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  • Rotation about the x axis. A positive rotation is clockwise around the x axis and specified in degrees from 0 to 180.

  • Scales a model along the x, y, and z axes in the models coordinate space. 2.5 2.5 3.5

  • contains a mapping from a to a

  • (required) Tip

  • Object

  • Географическая Карта Моделирования Бизнес процесса. Гео карта Google esrth. Kmlсправочник

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    Rotations are applied to a Model in the following order:

    Rotation about the z axis (normal to the Earth's surface). A value of 0 (the default) equals North. A positive rotation is clockwise around the z axis and specified in degrees from 0 to 360.

    Rotation about the x axis. A positive rotation is clockwise around the x axis and specified in degrees from 0 to 180.

    Rotation about the y axis. A positive rotation is clockwise around the y axis and specified in degrees from 0 to 180.

    This diagram illustrates the typical orientation of a model's axes:

    Scales a model along the x, y, and z axes in the model's coordinate space.


    Specifies the file to load and optional refresh parameters. See .

    Specifies 0 or more  elements, each of which is a mapping for the texture file path from the original Collada file to the KML or KMZ file that contains the Model. This element allows you to move and rename texture files without having to update the original Collada file that references those textures. One element can contain multiple mappings from different (source) Collada files into the same (target) KMZ file.



     contains a mapping from a to a :

    Specifies the texture file to be fetched by Google Earth. This reference can be a relative reference to an image file within the .kmz archive, or it can be an absolute reference to the file (for example, a URL).

    Is the path specified for the texture file in the Collada .dae file.

    In Google Earth, if this mapping is not supplied, the following rules are used to locate the textures referenced in the Collada (.dae) file:

    1. No path: If the texture name does not include a path, Google Earth looks for the texture in the same directory as the .dae file that references it.

    2. Relative path: If the texture name includes a relative path (for example, ../images/mytexture.jpg), Google Earth interprets the path as being relative to the .dae file that references it.

    3. Absolute path: If the texture name is an absolute path (c:\mytexture.jpg) or a network path (for example, http://myserver.com/mytexture.jpg), Google Earth looks for the file in the specified location, regardless of where the .dae file is located.











    Contained By



    A container for zero or more geometry primitives associated with the same feature.

    Note: The  tag has been deprecated. Use instead.

    Elements Specific to MultiGeometry

    1. 0 or more  elements

    SF Marina Harbor Master




    Contained By

    This element is an extension of the OGC KML 2.2 standard and is supported in Google Earth 5.2 and later. Learn more






    A multi-track element is used to combine multiple track elements into a single conceptual unit. For example, suppose you collect GPS data for a day's bike ride that includes several rest stops and a stop for lunch. Because of the interruptions in time, one bike ride might appear as four different tracks when the times and positions are plotted. Grouping these elements into one container causes them to be displayed in Google Earth as sections of a single path. When the icon reaches the end of one segment, it moves to the beginning of the next segment. The element specifies whether to stop at the end of one track and jump immediately to the start of the next one, or to interpolate the missing values between the two tracks.

    Elements Specific to gx:MultiTrack

    Specifies how altitude components in the element are interpreted. Possible values are

    1. clampToGround - (default) Indicates to ignore an altitude specification (for example, in the element).

    2. relativeToGround - Sets the altitude of the element relative to the actual ground elevation of a particular location. For example, if the ground elevation of a location is exactly at sea level and the altitude for a point is set to 9 meters, then the elevation for the icon of a point placemark elevation is 9 meters with this mode. However, if the same coordinate is set over a location where the ground elevation is 10 meters above sea level, then the elevation of the coordinate is 19 meters.

    3. absolute - Sets the altitude of the coordinate relative to sea level, regardless of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. For example, if you set the altitude of a coordinate to 10 meters with an absolute altitude mode, the icon of a point placemark will appear to be at ground level if the terrain beneath is also 10 meters above sea level. If the terrain is 3 meters above sea level, the placemark will appear elevated above the terrain by 7 meters.

    A KML extension in the Google extension namespace, allowing altitudes relative to the sea floor. Values are:

    1. relativeToSeaFloor - Interprets the altitude as a value in meters above the sea floor. If the point is above land rather than sea, the altitude will be interpreted as being above the ground.

    2. clampToSeaFloor - The altitude specification is ignored, and the point will be positioned on the sea floor. If the point is on land rather than at sea, the point will be positioned on the ground.

    Boolean value. If the multi-track contains multiple elements, specifies whether to interpolate missing values between the end of the first track and the beginning of the next one. When the default value (0) is used, the icon or model stops at the end of one track and then jumps to the start of the next one.























    References a KML file or KMZ archive on a local or remote network. Use the  element to specify the location of the KML file. Within that element, you can define the refresh options for updating the file, based on time and camera change. NetworkLinks can be used in combination with Regions to handle very large datasets efficiently.

    Elements Specific to NetworkLink

    Boolean value. A value of 0 leaves the visibility of features within the control of the Google Earth user. Set the value to 1 to reset the visibility of features each time the NetworkLink is refreshed. For example, suppose a Placemark within the linked KML file has set to 1 and the NetworkLink has set to 1. When the file is first loaded into Google Earth, the user can clear the check box next to the item to turn off display in the 3D viewer. However, when the NetworkLink is refreshed, the Placemark will be made visible again, since its original visibility state was TRUE.

    Boolean value. A value of 1 causes Google Earth to fly to the view of the LookAt or Camera in the NetworkLinkControl (if it exists). If the NetworkLinkControl does not contain an AbstractView element, Google Earth flies to the LookAt or Camera element in the Feature child within the element in the refreshed file. If the element does not have a LookAt or Camera specified, the view is unchanged. For example, Google Earth would fly to the view of the parent Document, not the of the Placemarks contained within the Document.


    Tip: To display the top-level Folder or Document within a Network Link in the List View, assign an ID to the Folder or Document. Without this ID, only the child object names are displayed in the List View.



    NE US Radar





    1. <Feature>

    Contained By

    1. any element derived from <Container>













    Controls the behavior of files fetched by a .

    Elements Specific to NetworkLinkControl

    Specified in seconds, is the minimum allowed time between fetches of the file. This parameter allows servers to throttle fetches of a particular file and to tailor refresh rates to the expected rate of change to the data. For example, a user might set a link refresh to 5 seconds, but you could set your minimum refresh period to 3600 to limit refresh updates to once every hour.

    Specified in seconds, is the maximum amount of time for which the client NetworkLink can remain connected. The default value of -1 indicates not to terminate the session explicitly.

    Use this element to append a string to the URL query on the next refresh of the network link. You can use this data in your script to provide more intelligent handling on the server side, including version querying and conditional file delivery.

    You can deliver a pop-up message, such as usage guidelines for your network link. The message appears when the network link is first loaded into Google Earth, or when it is changed in the network link control.

    You can control the name of the network link from the server, so that changes made to the name on the client side are overridden by the server.

    You can control the description of the network link from the server, so that changes made to the description on the client side are overridden by the server.

    You can control the snippet for the network link from the server, so that changes made to the snippet on the client side are overridden by the server. has a maxLines attribute, an integer that specifies the maximum number of lines to display.

    You can specify a date/time at which the link should be refreshed. This specification takes effect only if the in has a value of onExpire. See 

    With , you can specify any number of Change, Create, and Delete tags for a .kml file or .kmz archive that has previously been loaded with a network link. See .


    This is a pop-up message. You will only see this once


    New KML features


    1. This is a direct child of the element.

    Contained By

    See Also



    Object id="ID" targetId="NCName" -->

    Object> -->


    This is an abstract base class and cannot be used directly in a KML file. It provides the id attribute, which allows unique identification of a KML element, and the targetId attribute, which is used to reference objects that have already been loaded into Google Earth. The id attribute must be assigned if the  mechanism is to be used.


    Overlay id="ID" -->



















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