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  • 4 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word

  • 5. Complete the C-test

  • 8. Give English translation for

  • 9. Give a two-minute presentation on chromatography. First read text 3 again and make notes.

  • Unit 5. Chemical Science Serves People Text 1 Active Vocabulary

  • 1. Draw a word tree for engineering

  • 3 (a). Look at the title of the text. What do you think it is about Where might you read this text 3 (b). Read the text and put the paragraphs in the correct order.

  • 3 (c). Complete the phrases according to the contents of the text.

  • 4. Read the text again and find sentences describing functions of a chemical engineer. In pairs, discuss functions of chemical engineers. 5. Combine two corresponding sentence parts.

  • 6 (a). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word

  • 6 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word

  • 7. Complete the C-test

  • 8. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below

  • Английский. пособие Химики АЯ. Introduction

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    3. Mark sentences as True (T) or False (F).

    1. Chromatography consists of pouring a solution through a column containing a suitable adsorbing material.

    2. The basic apparatus in chromatography techniques is the adsorption column.

    3. The passage of the solvent through the column causes the adsorbed materials to move at different rates.

    4. Gelatin, or magnesium silicate gel are a stationary adsorbing medium through which complex mixtures pass.

    5. Preparative chromatography is used to determine the identity of a molecular species.

    4 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) family of analytical chemistry techniques; 2) contain an analyte; 3) "mobile phase";4) through the "stationary phase"; 5) retard; 6) passage of the components of the sample; 7) at different rates; 8) become separated; 9) like runners in a marathon; 10) "retention time"; 11) result of differential distributions; 12) flow around; 13) rely on the differential affinities of substances; 14) mobile medium; 15) stationary adsorbing medium; 16) identity of molecules in a mixture; 17) purify larger quantities of a molecular species.
    4 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) образец, проба; 2) проходить сквозь; 3) постоянная времени; 4) разделять, разлагать (на части); 5) жидкая среда; 6) большое количество; 7) хроматографический аппарат; 8) растительный пигмент; 9) съезд естествоиспытателей и врачей; 10) напечатанный; 11) выделение (осадка); 12) распределительная хроматография; 13) основные принципы; 14) прогресс, достижение; 15) техническая характеристика.
    5. Complete the C-test. Supply the missing 20 word parts.

    The techniques of carrying out a chromatographic investigation are very simple. The basic apparatus is the adsorption column. The adsor__ __ __ __ __1) column may be constructed of soft gl__ __ __2) or in special cases of quartz. The diameter аnd len__ __ __3) of the column are determined by the quan__ __ __ __4) of material to be absorbed.

    No universal adsorbent has been found. A good adsorbent should satisfy the following crit__ __ __ __5): it should hold relatively large quantities of the materials to be reso__ __ __ __6); the resolved materials must be elu__ __ __7) from the adsorbent by polar solvents; the size of the part__ __ __ __ __8) of adsorbent should be such as will allow ra__ __ __9) and uniform percolation; the adsorbents must not re__ __ __10) with either the materials to be resolved nor the mate__ __ __ __ __11) to be used as solvent or color developer; the adsorbent should not be por__ __ __12) and should, if possible, be colorless.

    The chromatograph is made as follows: a solu__ __ __ __13) of the material to be adsorbed is poured into the adsorption col__ __ __14) and allowed to percolate through the adso__ __ __ __ __15). The column is washed with addit__ __ __ __ __16) portions of the original solvent from which the comp__ __ __ __17) was adsorbed. The sides of the column are was__ __ __18) with small portions of the sol__ __ __ __19) and then larger quantities are added to the column. The pas__ __ __ __20) of the solvent through the column causes the adsorbed materials to move at different rates and thus produce the chromatogram.
    6. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the text and then translate the sentences into Russian:

    along, complexes, dried, exchanger, minimum, produce, quantitative, reagent, studies, unknown, water.

    Paper Chromatography, Applications and Procedure

    In paper chromatography-the absorption column is replaced by strips of paper. The absorbent or ion ____1) is precipitated into the pores of the paper. One end of the prepared paper is dipped into distilled ____2) and allowed to stand until the water has climbed about a centimeter _____3) the paper. It is then removed and dipped into a solution of the materials to be separated. After the unknown solution has climbed about 2 cm, the paper is removed from the _____4) solution and returned to the distilled water. After the water has climbed to about 12 to 16 cm, the strip is removed and ____5) between filter paper. Brushing the dried paper strip with the proper developing agent will _____6) bands similar to those produced in the adsorption column.

    Numerous _____7) have been made of the paper-strip method for separating cations, anions and metal ___8). The procedure is similar to that of column chromatography.

    The paper-strip method has the advantage that the developing ___9) does not pass through the adsorbent as it is required in column chromatography. The strip method requires a _____10) of test solution, about 0.1 mm, several developers may be applied to the same strip.

    The paper-strip method has been applied to _____11) determination of the inorganic cations and to many organic materials.
    7. Make up definitions of analytical chemistry and its methods using these notes.

    1. analytical chemistry/ study of/ matter/ composition/ structure/ extent

    2. analytical chemistry/ deal with/ methods

    3. filtration/ process/ passing/ suspension of solid/ liquefied/ porous barrier/ trap/ solid

    4. centrifugation/ mechanized setting/ depend/ difference/ densities/ solid/ solution

    8. Give English translation for:

    Хроматография – метод разделения и анализа смесей веществ, а также изучения физико-химических свойств веществ. Основан на распределении веществ между двумя фазами – неподвижной (твердая фаза или жидкость, связанная на инертном носителе) и подвижной (газовая или жидкая фаза, элюент). Неподвижная фаза представляет собой сорбент с развитой поверхностью, а подвижная – поток газа (пара, флюида) или жидкости. Поток подвижной фазы фильтруется через слой сорбента или перемещается вдоль слоя сорбента.

    Принцип хроматографии, разработанный в 1903 г. русским ученым М.С. Цветом, основан на способности пигментов (или любых других окрашенных и неокрашенных веществ) специфически адсорбироваться на адсорбенте, заключенном в колонке.

    В результате происходит разделение анализируемых веществ и их концентрирование в строго определенном слое адсорбента. Затем через колонку пропускают подходящие элюенты, которые ослабляют силы адсорбции и выносят с током раствора индивидуальные вещества. Последние последовательно собирают в коллекторе фракций (принцип сорбции-десорбции).

    В зависимости от агрегатного состояния подвижной фазы различают газовую, флюидную и жидкостную хроматографию. В качестве неподвижной фазы используют твердые (или твердообразные) тела и жидкости. В соответствии с агрегатным состоянием подвижной и неподвижной фаз различают следующие виды хроматографии:

    1) газо-твердофазную хроматографию, или газоадсорбционную хроматографию;

    2) газо-жидкостную хроматографию (газо-жидко-твердофазную);

    3) жидко-твердофазную хроматографию;

    4) жидко-жидкофазную хроматографию;

    5) флюидно-твердофазную хроматографию;

    6) флюидно-жидко-твердофазную хроматографию.
    9. Give a two-minute presentation on chromatography. First read text 3 again and make notes.
    10. Write an article for a student magazine about analytical chemistry and its methods. For you research take notes from texts 1, 2 and 3. Use information of specialized reference books, encyclopedias, web sites.

    Unit 5. Chemical Science Serves People
    Text 1
    Active Vocabulary

    chemical engineering (phr) – химическая промышленность

    application (n) – применение, использование

    convert (v) – превращать, преобразовывать

    large-scale manufacture (phr) – крупносерийное производство

    investigate (v) – изучать, исследовать

    evaluate (v) – оценивать

    enable (v) –создавать возможность, облегчать

    ultra-strong fibers (phr) – очень крепкие волокна

    adhesive (n) – клей, адгезив, связка, связующее вещество

    bio-compatible materials (phr) – биосовместимые материалы

    intertwine (v) – переплетать, сплетать, закручивать

    1. Draw a word tree for engineering. Think of engineering and complete the tree. Then make up sentences using these words.
    2. In pairs, discuss the following questions.

    1. What does engineering mean?

    2. What types of engineering do you know?

    3. Which area of engineering are you going to work in? Why?

    3 (a). Look at the title of the text. What do you think it is about? Where might you read this text?
    3 (b). Read the text and put the paragraphs in the correct order.

    Chemical Engineering

    A. In many cases the engineer will evolve a mathematical model that interrelates all the process variables in mathematical terms. Then by using electronic computing equipment, the design engineer can attain the optimum process design. Ultimately, when the plant is built, he will rely on an on-line computer and sophisticated instrumentation to control the commercial unit.

    B. In carrying out these development functions, the chemical engineer relies on his training in scientific and engineering fundamentals and in advanced mathematics to plan the experimental programs and to analyze the resulting data. In his concern for designing the overall process, the chemical engineer may evaluate many alternate schemes before reaching an optimum design. Economic evaluation techniques play an important role in achieving optimum design.

    C. All products from this family of industries are formed in chemical processes involving chemical reactions carried out under a wide range of conditions and frequently accompanied by changes in physical state or form. Many steps prior to, between, and after the chemical reactions may be carried out to purify intermediate and final products. These steps involve a number of physical or unit operations that heat and cool, distill, crystallize, filter, mix, and so forth. Along with the chemical reactions they make up a chemical process.

    D. To bring about the conversion of raw materials into such a broad spectrum of products, the chemical engineer starts with basic scientific data on chemical reactions discovered by research chemists. Working first on a small laboratory scale, the engineer develops engineering data for various steps in the process of changing the starting material into a product. Before completing this small-scale investigation, he may actually operate various parts of the process in mini- or pilot-scale equipment, simulating what may happen in the commercial-scale process.

    E. Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering serving those industries that chemically convert basic raw materials into a variety of products. Starting with ores, salt, sulfur, limestone, coal, natural gas, petroleum, air, water, and so forth, these industries, by chemical processing techniques, produce widely diversified products, such as aluminium, magnesium, and titanium metals; refined petroleum fractions, such as fuels and solvents; synthetic fertilizers, synthetic fibers, resins, and plastics; antibiotics; wood pulp and paper; and petrochemicals.

    Notes to the text:

    Law of Conservation of Momentum (phr) – закон сохранения количества движения

    Law of Conservation of Energy (phr) – закон сохранения энергии
    3 (c). Complete the phrases according to the contents of the text.

    1. All products from chemical industries …

    2. Working first on a small laboratory …

    3. Economic evaluation techniques …

    4. In many cases the chemical engineer …

    5. When the plant is built, ……………….
    4. Read the text again and find sentences describing functions of a chemical engineer. In pairs, discuss functions of chemical engineers.

    5. Combine two corresponding sentence parts.

    1. Chemical engineering is

    a) Conservation of mass, Conservation of momentum and Conservation of energy.

    2. Chemical engineers in this branch are

    b) using chemical knowledge to create better materials and products that are useful in today's world.

    3. The individual processes used by chemical engineers are

    c) biology and biomedical engineering.

    4. Three primary physical laws underlying chemical engineering design are

    d) the application of science, mathematics and economics to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.

    5. The modern discipline of chemical engineering involves

    e) called unit operations

    6. Chemical engineering is often intertwined with

    f) usually employed under the title of 'process engineer'.

    6 (a). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms. Make up your own sentences using them.

    1) serve industries; 2) chemically convert basic raw materials into a variety of products; 3) produce widely diversified products; 4) refined petroleum fractions; 5) fuels and solvents; 6) under a wide range of conditions; 7) purify intermediate and final products; 8) number of physical or unit operations; 9) make up a chemical process; 10) bring about the conversion of raw materials; 11) broad spectrum of products; 12) basic scientific data; 13) discovered by research chemists; 14) engineering data; 15) starting material; 16) small-scale investigation; 17) operate various parts of the process; 18) mini- or pilot-scale equipment; 18) simulate.
    6 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) часто сопровождаемый; 2) изменение физического состояния; 3) мелкий масштаб; 4) производство в промышленном масштабе; 5) основные положения науки; 6) анализировать итоговую информацию; 7) запасной, резервный план; 8) достигать; 9)оптимальное проектирование; 10) экономическая оценка; 11) выводить (теорию и т. п.); 12) связывать; 13) технологический параметр; 14) внешняя ЭВМ; 15) торговая единица.
    7. Complete the C-test. Supply the missing 25 word parts.

    Chemical Engineering

    Chemical engineering is the application of science, mathematics and economics to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms. The term econ__ __ __ __ __1) is important here.

    Chemical engineering largely involves the design and maint__ __ __ __ __ __2) of chemical processes for large-scale manufacture. Chemical engi__ __ __ __ __3) in this branch are usually employed under the title of ’pro__ __ __ __4) engineer’. Following is an example that illustrates the process engin__ __ __ __ __ __5) part of chemical engineering.

    The difference bet__ __ __ __6) chemical engineering and chemistry can b__7) illustrated by considering the example of prod__ __ __ __ __8) orange juice. A chemist working in the labor__ __ __ __ __9) investigates and discovers a multitude of path__ __ __ __10) to extract the juice of an orange. The simplest mech__ __ __ __ __11) found is to cut the orange in half and squ__ __ __ __12) the orange using a manual juicer. A more compl__ __ __ __ __ __13) approach found is to peel and then cr__ __ __14) the orange and collect the juice. A company then commi__ __ __ __ __ __15) a chemical engineer to design a plant to manuf__ __ __ __ __ __16) several thousand tons of orange juice per ye__ __17). The chemical engineer investigates all the avai__ __ __ __ __18) methods for making orange juice and evaluates them according to their econo__ __ __ __ __19) viability. Even though the manual jui__ __ __ __20) method is simple, it is not economical to emp__ __ __21) thousands of people to manually juice ora__ __ __ __22). Thus another, cheaper method is us__ __23) (possibly the ’peel and crush’ technique). The easiest method of manufacture on a labor__ __ __ __ __24) bench will not necessarily be the most economical met__ __ __25) for a manufacturing plant.

    The individual processes used by chemical engineers (eg. distillation or chlorination) are called unit operations and consist of chemical reaction, mass-, heat- and momentum- transfer operations. Unit operations are grouped together in various configurations for the purpose of chemical synthesis and/or chemical separation.
    8. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the text and then translate the sentences into Russian:

    chemical engineers, enables, adhesives, configurations, chemicals,apply, movement of, aided, engaged,properties, underlying .

    The individual processes used by chemical engineers (eg. distillation or chlorination) are called unit operations and consist of chemical reaction, mass-, heat- and momentum- transfer operations. Unit operations are grouped together in various ____1) for the purpose of chemical synthesis and/or chemical separation.

    Three primary physical laws ____2) chemical engineering design are Conservation of mass, Conservation of momentum and Conservation of energy. The ____3) mass and energy around a chemical process are evaluated using mass and energy balances which ____4) these laws to whole plants, unit operations or discrete parts of equipment. In doing so, ____5) use principles of thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and transport phenomena. The task of performing these balances is now ____6) by process simulators, which are complex software models that can solve mass and energy balances and usually have built-in modules to simulate a variety of common unit operations.

    The modern discipline of chemical engineering ____7) much more than just process engineering. This often involves using chemical knowledge to create better materials and products that are useful in today's world. Chemical engineers are now ____8) in development and production of diverse, high-value products, as well as in basic chemicals production. These products include special ____9) and high performance materials needed for aerospace, automotive, biomedical, electronic, environmental and military applications. Examples include ultra-strong fibers, fabrics, ____10) and composites for vehicles, bio-compatible materials for implants and prosthetics, gels for medical applications, pharmaceuticals, and films with special dielectric, optical or spectroscopic ____11) for opto-electronic devices. Additionally, chemical engineering is often intertwined with biology and biomedical engineering. Many chemical engineers work on biological projects such as understanding biopolymers (proteins) and mapping the human genome.
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