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  • Методические разработки на английском языке по курсу животноводство

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    3.Good feeding (increases, decreases) milk yields. 4. Carbohydrates should be in an (valuable, available) from. 5.Ration should provide (efficient, essential, sufficient) fat and minerals. 6.Little milk is produced by the cow if feeding and management conditions are (proper improper, properly).

    VII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание
    на сложное подлежащее.

    1. Drying off a cow is believed to be done at least six weeks before calving. 2.The duration of lactation of a first calver is known to last 8 to 10 months. 3.The amount of feed for a dairy cow is known to vary with the amount of milk produced by her. 4. These poultry houses are known to be provided with proper ventilation. 5.Cows are said to be kept on pasture there both in winter and in spring. 6.About 10 pounds of milk has been found to be necessary for one pound of gain. 7.The best veal is considered to be obtained by liberal feeding of whole milk. 8, The total amount of milk needed during the period of vealing is known to depend on the birth weight of the calf. 9.Hay made from young grass is considered to be better than that made from mature grass. 10. Roughage feeds which are known to be high in protein are alfalfa and clover hay.

    VIII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание
    на выделенные слова.

    a) 1. Calves will not grow well unless they are kept on good pastures.

    1. Cows will not produce high milk yields unless they are supplied with sufficient carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins.

    2. Unless there is enough high-quality feed, the pigs will not gain in weight properly.

    1. 1. The more we take care of the animals the better they will grow. 2.The younger is the grass the better is the silage made from it. 3.The more nutritious is the feed the more suitable it is for fattening hogs. 4. The higher is the milk yield of the cow the greater should be the amount of protein in her ration.

    2. 1. No animal will live without water. 2.No cows will produce much milk unless they are fed properly. 3.No calves ware pastured yesterday because it was very cold. 4. No grass will grow well on this soil.

    IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. When should the cow be dried off?

    2. Why should the number of milking be reduced?

    3. What is given to the cow a week before calving?

    4. What does the duration of lactation vary with?

    5. What should rations for dairy cows provide?

    6. Under what conditions will the cow produce much milk?

    7. How many gallons of water are required for each gallon of milk produced by the cow?

    X. Переведите на английский язык.

    а) запускать корову, период беременности, отел, сухостойный период, чем выше ... тем лучше, сухостойная корова, количество
    (число), если ... не, доступный, ручное спаривание, вести зооучет.

    б) 1. Молочные коровы, как известно, потребляют много воды.
    2.Коровы дают мало молока, если они не обеспечены хорошим
    кормом. 3.Сухостойный период, как известно, длится 6недель.
    4. В течение периода беременности коровам дают много грубых

    в) 1. У крупного рогатого скота молочная продуктивность, как
    известно, считается наиболее важным видом продуктивности.
    2.Важно получить не только высокую молочную продуктивность
    у коров, но и высококачественное молоко с большим количеством
    в нем жира, белка и других фракций. 3.Чем больший удой планируют получить от сухостойных коров, тем более обильно их кормят. 4. Концентраты, обеспечивающие коров необходимыми питательными веществами, скармливаются молочным коровам во время доения. 5.Имеется много примеров, когда под влиянием улучшенного кормления и содержания удои целых стад намного увеличивались.

    XI. Прочтите текст и изложите кратко его содержание по-русски (по-английски).

    Feeding a Dairy Cow

    A cow producing a large amount of milk needs more food than a low-milking cow. One should feed a heavy-yielding cow properly or she may lower her weight and will produce less Milk. The rations for a dairy cow depend on the amount of milk produced by the cow and her live weight. Milk cow rations should be properly balanced. They should include sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, protein, minerals and


    vitamins. Cows receiving improperly balanced rations, the milk yields will be decreased.

    In spring and early summer when there is plenty of green grass no supplementary feed is necessary even for high-yielding cows. Later in summer when grass becomes scarce and indigestible some supplementary feed is required.

    In winter high-quality hay, silage and root crops are the main feeds for dairy

    cows. Concentrates are supplied, depending on the quality of milk produced by the cow.

    LESSON 10


    1. Инфинитив как часть сказуемого с глаголом "to be", § 5.

    2. Условные предложения, § 17

    3. Значения слов "after, before, since"

    I. Слова и выражения для повторения:

    bull, rate, hay, amount, paddock, nerd, fat, pound, to be in thrifty condition, available, to breed, healthy, to eat, silage, straw, content, valuable, to receive, to care, to keep, to light, too, to cause, to fatten, hogs, supplementary, ought to.

    II. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их, не пользуясь словарем.

    1. valuable, to value, value, valueless, valued, valuer, unvalued.

    2. to eat, eaten, eatable, eater, uneatable.

    3. to keep, keeping, keeper, kept.

    4. to use, the use, using, used, useful, useless, user.

    III. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на перевод
    глагола "to be" перед инфинитивом.


    is to

    состоит в том, чтобы


    1.Our aim is to increase milk yields. 2. Good feeding is to increase Bilk yields. 3. The best practice is to dry off cows six weeks before calving. 4. Colostrum is to be given to Dew-born calves. 5. In summer cattle are to be kept on pasture. 6. Our plan isto grow legumes on this soil.

    IV. Переведите следующие предложения с условными прида­точными.

    If- если (+ will или shall)

    If - если бы (+ would или should)

    1. If cold milk is given to new-born calves, it will cause scours.2. If cold milk were given to new-born calves, it would cause scours.

    1. Pigs will develop well ]f they are fed nutritious feeds. 4. Pigs would develop well if they were fed nutritious feeds. 5. If we grow legumes, we shall have a good feed in winter. 6. If we grew legumes, we should have a good feed in winter. 7. Pigs would have grown better if they had been kept on pasture.


    Bulls of both dairy and beef breeds are seldom allowed to run with the cow herds during the entire year. After the breeding season is over they ought to be separated from the herd.

    The best way of keeping the bull is to build a small barn with an adjoining paddock or pasture of 1 to 2 acres where he can exercise. The barn should be equipped with a stanchion to fasten the bull when it is necessary. Manger and water-supply are to be provided as well. The bull may be also kept in a box-stall inside the barn used for all the herd. Being kept in this way, the bull may be fed and cared for with the rest of the herd. The barn should be well lighted and ventilated. It should be thoroughly cleaned every day.

    If the bull is fed enough but not too liberally he will always be in vigorous condition but not fat. He should be provided with high-quality roughages such as legume or mixed hay and small amounts of silage. From five to ten pounds of grain mixture may be needed to keep the bull in thrifty condition. Salt and clean, fresh water should be available at all times.

    The aim of every breeder is to have a large, healthy and vigorous sire in the herd. If the bulls were not fed well balanced rations and if


    they were not provided with enough exercise, they would become too weak during the breeding season. Increased rates of feeding are to be provided for the bull for a month before the breeding season begins and during it to keep him in good breeding condition. It is advisable to use only purebred bulls, since they are known to transmit their characteristics to the calves.

    In large herds some bulls are allowed to run with the cows. It is recommended, however, to separate the cows into groups of 25 to 30 and to provide one bull for each group. The smaller is the number of the cows in a group the better, since the percentage of mating will be higher in this case. If the number of cows were very great, the percentage of mating would be rather low and this is not profitable for the breeders.

    Пояснения к тексту

    1. breeding season - случной период

    2. to be over - заканчиваться

    3. the rest of the herd - остальное стадо

    4. breeding condition - заводская кондиция, заводская упитанность

    after -before -since -


    1. после(предлог)

    2. после того как (союз)

    1. до, перед (предлог)

    2. до того как; перед тем как (союз) так как


    breeding season, barn, stanchion, box-stall, salt, fresh, vigorous, sire, purebred, to allow, profitable, breeding condition, after, before, since.

    V. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные сло­ва в следующих предложениях; переведите.

    1. All the calves are on pasture now. 2. This heifer calves for the first time. 3. There is lot of pasture land in our region. 4. The cattle pasture on the largest paddock. 5. The herd bull ought to be large, healthy and vigorous. 6. They have a big herd of dairy cows. 7. We are speaking about the reasons of the decrease in milk yields. 8. When calves reach 8 weeks of age the rates of feeding milk decrease.


    VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращал внимание
    на значение глагола "to be" перед инфинитивом.

    1. Their plan is to raise potatoes after clover. 2. This farm is to raise corn here. 3. The best practice is to keep the bull separately from the herd. 4. The bull is not to run with the herd during the entire year. 5. His aim is to clean the barn thoroughly. 6. He is to clean the barn thoroughly. 7. Small amounts of silage are to be given to the sire.

    VII. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на услов-
    ные предложения.

    1. If bulls take enough exercise, they are usually in vigorous condition. 2. If bulls took enough exercise, they would be in vigorous condition. 3. If roughages were not high in fibre they would be used in fattening hogs. 4. If cows were on good pasture, they would not be provided with supplementary feed. 5. High beef production will be achieved on this farm if cattle are fed more nutritious feeds. 6. No assistance will be required if calving is normal. 7. No assistance would have been required if calving had been normal. 8. If the bull were fed too liberally, he would be too fat during the breeding season. 9. If we kept the calves on pasture, we should obtain better results.

    VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание назначение
    выделенных слов.

    1. 1. The barn should be cleaned and ventilated before putting the calves into it. 2. The barn had been cleaned and ventilated before the calves were put into it. 3. After the calves had pastured they were fed high quality hay. 4. The cows were turned out to pasture after the calves.

    2. 1. Paddock is necessary for the bull, for he is to take exercise there. 2. The stanchion should be provided in the box-stall, since it is sometimes necessary to fasten the bull. 3. As this bull takes a lot of exercise, he is vigorous and healthy. 4. No supplementary feed is given to the cows, since they are kept on good, young grass.

    IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

    1. Are bulls usually allowed to run with the cow herd during the
    entire year?

    1. When are bulls separated from the herd?

    2. What is the best way of keeping the bull?

    3. Where can the bull take exercise?

    4. What is it necessary to have in the barn?

    5. How should the bull be fed?

    6. When are increased rates of feeding provided?

    7. What kind of bulls is it desirable to use in herds?


    9. For how many cows is one bull usually provided?

    X. Переведите, на английский язык.

    а) чистокровный производитель, заводская кондиция, привязь,
    случной период, выгон, выгодный, разрешать, сильный, соль, сарай, так как.

    б) 1. Быка нужно кормить хорошо перед случным периодом.

    1. Наша цель - иметь сильного чистокровного производителя.

    2. Количество коров в группе не должно быть больше 30.4. Летом коровам позволяют быть на пастбище все время.

    в) I. Производители будут находится в заводской упитанности,
    если будет увеличено содержание белка в их рационе и улучшена
    минеральная и витаминная питательность корма. 2. В скотоводческих хозяйствах нашей страны существуют два способа содержания крупного рогатого скота: беспривязное содержание и содержание на привязи. 3. При беспривязном содержании подстилку, как известно, меняет 1-2 раза в год. 4. Задача скотоводов в летний период состоит в том, чтобы содержать скот на хорошем пастбище большую часть дня. 5. При любой системе содержания быки
    должны иметь достаточный моцион и соответствующие кормление и уход.

    XI. Прочтите текст. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по-английски (по-русски)

    1. What are the two systems of using bulls?

    2. How should bulls be fed? Systems of Bull Use and Management

    There are different systems of the management of a herd bull. Sometimes bulls are allowed to run with the cows during the breeding season, the number of them depending on the number of the cows in the herd.

    Some farmers keep their herd bulls in a small barn, turning them out to the paddock adjoining the barn to take exercise. During the breeding season the cows that are to be mated are brought to the bull. This system of breeding is found to be a better one because it allows to have accurate dates of calving. In this case the breeders know when each cow is to calve.

    Under both systems of management the bull ought to be fed and cared for properly. To give the bull legume hay and some grain is necessary in order to keep him in breeding condition. Silage should not be-given to the bull in large amounts.




    1. Инфинитив в функции определения, § 6.

    2. Формы с окончанием -ing (повторение).

    3. Временные формы глагола (повторение).

    4. Союз "provided"

    5. Наречия "like, unlike"

    I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

    to fatten, quality, mature, whole milk, meat, gain, to raise, grains, wheat, barley, corn, nutritious, legume grass, to increase, quantity, to -depend on, to weigh, high in, low in, most, succulent, silage, both ... and, per day, veal, to graze, age.

    II. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных

    system, method, expert, fermentation, reserve, transformation, microflora, maximum, minimum, temperament, biologist, instructor.

    III. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание
    на инфинитив как определение.

    1. The feed to be given to the calves is of high quality. 2. The cowshed to be built next year will be very big. 3. These are the hogs to be fattened. 4. We spoke about the method to be used in our work. 5. The amount of feed to be fed to the dairy cow varies with the amount of milk produced by her. 6. The farmers to raise this new breed of pigs should consult the zootechnician.

    IV. Прочтите следующие слова, обратите внимание на их произношение и значение.

    though - хотя

    thorough - тщательный

    thoroughly – тщательно

    through -через

    throughout - на всем протяжении, повсюду
    thought - (прош. вр. и причаст. прошедшего вр. от глаг. think - думать)



    Unlike dairy cattle beef animals may do well with very little care. But like all other animals they are Healthier and produce higher quality beef, provided they are properly fed and managed.

    Best beef breeds are known to be those then mature early, are fattened rapidly and whose quality of meat is high.

    The fattening of cattle is a common practice on farms where beef cattle are bred and corn is raised. Some other grain crops are suitable for feeding beef cattle as well. They are wheat, barley and sorghum.

    There are many different systems of fattening beef cattle. The method to be used depends on many factors. Some of them are the legion, the age of the cattle to be fattened, the quality of pasture to be used and others.

    The system of fattening on grass is mainly practised in regions where pasture provide most of the feed throughout the year. In recent years the use of pasture in fattening cattle

    has been increased in the United States. Even in areas where winter grazing is possible, reserves of hay or other roughages or some concentrates to be fed during the periods of drought or unfavourable winter weather should be provided. Pasture and other roughages, should be both high in quality and sufficient in quantity to maintain the rate of gain of 1 pound or more per day.

    There are many farmers who follow another method of fattening cattle. Cattle are kept on good pasture up to midseason. Then they are properly fed dry feeds for 3 or 4 months. They are to be supplied with legume or mixed hay, shelled corn or other grains and sometimes high-protein feed. This system is known as fattening in the dry lot. Having been fattened by this method cattle will be in fair flesh, provided they are supplied with highly nutritious and high-quality feeds.

    Unlike the system of fattening cattle on pasture, the system of fattening in the dry lot is more effective though it is a more expensive one.

    Пояснения к тексту

    1. do well (better,best) - хорошо расти

    2. shelled corn - лущеная кукуруза

    3. fattening in the dry lot - откорм на сухих кормах

    4. fair flesh - упитанное состояние

    5. up to - до



    like – подобно

    unlike - в отличие от

    provided - 1. II и III формы глагола to provide - обеспечивать 2. (союз) в том случае, если; при условии, если.

    Активные слова и выражения

    favourable, weather, to follow, to fatten in the dry lot, fair flesh, provided, like, unlike.

    V. Дополните предложения по смыслу.

    1. Cows are kept in cowsheds, and pigs in ... . 2. Dairy and beef cows and bulls are known as .... 3. We breed cows for milk and meat, sheep for ... and ... and poultry for ... and ... . 4. There are two main systems of fattening beef cattle fattening on pasture and fattening ... . 5. In fattening cattle, in the dry lot one should use the feeds of high....

    VI. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу

    1. Beef cattle a. are suitable for fattening beef


    1. The quality of meat b. is a popular method now.

    2. Com, wheat and sorghum c. is of high quality.

    4- Fattening on grass d. should be provided during

    unfavourable winter weather.

    1. Climate in this region e. require less care than dairy cattle.

    1. The hay to be fed f. allows to keep cattle on pasture all

    the the year round.

    7. Reserves of roughages g. of this breed is high.

    VII. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитивные и
    причастные обороты, служащие определением; переведите.

    1. We spoke about the method of fattening cattle used in their region. 2. We spoke about the method of fattening cattle to be used in their region. 3. The cow to be examined by the veterinarian is being milked now. 4. The farmers feeding beef cattle high-quality legume hay always have good results. 5. Cows to be dried off should be milked once daily. 7. The boxstall to be used as a calving pen should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 8. The factors increasing milk production are well known now. 9. Milk yields obtained from this cow are very high.


    VIII. Определите функции слов с окончанием - ing; переведите.

    1. Farmers following the method of fattening beef cattle in the dry lot must grow different grain and legume crops. 2. Farmers following the method of fattening beef cattle on pasture, less care for the cattle is required. 3. Feeding the cattle good-quality legume or mixed hay, farmers obtain a lot of meat of high quality. 4. Good-quality roughages being fed to the cattle, the rate of gain of 1 lb6 per day will be maintained. 5. A small barn with an adjoining paddock is a good place for keeping the bull. 6. They are discussing the problem of feeding the cattle in winter. 7. Increasing the rates of feeding the bull is necessary before the breeding season. 8. The feeding of calves is a very important problem.

    IX. Определите время и залог сказуемого в следующих незаконченных предложениях. Переведите их и дополните соответствующими обстоятельствами.

    1. They have cleaned ... . 2. They have been cleaned ... . 3. They have to clean.... 4. They have to be cleaned .... 5. They would clean if ... :6. They would be cleaned if.... 7. They are to clean .... 8. It is to be cleaned ... . 9. They will clean ... . 10. They will be cleaned ... . 11. They clean .... 12. They are cleaned .... 13. They are cleaning .... 14. They are being cleaned .... 15. They had been cleaned before .... 16. They caught to be cleaned ....

    X. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на
    значение выделенных слов.

    1. Cows will produce high milk yields, provided they are fed and cared for properly. 2. During the dry period the cows are provided with plenty of roughages. 3. Roots provide good rations for sheep and cattle, provided they are used together with hay or straw. 4. Unlike roughages succulent feeds are high in water content. 5. Unlike the other nutrients vitamins are required by the animals in small amounts. 6. Like carbohydrates fate supply energy and heat. 7. Silage like green grass is of high feeding value.

    XI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What beef breeds are best?

    2. On what farms is the fattening of cattle a common practice?

    3. What are the two main systems of fattening beef cattle?

    4. Where is the system of fattening on grass practised?

    1. Why is it necessary to have reserves of hay or other roughages in areas where winter grazing is possible?

    6.Which system of fattening is more effective?

    XII. Переведите на английский язык.

    а) в отличие от, откорм на сухих кормах, придерживаться другого метода, норма привеса, благоприятные погодные условия;
    подобно, при условии, если.

    б) 1. Кукуруза широко используется при откорме скота. 2. Сено,
    которое предстоит скормить молочным коровам, очень хорошее.
    3. Высококачественные корма, используемые при откорме, снижают время откорма. 4. Фермеры, использующие высокопитательные корма при откорме, получают мясо высокого качества.

    в) 1. Цель откорма - увеличить количество мяса и улучшить
    его качество. 2. При откорме молодых животных протеина требуется больше на единицу веса, чем при откорме взрослых животных. 3. Рационы для крупного рогатого скота должны быть сбалансированы по содержанию клетчатки, что достигается добавлением в них грубых кормов. 4. Не следует давать слишком много зерна в начале периода откорма. 5. Скот нужно обеспечивать минеральной добавкой, при условии, если его содержат на пастбище
    с низким содержанием основных минеральных веществ.

    XIII. Прочтите текст и, исходя из его содержания, определите,
    какие из следующих утверждений ошибочны; внесите в них необходимые исправления.

    1. Early maturing breeds are best suited for veal production.

    2. After weaning the calf is given 3-4 pounds of whole milk for ten

    1. Good pasture should be provided for the calves.

    2. During the fattening period the calves should be given little salt.

    Veal Production

    Veal is produced by the intensive feeding of calves. It is best to use early maturing breeds. Calves are liberally ted milk and milk substances. A calf needs 3 to 4 pounds of whole milk daily for the first day or two after it is weaned. When calves are a month old concentrates are introduced. The amount of concentrates is increased with the age of ilie animals. Calves should be provided with good pasture as soon as possible.If pasture is not available when calves are a month old, they maybe fed succulent feeds, as silage, for instance. In winter the rations


    of calves include legume hay, silage and concentrates, Salt and clean fresh water should be available for all rations at all times.
    Повторение темы "Cattle"

    I. Прочтите текст. Ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы:

    1. В каких случаях следует отнимать мясного теленка рано?

    2. Чем кормят телят в возрасте одного месяца?

    Beef calves generally need little attention when they are with their mothers on good pasture. A few days after birth, however, it is often best to take calves away from their mothers if the cows are to be milked. The calf should have its own mother's milk for 4 or 5 days. Then it may drink milk from a pail.

    A calf needs 3 to 4 pounds of whole milk daily for the first day or two after it is weaned. Sometimes a calf does not drink from a pail. When this takes place one should not feed the calf until it gets hungry*. When the calf gets hungry it will drink milk readily.

    Skim milk may be given to the calf when it is two weeks old. As skim milk is low in vitamin A it is necessary to provide the calf with the feed rich in this vitamin until it begins to eat hay, silage or grass.

    Calves should be turned out to pasture as soon as possible. If pasture is not available when calves are a month old, a growing crop may be cut and fed to them. A small quantity of silage may be fed until past-ore is available.

    II. Прочтите текст. Озаглавьте абзацы по-английски (по-русски).


    Dairying is one of the most important branches of agriculture. One reason for the importance of dairying is the high nutritive value of dairy products. Milk is one of the best sources of calcium, the mineral which is so essential for the growth of the skeleton of the animals. High-quality milk also contains considerable quantity of phosphorus and iron". Milk is a good source of vitamins A, D and B,. Different dairy products are obtained by man from milk.


    hungry – голодный

    iron - железо


    On dairy farms farmers grow grain crops, grasses and legumes in rotations. Dairy cows use large quantities of forage and at the same time help to maintain soil fertility.

    III. Прочтите текст. Ответьте по-английски на вопрос: "Wh.n
    feeds are rich in almost all necessary nutrients?"

    Feeding Dairy Cattle

    Nutritious pasture grasses, hay and silage are the most economic al sources of nutrients for dairy cattle.

    Thirteen mineral elements are necessary for the health, growth am
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