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  • The first digital press was introduced in 1993. Digital printing

  • 3D (three-dimensional) printing

  • ACTIVITIES 1. Find words and word combinations of the essential vocabulary in the text and translate the sentences they are used in into Russian.

  • 3. Match the two halves of the phrases below

  • 4. Use the resulting expressions in the sentences of your own. 5. Fill in the gaps using the words of the essential vocabulary

  • 6. Agree or disagree with the statements

  • 7. Match the term with the definition: 1

  • 9. Complete the following sentences

  • 10. Grammar reference. Adverbs.

  • уч[1].пособие по полиграфии_final. Л. В. Красильникова английский язык для полиграфистов

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    The principle of inkjet printing was discovered by Canon engineer Ichiro Endo in August 1977.

    Inkjet printers operate by propelling variably-sized droplets of liquid or molten material (ink) onto almost any medium. They are the most common type of computer printer for the general consumer due to their low cost, high quality of output, capability of printing in vivid color, and ease of use.

    Like most modern technologies, the present-day inkjet has built on the progress made by many earlier versions. Among many contributors, Epson, Hewlett-Packard and Canon can claim a substantial share of the credit for the development of the modern inkjet. In the worldwide consumer market, four manufacturers account for the majority of inkjet printer sales: Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Epson, and Lexmark

    Through the 1990s, many fax machines used thermal printing technology. Toward the beginning of the 21st century, however, thermal wax transfer, laser, and inkjet printing technology largely supplanted thermal printing technology in fax machines in order to allow plain-paper printouts.

    The Game Boy Printer, made in 1998, was a small thermal printer used to print out certain elements from some Game Boy games.

    Thermal printers print faster and more quietly than dot matrix printers. They are also more economical since their only consumable is the paper itself. Even though the paper is more expensive, printers can be rapidly refilled, leading to almost zero downtime. Commercial applications of thermal printers include filling station pumps, information kiosks, point of sale systems, and voucher printers in slot machines.

    The first digital press was introduced in 1993.

    Digital printing is the reproduction of digital images on a physical surface, such as common or photographic paper or paperboard-cover stock, film, cloth, plastic, vinyl, magnets, labels etc.

    It can be differentiated from litho, flexography, gravure or letterpress printing.

    Examples of major commercial digital printing systems are the HP Indigo press by Hewlett-Packard, the Océ VarioPrint 6250 from Océ, the InfoPrint system from InfoPrint Solutions Company, a joint venture between IBM and Ricoh and the iGen 3 from Xerox.

    Digital printing is widely used in personalized printing with the advent of variable data printing(VDP or VI). One example of this would be personalized childrens books from companies such as Wildfire Publishing who are using technologies from Xerox and XMPie to create "one of" or "single copy" digital books, which are customized with the children's image and name(Print On Demand). Other POD production would be short run books and booklets of varying page quantities, and binding techniques(saddlestitched, perfect bound, GBC, wire-o or plastic spiral), which are most cost effectively produced in digital print shops. Many digital printers today produce sheets of postcards where each card contains different images, different type and each card is also addressed in presorted order in a single pass, which after cutting and finishing, they are ready for mailing. Other typical digital production would be decals, magnets and labels with variable data(images and/or addressing); selfmailers printed and addressed; cross media marketing materials using PURLs and order forms or carbonless sets, using sequencial numbering.

    3D (three-dimensional) printing is a category of rapid prototyping technology. A three dimensional object is created by layering and connecting successive cross sections of material. 3D printers are generally faster, more affordable and easier to use than other additive fabrication technologies.

    Previous means of producing a prototype typically took man-hours, many tools, and skilled labor. For example, after a new street light luminaire was digitally designed, drawings were sent to skilled craftsmen where the design on paper was painstakingly followed and a three-dimensional prototype was produced in wood by utilizing an entire shop full of expensive wood working machinery and tools. This typically was not a speedy process and costs of the skilled labor were not cheap. Hence the need to develop a faster and cheaper process to produce prototypes. As an answer to this need, rapid prototyping was born. One variation of 3D printing consists of an inkjet printing system.

    Words and Word Combinations

    1. printing

    2. publishing

    3. woodblock printing

    4. technique

    5. image

    6. woodcut books

    7. movable type

    8. letterpunches

    9. printing press

    10. pagesetting

    11. durable

    12. oil-based ink (water-based ink)

    13. an alloy of lead and tin

    14. coloured prints

    15. the inventor of smth.

    16. intaglio engraving

    17. gravure (intaglio) printing

    18. relief printing (letterpress)

    19. impression

    20. goldsmith

    21. to produce an embossment

    22. lithography

    23. chromolithography

    24. offset printing

    25. printing plate

    26. blanket cylinder

    27. surface

    28. gum arabic

    29. water soluble solution

    30. to apply

    31. adhere to smth.

    32. multi-color prints

    33. time consuming process

    34. flexible intermediate carrier

    35. a substrate

    36. rotary printing press

    37. screen printing

    38. xerographic copier

    39. digital printing

    40. inkjet printing

    41. thermal printing technology

    42. 3D (three-dimensional) printing

    43. print on demand

    44. printing area

    45. variable data


    1. Find words and word combinations of the essential vocabulary in the text and translate the sentences they are used in into Russian.

    2. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is printing?

    2. What were the reasons for the development of printing?

    3. What printing method was originated in China and widely used in East Asia?

    4. What alternative to manuscripts emerged in the 15th century?

    5. Name the system of printing using movable pieces of metal type.

    6. Who developed European printing technology? What year?

    7. What is Gutenberg's printing press famous for?

    8. Who was the first Russian printer? What were his services?

    9. What printing technology is considered to be the oldest one?

    10. The golden age of artists engraving was 1450-1550, wasn’t it?

    11. What material was used in the early days of lithography?

    12. Can you describe the process of lithography?

    13. What printing method replaced coloring prints by hand?

    14. What is the major lithographic technology which has been used for more than 200 years already?

    15. What faster machine followed the old flat-bed printing press?

    16. What company introduced a laser printer?

    17. Can you compare the functional features of laser printers and inkjet printers?

    18. Does digital printing completely differ from conventional methods of printing?

    19. What can you say about print on demand?

    20. Was the 20th century a period of rapid development of printing technologies? How can you prove it?

    21. Name the main achievements in the history of printing.

    3. Match the two halves of the phrases below:




































    on demand





    4. Use the resulting expressions in the sentences of your own.

    5. Fill in the gaps using the words of the essential vocabulary:

    1. ………… streamlined the process of communication, and contributed to the development of commerce, law, religion and culture.

    2 ……… ……… is the system of printing and typography using movable pieces of metal type, made by casting from matrices struck by letterpunches.

    3. Compared to ………… printing, movable type pagesetting was quicker and more durable.

    4. An oil-based ink which was more ………. than previously used water-based inks.

    5. Engraving had been used by …………. to decorate metalwork, including armour, musical instruments and religious objects since ancient times.

    6. ………….. is the oldest printing technology invented by Gutenberg in 1440.

    7. Offset printingis the major lithographic technology. It is an indirect lithographic technology, in which the ink is first transferred from the ………. ……. onto a flexible intermediate carrier – the blanket – and then onto the substrate.

    8. The modern ……… printing process originated from patents taken out by Samuel Simon in 1907 in England.

    6. Agree or disagree with the statements:

    1. Block printing first came to Christian Europe as a method for printing on cloth, where it was common by 1500.

    1. Metal movable type was first invented in Japan during the Goryeo Dynasty (around 1230).

    2. Ivan Fedorov (later changed to Fedorovych), was one of the fathers (meaning Belarusian Francysk Skaryna) of Russian and Ukrainian printing.

    3. Today intaglio engraving is rarely used for currency, banknotes, passports and occasionally for high-value postage stamps.

    4. Xerographic office photocopying was introduced by Xerox in the 1960s, and over the following 20 years it gradually replaced copies made by Verifax, Photostat, carbon paper, mimeograph machines, and other duplicating machines.

    5. The inkjet printer, based on a modified xerographic copier, was invented at Xerox in 1969 by researcher Gary Starkweather, who had a fully functional networked printer system working by 1971.

    6. The principle of inkjet printing was discovered by Canon engineer Ichiro Endo in August 1977.

    7. Digital printing is widely used in personalized printing with the advent of variable data printing(VDP or VI).

    7. Match the term with the definition:




    a printing process, in which the text or image to be reproduced is engraved or etched into the plate.




    a printing process where a design is inked through a fine screen, parts of which are covered by a stencil to prevent the ink passing through.




    the plateless printing technology, uses a photoconductor which is charged in darkness with a corona discharge.




    a process for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a printing press.




    technology uses jets of ink droplets driven by digital signals to print the same or variable information directly on paper.


    Screen printing


    a process of choosing, arranging, printing and offering for sale to the public a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.




    a method of printing in which the ink sticks to greasy areas of treated metal, stone or film and is then transferred to the paper.


    Inkjet printing


    a printing process, in which the type is raised from the background plate.

    8. Translate from Russian into English:

    Люди создавали искусство ещё в 45000-25000гг. до н.э. Камень, то есть сама земля, был первым холстом художника. Первые образцы искусства живописи и цвета создавались на глине и гончарной посуде. В папирусе истоки бумаги. Без него цивилизация была бы другой. Одежда и шкуры животных также сыграли важную роль в истории полиграфии. Во многих частях света именно шкуры животных стали излюбленным холстом древних художников. Сажа и ламповая копоть широко применялись в качестве пигмента при изготовлении краски для печати на дереве в Китае, где искусство рисования красками было известно около 900 лет до н.э. Масло тоже применялось в живописи при изготовлении красок, а затем стало основой печатных процессов. Изобретение бумаги датируется 105 годом н.э. и связано с документом, в котором Цай Лунь доложил об этом китайскому императору. Эта бумага делалась из древесной коры, тряпок, рыболовных сетей. В Европе бумага стала известна в тринадцатом столетии. Большинство историков полагает, что ранние технологии европейского бумажного производства были заимствованы из Азии, хотя не совсем ясно из какой страны – Китая, Персии или Индии.

    9. Complete the following sentences:

    1. Printing is a process ………………………………………………………………….

    2. Woodblock printing is a technique…………………………………………………...

    3. Movable type is the system of………………………………………………………..

    4. Johannes Gutenberg, of the German city of Mainz, …………………………………

    5. Ivan Fedorov (later changed to Fedorovych) was …………………………………...

    6. Lithography was invented by ………………………………………………………..

    7. The laser printer, based on a modified xerographic copier, was invented …………..

    8. 3D (three-dimensional) printing is ………………………………………………….

    10. Grammar reference. Adverbs.

    • We use adverbs to give extra information about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

    • We usually add -ly to an adjective to form an adverb. (definite-definitely; efficient-efficiently)

    • We add –ally to adjectives ending in –ic. (dramatic-dramatically)

    • Some adverbs are ‘irregular’ and are not formed with –ly. (good-well; fast-fast)

    • Some adverbs ending in –ly have different meaning from the adjective. (hard-hardly)

    • Some words ending in –ly are adjectives and not adverbs. (friendly; lovely)
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