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sample (n)


saturate (v)


scrupulous attention (phr)

пристальное внимание

self-purification (n)

самоочищение (водотока или водоёма)

sensitivity (n)


separate out from (v)

отделять(ся), выделять(ся), разделять(ся), сепарировать

septic tank (phr)

отстойник, септический резервуар

set about (v)

начинать (приниматься) что-то делать



sewage (n)

сточные воды

shell (n)


shift (v)

перемещать, смещать, сдвигать

significant effect on (phr)

значимый эффект

silicate (n)

силикат, кремнекислая соль

silicon (n)


simultaneously (adv)


smell (n)


soil (n)

грунт, земля, почва

solid (adj)

твердый (твердое состояние вещества)

solid (n)

твердое вещество

solubility (n)


solution (n)


solvent (n)

раствор, растворитель

sophisticated (adj)


spectrometry (n)


speed up (v)

увеличивать скорость, ускорять

state (v)

заявлять, утверждать, констатировать, формулировать

stationary phase (phr)

неподвижная среда, носитель

stir (v)

мешать, помешивать, размешивать; взбалтывать

strata (n, pl., sing. stratum)

пласт земной коры

strength (n)


subscript (n)


substance (n)


subtraction (n)


superconductor (n)


supplies (n)


surrounded (adj)


survey (n)

обследование, инспектирование, отчет

synthetic fiber (phr)

синтетическое волокно

suspension (v)



take place (phr)

происходить, случаться, состояться, иметь место

tank (n)

бак, резервуар

technique (n)

техника, методика, метод, способ

technological advances in production (phr)

успехи в технологии производства

tend to (v)


tensile strength (phr)

предел прочности (на разрыв)

thermoset (n)

отверждаемая пластмасса, отверждаемый материал

tin (n)


trait (n)


trial (n)

проба, опыт

transgenic (adj)


transparent (adj)


treat waste (phr)

подвергать (технологической) обработке, обрабатывать отходы


undergo (v)


urea (n)


uric acid (n)

мочевая кислота


valence (n)


valid (adj)

имеющий силу, эффективный, надёжный, действенный

verify (v)

проверять, контролировать, подтверждать

voltage (n)


volatilisation (n)


volume (n)



wastewater (n)

сточные воды

wastewater treatment plant (phr)

станция водоочистки

wire (n)

проволока, провод

wrought (adj)

ковкий, обработанный давлением


  1. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Fourth Edition [Электронный ресурс]. – http: // www.bartleby. com.

  2. Armer T. Cambridge English for Scientists / Armer T. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

  3. Basic Chemical and Metallurgical Sciences for Students : учеб. пособие

/ Н.Н. Николаева [и др.]. – Иркутск : Изд-во ИрГТУ, 2005. – 160 с.

  1. Basics of Green Chemistry [Электронный ресурс]. – http: // www.epa.gov/green-chemistry.

  2. Brieger N., Pohl A. Technical English. Vocabulary and Grammar. –Summertown Publishing Ltd., 2002.

  3. Britannica. Encyclopedia [Электронный ресурс]. – http: // www. britannica.com.

  4. Chemistry and the Environment: Help or Hindrance? [Электронный ресурс]. – http: // www.xperimania.net/ww/en/pub/xperimania/news.

  5. Harding K. English for Specific Purposes / Harding K. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.

  6. Hedge T. Writing / Hedge T. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.

  7. Ibbotson M. Professional English in Use. Engineering / Ibbotson M. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

  8. Ibbotson M. Cambridge English for Engineering / Ibbotson M. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

  9. McCarthy M., O’Dell F. Academic Vocabulary in Use. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

  10. The Chemistry Encyclopedia [Электронный ресурс]. – http://www.chemistrydaily.com.

  11. The History of Green Chemistry and Processes [Электронный ресурс]. – http://www.thomasnet.com/articles/chemicals/green-chemistry-history.

  12. Velebná B. English for Chemists [Электронный ресурс]. – http://www.upjs.sk.

  13. White L. Engineering/ White L. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003.

  14. Майер Н.Г. Английский язык для химиков: учеб.-метод. посо-бие : Горно-Алтайск : РИО ГАГУ, 2010. – 88 с.

Appendix 1

1. Chemistry

Chemistry (in Greek: χημεία) is the science of matter a__ __1) its interactions with energy and its__ __ __2) (see physics, biology). Because of t__ __3) diversity of matter, which is mos__ __ __4) in the form of atoms, chem__ __ __ __5) often study how atoms interact t__6) form molecules and how molecules inte__ __ __ __7) with each other.

Chemistry typically i__8) divided into several major sub-disciplines. Th__ __ __9) are also several main cross-disciplinary a__ __10) more specialized fields of chemistry.

Analy__ __ __ __ __11) chemistry is the analysis of mate__ __ __ __12) samples to gain an understanding o__13) their chemical composition and structure.

Bioche__ __ __ __ __ __14) is the study of the chem__ __ __ __ __15), chemical reactions and chemical interactions th__ __16) take place in living organisms.

Inor__ __ __ __ __17) chemistry is the study of t__ __18) properties and reactions of inorganic comp__ __ __ __ __19). The distinction between organic and inor__ __ __ __ __20) disciplines is not absolute and th__ __ __21) is much overlap, most importantly i__22) the sub-discipline of organometallic chemistry.

Org__ __ __ __23) chemistry is the study of t__ __24) structure, properties, composition, and reactions o__25) organic compounds. Physical chemistry is t__ __26) study of the physical basis o__27) chemical systems and processes.

In parti__ __ __ __ __28), the energetic description of diverse chem__ __ __ __29) transformations are of interest to phys__ __ __ __30) chemists. Important areas of study include chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, and spectroscopy.
2. Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is a young science. In the 19th century chemists first synth__ __ __ __ __ __1), or put together, an organic comp__ __ __ __2) from inorganic material. Further they sho__ __ __3) that carbon atoms have four avai__ __ __ __ __4) bonds which allow them to com__ __ __ __5) with other atoms.

Since those ea__ __ __6) years, the organic chemist invented ma__ __7) techniques for analyzing compounds whose struc__ __ __ __ __8) are unknown and for preparing comp__ __ __ __ __9) that do not exist in nat__ __ __10). Many of these compounds are n__ __11) used as medicines, dyes, foods a__ __12) other products of industry.

In t__ __13) last few decades chemists learned a gr__ __ __14) deal about the way in wh__ __ __15) the properties of a molecule are rel__ __ __ __16) to its structure. With the he__ __17) of this knowledge they made gr__ __ __18) studies in understanding the structure o__19) giant molecules.

Another striking development i__20) the increased use of catalysts i__21) both industrial and laboratory processes. Si__ __ __22) no one yet knows precisely h__ __23) catalysts work, each one has t__24) be found by trial and er__ __ __25). Eventually we shall have such tailo__ __ __ __ __ __26) catalysts, for we already know qu__ __ __27) a lot about the action of t__ __28) existing ones.

The most difficult prob__ __ __ __29) in organic chemistry are those conn__ __ __ __ __30) with investigating the compounds in liv__ __ __31) things. Although our knowledge is sli__ __ __32), it is growing rapidly.

Think f__ __33) a moment of photosynthesis, the process b__34) which water and carbon dioxide com__ __ __ __35) in a green plant to form su__ __ __36). Although every single person depends o__37) photosynthesis for his food supply, w__38) still do not understand the reac__ __ __ __39). When photosynthesis can be carried out artificially on a large scale, we shall be able to set up factories to mass-produce food.
3. Fundamental concepts

Nomenclature refers to the system for naming chemical compounds. There are well–defined systems in pl__ __ __1) for naming chemical species. Organic comp__ __ __ __ __2) are named according to the org__ __ __ __3) nomenclature system. Inorganic compounds are na__ __ __4) according to the inorganic nomenclature sys__ __ __5).


An atom is a collection o__6) matter consisting of a positively charged co__ __7) (the nucleus) which usually contains pro__ __ __ __8) and neutrons, and which maintains a num__ __ __9) of electrons to balance the posi__ __ __ __10) charge in the nucleus.


A mole__ __ __ __11) is the smallest indivisible portion o__12) a pure compound that retains a set o__13) unique chemical properties. A molecule consists o__14) two or more atoms bonded toge__ __ __ __15).


A compound is a substance with a fi__ __ __16) ratio of elements which determines t__ __17) composition, and a particular organization which deter__ __ __ __ __18) chemical properties. For example, water i__19) a compound containing hydrogen and oxygen i__20) the ratio of two to o__ __21). Compounds are formed and interconverted b__22) chemical reactions.


An element i__23) a class of atoms which have t__ __24) same number of protons in t__ __25) nucleus. This number is known a__26) the atomic number of the ele__ __ __ __27). For example, all atoms with 6 pro__ __ __ __28) in their nuclei are atoms o__29) the chemical element carbon, and a__ __30) atoms with 92 protons in their nuc__ __ __31) are atoms of the element ura__ __ __ __32).

The most convenient presentation of t__ __33) elements is in the periodic ta__ __ __34), which groups elements with similar hem.__ __ __ __35) properties together. Lists of the elem__ __ __ __36) by name, by symbol, and b__37) atomic number are also available.

Bec__ __ __ __38) the number of protons in t__ __39) nucleus dictates the number of elec__ __ __ __ __40) surrounding the nucleus and their prope__ __ __ __ __41), and because the electrons are t__ __42) outermost component of atoms (the comp__ __ __ __ __43) which ’sees’ the rest of t__ __44) universe), the identity of an ele__ __ __ __45) dictates the interactions, or chemical transfo__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __46), in which it can participate. There may, however, be subtle changes in chemical properties brought about by the number of neutrons in the nucleus of otherwise “same” elements.
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