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  • Российский центр учебных кейсов Russian case study center

  • European Case Clearing House (ecch)

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  • Babson College

  • Darden Business Publishing (Darden Graduate School of Business)

  • CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Medias Pedagugiques) www.ccmp-publishing.com

  • CEIBS (China Europe International Business School)

  • Разработка учебных кейсов. Методические рекомендации для преподавателей бизнесдисциплин е издание, исправленное и дополненное

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    . Boston: Harvard
    Business School Press. — 412 p.
    3. Benett, John B. Writing a case and its teaching note / J.B. Ben- ett. — Harvard Business School (HBS). 1976. N 507–188–1. — 4 p.
    4. Brinkenhoff, R. O.The success с method : find out quickly what’s working and what’s not / R. O. Brinkenhoff. San Francisco: Be- rett–Koehler Publishers, 2003. — 192 p.

    71 5. Case studies in contracting and organization / ed. by Scott E.
    Masten. New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. — xii, 344 p.
    6. Bruner, R. F. Case studies in finance : managing for corporate value creation / Robert F. Bruner. — International ed., 5th ed. — London :
    McGraw-Hill, 2006. — xlvii, 785 p. (The McGraw-Hill/Irwin series in fi- nance, insurance and real estate).
    7. Case studies in business planning / Bill Richardson [et al.]. — 2
    nd ed. — Pitman, 1992. — x, 190p.
    8. Case studies in performance management : a guide from the ex- perts / [ed. by] Tony Adkins. — Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley ; Chichester : John
    Wiley [distributor], 2006. — xxxi, 238 p.
    9. Case study research / edited by Matthew David. — London: Sage
    Publications, 2007. — (Sage benchmarks in social research methods).
    10. Chorafas, D. N. Corporate accountability : with case studies in pension funds and in the banking industry / Dimitris N. Chorafas. — Bas- ingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. — xi, 240 p.
    11. Czerniawska, F. Management consulting in practice: award-winning international case studies / Fiona Czerniawska, Paul
    May. — London : Kogan Page, 2004. — 304 p.
    12. Davis, Robert T. Some suggestions for writing a business case /
    R.T. Davis. — Harvard Business School (HBS).
    — 1955.
    — N
    9–355–005. — 7 p.
    13. The development of case studies that demonstrate the business benefit of effective management of occupational health and safety / Sara
    Marsden [et al.]. — Sudbury : HSE Books, 2004. — iv, 103 p.
    14. Easton, G. Learning from case studies / Geoff Easton. — 2
    nd ed. —
    New York: Prentice Hall, 1992. — 222 p.
    15. Ellet, W. The case study handbook: how to read, discuss, and write persuasively about cases / W. Ellet. — Boston : Harvard Business
    School Press, 2007. — 273 p.
    16. Enron and world finance : a case study in ethics / ed. by Paul H.
    Dembinski [et al.]. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. — xvi,
    257 p.
    17. Erskine, James A.Case research : the case writing process /
    J. A. Erskine, M. R. Leenders. — Ontario : School of Business Admini- stration the University of Western Ontario, 1989. — 156 p.
    18. Erskine, James A. Learning with cases / J. A.Erskine,
    M. R. Leenders, L. A. Mauffette-Leenders. — Ontario : Richard Ivey
    School of Business, University of Western Ontario. — 135 p.
    19. Erskine, James A. Teaching with cases / J. A.Erskine,
    M. R. Leenders, L. A. Mauffette-Leenders. — 3rd ed. — 1981. — Ontario :
    Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario — 262 p.
    20. Erskine, James A. Teaching with cases / J. A. Erskine,
    M. R. Leenders, L.A. Mauffette-Leenders. — London : Research and Pub-

    lications Division, School of Business Administration, University of
    Western Ontario, 1981. — viii, 305 p.
    21. Erskine, J. A.Writing cases / J. A.Erskine, M. R. Leenders,
    L. A. Mauffette-Leenders. — 4th ed. — Ontario : Richard Ivey School of
    Business, University of Western Ontario — 190 p.
    22. Foreign direct investment : six country case studies / ed. by
    Yingqi Annie Wei, V. N. Balasubramanyam. — Cheltenham : Edward
    Elgar, 2004. — xvii, 218 p.
    23. Gentile, M.C. Twenty five questions to ask as you begin to de- velop a new case study (Article reprint) / M.C. Gentile. — 1990. —
    HBS. — # 9-391-042.
    24. Gummesson, E. Case study research in management : methods for generating qualitative data / Evert Gummesson. — Stockholm : Stock- holm University, Department of Business Administration, 1993. — 63 p.
    25. Hancock, Dawson R. Doing case study research: a practical guide for beginning researchers / Hancock, B. Algozzine. — New York; London:
    Teachers College Press, 2006. — 106 p.
    26. Heath, J.Teaching and Writing Case Studies: A practical guide /
    J. Heath. — 2nd ed.. — Wharley End : The European Case Clearing House,
    2002. — 173 p.
    27. Hickman, L.Case Method : Business Interviewing / Linda
    Hickman, Cliff Longman. — Wokingham : Addison-Wesley, 1994. —
    220 p.
    28. INSEAD case bibliography : collection of INSEAD, CEDEP,
    Euro-Asia Centre case studies, February 1992. — Fontainebleau ; Cran- field : INSEAD, [1992]. — 67 p.
    29. Jennings, M. Business ethics : case studies and selected readings /
    Marianne Moody Jennings. — International ed., 5th ed. — Mason, Ohio :
    Thomson South-Western , 2006. — xx, 598 p.
    30. Kerzner, H. Project management case studies / Harold
    Kerzner. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2003. — 448 p.
    31. Lawrence, P.R. The preparation of case material / K.P. Andrews
    // The case method of teaching human relations and administration.
    –Harvard University Press: 1953.
    32. Leenders, M.R. Case Research: The Case Writing Process / M.R.
    Leenders, J.A. Erskine. — Ontario: School of Business Administration the
    University of Western Ontario, 1989. — 156 p.
    33. Linder, J. Writing cases: tips and pointers / J. Linder. — Harvard
    Business School (HBS). — 1990. — N 9-391-026. — 8 p.
    34. Moulton, G. Accessible technology in today's business : case studies for success / G. Moulton. - Redmond, WA : Microsoft Press, 2002. — 235 p.
    35. Naumes, W.The art and craft of case writing / William Naumes,
    Margaret J. Naumes. — Thousand Oaks, CA ; London : Sage Publications,
    1999. — 234 p.

    73 36. Norris, G. Corporate social responsibility : case studies for management accountants / Gweneth Norris, John Innes. — Amsterdam ;
    London : CIMA, 2005. — xii, 112 p.
    37. PR news casebook: 1000 public relations case studies / ed. by
    David P. Bianco. — Detroit ; London : Gale Research, 1993. — 1796 p.
    38. Reynolds, John I. Case method in management development: guide for effective use / John I. Reynolds. — Geneva: International Labour
    Office, 1981. — vi, 264 p.
    39. Shapiro, Benson P. Hints for casewriting / B.P. Shapiro. — Har- vard Business School (HBS). — 1986. — N 9-587-052. — 6 p.
    40. Singh, R. Economic environment of business : a case study ap- proach / Rakesh Singh. — Navi Mumbai : Shroff, 2002. — 165 p.
    41. Simchi-Levi, D. Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies / David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kamin- sky, Edith Simchi-Levi.
    — 2nd ed.
    — Boston ; London :
    McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2003. — xxvii, 354 p.
    42. Striving for sustainability : case studies in indigenous tourism /
    [ed. by] Jeremy Buultjens, Don Fuller. — Lismore, N.S.W. : Southern
    Cross University Press, 2007. — xviii, 492 p.
    43. Supply chain management and advanced planning : concepts, models, software and case studies / ed. by Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph
    Kilger. — 3rd ed. — Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2005. — xvi, 512 p.
    44. Qualitative case studies on implementation of enterprise wide systems / eds. Liisa von Hellens, Sue Nielsen, Jenine Beekhuyzen. — Her- shey, PA : Idea Group Publishing, 2005. — xxxiii, 301 p.
    45. Yin, R. K. Case study research : design and methods / Robert K.
    Yin. — 3rd ed. — Thousand Oaks, CA ; London : Sage Publications,
    2003. — 181 p. — (Applied social research methods series ; v. 5).
    46. Yin, R.K. Applications of case study research / Robert K. Yin. —
    nd ed. — London: Sage Publications, 2003. — 173 p. Статьи
    1. Almagro, E. Making the case method work in teaching Business
    English: A case study / Esteban Almagro, M. L. Pérez Cañado // English for
    Specific Purposes. 2004. Vol. 23. Issue 2. P. 137–161.
    2. Banning, K. C. The effect of the case method on tolerance for ambiguity / Kevin C Banning // Journal of Management Education. 2003.
    Vol. 27. Iss. 5. P. 556–564.
    3. Bridges, E. M. The use of cases in problem based learning /
    Edwin M. Bridges, Philip Hallinger // Journal of Cases in Educational
    Leadership. 1999. Vol. 2. Iss. 6. P. 1 — 6.

    74 4. Brinkerhoff, R. O. The success case method: A strategic evalua- tion approach to increasing the value and effect of training / Robert
    O. Brinkerhoff // Advances in Developing Human Resources. 2005. Vol. 7.
    Iss. 1. P. 86–102.
    5. Chen, C. C. The efficacy of case method teaching in an online asynchronous learning environment / Charlie C. Chen, Rong-An Shang,
    Albert Harris // International Journal of Distance Education Technologies.
    2006. Vol. 4. Iss. 2. P. 72–87.
    6. Desiraju, R. Encouraging participation in case discussions :
    A comparison of the Mica and the Harvard case methods / Ramarao De- siraju, C. Gopinath // Journal of Management Education. 2001. Vol. 25.
    Issue 8. P. 394–408.
    7. Dorn, E. M. Case method instruction in the business writing classroom / Elizabeth M. Dorn // Business Communication Quarterly. 1999.
    Vol. 62. Issue 1. P. 41–60.
    8. Dyrud, M. A. Using cases / Marilyn A. Dyrud, Rebecca B. Worley
    // Business Communication Quarterly. 1999. Vol. 62. Issue 1. P. 75–76.
    9. Fauske, J. R. Linguistic and instructional precision in teaching with cases and problems / Janice R. Fauske / Journal of Cases in Educa- tional Leadership. 2000. Vol. 3. Issue 6. P. 1–7.
    10. Forman, J. The genre system of the Harvard case method / Janis
    Forman, Jone Rymer // Journal of Business and Technical Communication.
    1999. Vol. 13. Issue 10. P. 373–400.
    11. Garvin, David A. Teaching executives and teaching MBAs : re- flections on the case method / David A. Garvin // Academy of Management
    Learning & Education. 2007. Vol. 6. Issue 3. P. 364–374.
    12. Greenhalgh, A. M. Case method teaching as science and art: A metaphoric approach and curricular application / Anne M. Greenhalgh //
    Journal of Management Education. 2007. Vol. 31. Issue 4. P. 181–194.
    13. Halinen, A. Using case methods in the study of contemporary business networks / Aino Halinen, Jan-Åke Törnroos // Journal of Business
    Research. 2005. Vol. 58. Issue 9. P. 1285–1297.
    14. Hawes, Jon M. Teaching is not telling: the case method as a form of interactive learning / Jon M. Hawes // Journal for Advancement of Mar- keting Education. 2005. Vol. 6, Summer. P. 47–54.
    15. Henson, S. W. Web-based cases in strategic marketing / Steve W.
    Henson, Pamela A. Kennett, Karen Norman Kennedy // Journal of Mar- keting Education. 2003. Vol. 25. Issue 12. P. 250–259.
    16. How Compaq uses the success case method to prove ROI of training // Managing Training & Development. 2002. Vol. 2. Is.7. P. 2–5.
    17. Jain, Arun Kumar Management education and case method as a pedagogy / Arun Kumar Jain // Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers.
    2005. Vol. 30. Issue 1. P. 77–84.

    75 18. Jennings, D. Strategic management and the case method / David
    Jennings // J. of Management Development. 1996 . Vol. 15. Is. 9. P. 4–12.
    19. Liedtka, J. The promise and peril of video cases : reflections on their creation and use / Jeanne Liedtka // Journal of Management Education.
    2001. Vol. 25. Issue 8. P. 409–424.
    20. Lincoln, Douglas J. Student authored cases : combining benefits of traditional and live case methods of instruction / Douglas J. Lincoln //
    Marketing Education Review. 2006. Vol. 16. Issue 1. P. 1–7.
    21. Lundberg, C. C. Case writing reconsidered / Craig C. Lundberg,
    Peter Rainsford, Jeff P. Shay // Journal of Management Education. 2001.
    Vol. 25. Issue 8. P. 450–463.
    22. Lundberg, C. C. The great case-teaching-notes debate / Craig
    C. Lundberg, Joan Winn // Journal of Management Education. 2005.
    Vol. 29. Issue 4. P. 268–283.
    23. Mumford, A. The case method — does learning theory matter? /
    Alan Mumford // Development and Learning in Organizations. 2005. Vol.
    19. Issue 4. P. 17–19.
    24. O’Connell, D. J. Print, video or the CEO: The Impact of Media in
    Teaching Leadership with the Case Method / David J O'Connell, John F
    McCarthy, Douglas T Hall // Journal of Management Education. 2004.
    Vol. 28. Iss. 3. P. 294–319.
    25. Pearce, R. J. Case-based structured conflict: A means for en- hancing classroom learning / Robert J. Pearce // Journal of Management
    Education. 2002. Vol. 26. Issue 12. P. 732 — 744.
    26. Richardson, B. Towards a comprehensive view of the case method in management development / Bill Richardson // Industrial and
    Commercial Training. 1994. Vol. 26. Issue 9. P. 3–10.
    27. Saner, R. European and Asian resistance to the use of the
    American case method in management training: possible cultural and sys- temic incongruencies / Raymond Saner; Lichia Yiu // The International
    Journal of Human Resource Management. 1994. Vol. 5. Is. 4. P. 953–976.
    28. Rosier, G. Using reflective reports to improve the case method /
    George Rosier // Journal of Management Development. — 2002. —
    Vol. 21. Issue 8. P. 589–597.
    29. Swiercz, P. M. Rational, human, political, and symbolic text in
    Harvard Business School cases : A study of structure and content / Paul
    Michael Swiercz, Kathleen T. Ross // Journal of Management Educa- tion. — 2003. Vol. 27. Issue 8. P. 407–430.
    30. The real-time case method: Description and analysis of the first implementation / C. Kilbane [et al.] // Innovative Higher Education.
    2004. — Vol. 29. Issue 2. P. 121–135.
    31. Theroux, J. The real-time case method : A new approach to an old tradition / James Theroux, Clare Kilbane // Journal of Education for Busi- ness. 2004. Vol. 79. Iss. 3. P. 163–168.

    76 32. Tran, V. N. Developing virtual team problem-solving and learning capability using the case method / Vu N Tran, Hugo M Latapie //
    The Business Review, Cambridge. 2007. Vol. 8. Iss. 1. P. 27–34.
    33. Urban, T. The live case method of creating the learning organi- zation / Tom Urban, J. Bernard Keys // Journal of Management Develop- ment. 1994. Vol. 13. Issue 8. P. 44–49.
    34. Uslay, Can Case analyses with extensive student involvement : management versus consultants case method (MCM) / Can Uslay // Mar- keting Education Review. 2007. Vol. 17. Issue 1. P. 21–27.
    35. Webb, Harold W. Teaching with the case method online : pure versus hybrid approaches / Harold W. Webb, Grandon Gill, Gary Poe //
    Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. 2005. Vol. 3. Issue 2.
    P. 223–250.
    36. What is the future of the case method in management education in India? / Mukund R. Dixit [et al.] // Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision
    Makers. 2005. Vol. 30, Issue 4. P. 87–131.
    Российский центр учебных кейсов
    Russian case study
    www.case-center.ru Электронная библиотека учебных кейсов, созданных в России силами участников проекта. Центр распространяет кейсы среди преподавателей вузов, присоединившихся к участию в работе центра. Учредитель центра — Высшая школа менеджмента
    European Case Clearing House (ecch)
    www.ecch.com Самая крупная международная библиотека учебно-методических материалов. Коллекция содержит более 50 000 наименований, из них более 30 000 кейсов, а также методические рекомендации для преподавателей, видео, CD, презентации, журнальные статьи. В каталоги ecch включены коллекции кейсов ведущих международных бизнес-школ, институтов и некоммерческих организаций, а также кейсы отдельных авторов. Членами этой некоммерческой организации являются более 500 бизнес-школ и организаций Коллекция Гарвардской школы бизнеса насчитывает более
    7500 кейсов, методических рекомендации, а также статьи, главы из книги т.д. HBS является лидером в развитии и использовании кейс-метода в обучении. В дополнение к кейсу здесь можно подобрать другие учебно-методические материалы по заданной тематике.
    Ivey Publishing (Richard Ivey School of Business)
    www.1.ivey.ca/cases Коллекция насчитывает 2000 кейсов, 72% из них дополнены методическими рекомендациями. Ежегодно коллекцию пополняют новых кейсов, апробированных в аудитории. Ivey Pub- lishing также предлагает коллекцию гарвардских кейсов и других ведущих бизнес-школ мира.

    Babson College
    www3.babson.edu/publications/cases/ Преподаватели Бэбсон Колледж разработали более 300 кейсов, которые распространяются через основных дистрибьюторов. Практически все кейсы регистрируются в ecch, и лучшие из них - в Гарвардской школе бизнеса. Некоторые материалы зарегистрированы только в Бэбсон Колледж, их можно заказать на сайте. Тестовые копии по запросу высылаются преподавателям биз- нес-дисциплин по электронной почте.
    Darden Business Publishing (Darden Graduate School of Business)
    www.store.darden.virginia.edu Коллекция насчитывает несколько тысяч кейсов и методических рекомендаций. Часть из них переведена на испанский язык. Наряду с другими аспектами бизнеса, в коллекции много кейсов, посвященных предпринимательству и международному бизнесу
    Бизнес-школа IESE насчитывает самую крупную коллекцию кейсов на испанском языке. Часть из них переведены на английский язык. Тематика кейсов затрагивает широкий спектр вопросов международного бизнеса.
    CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Medias Pedagugiques)
    CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques) входит в систему Торгово-промышленной палаты в Париже. Миссия CCMP как главного издателя учебно-методических материалов в странах, ведущих преподавание на французском языке, состоит в продвижении кейс-метода и обеспечении университетов, биз- нес-школ и компаний высококачественными бизнес-кейсами во всех областях менеджмента. Кейсы на французском языке, разработанные в ведущих бизнес-школах мира, можно заказать на сайте.

    CEIBS (China Europe International Business School)
    www.ceibs.edu/know/case.html В бизнес-школе CEIBS разработано более 150 кейсов и собрана коллекция материалов о китайских компаниях, а также о фирмах, функционирующих в Китае и ориентированных на китайский рынок сбыта. На сайте CEIBS также можно заказать кейсы ведущих бизнес-школ мира.
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