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1 Scotland’s national poet

2 The author of Treasure Land

3 The author of Ivanhoe

4 A famous explorer who discovered Australia and Hawaii

5 A comic actor with a small black moustache, a bowler hat, and a funny way of walking

6 The author of Alice in Wonderland

7 A very famous singer, once a member of the Beatles


Uses of V3


as a part of a perfect verb form

Britain has become self-sufficient in energy

It had imported over 99 percent of petroleum before oil and gas reserves were found in the North Sea

as a part of a passive verb form

The United Kingdom is headed by the Queen.

as an adjective before or after a noun

The closed door

The improved variant

The work done

The cars produced

A. Open the brackets putting the verb in the form of Past Participle and explain the case of using a Past Participle form.

  1. The Museum of Madame Tussaud (visit) by a group of students was a big success.

  2. The score (receive) on an exam was not enough to enter Cambridge University.

  3. The plant introduced a new wage piece system to increase the number of cars (produce).

  4. Taxes (levy) on the population in Britain are a relatively small proportion.

  5. World War II (follow) by the Civil War caused great damage to the economy of the country.

  6. This has (be) an excellent year so far, and we have (reach) most of our sales targets.

  7. I was looking forward to my business trip to England because I had never (be) to England before.

  8. The Channel Tunnel was (build) in 1961.

  9. Enterprises (own) by the state constitute the greater part.

  10. The Russian word “оффшорный” (borrow) from English means unregulated or out of control.

B. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the function of Past Participle form.

  1. Training should combine theory and practice in the field chosen.

  2. The amount of electricity generated was not enough.

  3. The results obtained were thoroughly analyzed.

  4. The workers freed in one place are transferred to other shops.

  5. More than 25% of all exported machinery are intended for building projects carried out with our technical assistance.

  6. Attempts made to find a suitable approach only led to internal contradictions.

  7. There hadn’t been any significant improvement before the new production methods were introduced.

  8. This redistribution of funds guaranteed accelerated rates of economic growth.

  9. Products made at our plant are quite competitive in the local market.

  10. The cost of your purchases and of the services rendered is put on the account indicated on the card.


Unit 3 Module 1






off the coast



spell n



mountain range


sheets of water

plains (for farming)





rural economy


dairy farming









densely populated


extreme n, adj



mostly due to

to consist of

to be made up of

to rank

to tend

to persist

to extend

to contain

to trace of

to be fond of

to take up

to reduce

to decline in importance

to account for

to outpace

to push back into recession

to implement a number of measures

to cut taxes

to remain

to oppose doing smth

trading power


public ownership


social welfare programmes


labour force





economic slowdown


interest rate

opinion polls


Module 2 The USA


  1. Match pictures 1 – 7 with their descriptions 1) – 6).






  1. A
    lthough New York City and Philadelphia each served briefly as the capital of the United States, in 1790, Congress chose it as the permanent seat of government. George Washington helped select the site for the city.

  2. Nicknamed «the Golden State», it is the third largest state in area after Alaska and Texas. Today it is the land of the giant redwoods; it has the highest population of any state in the nation and is America's principal agricultural state. It is also the home of Hollywood, the center of America's movie and television industry.

  3. One of the original 13 states it is known as the «Empire State». The state includes everything from skyscrapers in Manhattan to rivers, mountains, and lakes. Today, it has the third largest population in the US, and remains the financial center of the country.

  4. The United States Capitol is the meeting place of the United States Congress, the legislature of the Federal government of the United States. Located in Washington, D.C., it sits atop Capitol Hill.

  5. A
    rticle III, §1, of the Constitution provides that “the judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”

  6. The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States.


  1. Make a list of all geographical names mentioned in the text. Be sure that you can read them correctly. Use dictionary if necessary.

  1. Read and translate the text.

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of 3,615,123 sq. mi. (9,375,720 sq. km.). The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea border with Russia.

The USA is divided into 50 states and the District Columbia, a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The population of the country is 307,212,123 (July 2009 est.).

The United States of America is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own government. The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington, DC. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the juridical. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are two main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic.

The national emblem of the country is the eagle. It has an olive branch (a symbol of peace) and arrows (a symbol of strength). There the eagle on the back of a dollar bill. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of American democracy. The American flag is called “The Stars and Stripes” or “Old Glory”. It has 13 horizontal stripes, 7 red and 6 white which stand for the original 18 states. In the top left corner there are 50 white stars on a blue background: one star for each state. The national anthem of the US is “The Star Spangled Banner”.
Complete the missing facts about the USA. Use vertical prompts if necessary.

Capital City:

National Independence: July, 4 1776 (from Great Britain)


National Anthem:

Government type: Constitution-based federal republic

Administrative divisions:

First President:

Last Chief of State:

Head of Government:

the President

Political Parties:

Internet domain:

Largest State:

Smallest State: Rhode Island

Largest cities:

Border Countries and Oceans:


Land Area:

Highest Point: Mt. McKinley, Alaska, 20,320 ft. (6194 m.) above sea level

Lowest Point: Death Valley, California, 282 ft (86 m.) below sea level

Largest rivers:

National Bird:

National Flower:

Alaska In God We Trust Rose George Washington

the Mississippi the Missouri the Rio Grande the Columbia

.us New York City Los Angeles Chicago Philadelphia etc.

D. Find in the text English phrases corresponding to the Russian equivalents: США граничит с Канадой на севере; США граничит с Мексикой на юге; США поделены на 50 штатов; местонахождение правительства; согласно конституции США; исполнительная власть; законодательная власть; судебная власть; символ американской демократии.

E. Make up questions to the given answers.

1) Alaska and Hawaii.

2) Canada in the north.

3) 50 states and the District Columbia.

4) 3 branches.

5) The Senate and the House of Representatives.

6) In the District Columbia.

F. Explain the meaning of the italicized words and word combinations from the text.

1) It also has a sea border with Russia.

2) The seat of the central government is Washington DC.

3) According to the US Constitution there are three powers of the government.

4) It has 13 horizontal stripes which stand for the 18 states.

5) The national anthem of the USA is “The Star Spangled Banner”.

H. Study the US Government structure and describe it. Use the language given below. Consult the dictionary if necessary. You may start with: The USA is a constitution-based federal republic

I. What are the largest cities in the USA? What is the Big Apple?

Read the following e-mail and choose the correct words.

From: Helen Petrova

Subject: New York
Hello/Goodbye from New York

I arrived/left here on Friday. I caught the train/plane to Grand Central Terminal/Victoria Station and then the tube/subway to my hotel. It is next to Hyde park/Central Park in the centre of the city. The views/sights from my window are wonderful.

Yesterday I went for a walk/ride on the Staten Island ferry/train to see the Statue of Liberty/Eifel Tower. The people of Britain/France gave it to the Americans. For lunch we had a sandwich/afternoon tea in a famous New York deli.

Last night I went to a famous theatre on Broadway/Six Avenue, and I saw a very exciting play. After the play I took a yellow/red cab back to my hotel.

Tomorrow I am going to see/watch movies/paintings at the Louvre/Metropolitan Museum of Art. Then I am going shopping in Harrods/Macy’s.

New York is the most exciting city in the world! People often call it “The Big Apple”/ melting port. Why? In the 1920s and 1930s, jazz musicians/rappers in the United States all wanted to work in New York. “There are a lot of apples on the tree”, they said, “but when you take New York City, you take the Big Apple!”

On Monday I am coming home.
See you soon.


The Government of the United States

According to

It is interesting to note that



the fundamental law of the US

to be divided

To be called

to be most powerful

to have the responsibility

to carry out the law

to be headed by

To make up

to be in charge of

to have political independence from each other

to sign bills passed by the Congress

to veto the bill

to ratify the bill

to be proud of

Before you read

Discuss the following with your partner.

  • Do you know much about American economy?

  • How do you understand this economists’ proverb “When the United States sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold”? Do you agree with it?



  1. Do you know what these abbreviations stand for? Search a dictionary or the Internet if necessary: The US, the Fed, GDP, the EU, BRIC

  2. Match the words from the text with their definitions, use vertical prompts if necessary.


things that are produced in order to be sold

страхование товары объем производства

ВНП находящийся в частом владении услуги

предприниматель потребитель конгломерат

privately owned (business)

a particular type of help or work that is provided by a business to a customer, but not only one that involves producing goods


the amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine, factory etc


the total value of all the goods and services produced in a country, including income from abroad


belonging to a private organization


an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you


a large business organization consisting of several different companies that joined together


someone who buys and uses products or services

gross national product

someone who starts a company, arranges business deals and takes risks in order to make a profit

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