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  • Latitude of the point the camera is looking at. Degrees north or south of the Equator (0 degrees). Values range from −90 degrees to 90 degrees.

  • Direction (that is, North, South, East, West), in degrees. Default=0 (North). (See diagram below.) Values range from 0 to 360 degrees.

  • (required) Distance in meters from the point specified by , , and to the LookAt position. (See diagram below.)

  • Географическая Карта Моделирования Бизнес процесса. Гео карта Google esrth. Kmlсправочник

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    Defines a virtual camera that is associated with any element derived from Feature. The LookAt element positions the "camera" in relation to the object that is being viewed. In Google Earth, the view "flies to" this LookAt viewpoint when the user double-clicks an item in the Places panel or double-clicks an icon in the 3D viewer.

    Elements Specific to LookAt

    Longitude of the point the camera is looking at. Angular distance in degrees, relative to the Prime Meridian. Values west of the Meridian range from −180 to 0 degrees. Values east of the Meridian range from 0 to 180 degrees.

    Latitude of the point the camera is looking at. Degrees north or south of the Equator (0 degrees). Values range from −90 degrees to 90 degrees.

    Distance from the earth's surface, in meters. Interpreted according to the LookAt's altitude mode.

    Direction (that is, North, South, East, West), in degrees. Default=0 (North). (See diagram below.) Values range from 0 to 360 degrees.

    Angle between the direction of the LookAt position and the normal to the surface of the earth. (See diagram below.) Values range from 0 to 90 degrees. Values for cannot be negative. A value of 0 degrees indicates viewing from directly above. A value of 90 degrees indicates viewing along the horizon.


    Distance in meters from the point specified by , , and to the LookAt position. (See diagram below.)

    Specifies how the specified for the LookAt point is interpreted. Possible values are as follows:

    1. clampToGround - (default) Indicates to ignore the specification and place the LookAt position on the ground.

    2. relativeToGround - Interprets the as a value in meters above the ground.

    3. absolute - Interprets the as a value in meters above sea level.

    A KML extension in the Google extension namespace, allowing altitudes relative to the sea floor. Values are:

    1. relativeToSeaFloor - Interprets the as a value in meters above the sea floor. If the point is above land rather than sea, the will be interpreted as being above the ground.

    2. clampToSeaFloor - The specification is ignored, and the LookAt will be positioned on the sea floor. If the point is on land rather than at sea, the LookAt will be positioned on the ground.

    This diagram illustrates the , , and elements:


    This diagram illustrates the element:














    1. <AbstractView>

    Contained By

    1. Any element derived from <Feature>














    A 3D object described in a COLLADA file (referenced in the  tag). COLLADA files have a .dae file extension. Models are created in their own coordinate space and then located, positioned, and scaled in Google Earth. See the "Topics in KML" page on Models for more detail.

    Google Earth supports the COLLADA common profile, with the following exceptions:

    1. Google Earth supports only triangles and lines as primitive types. The maximum number of triangles allowed is 21845.

    2. Google Earth does not support animation or skinning.

    3. Google Earth does not support external geometry references.

    Elements Specific to Model

    Specifies how the specified in is interpreted. Possible values are as follows:

    1. clampToGround - (default) Indicates to ignore the specification and place the Model on the ground.

    2. relativeToGround - Interprets the as a value in meters above the ground.

    3. absolute - Interprets the as a value in meters above sea level.

    A KML extension in the Google extension namespace, allowing altitudes relative to the sea floor. Values are:

    1. relativeToSeaFloor - Interprets the as a value in meters above the sea floor. If the point is above land rather than sea, the will be interpreted as being above the ground.

    2. clampToSeaFloor - The specification is ignored, and the Model will be positioned on the sea floor. If the point is on land rather than at sea, the Model will be positioned on the ground.

    Specifies the exact coordinates of the Model's origin in latitude, longitude, and altitude. Latitude and longitude measurements are standard lat-lon projection with WGS84 datum. Altitude is distance above the earth's surface, in meters, and is interpreted according to or .




    Describes rotation of a 3D model's coordinate system to position the object in Google Earth. See diagrams below.

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