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  • Fill in the gaps with the words of the essential vocabulary

  • Match the term with the definition

  • Agree or disagree with the following statements

  • Correct the jumbled sentences

  • Grammar reference. Study the table which helps to find the order of adjectives followed by the describing noun

  • Definitions Quality Size, shape Color

  • Give your own examples to illustrate the rules above. Try to follow the main topic of the text. Unit THREE TEXT 1BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OFFSET PRINTING

  • ACTIVITIES Find words and word combinations of the essential vocabulary in the text and translate the sentences they are used in into Russian.

  • Match the two halves of the phrases below

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    Match the two halves of the phrases below:

    1. reflection

    a) management

    2. screen

    b) data

    3. text

    c) proof

    4. color

    d) copy

    5. remote

    e) dot

    6. dot

    f) frequency

    7. halftone

    g) beam

    8. laser

    h) shape

    1. Fill in the gaps with the words of the essential vocabulary:

    1. The ... … are very rarely edited directly in Word; instead they are positioned and typographically edited in a layout program.

    2. The … … of a printed product are usually available as photograph, slide,or reflectioncopy, and are scanned in, or digitized, for publication.

    3. For conventional … all the settings required for imaging are defined on the server or at a workstation and this information is transferred to the RIP.

    4. If the screen structuresof the later printing procedure can also be simulated using a digital printing process, the term “… …”is used.

    5. Color … ensures optimum color reproduction irrespective of the input device, monitor, and output device used, as long as the device is characterized by an ICC profile.

    1. Match the term with the definition:

    1. graphic

    a) a small round mark or spot

    2. dot

    b) a picture made from a black-and-white photograph, with varying shades shown by dots

    3. transfer

    c) an official request in writing; the act of putting something to use


    d) a drawing or similar representation of an object

    5. application

    e) distant in space or time

    6. remote

    f) to move from one place, job, position to another; to copy

    1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

    1. Layout programsare software packages allowing for flexible, creative work and for integrating the elements (text, images, and graphics) on pages or a sequence of pages, or to position them on the page depending on the current job.

    2. The original is scanned by either a digital camera or an output scanner.

    3. The pattern consists of the biggest image elements resolved by the scanning device, the pixels.

    4. When an image is to be output on film, plate, or directly on a print substrate, the dot shape, screen frequency, and screen anglesmust be specified first.

    5. Color management is the calibration of all input and output devices within an image processing chain with the aim of always achieving the desired color reproduction independent of the devices used.

    6. Hard proofs can be divided into six general classifications.

    7. Imagesetters were originally used as input devices for typesetting or repro systems.

    1. Translate into English:

    Дизайнерские программы подразделяются по типу графики, которую они создают, векторную или растровую. Большинство приложений основано на векторной графике, но есть небольшое количество программ, которые работают с растровой (пиксельной) графикой (Painter). С векторной графикой работают программы Adobe Illustrator и Macromedia Freehand. Обе программы могут делать работу, отвечающую профессиональным стандартам. С помощью этих программ пользователи могут работать с текстом, объектами и слоями. Они поддерживают различные цветовые системы, такие как RGB, CMYK, Pantone, CIE LAB, и др. А с недавнего времени эти программы поддерживают формат PDF и HTML для работы в Интернете.

    Для обработки изображений в основном используется программы Adobe Photoshop и Live Picture. Photoshop - это программа обработки изображений на основе пикселей. Она редактирует каждый пиксель на экране всякий раз, когда в изображение вносится изменение. Важнейшие функции этой программы – ретуширование, коррекция цвета, цветоделение и преобразование изображений, которые позволяют пользователю создавать свои изображения из других.

    1. Correct the jumbled sentences:

    1. Since, printing, and, the early 1980s, publishing, has, technology, digital, been, evolving, for, production, methods.

    2. In, computing, digital, bits, bytes, and, form, the, infrastructure, underlying, for memory, data storage, actual, and, computing.

    3. The, becomes, bit, building, the, block, imaging, of, digital.

    4. Scanners, images, analyze, to record, spot by spot, the, presence, or, data, of, absence.

    5. The, creates, laser, spot, a, size, which, is, on, based, the, resolution, the, device, of.

    1. Grammar reference. Study the table which helps to find the order of adjectives followed by the describing noun:










    a very



    quite a


















    1. Give your own examples to illustrate the rules above. Try to follow the main topic of the text.

    Unit THREE
    TEXT 1
    Offset printing is an indirect lithographic printing technology. Offset printing has spread markedly since approximately 1970 and has, to a great extent, ousted the letterpress printing technology which prevailed until that time. The offset printing technology is now the major printing technology.
    In the offset printing process the printing and nonprinting areas of the plate are practically on one level. The printing areas of the printing plate are oleophilic - ink-accepting and water-repellent, that is, hydrophobic. The non-printing areas of the printing plate are hydrophilic, consequently oleophobic in behavior. This effect is created by physical phenomena at the contact surfaces. The dampening system covers the non-printing areas of the printing plate with a thin film of dampening solution. This dampening solution (water plus additives) spreads over the non-printing areas. To achieve good wetting, surface tension has to be reduced by means of dampening solution additives.

    The plates used in offset printing are thin (up to about 0.3 mm), and easy to mount on the plate cylinder, and they mostly have a monometal (aluminum) or, less often, multimetal, plastic or paper construction. Aluminum has been gaining ground for a long time among the metal-based plates over zinc and steel. The necessary graining of the aluminum surface is done mechanically

    either by sand-blasting, ball graining, or by wet or dry brushing. Nowadays, practically all printing plates are grained in an electrolytic process (anodizing), that is, electrochemical graining with subsequent oxidation.

    The ink used in offset printing is usually a highly viscous mixture having the basic components of ink pigment, vehicle (binder), additives, and carrier substance.

    Ink pigmentscan have either an organic or inorganic nature. The pigments determine the hue of the printing ink. They consist of solid, irregularly-shaped particles that are about 0.1–2 μm in size.

    Vehicles(binders) are needed to bind the pigment, which is supplied in powder form, to the substrate. Vehicles also form a protective film around the pigments so that they are protected from mechanical abrasion.

    Additives can be mixed into the ink to achieve specific properties and to overcome specific printing problems.

    Mineral oils are used as carrier substancesfor offset inks. They fulfill the function of transporting the ink and are removed again in the drying process (evaporation, absorption).

    Inking Units

    During the printing process, a thin film of ink is transferred from the image areas of the plate to the substrate. The inking unit’s function is to provide a constant supply of fresh ink to the image areas on the plate to maintain a constant inking process. The amount of ink “used up” must be fed back to the system. There must be an equal balance between ink fed and ink dispensed in order to avoid variations in the ink density on the printed image. Another important factor for the print quality is the uniformity of the ink film thickness on the image areas of the plate or the image areas of the substrate. (It is a postulate of offset printing that the film of ink should be of the same thickness across the entire printed sheet. Reproduction technology for the creation of color separations is based on this principle). Consequently, the criteria determining quality are:

    • temporary fluctuations of the average ink film thickness (quantity balances) and

    • uniformity of the ink film thickness on the image areas of the plate or the printed areas of the substrate.

    Dampening Units

    Conventional offset printing requires a dampening system to supply a very thin film of dampening solution to the non-printing elements of the printing plate. Since part of the dampening solution is printed via the ink, plate, and blanket and another part evaporates, it is necessary to have a constant supply of dampening solution.

    Printing Unit

    Printing unit consists of inking and dampening units, the plate cylinder with the printing plate, the blanket cylinder with the blanket fixed to it, and the impression cylinder. The plate cylinder with the inked printing plate rolls over the circumference of the blanket cylinder. The blanket cylinder, in turn, rolls over the circumference of the impression cylinder, on which the sheet of paper is held by grippers. The contact line between the blanket cylinder and the impression cylinder is called the printing nip.

    The printing plate (an up to 0.3 mm thick sheet of metal or a foil) carries the image elements of the respective color separation. The blanket is an approximately 2 mm-thick, exchangeable cylinder cover made from flexible material and layers of fabric. The plate cylinder’s circumference is interrupted by an axial recess, the cylinder gap. This recess holds the plate clamping mechanism. The blanket cylinder, likewise, has a gap to hold the blanket clamping mechanism, and the impression cylinder has a gap to accommodate the gripper system for paper transportation.

    To ensure perfect transfer of the print image from plate to paper, all three cylinders must have the same circumferential speed at the contact line/printing nip. Due to the recesses in the cylinder’s circumferences, the relative rolling motion necessary for continuous production cannot be achieved simply by friction between the cylinder surfaces. Along with the frictional connection via the cylinder surfaces, the cylinders are also connected via a gear train for this reason.

    The printing unit is driven by the impression cylinder via a gear train. The printing unit in turn transmits the necessary drive power for the inking unit. Printing problems arising from the gear train (the unwelcome “gear marks” in particular) are avoided by the narrow tolerances specified for the design of gearwheels and thanks to tried and tested production technology and quality control.

    For the proper transfer of ink between plate and blanket and between blanket and paper, a sufficiently high contact pressure between the cylinders as well as the same circumferential speed of the cylinders are necessary.
    Рис. 1

    Advantages of offset printing are:

    • materials with different sheet size and grammages can be processed;

    • nearly all finishing operations are possible

    • the quality is rather high.

    Disadvantages are:

    • complicated method – causes misprints

    • sheet size just as big as machine size

    • expensive printing machines.

    Words and Word Combinations

    1. printing areas

    2. nonprinting areas

    3. oleophilic (ink-accepting)

    4. hydrophobic (water-repellent)

    5. dampening system

    6. dampening solution

    7. additive

    8. graining

    9. oxidation

    10. highly viscous

    11. vehicle

    12. carrier substance

    13. abrasion

    14. properties

    15. evaporation

    16. absorption

    17. to feed back

    18. to dispense

    19. fluctuation

    20. plate cylinder

    21. blanket cylinder

    22. impression cylinder

    23. circumference

    24. gripper

    25. printing nip

    26. foil

    27. flexible material

    28. to transfer

    29. friction

    30. gear train

    31. indirect

    32. lithographic

    33. ink pigments

    34. printing unit

    35. grammage

    36. misprints

    37. hue

    38. recess


    1. Find words and word combinations of the essential vocabulary in the text and translate the sentences they are used in into Russian.

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is offset printing?

    2. What is the position of the printing and nonprinting areas in offset?

    3. What areas are called “oleophilic”?

    4. Are water-repellent areas called “hydrophobic”?

    5. What is the functional role of dampening solution?

    6. How does the plate used in offset printing look like?

    7. What are the properties of the ink used in offset printing?

    8. What is the basic principle of offset printing?

    9. How do the inking units work?

    10. What does the printing unit consist of?

    11. What is called the printing nip?

    12. What aspect must be taken into account to ensure perfect transfer of the print image from plate to paper?

    13. What units does the offset printing press consist of?

    1. What is the mechanism of offset printing?

    2. Name the advantages and disadvantages of offset printing technology.

    16. Why is offset printing considered to be the major technology now?

    1. Match the two halves of the phrases below:









































    1. 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   16

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