Английский. пособие Химики АЯ. Introduction
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6. Explain the meanings of the following words. Make up sentences with them. 1) plastic; 2) rubber; 3) synthetic; 4)transparent; 5) cure; 6)engineering plastics. 7. Fill in the appropriate word from the list below into the text and then translate the sentences into Russian: insulators,molecule, strength,properties, existed,bonds, porous, lend, appearance, material, discovered. Polymers Chemistry of polymers and synthetic fibres is among the major fields of science and technology which receive special attention today. The attraction of this field is that substances which never ____1) on earth, but without which technical progress is impossible, are created. Natural substances cannot be like polymers in lightness, ____2), chemical durability, ability to absorb vibrations and reflect, stop or let through sound or radio waves or nuclear radiation. Polymers can be either ____3) or monolithic, transparent or opaque. They have long been used as excellent electrical ____4). Now we produced semiconductor polymers. Add to this the feet that polymers ____5) themselves to machining much better than wood, stone or metal, and you will understand why so much attention is being given to these man-made materials. Some scientists are working to alter the ____6) of polymers obtained from oil and coal resins, the usual raw materials. The quality of a polymer depends not only on the components of its giant molecule, but on its structure as well. Another important factor affecting the properties, ____7) and quality of a substance is the arrangement of the molecules. Just as the same kind of building materials can be used to build either a skyscraper or a cottage, the same molecules can be used to create substances with the most, varied properties. In order to produce a ____8) with planned properties the molecules of the required polymer must be placed in a certain order. Still another important factor is the nature of the elementary links which make up a polymer ____9). A method of producing an entirely new group of polymers possessing interesting magnetic properties has been ____10). It is based on the ability of X-rays and nuclear radiation to destroy the ____11) between the atoms of a polymer. This method can be used to produce an endless number of "hybrids" with planned properties. 8. In pairs, discuss the following questions. Why is chemistry of polymers so important and where is it used? What are the properties of polymers? What is the new method of producing polymers based on? 9. Give English translation for: Полимеры (от греч. polymeres – состоящий из многих частей, многообразный), химические соединения с высокой молекулярной массой, молекулы которых состоят из большого числа повторяющихся группировок. Атомы, входящие в состав макромолекул, соединены друг с другом силами главных или координационных валентностей. Особые свойства полимеров: эластичность, малая хрупкость, способность макромолекул к ориентации под действием направленного механического поля (используется при изготовлении волокон и плёнок),способность резко изменять свои физико-механические свойства под действием малых количеств реагента (вулканизация каучука, дубление кож и т. п.). По химическому составу все полимеры подразделяются на органические, элементоорганические, неорганические. Благодаря ценным свойствам полимеры применяются в машиностроении, текстильной промышленности, сельском хозяйстве и медицине, автомобиле- и судостроении, авиастроении, в быту (текстильные и кожевенные изделия, посуда, клей и лаки, украшения и другие предметы). На основании высокомолекулярных соединений изготовляют резины, волокна, пластмассы, пленки и лакокрасочные покрытия. Все ткани живых организмов представляют высокомолекулярные соединения. 10. Make up a report about specific types of polymers that are used in your industry or an industry you are familiar with. 11. Role-play. Work in two groups (investors and engineers/ scientists). Think about the advantages and disadvantages of using polymers. Prepare a discussion on the practical applications of polymers. Students of one group (engineers/ scientists) try to persuade the other group (investors) to make investments in the creation of a new type of polymer. Unit 6. Environmental Chemistry Text 1 Active Vocabulary environmental chemistry (phr) – экологическая химия soil (n) – грунт, земля, почва disturb (v) – нарушать pollutant (n) – загрязняющий агент, загрязняющее вещество exposure (n) – воздействие contaminate (v) – загрязнять detergent (n) – детергент, моющее средство dissolution (n) – растворение extraction (n) – добывание, извлечение, выделение significant effect (phr) – значимый эффект penetration (n) – проникание, проникновение, внедрение dump (v) – выгружать, разгружать, сваливать 1. In pairs, discuss the following questions. Do you worry about the environment? What stories have you read or heard recently about the environment? What are the biggest problems facing our environment? What should the government priorities for the environment be? 2. Look at the title of the text. What do you think it is about? What do you know about environmental chemistry? Read the text and find out. Environmental Chemistry Environmental chemistry can be defined as all chemical processes occurring in the soil, the aquatic system and in the atmosphere. It includes the processes that disturb the natural equilibrium by pollutants as well as chemistry which underlies nature in general. Considering the global dimensions the following classification is meaningful in environmental chemistry:
There are also certain mixed systems:
Sludge contains significant amounts of solid material. It allows easy transport of the solid stuff and exposure of the solid surface to molecules. Dust is low – mass solids, e.g. sand corns or pollens. Also certain kinds of smog fall into this category. Aerosols contain a tiny solids nucleus. A typical example of an aerosol is fog. They are also formed as a result of the interaction of open waters with high winds. Such seawater aerosol may drift inland and contaminate some areas with salt. They can also pick up a large number of pollutants. Emulsions are composed of small droplets of non-mixable liquids. Because of their structure, they do not separate easily and may be transported over large distances. Micelles, vesicles, or lipid bi-layers composed of amphiphilic molecules are similar aggregate mixtures. They show properties of soaps and detergents. Being helpful in the dissolution, extraction and transport of chemicals, they are employed in environmental clean-up procedures. The important physical parameters in environmental chemistry are the transport of the chemicals and the temperature. Wind and weather-related phenomena are the dominating parameters in the lower atmosphere. However, in the upper atmosphere these are temperature-based convection and diffusion. The two belts of high pressure located north and south of the equator must be recognized. Another atmospheric characteristic is the season-depending shift of the boundary between the polar and the adjacent moderate temperature air masses. This boundary shifts south by the end of summer and industrial pollution enters into the northern artic being responsible for “polar haze”. Another example of weather-related events is so-called “El Nino” phenomenon, which is a consequence of changes in absolute temperature and temperature gradients in the equatorial waters of the Pacific. “El Nino” has a significant effect on the accumulation and transport of pollutants. The results are deviations from normal weather, e.g. heavy rain falls and storms in America and long-lasting droughts in the Australasian region. Of great concern is the penetration of pollutants into the ground water. Many chemicals and hazardous microorganisms contained in rain and polluted waters are retained and degraded upon seeping through the soil. However, long lasting pollutants may get into the groundwater level, especially when they are present at high concentrations or dumped into deep-reach reservoirs. The pollutants can penetrate through the unsaturated layer in the ground water table. Thus they can be transported over large distances before they re-appear via artesian wells or artificial drillings. 3. Answer the questions. Are chemistry and the chemical industry harmful to the environment? What is environmental chemistry? How would you define it? What does this discipline include? What is the nature/ source of pollutants? What are important physical parameters in environmental chemistry? What is “El Nino” phenomenon? How do pollutants penetrate into the ground water? 4 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word combinations and chemical terms. 1) aquatic system; 2) global dimensions; 3) mixed systems; 4) sludge; 5) easy transport; 6) solid stuff; 7) solid surface; 8) tiny solids nucleus; 9) interaction of open waters with high winds; 10) drift inland; 11) pick up a large number of pollutants; 12) non-mixable liquids; 13) separate easily; 14) aggregate mixtures; 15) environmental clean-up procedures; 16) wind and weather-related phenomena; 17) dominating parameters; 18) “polar haze”; 19) weather-related events. 4 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms. 1) содержать в себе, включать, вмещать; 2) воздействие; 3) мицелла; 4) пузырёк; 5) быть полезным в чём-либо; 6) главные факторы; 7) верхние слои атмосферы; 8) изменение границ; 9) результат, последствие; 10) продолжительная засуха; 11) проникновение загрязняющих веществ в грунтовые водs; 12) опасные микроорганизмы; 13) загрязнённая вода; 14) удерживать; 15) протекание; 16) в большой концентрации; 17) сброшенный, сваленный; 18) вновь обнаруживаться, проявляться; 19) при помощи артезианских колодцев. 5. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the text and then translate the sentences into Russian: chemistry, researches, damaging, environment (x2), developing, environment-friendly, protect, industrial, change, truly. Chemistry and the Environment: Help or Hindrance? Environmental issues such as climate change, water pollution and renewable energy make the news headlines and have become increasingly important in every day life. Many people perceive ___1) and the chemical industry as harmful to the ___2). However, many new advances and scientific ___3) in the field of chemistry are helping us to develop more ___4) materials and applications, while preserving the quality and the lifestyle we expect. Over the years, the industry and wider public have become aware of the ___5) effects of some past practices and the need to ___6) the environment. In the past, few were aware of the potentially negative effects our modern lifestyle might have on the ___7), and rather saw only the positive potential for creating new, useful materials and products. Research in biological sciences and chemistry has revealed that ___8) processes in chemistry and petrochemistry could play a role in ___9) solutions to environmental problems such as climate ___10) waste management, recycling, energy efficiency – just to name a few. Without chemists, we might never have ___11) understood these problems. Profound changes have been made – and still are being made – to provide alternative solutions. 6. Explain in English the following terms using a specialized dictionary, give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them. environmental chemistry, petrochemistry, environment-friendly technology, waste management, recycling 7 (a). Match the words with their definitions.
7 (b). In pairs, discuss the following questions. What branches of chemistry are essential for environmental chemistry? How can environmental chemistry be helpful in creating new, useful materials and products? 8. Give English translation for: Экологическая химия – наука о химических процессах, определяющих состояние и свойства окружающей среды – атмосферы, гидросферы и почв. Экологическая химия изучает как естественные химические процессы, происходящие в окружающей среде, так и процесс её антропогенного загрязнения. Одна из задач экологической химии – разработка новых химических технологий, значительно снижающих отрицательное воздействие на окружающую среду, технологий утилизации и обезвреживания отходов, очистки воздуха и сточных вод, ремедиации (восстановления) почв. Экологическая химия является соединением нескольких научных дисциплин – биохимия, аналитическая химия, химия поверхности и сорбции, фотохимия, катализ и др. 9. Use a search engine on the web to find information about environmental chemistry. Make a note of any new interesting facts. Present it to the class. 10. Word Search. There are at least 10 hidden words. Find them!