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Make the sentences complete using who, what, where, when, and why.

  1. Jeff listened to Mame, and did not see he

  1. was going.

  1. He was listening to she was talking.

  2. Mame could not understand men ate so much.

  3. They found a place to hide from the rain.

  4. Jeff did not know to say.

  5. Jeff wondered Mame had gone.

  6. He wanted to know her eyes were shining

  1. so brightly.

  1. Mame knew Jeff was laughing.

  2. Jeff knew she had told Collier.

  3. He understood that freak was.

  4. They did not notice the rain had stopped.

  1. Complete the following sentences using make or do in the proper form.

  1. It was Mr. Dugan who the cooking.

  2. Jeff a long speech about how much he

  1. loved her.

  1. Mame had to admit that she a mistake.

  2. Mame and Susie plans for their future.

  3. Jeff a bed for Mame on the floor.

  4. Men have to hard work every day.

  5. Collier his best to please Mame.

  6. Collier used to come to the tent after mealtime

  1. because he did not like when people much

  2. noise.

  1. Do you think Mame could cakes?

  2. Jeff could not without food.

  1. Match up the two parts of the sentence.

    1. 1)

    1. Jeff travelled through

    1. a)

    1. thinking he could

    1. the United States

    1. go hungry.

    1. 2)

    1. Mame used to come

    1. b)

    1. trying to win the

    1. out

    1. girl.

    1. 3)

    1. Mame stood at the door

    1. c)

    1. selling different

    1. 4)

    1. Jeff sat in the other

    1. decorative things.

    1. room

    1. d)

    1. holding her suit

    1. 5)

    1. She had a good time

    1. case.

    1. 6)

    1. Mame stood in the

    1. e)

    1. smiling.

    1. room

    1. f)

    1. laughing and talk

    1. 7)

    1. Collier stopped eating

    1. ing.

    1. beefsteaks

    1. g)

    1. waiting on each

    1. B)

    1. Mame was very nice to

    1. with a smile.

    1. both of them

    1. h)

    1. talking.

    1. 9)

    1. They sat down on the

    1. i)

    1. smoking and think

    1. steps

    1. ing about Mame.

    1. 10) He made a mistake

    1. j)

    1. looking at Jeff.

  1. Fill in the gaps with adverbs.

  1. As as Jeff entered the restaurant

  1. he saw a beautiful girl.

  1. Mame said that she loved Jeff as

  1. as other men coming to the restaurant.

  1. It seemed to Mame that as as she

  1. knew men they ate all the time.

  1. Mame and Susie thought that as

  1. as they lived they would not let any man enter their cottage.

  1. As as Collier stopped eating much

  1. Jeff followed his example.

  2. Discussing the Story

  1. Say why:

  1. life was difficult in the town.

  2. the tent was decorated with placards.

  3. Mrs. Dugan did all the work in the tent.

  4. Jeff thought that there was only one girl in the United States.

  5. Jeff ate two or three dinners every day.

  6. Collier came to eat after mealtime.

  7. the two men began the race.

  8. both Jeff and Collier hoped to win Mame.

  9. Mame’s speech surprised Jeff very much.

  10. Mame thought that men were only eating machines.

  11. Mame saved money.

  12. Jeff began to think that he was losing his chance.

  13. Collier began ordering only a cup of coffee and a biscuit.

  14. they both began eating much again.

  15. Jeff’s appetite was growing.

  16. Collier bribed the bartender.

  17. a tent was put up near the railroad.

  18. Mame began to go to the show very often.

  19. Jeff gave Thomas two dollars.

  20. Collier was talking to Jeff in a weak voice.

  21. Collier began starving.

  22. Jeff could not go hungry for a long time.

  23. Jeff decided to go to Oklahoma City.

  24. Mame rode in Jeff’s waggon.

  25. Jeff lost his way.

  26. Jeff and Mame had to stay in an empty house.

  27. they both did not eat anything while they stayed in the house.

  28. Mame said that she had been a foolish girl.

  1. Prove that:

  1. Guthrie was not a nice place to live in.

  2. the restaurant tried to attract as many people as possible.

  3. Jeff liked to stay with Mame.

  4. Collier tried to do impossible to win the race.

  5. Mame and Susie had their own opinion on men.

  6. Collier was not honest on the race.

  7. hunger made Collier give up.

  8. Mame and Susie had to give up.

  9. hunger changed Mame.

  1. Add more information to these:

  1. The restaurant belonged to Mr. Dugan and his family.

  2. Collier and Jeff began the race.

  3. One evening Jeff went for a walk with Mame.

  4. Mame liked Jeff as well as other men.

  5. Jeff did not know what to do.

  6. Collier ordered only a cup of coffee and a biscuit.

  7. Collier gave Jeff a bottle of whisky.

  8. Jeff did not find Mame at the restaurant.

  9. Thomas gave Jeff a yellow programme.

  10. Jeff saw Professor Eduardo Collieri.

  11. Collier starved for six days.

  12. Jeff’s business came to an end.

  13. Mame had a friend in Terre Haute.

  14. Jeff discovered that he had lost his way.

  15. Jeff opened the window and looked out.

  16. The first thing they saw in Oklahoma City was a restaurant.

  1. Make up and act out the talk between:

  • Jeff and Mame (at the restaurant).

  • Jeff and Collier (about Mame).

  • Jeff and Mame (when Jeff opens his heart to Mame).

  • Jeff, Collier and Mr. Dugan.

  • Jeff and Mame (talking on the steps of the tent).

  • Jeff and Thomas.

  • Jeff and Professor Eduardo Collieri.

  • Jeff and Mame (inside the tent after Collier stopped starving).

  • Jeff and Mame (starting out for Oklahoma).

  1. ® Jeff and Mame (in the empty house).

  • Jeff and Mame (at the Oklahoma restaurant).

  1. Imagine that you are:

  • Jeff. Say:

  1. why you came to Guthrie;

  2. how you met Mame;

  3. how you got acquainted with Collier;

  4. why you began the race;

  5. what you felt after knowing about Mame’s dislikes;

  6. how you hoped to win the race;

  7. what you felt about starving Collier;

  8. how you won Mame.

  • Collier. Say:

  1. what was Mame for you;

  2. what you felt about Jeff;

  3. why you began starving;

  4. why you gave up.

  • Mame. Say:

  1. what made you think of men that way;

  2. what you felt about Jeff and Collier;

  3. what made you change.

  • Mr. Dugan. Say:

  1. why you did not like to work;

  2. what you did at the restaurant;

  3. how you were able to open the restaurant.

  1. What do you think?

  1. Why do you think all men in Mame’s eyes were only eating machines? Do you think it was because she saw them mainly at the restaurant where they only ate, and she seldom or never went out, or do you have your own ideas about this?

  2. Do you think Mame and Susie bought a cottage one day? What makes you think so?

  3. Do you think all men eat more than women do? What about the men in your family, your friends?

  4. Do you think hunger is stronger than love? Can hunger and love be compared as feelings? Why? Why not?

  5. Collier went to eat all the food in the world after starving for six days. What do you think of this? Is it all good to eat much right away after going hungry for a long time? Explain why?

  1. There is an English proverb “The way to man’s heart is through his stomach”. Do you agree with this proverb? Why? Why not?

1 He turned his head ... and his head turned. — Он повернул голову... и голова у него закружилась. (игра слов)

1 none of your family is... — никто из членов вашей семьи не...

2 did not ask any more questions больше не задавал вопросов

1 The more Andy thought of Miss Conway the more he was sorry for her. — Чем больше Энди думал о мисс Конвэй, тем больше он ей сочувствовал, (to be sorry — сочувствовать; раскаиваться, извиняться)

2 You should go out — Вы должны выходить, развлекаться (глагол should выражает долженствование, необходимость)

и какой-то

1 While walking — Во время прогулки (walking — Present Participle, соответствует русскому деепричастию «гуляя»)

2 We were going to get married — Мы собирались пожениться (to be going to do smth. — собираться, намереваться что-л. сделать)

1 I cannot take an interest in anybody. — Никто мне не интересен. (Я никем не могу заинтересоваться.)

1 I’m (I am) very sorry — Мне очень жаль

1 we wont = we will not (will — модальный глагол, выражает намерение, решимость, особенно в 1-м лице единственного и множественного числа)

1 not yet — (пока) еще нет

1 an interesting one — интересное лицо (местоимение one употребляется во избежание повторения слова face)

2 many times a day — много раз в день

3 Не will always be present in my heart. — Он всегда будет жить в моем сердце.

4 in spite of — несмотря на

1 What is the matter — В чем дело (Что с тобой)

2 nothing much — ничего особенного

3 Take your arm away Уберисвоюруку

4 because of — из-за, по причине

5 in two weeks через две недели

6 There, there, there! — Ну, ну, не надо, не плачь!

1 so that — так чтобы, для того чтобы

2 I shall die for shame яумруотстыда

3 the only man I loved — единственный мужчина, которого я любила

4 instead of leaving her — вместо того, чтобы уйти от нее (покинуть ее)

5 put his arms about her обнялее

6 not all of it — не целиком, не вполне

1 were going to leave the office too — также собирались уходить из конторы

2 made a sign of silence to him — показал ему знаком, чтобы он замолчал

3 How much shall I pay you? — Сколько я вам должен?

4 It took him about an hour to get to the place. — У него ушло около часа на дорогу.

1 gave her a friendly look — окинул ее дружелюбным взглядом

1 Her eyes were sea-blue. — Глаза ее были цвета морской волны.

2 rich or poor — независимо от того, богатая она или бедная

3 Why did you take no notice of my letter? — Почему вы

4тем меньше я знаю

4 should — см. ком. 5 на стр. 4

5 at the same time — в то же время

37in the country — в сельской местности, за городом

5 a little way from — неподалеку от

1 a lucky one — счастливая девушка (местоимение one употреблено во избежание повторения существительного girl)

2 at the Montgomerys[manti'g mariz] — у Монтгомери, в доме Монтгомери (определенный артикль, множественное число и форма притяжательного падежа указывают на то, что имеется в виду семья Монтгомери, их дом)

3 You will never be sorry for coming to me. — Вы не раскаетесь в том, что пойдете ко мне. (never — усиленное отрицание)

4 is there someone else — может быть, у вас есть кто-нибудь другой

1 Whats up? — Что случилось? (В чем дело?)

2 The Law of the Jungle. — Закон джунглей, (т. e. право более сильного)

3 on business — по делу

4 Don’t tell me any lies — He лгите мне

5 At first — Сначала

6 She will have to go. — Ей придется уйти. (Вместо глагола must, не имеющего формы будущего времени, употребляется глагол to have с последующим инфинитивом.)

1 on your word of honor — под честное слово (honor американское написание; honour — английское)

1 Ive = I have

1 What kind of news — Какая новость (Что за новость)

1 WitchesLoaves — Чародейные хлебцы (witch [witj] — ча

2родейка, волшебница) some 15 time — когда-нибудь

1 to take an interest (in) — интересоваться, проявлять инте pec (к)

2 a Venetian [vi'niifan] scene — сцена из венецианской жизни

3 blease = please — пожалуйста (покупатель говорит с не мецким акцентом)

1 Goot (Good) morning — До свидания (В Англии и Америке при прощании часто говорят: Good morning, Good evening.)

2to be of some help — как-нибудь помочь

3 to make him angry — рассердить его

4 cold cream — кольдкрем (косметическое средство)

1 the more she thought ... the more she became sure — чем

больше она раздумывала..., тем больше она убеждалась

2 the customer would not be angry — покупатель не рассердится (Future-in-the-Past — будущее в прошедшем употреблено по правилу согласования времен: после прошедшего времени в главном предложении в придаточном вместо будущего времени употребляется будущее в прошедшем)

3 a lot of noise — страшный шум

1 Dummkopf ['dumkopf] нем. дура

2 Tausendonfer — немецкое ругательство

33 something like that — что-то в этом роде

44 meddlesome old cat — нахальная старая кошка (meddle-ноте — сующий свой нос куда не просят, вмешивающийся не в свои дела)

5 prize competition — конкурс

66 in pencil first — сначала в карандаше

7 India-rubber — резинка, ластик

1 Schools and Schools — зд. Школы бывают разные

22 a little way from — недалеко от

1 People hoped that some day they would marry — Окружающие надеялись, что когда-нибудь они поженятся (см. ком. 2 на стр. 32)

2 I have to introduce some difficulties — зд. я вынужден рассказать о некоторых затруднительных обстоятельствах

3 Nothing was heard of him — От него не было никаких вестей

4 the only child he had — его единственной дочери

5 you are welcome — добро пожаловать

1 Why — зд. Ну что же

2 to have a good time — хорошо провести время

3 Will it be all right to go? — Будет ли прилично поехать?

4 never mind me — не обращай на меня внимания

11 it will take me too much time - это займет у меня слишком много времени

2 I used to paddle a canoe down Little Devil River - я не раз плавала на байдарке на Чертовой речке

3 by means of - при помощи



2 in order to — (для того) чтобы

3 Who is it from? — От кого оно (письмо)? (Предлог в английском вопросительном предложении обычно стоит в конце предложения; см. ниже: What can he write to me about?)

4 You can see it for yourself. — Можешь посмотреть сама.

5 We are all alike — Мы все одинаковы

6 it is not of great help — толку в этом немного


1 The snow lay a foot deep — Сугробы были в фут высотой

2 it’s too late ... to be out — слишком поздно для прогулок (букв, находиться вне дома)

3 Here I am — зд. Вот я и пришла

1 Out West — У нас на Западе

2 you get there first and talk about it after — сперва спешишь к нему, а уж в разговоры пускаешься потом

3 At this very moment — В этот самый момент

1 Word for word — Слово в слово

22 The joke is on Barbara, anyway. — Как бы то ни было, Барбара сама же себя и подвела своей шуткой (сама над собой и подшутила).

1 It took him ten weeks — У него уходило десять недель

2 Не was just going to turn around the corner — Он как раз

собирался завернуть за угол

4 Can do anything for you — Могу я быть чем-нибудь вам полезен

5 working girl of the best type — зд. вполне порядочная девушка-работница

1 in spite of — несмотря на

2 he felt he would be happy — он почувствовал, что будет

2счастлив (см. ком. 2 на стр. 34)

33 when our dinner is over — когда обед окончится (to be over - оканчиваться)

44 Never mind that. — Это неважно. (He обращайте на это внимания.)

1 you will not have to walk far — вам не придется идти далеко

2 some kind of madness came upon — какое-то умопомрачение нашло на

3 he told her more and more lies — он все больше и больше! лгал ей

4 The longer... the more... — Чем дольше..., тем больше...

1 Thank you for a nice time. — Благодарю вас за приятно проведенное время.

22 I should like — Мне бы хотелось

3 All because of my evening suit — Все из-за моего вечернего костюма


11 just what I needed — именно то, что мне было нужно

2 we shall not be left in peace — нас не оставят в покое (пока мы не выйдем замуж)

3 the kind of man — какого человека

4 a man like that — такого человека

5 No matter — He имеет значения (Неважно)

1 The Trimmed Lamp — Зажженный светильник (букв, заправленный светильник)

2 Lou [lu:] — уменьшительное от женского имени Louise

3 Both Nancy and Lou И Нэнси, и Лу

1 They went out — Они ходили развлекаться (to go out

2выходить, бывать в обществе)

32 Aren't you cold — Неужели тебе не холодно

43 I made — Я заработала

54 it pays — это хорошо оплачивается

65 even though — даже если 6to put on airs — важничать

1 The three of them — Все трое

2 Nancy had no gentlemen friends. — У Нэнси не было кавалеров.

3 liked neither the food nor the wine — не понравились ни кушанья, ни вино

1 What a terrible fool you are! — Ты ужасная дура!

21 Mormon мормон(ка) (Мормоны — североамериканская секта, возникшая в 30-х годах XIX в. Среди членов этой секты распространено многоженство.)

32 RockfellerРокфеллер (американский миллиардер)

43 worked on — продолжала работать
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