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  • Principles of Green Chemistry

  • 3 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word combinations and chemical terms.

  • 3 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word

  • 4. Fill in the appropriate subheading from the list below

  • Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry

  • 5. Give Russian translation for Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry.

  • 7. Give English translation for

  • 8. In pairs, discuss the principles of green chemistry Do you think these principles should be observed and that it is possible to observe them

  • 1. What is environment management Can you provide any examples of environment management 2. You are going to read about wastewater management. What

  • 4. Answer the questions.

  • 5 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word combinations and chemical terms.

  • 5 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word

  • 6. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below

  • Английский. пособие Химики АЯ. Introduction

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    Text 2

    Active Vocabulary

    green chemistry (phr) – зеленая химия

    reduce the risk (phr) – снижать риск

    lessen (v) – уменьшать, сокращать

    hazardous impact (phr) – опасное воздействие, влияние

    awareness (n) – осознание

    pave the way (phr) – прокладывать путь, подготавливать почву

    pollution prevention (phr) – предотвращение загрязнений (окружающей среды)

    revamp (v) – модернизировать, ремонтировать

    emergence (n) – появление

    health issues (phr) – проблемы здоровья

    eliminating dyes (phr) – устранение красителей

    phase out (v) – прекращать
    1. Read the title of the text. What do you expect to read in the text? How would you define green chemistry? What is the difference between ‘environmental chemistry’ and ‘green chemistry? Can these two terms be used as synonyms?
    2. Read the text and answer the questions.

    Principles of Green Chemistry

    T he term “green chemistry,” also known as clean chemistry or benign and sustainable chemistry, refers to the design of chemicals and formulation of processes that reduce the risk to humans and minimize environment pollution. The goal of green chemistry solutions is to lessen or eliminate hazardous impacts of chemicals over a chemical product’s life-cycle.

    Green chemistry traces back several decades and can be linked to impactful environmental activists, such as Rachel Carson. Her 1962 publication, “Silent Spring,” helped direct the public’s awareness to pesticides and their ties to environmental pollution. Less than a decade later, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed in 1970. The EPA references its existence as the extended shadow of Rachel Carlson who is considered a leading innovator of environmental protection, a cause that has paved the way to current green chemistry practices.

    Recognizing the need to shift from end-of-pipeline control to pollution prevention, by the 1980s, the EPA established the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. Two decades after the implementation of the EPA, The Pollution Prevention Act (1990) was created to enforce eco-friendly strategies, and provide grants to states in the effort to reduce source waste. By the end of the 1990s, “Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry” was published. The guidelines serve as a reference for processes and practices to lessen negative environmental impact. These principles are Prevention, Atom Economy, Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses, Designing Safer Chemicals, Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries, Design for Energy Efficiency, Use of Renewable Feedstocks, Reduce Derivatives, Catalysis, Design for Degradation, Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention and Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention.

    As reflected in the previous decade spanning to today, there has been a shift in the emergence of green chemistry trends. As eco-awareness spreads to the consumer market and as the hazards of certain materials and chemicals become better known, companies and manufacturers are working to revamp the way they use chemicals in their products. These practices include:

    Reducing formaldehyde (a gas linked to various health issues including cancer) use in the production of products.

    Eliminating/reducing dyes in manufacture.

    Eliminating ozone-depleting CFC’s in widely used products.

    Development of technology through chemicals that lessens green impact (i.e. converting sustainable plant-based materials to low-carbon chemicals).

    Creating a patented system to formalize and phase out raw materials for fabrication processes.

    Developing sustainable technology used in agrichemical treatment for farming.

    Answer the questions.

    1. What does the term ‘green chemistry’ refer to?

    2. What is the goal of green chemistry?

    3. What are the principles of green chemistry?

    4. Do you agree with these principles?

    5. What are green chemistry trends today?

    3 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) clean chemistry; 2) sustainable chemistry; 3) design of chemicals; 4) formulation of processes; 5) eliminate hazardous impacts of chemicals; 6) chemical product’s life-cycle; 7) trace back; 8) public’s awareness; 9) pesticides; 10) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); 11) leading innovator of environmental protection; 12) current green chemistry practices; 13) recognizing the need to shift; 14) end-of-pipeline control; 15) pollution prevention; 16) Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics; 17) Pollution Prevention Act; 18) eco-friendly strategies; 19) to reduce source waste.
    3 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) быть связанным с ; 2) уменьшить загрязнение окружающей среды;

    3) реализация, введение в действие; 4) предоставлять грант; 4) принципы, нормативы; 5) воздействие на окружающую среду; 6) вспомогательные вещества при производстве; 7) эффективность использования энергии;

    8) возобновляемые исходные материалы; 9) уменьшать количество промежуточных продуктов; 10) каталитический процесс; 10) разложение на безопасные продукты; 11) анализ, проводимый в реальном времени; 12) химическая опасность; 13) потребительский рынок; 14) сырье; 15) очистка.
    4. Fill in the appropriate subheading from the list below into the text.

    Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention, Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses, Design for Energy Efficiency, Catalysis, Use of Renewable Feedstocks, Atom Economy, Designing Safer Chemicals, Real-time Analysis for Pollution, Prevention, Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries, Reduce Derivatives, Design for Degradation.

    Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry

    The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, originally published by current EPA provide a road map for chemists to implement green chemistry. The twelve principles are:

    ____1) It’s better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste afterwards.

    ____2) Design synthetic methods to maximize the incorporation of all materials used in the process into the final product.

    ____3) Design synthetic methods to use and generate substances that minimize toxicity to human health and the environment.

    ____4) Design chemical products to affect their desired function while minimizing their toxicity.

    ____5) Minimize the use of auxiliary substances wherever possible make them innocuous when used.

    ____6) Minimize the energy requirements of chemical processes and conduct synthetic methods at ambient temperature and pressure if possible.

    ____7) Use renewable raw material or feedstock rather whenever practicable.

    ____8) Minimize or avoid unnecessary derivatization if possible, which requires additional reagents and generate waste.

    ____9) Catalytic reagents are superior to stoichiometric reagents.

    ____10) Design chemical products so they break down into innocuous products that do not persist in the environment.

    ____11) Develop analytical methodologies needed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.

    ____12) Choose substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires.
    5. Give Russian translation for Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry.

    6. Explain in English the following terms using a specialized dictionary, give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them.

    1)Green chemistry; 2)CFC; 3) hazardous substances; 4) life cycle; 5) environment pollution.

    7. Give English translation for:

    Зеленая химия возникла после издания в США Акта о предотвращении загрязнений. Основная цель зеленой химии – поиск безопасных с точки зрения химии и экологии способов деятельности общества во всех аспектах – начиная от процессов производства и способов использования энергоресурсов и до способов выполнения нашей ежедневной домашней работы. Химики и обычные люди, которые следуют принципам зеленой химии, нацелены на то, чтобы меньше использовать или вообще не использовать и не создавать опасных веществ и продуктов, а также процессов, в которых образуются такие вещества. Таким образом, они предотвращают воздействие отходов и опасных веществ самым надежным способом – не допускают их образования.

    В 1998 году П. Т. Анастас и Дж. С. Уорнер в своей книге «Зеленая химия: теория и практика» сформулировали двенадцать принципов «Зеленой химии». Эти принципы создали основу, в соответствии с которой химики должны разрабатывать новые, «зеленые» материалы, продукты, процессы и системы. Принципы служат каркасом для создания инновационных решений, разработанных в последнее десятилетие.
    8. In pairs, discuss the principles of green chemistry? Do you think these principles should be observed and that it is possible to observe them?
    9. Write a report for a university lecturer of 150–180 words describing green chemistry and its principles.

    Text 3
    Active Vocabulary

    environment management (phr) – управление окружающей средой

    wastewater (n) – сточные воды

    sewage (n) – сточные воды

    disposal (n) – сброс, отведение (сточных вод)

    wastewater treatment plant (phr) – станция водоочистки

    chemical precipitation (phr) – химическое осаждение

    removal (n) – удаление

    coagulation (n) – коагуляция, свёртывание

    irrigation (n) – орошение, полив

    infiltration (n) – инфильтрация, просачивание

    land application (phr) – почвенная очистка сточных вод

    self-purification (n) – самоочищение (водотока или водоёма)

    septic tank (phr) – отстойник, септический резервуар

    1. What is environment management? Can you provide any examples of environment management?

    2. You are going to read about wastewater management. What fields in wastewater treatment can you think of?

    3. Read the text and choose from sentences, A–F, the one that best fits each gap 1–5 to complete the text. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

    Wastewater Management

    Wastewater management is of primary importance. In areas with high population densities, waste, including wastewater and sewage, disposal must be organized by people, as has been the case since the earliest times.

    A second means of waste disposal is the use of running water for the transportation of wastes. 1) □ These goals are:

    1. Prompt removal of sewage from the neighborhood of dwellings;

    2. Preventing the pollution of receiving waters by the utilization of efficient methods of sewage disposal, and profitable disposal and use of sewage.

    The installation of biological and chemical wastewater treatment plants has led to a significant improvement in recipient water quality. 2) □ This has resulted in a corresponding decrease of chlorophyll-a in the 0–2 m layer. Development of wastewater treatment systems is a result of different driving forces from a focus on hygienic aspects to recycling of resources, energy saving and recovery, public participation and interactions with other sectors in society.

    The biological treatment of wastewater includes the following steps:

    1. Degradation of organic material to carbon dioxide or methane.

    2. Removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous).

    3. Coagulation of colloidal solids into flocs.

    4. Transfer of metal ions and microorganic pollutants from the water phase to the sludge.

    Biological treatment is both an oxidation-reduction process and a separation process. 3) □ Biological treatment processes can be classified as aerobic (presence of oxygen) or anaerobic (absence of oxygen).

    Chemical treatment is widely used for removal of:

    1. Phosphates by the addition of iron salts and aluminum salts or lime.

    2. Metals by the addition of hydroxide, carbonate or sulfide.

    3. Colloids and colour.

    Wastewater treatment by chemical precipitation involves mixing, flocculation, separation and sludge handling. The use of strong oxidizing agents (i.e. chlorine, ozone, permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) sometimes in combination with heat or radiation is common.

    It is also possible to use so-called ecological methods which include e.g. oxidation ponds, wetlands and land treatment. They imitate natural self-purification reactions in land and waters. 4) □ There are three types of ponds: anaerobic, facultative and maturation arranged in a series with anaerobic pond preceding a facultative pond, which feeds into one or more maturation ponds. Land treatment of wastewater involves the use of plants and the soil surface and matrix. The methods used are irrigation, rapid infiltration, infiltration of septic tank effluents, overland flow and land application of sludge.


    They are effective for several reasons:

    1. Bacteria attached to submersed roots and stems of aquatic plants.

    2. Adsorption and filtration by roots and stems of the aquatic plants.

    3. Ion exchange and adsorption by wetland sediments.

    4. Adsorption and filtration by roots and stems of the aquatic plants.

    A Natural wetlands which are freshwater marshes ant peatlands are also used as wastewater treatment systems.

    B For example, the supply of phosphorus has decreased rapidly due to the installation of chemical precipitation at wastewater treatment plants.

    C Treatment in oxidation ponds relies on the natural water body.

    D This covers domestic sewage, commercial runoff, environmental runoff, and more.

    E If toxic substances are transferred into the sludge phase or stripped off to the gas phase, further treatment of these phases may be necessary.

    F Of the two means of disposal, one is oriented towards ecological solutions and the other towards technically intensified and controlled solutions.

    4. Answer the questions.

    1. Is wastewater management important?

    2. What are the goals of wastewater management?

    3. Is it possible to improve recipient water quality? How?

    4. What stages does the biological treatment of wastewater include?

    5. What is chemical treatment used for?

    6. What ecological methods of wastewater treatment are described in the text?

    7. What other forms of water treatment do you know? Are they effective?

    5 (a). Give Russian equivalents for the following English words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) be of primary importance; 2) high population density; 3)waste disposal;

    4) transportation of wastes; 5) means of disposal; 6) ecological solutions;

    7) technically intensified and controlled solutions; 8) prompt removal of sewage; 9) preventing the pollution of receiving waters; 10) utilization of efficient methods of sewage disposal; 11) profitable disposal; 12) biological and chemical wastewater treatment plants; 13) significant improvement;14) recipient water quality; 15) supply of phosphorus; 16) driving forces; 17) hygienic aspects;

    18) energy saving and recovery; 19) sectors in society.

    5 (b). Give English equivalents for the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms.

    1) проточная вода; 2) удаление сточных вод; 3) установка водоочистной станции; 4) распад органического вещества; 5) питательное вещество;

    6) хлопья; 7) переход, перенос; 8) окислительно-восстановительный процесс; 9) процесс разделения; 10) флокуляция, образование хлопьев;

    11) удаление ила; 12) окислительный бассейн, биологический пруд; 13) заболоченная территория; 14) мелиорация земель; 15) пруд-усреднитель (системы очистки сточных вод); 16) подводный, покрытый водой, растущий под водой.
    6. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the text and then translate the sentences into Russian:

    densities, waste management, pumped, harmful, sewage, waste water, pollution.

    Water waste management is the field of handling waste water to make it suitable to either be recycled into a water system or to be disposed of in an environmentally-conscious manner. This is one of the larger problems facing most major cities in the modern world, with overflow causing severe ___1) problems and increasing population ___2) stretching existing infrastructure to the breaking point. Both mechanical and biological processes are used to manage ___3) to get rid of undesirable particulate matter and to eliminate any potentially harmful pathogens.

    One of the major fields in water ___4) is that of sewage treatment. This covers domestic ___5), commercial runoff, environmental runoff, and more. Households produce sewage as waste from their toilets, showers, sinks, and baths, which is generally either ___6) into a leech field on the premises, or else sent into a central sewage system. Industrial wastewater can be particularly dangerous, often with ___7) pollutants added to the water and introduced into the sewage system. In some regions, this wastewater is specially regulated, and may require a special facility to process.
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