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  • Missing word cloze quiz. Choose the correct word from 1) – 8).


  • B. Read and translate the text.

  • C. Answer the following questions and use them to speak about Canada.

  • E. Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true or false.


  • Modals are used in direct speech

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    M. Summarize the information about the US Economy. Use the headings below.

    • Historical background

    • Basic ingredients of the American economic system

    • Types of businesses

    • The role of the government

    • Key sectors of the economy and their contribution towards the GDP


    Write a summary about the US economy on one of the following topics and present it to your groupmates.

    • Foreign trade

    • The stock market

    • E-commerce

    • Federal Reserve

    • Recent economic situation


    Unit 3 Module 2




    financial center


    legislative branch

    executive branch

    juridical branch

    head of state

    armed forces


    federal union


    House of Representatives

    Supreme Court

    political party




    free enterprise system

    wholesale/ retail trade

    private ownership

    small/ medium-sized/ large business



    Federal Reserve System






    gross national product (GNP)

    economic gain/ growth/slowdown

    mixed/ industrial economy

    inland lakes

    shipping access



    price level

    computer-related venture


    sole proprietorship

    niche/ specialized market



    business partnership


    chain store

    delivery service

    major player



    sales revenue

    housing/ stock market

    fiscal policy/ monetary policy

    money supply


    net income





    stable (prices)

    steady (growth)


    in exchange for

    to be rich in

    to dominate

    to rise

    to treat

    to achieve

    to meet needs

    to influence

    to depend on

    to strengthen

    to stand for

    to bind together

    to maintain

    to join forces

    to authorize

    to create/ start/ expand a business

    to take the lead

    to charter

    to respond to

    to take into consideration

    Module 3 Canada

    _ _ _ _ w _

    The Arms of

    _ _ _ _ _ _

    _ _ r _ _ _ _

    1. Look at the pictures above and name three hidden words.

    1. Missing word cloze quiz. Choose the correct word from 1) – 8).

    A land of (1) distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing (2) in 1867 while retaining (3) to the British crown. Economically and technologically the nation has developed (4) with the US, its (5) to the south across an unfortified (6). Its paramount political problem continues to be the (7) of the province of Quebec, with its French-speaking (8) and unique culture, to the remainder of the country.


    • vastly

    • beautiful

    • vast

    • small


    • region

    • nationality

    • domain

    • domonion


    • threads

    • ties

    • tied

    • family


    • on parallel

    • in parallel

    • parallel

    • of parallel


    • pupil

    • neighbor

    • sister

    • cousin


    • line

    • border

    • bordering

    • frontier


    • related

    • relation

    • paternity

    • relationship


    • peoples

    • residings

    • residents

    • inhabitant


    1. Read Canada Profile and ask questions to the given pieces of information.



    total: 9,984,670 sq. km.

    land: 9,093,507 sq. km.

    water: 891,163 sq. km.

    Natural resources

    iron ore, nickel, zinc, copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, potash, diamonds, silver, fish, timber, wildlife, coal, petroleum, natural gas, hydropower



    32,805,041 (July 2005 est.)


    noun: Canadian(s)
    adjective: Canadian


    English (official) 59.3%, French (official) 23.2%, other 17.5%


    Government type

    a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation


    Ottawa, Ontario

    Main cities

    Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver


    1 July 1867 (union of British North American colonies); 11 December 1931 (independence recognized)

    National holiday

    Canada Day, 1 July (1867)

    National symblos

    the maple leaf and the beaver

    Executive branch

    chief of state: Queen ELIZABETH II, represented by Governor General

    head of government: Prime Minister

    Legislative branch

    bicameral Parliament or Parlement consists of the Senate or Senat and the House of Commons or Chambre des Communes

    Judicial branch

    Supreme Court of Canada; Federal Court of Canada; Federal Court of Appeal; Provincial Courts

    Political parties

    Bloc Quebecois; Conservative Party of Canada; Green Party; Liberal Party; New Democratic Party

    Canada Parliament

    Supreme Court of Canada

    B. Read and translate the text.

    Canada comes from Indian word kanata, meaning “a village” or “a settlement”.

    Location. Canada is about 7730 km from east to west. Its only neighbour is the USA, which includes Alaska in the north-west.

    This country is surrounded by three oceans – the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. It has the longest coastline in the world 243,000 kilometers. No wonder the country’s motto is “from sea to sea”.

    Lakes.There are some two million lakes in Canada, covering about 7, 6 % of the Canadian landmass. Canada has (or shares with the USA) seven of the world’s largest lakes – Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Erie and Ontario. Nearly one-fourth of all the fresh water in the world is in Canada.

    Rivers.Canada contains three of the globe’s longest 20 rivers. The St. Lawrence (3058 km long) is Canada’s most important river, providing a seaway for ships from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. The longest Canadian River is the Mackenzie, which flows 4241 km through the Northwest Territories.

    Niagara Falls is one of the world’s wonders. These beautiful waterfalls can be found on the border between Canada and the United States. To the tourists as to Americans and Canadians, it is at the top of any list of places to visit. This place is often called «the honeymoon capital of the world».

    Mountain Ranges.Canada’s terrain incorporates a number of mountain ranges: the Torngats, Appalachians and Lawrentians in the east; the Rocky, Coastal and Mackenzie ranges in the west; and Mount St. Elias and the Pelly Mountains in the north.

    At 5 959 metres high Mount Logan in the Yukon is Canada’s tallest peak.

    Government.Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a federal state with a democratic parliament. The Parliament of Canada, in Ottawa, consists of the House of Commons, whose members are elected, and the Senate, whose members are appointed.

    The head of the political party with the most elected representatives in the House of Commons becomes the prime minister, the leader of the country. From the members of parliament within the governing party, the prime minister selects a cabinet which, in effect, runs the country and initiates legislation. Unlike in the USA, leaders can run for a long as they maintain popular support within their party. Governments are elected for five years, but elections can be called earlier.

    The constitution consists of both written proclamations under the Constitution Acts (1867 and 1932) and unwritten conventions.

    National Emblem.The maple leap has been associated with Canada for some time: in 1868, it figured in coats of arms granted to Ontario and Quebec; and in both world wars, it appeared on regimental badges. Since the 1965 introduction of the Canadian flag, the maple leap has become the country’s most important symbol.

    Flag and Anthem.Canada’s current flag was proclaimed in 1965 after 2000 public design entries were hotly debated in parliament. In the centre of the flag there is a red sugar maple leap, Canada’s best known symbol. The side bars represent the ocean boundaries and are not blue because an important reason for the entire procedure was to show independence from Britain and France.

    The national anthem, “O Canada”, was composed by Calixa Javallee in 1880.

    Currency.The Canadian dollar is divided into 100 cents.

    Living Standard.Canada ranks sixth place in the world in standard of living, behind only the United States, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and Japan.

    Language.English and French are the two official languages of Canada. You will notice it both on highway signs, maps, tourist brochures and all types of packaging. In the west, the use of French is less visible. In Quebec, English can be at a premium. There, roadside signs and visitor information is often seen in French only.

    Many immigrants use their mother tongues, as do some groups of Native Indians and Inuit.
    C. Answer the following questions and use them to speak about Canada.

    1. What is the name origin of the word “Canada”?

    2. How many provinces and territories does Canada have?

    3. What do you know about Canadian flag? Could you describe it?

    4. What’s the largest lake in Canada?

    5. What percentage of the Canadian population speak French as their first language?

    6. What’s the name of Canada‘s anthem?

    E. Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true or false.

    1. The national anthem of Canada is “God save the Queen”.

    2. The majority of French Canadians live in Quebec, where they make up about 80 per cent oа the population.

    3. Canadian National Flag is an orange 11-pointed maple leap on a green field.

    4. The Canadian Federal Parliament comprises the Queen, the House of Commons (elected) and the Senate (appointed).


      • Change of tense

    When we report what someone said, the verb forms often move one tense into the past.

    ‘I believe that what I am doing is right’, she said, ‘I will continue to fight for justice.’

    She said she believed that what she was doingwas right, and that she would continue to fight for justice.

      • Verb forms change in the following way:

    Direct speech

    (the actual words)

    Reported speech

    (indirect speech)

    Present Simple (do)

    Past Simple (did)

    Present Continuous (is doing)

    Past Continuous (was doing)

    Present Perfect (has done)

    Past Perfect (had done)

    Past Simple (did)

    Past Perfect (had done)

    Past Continuous (was doing)

    Past Perfect Continuous (had been doing)

    Past Perfect (had done)

    no change possible

    Past Perfect Continuous (had been doing)

    no change possible

      • Modals are used in direct speech:

        • use the past forms of modals: can  could

    will  would

    may  might

    must  had to

    ‘I must pay my phone bill’  He said he had to pay his phone bill.

    • those which do not have a past form do not change: would, could, might and should

    ‘I might come later’  She said she might come later.

      • Reported questions

    • use ask, want to know or wonder to report questions

    • after wh-questions, the question word is used as a conjunction

    The police asked (him) where he had been.

    They wanted to know what time he arrived home.

    • with yes/no questions if or whether are used

    Ben wondered if/whether you wanted to come round for dinner

    I  she/he

    ours  theirs

    today  that day

    tomorrow  the next day

    yesterday  the previous day

    this  that

    these  those

    here  there

    now  then
    In reported speech it is necessary to change the pronouns, adjectives and adverbs:
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