia.

  12. The Italian media have carried reports of tragedy as makeshift
    boats capsize, with many would-be immigrants from North Africa, Asia
    and Albania drowning before they can reach shore.

  13. He is likely, though not yet certain, to continue as prime minister,
    with Finland continuing on its course of gradual liberalisation on the eco-


nomic front and faster integration into the rest of Europe in foreign af­fairs.

  1. The annual US report on human rights frequently provokes an an­
    gry reaction from targeted countries. They accuse the sole superpower of
    lecturing the world to adopt its own standards and of hypocrisy, with
    critics pointing to the US use of death penalty and reports of police bru­

  2. Poland's ruling coalition has run into trouble over health service
    reforms, with parties both inside and outside the coalition calling for the
    health minister to resign.

  3. Absorbed by Africa, tried by immigration, with the imperial feel­
    ing ebbing, India and Pakistan no longer hold the place in the British
    imagination that they once had.

  4. The rapidly expanding Israeli arms industry now ranks seventh
    among the world's exporters of weapons and defense-related equipment,
    with sales for the year ending April 1 amounting to about $1.3 billion, a
    40 per cent increase over those of the previous year, according to a Brit­
    ish military publication.

  5. He declared that at the next sitting of the peace conference the
    proposal should be made to conclude peace, all theoretical questions
    being excluded.

  6. The magnificence of Mughal India was built on conquest and
    plunder, with between one-third and one-half of India's entire GNP
    finding its way into the hands of 8,000 imperial officers.

  7. England emerged from the war only a formal 'victor', its economy
    shaken and entering
    a period of permanent stagnation and decline.

  8. Rescue helicopters evacuated thousands of shocked tourists from
    an Austrian valley Friday as the death toll from a double avalanche rose
    to 37, with only one victim still buried.

  9. Almost all councils are putting up their rents, the reason being the
    heavy burden of interest for housing.

  10. The previous president of the European commission to come from
    the Grand Duchy (Luxembourg), was widely judged as a flop, with the
    commission run,
    in practice, by Belgium's Viscount Etienne Davignon
    and Italy's Lorenzo Natati.

  11. As there is a natural limit to the capacity of consumption of
    necessities of life (food, etc.), particular attention must be paid to
    industrialization, consumption prospects in this sphere being particularly
    unlimited for a long time to come.

  12. Government can be understood to include any mechanism through


which ordered rule is maintained, its central features being the ability to make collective decisions and the capacity to enforce them.

  1. Stupendous storms of terrifying proportions can rage in these un-
    reported areas, with no one knowing of them until the effects of the at­
    mospheric disturbances they cause are felt in local weather days later.

  2. Yet never were the problems confronting the country so acute,
    with the electorate in fact divided on policy issues to a greater degree
    than for years past.

III. Причастия в функции союзов и предлогов

1. Причастия в функции союзов вводят условные, причинно-
следственные и уступительные придаточные предложения. На рус­
ский язык они переводятся следующим образом:
viding, granted/granting при условии, принимая во внимание, sup­
posing, assuming, если, допустим, предположим, что, seeing по­
скольку, принимая во внимание, учитывая, ввиду того что

A wider association of this kind would be feasible, provided that the methods adopted are in line with those proposed at the conference. Более широкая организация (ассоциация) такого рода была бы возможна, при условии, что применяемые методы будут соответ­ствовать методам, предложенным на конференции.

2. Причастия в функции предлогов стоят перед существитель­
ными и переводятся на русский язык следующим образом: given при
наличии, если учесть, failing при отсутствии, regarding, consider­
ing, respecting относительно, pending до, в ожидании, following
вслед за, barring кроме, за исключением

Given, failing с относящимися к ним словами могут переводиться условным придаточным предложением, например: failing (given) good will... при отсутствии (наличии) доброй воли /если отсутст­вует (имеется) добрая воля...

Given good will on the part of other states, this proposal of Russia could be carried into effect without any further delay. При наличии доброй воли со стороны других государств это предложение Рос­сии можно было бы осуществить без дальнейшего промедления


Анализ предложения дает возможность точно установить, в ка­кой функции выступает причастие.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. A Zimbabwean judge sentenced the former president to a year in
    prison, provided he pay compensation and commit no more offences.

  2. Foreign-owned companies that set up British subsidiaries to channel
    their profits pay no tax, provided their management and control remain

  3. Today most people in rich societies assume that, provided they obey
    the law, they have a right to enjoy privacy whenever it suits them.

  4. What gives voting its democratic character is that, provided that the
    election is competitive, it empowers the public to «kick the rascals out,»
    and it thus makes politicians publicly accountable.

  5. Objections to this plan, supposing there are any, should be reported
    to the committee at once.

  6. Granted that storm clouds were gathering over the economic affairs
    of the nation, we were given hopes of a fresh breeze from the Exchequer
    to blow them away.

  7. It cannot be denied that, granting the difficulty of the undertaking,
    she has done her work with great skill.

  8. Assuming the hearty cooperation of all the members, it is reasonable
    to expect that the celebration will be successful.

9. The French government is committed, assuming all the existing
« preconditions» are met, to suggest to the Assembly next Tuesday that it
should fix a date for the debate.

  1. Prospects are bright for a big expansion of trade between these
    two countries, following the signing of a new three-year trade agreement.

  2. The Security Council on Friday voted unanimously to end the UN
    peacekeeping missions in Angola, following the collapse of peace ac­

  3. Brazil will allow the real (its currency) to trade freely, following
    last week's failed attempt at a limited devaluation. The currency has lost
    nearly a third of its value since that move.

  4. Nevertheless, the leaders did decide what they describe as a strong
    message to agricultural ministers to get back to the negotiating table in
    Brussels next week, following their failure to reach any agreement this

  5. To-day's inflation report from the Bank of England shows that
    following the Government's tough action to get the economy back on
    track, growth is set to strengthen through next year with inflation falling
    to its 2.5 per cent target.


  1. In Bremen, following a demonstration against atomic energy, the
    police seized 24 youths and charged them with smashing show windows
    of banks, department stores and other businesses.

  2. The idea of waging a nuclear war appears inconceivable, and win­
    ning one, meaningless, given the scale of destruction on all sides.

  3. Analysts said the downward revision of the forecast for Hong
    Kong's economy came as no surprise given the current economic climate.

  4. Given the growing availability of pornographic material by mail
    order and through the Internet, it must be better to attempt to police this
    market in a more sophisticated way rather than taking refuge in old rules.

  5. Is demand lagging too far behind supply just now? Does global
    monetary policy need to be eased? A strange question to ask in the United
    given that its economy is currently stretched as tight as a drum.

  6. Failing agreement by the United States to steps of this kind, seri­
    ous consideration should be given to the possibilities and scope for con­
    certed action by the industrialized countries of Western Europe to main­
    tain high levels of output and trade in the international economy outside
    the United States.

  7. The only certainty is that on this last lap of the race every effort
    will be made by the larger parties to win over liberal voters or, failing
    that, to encourage by every means the liberal obstacle to their opponents'

  8. This was what the Tories want. They are against the Bill, but fail­
    ing its complete defeat they are aiming to get it amended into uselessness.

  9. Pending the reopening of negotiations and fearing the abrogation
    of some privileges the State Council adopted certain measures.

  10. Founder and guru of Aum CM. was thrown in jail pending the
    outcome of a trial that could drag on for years.

  11. The one decisive thing which Mr Dobson has done is to freeze the
    closure of any more London hospitals pending yet another wide-ranging
    review of the capital's health needs.

  12. It is argued that the risk that Britain runs in exposing her hand,
    though not to be discounted, is well worth taking, considering the impor­
    tance to British industry of the negotiations as a whole.

  13. The decision this month, according to the sources, was to postpone
    any such changes pending a large policy review regarding relations with
    China and Taiwan.

  14. The 31 were charged with criminal association and jailed pending

  15. At this point the lenders funds are in a non-interest bearing ac­
    count, so time is of the essence regarding the closing of the loan.


IV. Форма на -ing

Форма, оканчивающаяся на -ing, может быть причастием, герун­дием, прилагательным или отглагольным существительным. И ге­рундий, и причастие могут выступать в функции определения и об­стоятельства, но причастие выполняет эти функции без предлога (оно может сочетаться только с союзами when и while), а герундий (или герундиальный комплекс) в этих функциях всегда следует за предлогом. Для герундия характерно также сочетание с существи­тельным, местоимением, иногда с личным местоимением в притя­жательном или косвенном падеже (герундиальный комплекс). При­частие сочетается с существительным в общем падеже и гораздо реже с местоимением в именительном падеже.

Прилагательное, как правило, стоит перед существительным, ко­торое оно определяет (в отличие от причастия, которое постпози­тивно по отношению к определяемому). Существительное, в отли­чие от герундия, может определяться артиклем и прилагательным, а также иметь форму множественного числа.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. « You have a steel industry hemorrhaging with the flooding of our
    markets with foreign dumped steel,
    causing losses of thousands of jobs,
    and the administration is
    applying a small band-aid to that massive hem­
    orrhage,» said Senator A.Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania.

  2. Among the radical measures are proposals to give the public the
    right of veto over a new King or Queen,
    the scraping of the monarch's
    political powers and the ending of the role of the Sovereign as Supreme
    Governor of the Church of England.

  3. They passed a resolution calling for a world trade conference.

  4. With fiscal policy stretched to its limits, Japan's central bank has
    moved to the centre of a heated debate over whether it should adopt
    easing of credit.

  5. By dropping its annual sponsorship of a resolution condemning
    China at the UN Human Rights Commission, now meeting in Geneva, the
    US administration acknowledges what has long been obvious.

  6. Using sharper language than it has in recent years, this year survey
    of human rights around the world said Beijing had abruptly ended a
    loosening of curbs on freedom of expression and association.

1 Adding its voice to optimism about the global market for notebook computers this year, Acer Inc. said it expects to boost production of the machine 75% amid falling prices and rising global demand.


  1. Rather than come up with cash and watch expensive hardware de­
    preciate, companies increasingly are
    turning to leasing and outsourcing
    as alternatives to buying.

  2. Crowds gathered at two US Churches where the civil-rights leader
    Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached, marking the US holiday
    bearing his name.

  1. The Angola government has insisted on the withdrawal of the lat­
    est UN mission, accusing the UN troops of failing to disarm the rebels.

  2. For high-tech multinationals like H.P., financing has become an
    important way to keep Asian sales kicking, as well as a lucrative business
    believed to total roughly $20 billion a year. It is also becoming a new
    form of muscle in Asia's tougher market-place.

  3. «Not that we in America do everything right or that we provide a
    precise model for the working of a somewhat similar economy, but some
    long-standing American economic interactions do resemble those devel­
    oping on the old Continent,» said a US economics expert.

  4. In the EU, a spirit of collective irresponsibility takes hold: rather
    than reforming, or even seriously thinking about the underlying policies,
    each country simply seeks to get as much as it can from the trough.

  5. Amendments by the European Parliament's Legal Affairs Com­
    mittee to a draft copyright protection directive would bar all private
    copying and « make illegal such harmless practices as the home taping on
    video of free TV programmes for later

  6. Building encryption directly into PC hardware raises different
    product possibilities and policy issues.

  7. Competing car and truck makers will think twice before buying a
    company (Scania AB) in which rival « Volvo» holds such a large stake.

  8. Hoping to discourage currency speculators, Brazil's central bank
    said that it will reserve the right to use hard-currency reserves to support
    the real « occasionally and in limited form, with the goal of containing
    brusque movements in exchange rates.»

  9. In radical democracy, people are seen as having a basic right to
    participate in the making of any decisions that affect their lives, with de­
    mocracy simply being the collective process through which this is done.

  10. There is already an extraordinarily high level of international co­
    operation in reporting the basic meteorological data. By knowing as much
    as possible about what is happening everywhere, weathermen are better
    able to forecast for local areas anywhere.

  11. Three days after the embassy bombing, Clinton approved the ex­
    port of satellite fuel and explosive bolts to China so it can launch Ameri­
    can - made communications satellites.


  1. The democratising of China will be a slow business, and whoever
    is running Beijing should be able to keep a solid grip on foreign policy
    for some time yet.

  2. The 21st century would inevitably be marked by declining stan­
    dards of living as human population exceeded the «carrying capacity» of
    the Earth, leading to mass famine and energy shortages.


Предложения с глаголом-сказуемым в страдательном залоге (пас­сивной форме) представляют иногда по ряду причин значительные трудности при переводе на русский язык.

Во-первых, в английском языке форма страдательного залога об­разуется не только от переходных глаголов, но и от глаголов, тре­бующих косвенного или предложного дополнения, например, от глаголов to arrive at приходить к, достигать (в переносном значе­нии), to call upon призывать кого-л., todeal with иметь дело с, об­ращаться с, to enter into вступать (в соглашение и т. п.), to refer to ссылаться на, toreport on сообщать о, доносить на, todictate to диктовать, приказывать, totell (smth.), to give (smth.) to и др.

Во-вторых, английскому переходному глаголу в русском языке может соответствовать непереходный глагол, требующий предлож­ного или косвенного дополнения, например, to affect воздейство­вать на, to attend присутствовать на, to follow следовать за, to influence влиять на, to join присоединяться к, to need нуждаться в, to treat обращаться с, to refuse отказывать, отказываться от, to resist сопротивляться чему-л. и др.

В-третьих, в английском языке в страдательном залоге могут употребляться фразеологические сочетания, например, to make use of, to pay attention to, to take notice of и др. Эти сочетания невоз­можно перевести на русский язык соответствующими глаголами, не заменив страдательный залог действительным.

Очень часто при переводе на русский язык приходится вместо страдательного залога употреблять действительный; личные пред­ложения переводить неопределенно-личными; заменять один глагол другим, а иногда вместо личной формы глагола употреблять в рус­ском тексте форму неличную или вообще передавать эту пассивную форму лексически.

Thousands of London print workers have been urged by their branches to support Tuesday's lobby of Parliament against the wage-


freeze. Местные лондонские организации типографских рабочих призвали тысячи своих членов принять участие в назначенном на вторник походе к депутатам парламента (в парламент к депута­там) с протестом против замораживания заработной платы.

Если в английском предложении отсутствует субъект действия глагола (дополнение с предлогом by), оно обычно переводится на русский язык неопределенно-личным предложением.

Although subsidiarity is already part of European treaties, the concept is widely ignored. Хотя концепция субсидиарности уже заложена в европейские договоры, ее повсеместно игнорируют.

This statement, he said, should be looked at in the light of what was said at the previous meeting. Он сказал, что это заявление сле­дует рассматривать в свете того, что было сказано (в свете ска­занного) на предыдущем заседании.

В русском языке страдательный залог не так широко распростра­нен, как в английском, и даже в тех случаях, когда английскому гла­голу в страдательном залоге соответствует русский переходный гла­гол, страдательный залог часто заменяется действительным по сти­листическим соображениям или для того, чтобы передать смысло­вое или логическое ударение английского предложения на русском языке.

These fears were reiterated by the representative of the Weavers' Association, who said the closure would cause much hardship. Эти же опасения высказал также и представитель Ассоциации ткачей, который сказал, что закрытие (фабрики) вызовет большие труд­ности.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. Much of the European Commission's activity is carried out at a
    technical level in Committees, and the Commission is with some justifi­
    cation accused of excessive secrecy.

  2. The EU Commission, which is responsible for proposing and en­
    forcing European legislation, is disliked by many in Europe as a federal-
    izing agency and is often misunderstood because of the complex and bu­
    reaucratic nature of its work.

  3. The trip to Brussels by the Norwegian Prime Minister and Finance


Minister is largely for appearances sake, and is being made at the request of pro-European Union factions in Parliament.

  1. The fact that China's crisis is derived from stalled reforms of state-
    owned industries and the financial sector
    is well understood

  2. The whole EU budget is being argued about Both Britain and
    Germany want to cut farm spending, while France wants a big increase in
    prices for its farmers.

  3. « The truth has been proven for many times that the human rights
    issue will not be resolved through confrontation,» — China's foreign
    minister said in a statement.

  4. Those killed at the weekend were trying to collect leaking fuel
    when they were caught in the blast, apparently caused by a spark of a

  5. The changes were denounced by opposition politicians and labour
    leaders as likely to further deflate the already limp British economy and
    push unemployment even higher.

  6. The development of markets to trade oil and oil futures means that
    price signals are relayed faster and more efficiently.

10. Comments made by the U.S. ambassador about Mexican-Cuban rela­
tions have been attacked as gross interference in the international affairs
of Mexico and a violation of the universally-accepted diplomatic norms.

In expressing discontent with Mexico's friendly relations with Cuba, the U.S. ambassador publicly stated that the U.S. could not understand the close friendship.

  1. Only when agreement is reached on the role and powers of the
    second chamber does it make sense to consider its composition [Britain].

  2. One day the world will learn of the intrigues and provocations that
    were resorted to
    in pushing the country into this suicidal policy.

  3. The new program has just been launched There has been an in­
    crease in the number of minority applicants. But it is not enough. The
    program is also required, under the terms of the grant, to provide the nec­
    essary student support services for ethnic minority students and to expand
    and sharpen the current program's responsiveness to the special needs of
    client populations from ethnic minority groups.

  4. The preeminence given to military industry and technology over
    the last three decades, has had a delayed but serious impact upon the ci­
    vilian industrial economy. In stark contrast to the enormous sums allotted
    over the years to military technology, civilian technology has been
    starved for capital and thus for talent.

  5. Investing in oil is done mainly through futures contracts. These in­
    volve obligations to buy or sell a fixed amount of oil at a fixed date.


  1. He is survived by two sons.

  1. «Nations against the State» is not a great book or even a very
    good one. It is dully written, eccentrically organised, sloppily edited and
    has apparently not been proofread at all, and the reader is irked by Mr.
    Keating's continual refusal to answer the main questions.

  2. «The report has nothing to do with the Goverment and doesn't re­
    flect its views. No one in the Goverment was involved in drawing it up.»

  3. «Mama, cars don't behave They are behaved upon,» — the son
    in «Driving Miss Daisy» tells his mother when she tries to blame her
    Packard for an accident.

  4. Most Americans do not need news but were made to think that
    watching it on television is « a kind of social hygiene, like regular tooth-
    brushing», says a journalist for the public broadcasting network.

  5. In this age in which income transfers are deeply imbedded in poli­
    tics, the IMF doesn't lack clients.

  6. Indonesia's riots have been linked to economic hardships, ethnic
    and religious tensions and political turmoil.

  7. Aid can keep bad governments in business; and promises to im­
    prove policy, made when the aid is first offered, are often forgotten once
    it has been delivered

  8. Police and soldiers have been ordered to shoot rioters and trou­
    blemakers on sight, and a rapid-response force is being raised to deal
    with outbreaks of unrest.

  9. If a second ballot is required, the low vote getter will be elimi­
    nated as the top two face off.

  10. The company's tax returns and payments are reviewed on a regu­
    lar basis by relevant tax authorities.

27 Just how the body's natural defence mechanism against bacteria and viruses works is being more closely examined at the National Insti­tute for Medical Research at Mill Hill, London.

  1. Thousands of domestic servants are being brought into the United
    States from impoverished countries and then severely exploited by foreign
    employers, many of whom work for embassies and international organi­
    zations in the Washington area, according to human rights groups, immi­
    gration attorneys and former domestics.

  2. Yet failing banks can be dealt with Asia's current difficulties
    have already been faced and mostly overcome in Latin America. And the
    pathology of bank-driven distress is familiar in many rich western coun­
    tries too — not least in Britain. The lessons are there to be learned

  3. Indonesia has been racked by waves of unrest over the past year as


ethnic, religious and social tensions boiled over, fueled by spiraling pov­erty amid the country's worst economic and political crisis in decades.

  1. With the complicity of a sympathetic media, belief is presented as
    fact, and data are simply made up.

  2. Scrap car law may be recycled. Laws that will make it illegal to
    scrap a car in many ways except through recycling yards are being con­
    sidered by the Government.

  3. The Treasury Chief Secretary issued a warning that further action
    would have to be taken to stop big pay rises in the private sector to meet
    inflation targets.

  4. The Government must ensure that the unions were not called upon
    to accept impossible tasks and then be blamed because they failed.

  5. Another speaker thought that some of the older mental hospitals
    can only be adequately dealt with by pulling them down and rebuilding

  6. Relations between the Chinese and the Malays, who make up 15%
    of Singapore's population,
    have sometimes been strained. Malay remains
    the national language, but it
    is not spoken by most Chinese and is largely
    seen as a relic of Singapore's past union with Malaysia.

  7. All that the schools can be asked to promise is that everyone will
    be educated to the limit of his capacities.

  8. China is far from being in recession, unlike many of its neighbors.
    Certainly, China's exports will be badly hit this year, and previous high
    levels of foreign investments will fall. Yet, the export sector remains
    relatively small. It is China's domestic economy that counts, and this is
    shielded from external shocks by a largely non-convertible currency.

  9. Unless another attempt is made at a serious reform of the CAP
    (common agricultural policy), the heads of government have made it un­
    likely that any large Central European country can be admitted to the
    Union at an acceptable cost.

  10. People on the left have as often been disappointed by Labour gov­
    ernments as those on the right
    have been alarmed by them.


В ряде случаев перевод сослагательного наклонения на русский язык представляет известную трудность. А именно:

1. Форма would + инфинитив, если она употреблена в простом предложении с подразумевающимся условием, переводится на рус­ский язык глаголом в сослагательном наклонении.


Any interruption to oil supplies would be hugely damaging to the world economy. Любые перебои в поставках нефти нанесли бы огромный ущерб мировой экономике.

Однако, в тех случаях, когда описывается содержание какого-нибудь внесенного, но еще не принятого проекта, плана или пред­ложения, в русском языке принято употребление будущего времени изъявительного наклонения.

It was recommended that a special report should be submitted. This report would give a detailed account of the activities of the committee and their views on the situation. Рекомендуется предста­вить специальный доклад. В этом докладе будет сделан подроб­ный отчет о деятельности этой комиссии и представлена ее точка зрения по данному вопросу.

2. Трудность при переводе представляет также бессоюзное под-чинение условных предложений с частичной или полной инверсией.

Had this policy been adopted, the subsequent history of the treaty might well have been quite different. Если бы такая политика была принята, последующая судьба этого договора вполне могла бы быть совершенно другой.

Примечание. 1. Часто не учитывается стилистическая окраска, лите­ратурный стиль инвертированного предложения, и предложение переводит­ся также с бессоюзным подчинением, что в русском языке характерно как раз для разговорного стиля.

Had it been as easy as that, no special negotiations would have been necessary. Если бы это было так просто, не понадобилось бы никаких специальных переговоров (литературный стиль). (Будь это так просто... — разговорный стиль.)

2. Условие может быть выражено не только полным придаточным пред­ложением, но и другими способами, например: if + причастие (см. «При­частие» , с. 40), или сочетание предлогов given, provided и др. с существи­тельным (см. «Причастия в функции союзов и предлогов», с. 54), или со­ставной предлог but for + существительное.

But for their willingness to assist, this decision would never have been arrived at. Если бы. не их желание помочь, это решение так и не было бы принято.


3. Форма were + инфинитив употребляется в придаточных усло­вия для обозначения маловероятного условия, относящегося к бу­дущему времени (еще менее вероятного, чем форма, омонимичная Past Indefinite); переводится глаголом в сослагательном наклонении. В русском языке нет грамматических форм для передачи различных градаций маловероятности, и поэтому они передаются, где это нуж­но, лексически (словами если вдруг/почему-нибудь/паче чаяния, об­стоятельственными сочетаниями с предлогом при и др.).

Such a system is bound to be unpopular among most Europeans, and if the Federal party were to support it, they would undoubtedly weaken their chances in the forthcoming federal elections. Такая сис­тема наверняка не будет пользоваться популярностью среди большинства европейцев, и если Федеральная партия вдруг (почему-либо) стала бы ее поддерживать, она, несомненно, уменьшила бы свои шансы на победу на предстоящих выборах.

4. Придаточные предложения условия с формой should (для всех лиц) + инфинитив при переводе на русский язык обычно начинают­ся словами в случае если бы В английском языке такие предло­жения часто бывают инвертированными, с опущенным союзом.

The resolution, passed unanimously by the Council members on March 2nd, promises the « severest consequences» should Iraq again hinder the UN's arm inspectors (= if Iraq should hinder). Резолюция, единогласно принятая всеми членами Совета безопасности ООН, предупреждает о « самых серьезных последствиях» в случае, если Ирак вновь стал бы чинить препятствия работе инспекторов ООН по разоружению

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. The Saudis are well aware that their oil revenues would increase if
    they boosted production, because any fall in price would be more than
    offset by an increase in volume.

  2. It would be dangerous folly to write off as insignificant the revival
    of nazi-type extremism in Europe.

  3. In preparation for their meeting tomorrow it would be a very good
    idea if Trades Union Congress leaders would make a point of meeting the
    rank-and-file workers who are lobbying Parliament today.


  1. If the Saudi royal family, in particular, were overthrown, it would
    send oil markets into turmoil.

  2. This veto provision reflects the conviction of those who drafted the
    Charter that the United Nations
    would be unable to take an important ini­
    tiative for the maintenance of peace and security unless there was una­
    nimity among the big powers, and that to attempt so would be a futile
    gesture endangering the organization.

  3. The blacks believe that if white children had been involved in the
    tragedy it would have received huge public and press attention.

  4. Iraq wants a date for sanctions to end. They could have ended long
    since if Iraq had not been trying to rearm and Unscom (UNSCOM —
    United Nations Security Council observers mission) had therefore been
    ready to declare the country free of forbidden weapons.

  5. Had there been no international safety net supplied by an act of the
    U.S. Congress, the Brazilian President might have seen fit to work harder.

  6. The former Yugoslavia's people have lived together for centuries
    with greater and lesser degrees of conflict but not constant «cleansing»
    of peoples from their land.
    Had they experienced nothing but that, their
    nations would be homogeneous today, not endlessly diverse.

  1. David Hare's play «Plenty» opened to poor notices and would
    have lasted a fortnight had he not been in a position to «nurse» it.
    Eventually it reached Broadway and became a film.

  2. Turkey's prime minister, who has been a hawk on foreign policy
    issues, argued that were it not for external inteference, Turkey's so-called
    Kurdish problem could «easily» be solved by planned economic and
    educational improvements.

  3. After tending to flower arrangements and throwing lavish parties,
    she takes up the task of hard-bitten negotiator — one who barks at top
    executives as if they were naughty children.

  4. Accounting for about 40 per cent of OPEC production, Saudi
    Arabia currently enjoys enormous leverage over the market and its oil-
    producing colleagues. If it were to cut back sharply, however, sagging oil
    would almost certainly jump up once again.

  5. The major U.S. auto companies lost an astonishing $4.2 billion
    last year. Of the three, only General Motors is likely to show a profit this
    year. If the two weaker companies were to collapse, hundreds of thou­
    sands of jobs would be lost in the auto industry alone, and perhaps a mil­
    lion jobs, taking into account the industries that produce materials for cars
    such as steel and glass.

  6. One of their fears is that the auto industry, if given relief, would


increase prices rather than production. Another argument that they have used is that even if production were to increase, General Motors would pick up roughly 60 per cent of the lost Japanese sales and that would not provide enough help for Chrysler and Ford.

  1. Such extraordinary growth of the political correctness industry
    would quickly slacken //the driving force behind it — the language of
    political correctness — were to go out of fashion.

  2. Any proposal to go ahead with this disgusting weapon should be
    vigorously combatted. It may be immensely profitable to the chemical in­
    dustry, but if ever it
    were used, it would bring an agonising death to thou­

  3. How would the West respond if one day China, say, were to carry
    out air strikes against an Indian government fighting to prevent its Mus­
    lim-majority province of Jammu & Kashmir from seceding?

  4. The Iraqis see themselves trapped. But the Security Council is no
    less trapped: were it to bend in the face of Iraqi belligerence, it would de­
    its remaining credibility.

  5. To permit the programs of the new administration to be imposed
    upon the people is to embolden the ultra-right. Should this program be
    carried out, we shall then face a serious change in the situation that could
    open the road to a fascist America.

  6. If Bonn should decide to buy less gas, it would certainly soften
    U.S. opposition. But if the Germans conclude they need all the gas they
    are slated to get, there could be trouble.

  7. Should the Tories succeed in finding another candidate, we may
    yet see the spectacle of the three brands of Tories fighting each other for
    the votes.

  8. Today's talks will certainly lay down guide-lines for a Tory Mani­
    festo should an early election materialize

  9. Should any appeal be needed, the Prime Minister will have op­
    portunities for personal chats with backsliders at a party for MPs of pre­
    vious Parliaments which he will give at 10 Downing Street tonight.

  10. Economies depend less on oil than they did. The development of
    markets to trade oil and oil futures means that price signals are relayed
    faster and more efficiently. Oil-producing capacity outside OPEC could
    be brought back on stream should oil prices ever flip up again.

  11. They had a special reason for preferring short-time — the low
    normal wastage at its works — but, again, fear of a strike if redundancies
    were declared
    also influenced the company.

  12. Euro-MPs have been emboldened to go after the Commission


members as they would never have dared to do in the days of Jacques Delors.

  1. If the agreement in Berlin last week was a «success», then the
    world could be forgiven for wondering quite what a failure would have
    looked like

  2. U.S. Embassy sources stressed that the visas would never have
    been issued to the five officers, who were presented as diplomats going
    for routine consultations with their own embassy, if their military function
    had been known

  3. There would not have been a review if the estimate's conclusions
    had totally supported the administration's charges.

  4. Had the election campaign been still in progress, the wage
    squeeze might have become an issue.

  5. But for import restrictions, quotas and American-imposed embar­
    goes, Anglo-Russian trade would be larger than it is today.

  6. But Solana's charm — the perpetual smile on his bearded, be­
    spectacled face, and his tactile Mediterranean manners — wouldn 't work
    if it was entirely insincere.

  7. If the IMF were not refinanced, it could not bail out Brazil and
    Brazil would go the way of the Asian tigers, with serious repercussions
    for the US and world economy.

  8. It is not possible to devise experiments to test whether, say, US
    government would be less susceptible to institutional government
    if it abandoned the separation of powers, or whether communism
    could have survived in the USSR had reforms been instigated a
    generation earlier.

  9. Were it not for circular highway that defines the limits of the
    capital, it would be impossible to know where Paris ends and Boulogne-
    Billancourt begins.


I. Should

При переводе предложений с глаголом should трудность возни­кает из-за многообразия его значений в различных функциях.

1. В функции вспомогательного глагола should употребляется для образования будущего времени в прошедшем (обычно в при­даточных предложениях с 1-м лицом) и для образования форм

3 — 553 65

сослагательного наклонения (should в сослагательном наклоне­нии (см. §5)).

2. В функции модального глагола should выражает долженство­
вание в плане совета или пожелания и обычно переводится: следу­
ет, следовало бы, нужно, не мешало бы , должен (бы) и т п

For the time being, until a greater European consciousness takes root, the preponderance of power in the EU should remain with the Council of Ministers. В течение какого-то времени, пока не укрепится общеевропейское самосознание, основные властные полномочия в ЕС должны оставаться у Совета министров.

3. В функции конъюнктива should + инфинитив употребляется:

1) для выражения оценки или эмоций (удивление, сожаление, по­дозрение, неодобрение). Употребляется в придаточных предложени­ях в функции подлежащего после сочетаний типа: It is strange that...; it is natural that...; it is vital that...; it is essential that...; it is impor­tant that...; it is surprising that...; it is advisable that..., it is high time that... и др.

Употребляется также в вопросительных предложениях с why, howи др

В этом случае на русский язык сочетание should с последующим инфинитивом переводится личной формой глагола в изъявительном наклонении настоящего или прошедшего времени (прошедшего в том случае, если за should следует перфектная форма инфинитива).

Так как в русском языке нет соответствующих грамматических форм, эта функция передается, где это вообще возможно, лексиче­ски.

It is a bit odd that the holder of NATO's top civilian post should have spent much of his early life as a semiclandestine socialist, cam­paigning to shut American military bases in his homeland and stop it joining NATO. Несколько странно, что высший гражданский ру­ководитель НАТО большую часть своей молодости был социали­стом, находившимся на полулегальном положении, и участвовал в кампаниях за закрытие американских военных баз в своей стране и против ее вступления в НАТО.

Примечание Should может также выражать предположение В этом случае переводится на русский язык словами должно быть, вероятно В газетном тексте в этом значении встречается довольно редко


Thereshouldhavebeenplentyofevidencearoundthatamonetarypolicyalonecannotcompensateforgovernmentindiscipline Должно быть (вероятно), есть масса свидетельств тому, что монетарная политика сама по себе не может компенсировать отсутствие дисциплины в системе управления

  1. в придаточном подлежащем с глаголом-сказуемым типа: (it) is
    recommended (suggested, proposed, demanded, requested, determined,
    arranged, advised, etc) that

  2. в придаточном дополнительном после глаголов recommend,
    suggest, demandи т.п.

  3. в придаточном предикативном, если подлежащим главного
    предложения является существительное того же корня (т.е. recom­
    mendation, suggestion, demandи т.п.)

В случаях 2, 3, 4, предложения с should переводятся на русский язык сослагательным наклонением (частица бы + глагол в прошед­шем времени).

The report also suggests that Brussels should adopt more general European standards of practice in housing architecture rather than im­pose strict directives. В докладе также содержится предложение, чтобы Брюссель не навязывал строгие директивы, а принял бы более общие европейские стандарты в практике жилищного строительства.

Примечание. Как стилистический или американский вариант формы should + инфинитив употребляется форма, омонимичная инфинитиву без частицы to.

TheUNSecretaryGeneralrecommendedthatUNmilitaryobserversleave Angola, sayingtheresumptionofcivilwarmadetheirpresenceuselessГенеральный секретарь ООН рекомендовал, чтобы военные наблюдате­ли ООН покинули Анголу, отметив, что возобновление гражданской войны делает их присутствие бессмысленным
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