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  • Заполните пропуски в предложениях данными глаголами в правильной форме. Damage eat enjoy go go away listen open pronounce rain understand use

  • 6.Составьте предложений. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в o времена группы Simple ( Present , Past , Future

  • 7.Употребите глаголы в скобках во времена группы Simple или Continuous .

  • 8.Выберите ту форму глагола, которую необходимо употребить при переводе следующих предложений

  • 3.Напишите вопросы к этим ответам.

  • 6.Составьте предложения. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Simple . Используйте данные наречия

  • Контрольное задание № 2 Вариант №1Переведите текст письменно на русский язык.Tomorrow’s transport

  • Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1 курса

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    Higher Education in the United States of America
    Higher education in the USA is the most extensive and versatile system of postschool education in the world. There are two main types of higher education: state (or public) and private. The main difference between the two is a financial one. It is possible to classify institutions of higher education in the United States of America into four main categories:

    1. Technical institutions and "semi-professional" schools offering two-year or three-year courses, leading to an "associate" qualification and preparing students for employment in semi-professional occupations such as medical, dental and engineering technician or skilled employees for commerce, etc.

    2. Junior colleges or community colleges which provide two-year courses which may lead to studies in the two categories below.

    3. Liberal arts colleges, states colleges and independent professional institutions awarding the first degree (bachelor's degree) and sometimes the master's degree and the doctorate. Independent professional institutions include teacher-training colleges, institutes of technology (providing short courses in category I), schools of theology, art, etc.

    4. Universities, which may award the highest degree (doctor's degree).

    In most of large universities students can study all subjects, Horn humanities to applied sciences. Within a university, colleges provide undergraduate courses leading to the first university degree and graduate schools provide courses leading to higher (postgraduate) degrees. It should be noted, however, that the various programmes offered by different types of institutions often overlap considerably. A university, for instance, usually comprises institutions of professional education as well as offers courses similar to those of a technical institutions.
    2. Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Higher education in the USA is the most extensive system in the world, isn't it?

    2. What are the stages of schooling in the USA?

    3.What are the two main types of higher education?

    4. Say what you have learned about technical institutions and "semi-professional" schools.

    5. What kind of colleges are there?

    6. What do independent professional institutions include?

    7. What subjects do students study at universities?

    8. What types of high schools are there in the USA?

    3. Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные предложения, соответствующие действительности используя am / am not / is / isn't / are / arent.
    1 /I / interested in politics/.I 'm. interested /or I 'm not interested.) in politics./

    2 /I / hungry/ I...................................................................................................

    3 /It / warm today/ It.........................................................................................

    4 /I / afraid of dogs/ ……………………………………………………………

    5 /my hands / cold/ …………………………………………………………….

    6 /Canada / a very big country/ ………………………………………………..

    7 /diamonds / cheap/ ……………………………………………………………

    8/I / interested in football/……………………………………………………..

    9 /Rome / in Spain/ ………………………………………………………………
    4. Переведите следующие предложения и определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова в предложении.
    1. There are several scales for measuring temperature.

    2. You normally measure the length of lines in centimetres.

    3. His lecture is about measurements.

    4. Geometry treats of the properties, constructions and measurements of lines, surfaces and solids.

    5. The metric or decimal system is the international system оf measures and weights which is based on the metre and the kilogramme.

    1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях данными глаголами в правильной форме.

    Damage eat enjoy go go away listen open pronounce rain understand use
    1 I'm going to take an umbrella with me. It's raining.

    2 Why are you so tired? Did you ..go.....to bed late last night?

    3 Where are the chocolates? Have you.................them all?

    4 How is your new job? Are you..................it?

    5 My car was badly...................in the accident but I was OK.

    6 Chris has got a car but she doesn't. .............it very often.

    7 Mary isn't at home. She has..........................for a few days.

    8 I don't..................the problem. Can you explain it again?

    9 Martin is in his room. He's..................to music.

    10 I don't know how to say this word. How is it…………….?

    11 How do you…………this window? Can you show me?

    6.Составьте предложений. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, вo времена группы Simple (Present, Past, Future). Предложении переведите.
    Always, never, occasionally
    1. He/ to have / meetings in the morning.

    2.I / to see / the senior Vice-President.

    3. We / to write / reports.

    4. It / to take / me an hour to get to work.. How long / it / to take / you.

    5. An interpreter / to translate / from one language into another.

    7.Употребите глаголы в скобках во времена группы Simple или Continuous.
    Mr. Brown usually / to finish / his work at 6 o'clock. He / to like / to be at home in the evening together with his family. They usually / to watch / TV or / to read / newspapers and journals. Now you / to sec / Mr. Brown and his family in their comfortable sitting-room. He / to sit / in an armchair and / to read / a newspaper. He / to be interested in the latest events of the day. His wife / to sit. / on the sofa. She / not to read /. She seldom / to watch TV / in the day-time. She / to have got / much work to do at home.

    8.Выберите ту форму глагола, которую необходимо употребить при переводе следующих предложений,
    1. Он учится в университете.

    a) has been studying; b) studies; с) is studying
    2. He выходите на улицу. Идет дождь.

    a) rain; li) is raining; с) has been raining
    3. Oн спит 10 часов. Пора его будить.

    a) sleeps; b) has been sleeping; с) is sleeping
    4. Я. уже читала эту книгу. Дайте мне другую.

    a) read; b) have read; e) will read
    5. Когда .мы добрались до станции, поезд уже ушел,

    a} left; h) had left; с) was leaving
    6. В прошлом году я часто ходил и театр,

    a) gone; b) went; с) go

    7. Я обедала, когда он мне позвонил.

    a) had had dinner; b) was having dinner; c) had dinner ,
    8.Когда я пришел, они уже обсуждали этот вопрос больше часа.

    a) discussed; b) were discussing; с) had been discussing
    9. Мы уверены, что закончим эксперимент к концу месяца.

    a) shall complete; b) shall have completed; e) complete
    10. Я думаю, что он примет участие в этой работе,

    a) takes part; b) will take part; с) took part
    9. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
    1. What are you usually cooking / do you cook for lunch on Saturday?

    2.Come with me to John's house on Friday. He has / is having a party.

    3. When do you leave / are you leaving? I can give you a lift, if you like.

    4. Diana often goes / went to Paris before her marriage,

    5.I'm a computer operator, actually. What are you doing / do you do?

    6. Why Sue sometimes arrive / Why does Sue sometimes arrive so late for work?

    7. I can't come now, I'm waiting / wait for an important phone call.

    8.At the time of the robbery, I have / was having dinner at home, officer.

    9. Excuse me, but where have you bought / did you buy that lovely coat?

    10. Why are you so late? I am waiting / have been waiting here for hours.

    Вариант №5

    1. Прочитайте текст и сделайте письменный перевод.


    In Britain it is compulsory for everyone between the ages of 5 and 16 years to receive some officially recognized form of schooling, though most secondary schools continue to provide education until the age of 18. The vast majority of pupils attend state schools, which are absolutely free (including all text books and exercise books), but there are also about 500 private schools providing secondary education. The most famous of these schools, confusingly known as public schools, are Eton and Harrow.

    There is no statutory age at which students change from primary to secondary school, nor are school "specialized" - pupils choose from the numerous subjects taught in their particular school. The recently introduced National Curriculum has made it compulsory, however, for three core subjects -English, mathematics and science - and seven other foundation subjects -technology (including design),

    history, geography, music, art, physical education and a modern foreign language - to be included in the curricula of all pupils. Passage from one academic year to the next is automatic. After a two-year course, usually from 14 to 16 years of age, most pupils take their General Certificate of Secondary Education {GCSE), assessed on the basis of a mixture of course work and a written examination, in individual subjects. Pupils obtaining at least five passes at GCSE can then specialize for two years (usually from 16 to 18 years of age) in two or three subjects, in which they take the General Certificate of Education Advanced level (A-level) examination. This is used as an entrance qualification for university (minimum two passes) and other types of higher education, as well as for many forms of professional training.

    2. Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Is schooling compulsory for children of 5 to 15 years of age?

    2. What types of school do you know in Britain'?

    3.What exams do children have to take at 16 years old?

    4. When do children take their General Certificate of Secondary Education?

    5. At what age can children leave school?

    6. What type of education is there after school?

    3.Напишите вопросы к этим ответам.
    1. /name?/ …………….. What's your name? Paul.

    2. /married or single?/ ............................... I'm married.

    3. /American?/ ......................................... No, I'm Australian.

    4. /how old?/ ............................................. I'm 30.

    5. /a teacher?/ ............................................ No, I'm a lawyer.

    6 /wife a lawyer?/...................................... No, she's a designer.

    7. /from?/ ................................................... She's Italian.

    8. /her name?/ ............................................ Anna.

    9. /how old?/ .............................................. She's 27.
    4. Переведите следующие предложении u определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова в предложении.
    1. This building houses a new technical library.

    2. Einstein gave all his life to the increase of human knowledge.

    3. The discoveries in physics increase our possibilities in other sciences.

    4. Our professor always answers all our questions.

    5. At the age of 70 Einstein still looked for the answers to new secrets of time and space.

    5. Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме.
    1 I..washed... my hands because they were dirty. /wash/

    2 Somebody has ..broken.. this window. /break

    3 I feel good. I........very well last night. /sleep/

    4 We...............a very good film yesterday. /see/

    5 It..................a lot while we were on holiday. (rain)

    6 I've...................my bag. (lose) Have you...............it ? /see/

    7 Rosa's bicycle was..................last week. /steal/

    8 I...............to bed early because 1 was tired. /go/

    9 Have you.....................your work yet? /finish/

    10 The shopping centre was.................about 20 years ago. /build/

    11 Ann................to drive when she was 18. /learn/

    12 I've never.................a horse. /ride/

    13 Julia is a good friend of mine. I've..............her for a long time. /know/

    14 Yesterday I.........and ...............my leg. /fall / hurt/

    6.Составьте предложения. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Simple. Используйте данные наречия
    Usually, always, never, often

    1. Normally I / to finish / work at 5.00, but this week I / to work / until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

    2. 1 / to read / the paper's in the evening.

    3. He / to wear / a hat.

    4. She / to go / to the hairdresser's to have her hair done?

    5. A beautiful person / to be / not a fortunate person.
    7. Употребите глагол в скобках во временах группы Simple или Present Continuous.
    1. "/You to eat/ Indian food? /I cook/ a curry at the moment'.

    'Thanks but /I not like/ spicy food. And /just 1 go/ out'.

    2. /(You like/ dancing? /1 go/ every Saturday.

    /Always 1 have/ a good time'. 'Well /it depend/ on the kind of dancing'.

    3. '/You leave/? Nobody /leave/ as early as this'.

    'Sorry but my friend /wait/ for me outside'.

    4. '/We think/ of going skating. /It not cost/ a lot. Come with us'.

    'Sorry, but /I study/ for a test tomorrow',

    5.'/Always we go/ for an ice-cream after a film. Coming?'

    'That's kind of you but you /live/ far away and /it take/ me ages to get home'.

    8. Употребите соответствующий вспомогательный глагол в каждом предложении.

    Предложения переписать.
    am; am not; is; are; have; do; do not; does; does not; did

    1. I __not see Andrew yesterday.

    2. How __ you get to the station when you are late?

    3. I __interested in baseball. 1 think it's boring.

    4. When __your birthday?

    5. A: Where _my shoes?

    B: In your bedroom.

    6.How old _ you?

    7.The banks __ usually close at lunchtime.

    8. Where _ he live?

    9. Most people __ work on Sundays.

    10. It __ often snow in California.

    9. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
    1. Не lives / has been living in England since 1990.

    2. Where is Mr. Green? He has gone out / went out ten minutes ago.

    3. I hope he gets / is getting better now, I hear / heared he has / had had a bad cold all the week.

    4. Did you see I Have you seen a good film lately?

    5. No, he is not here. He went out / has just gone out.

    6. He is busy now, he writes / is writing a letter.

    7. The rain started two hours ago. It's still raining now. It is raining / it has been raining for two hours.

    8. I was in a hurry, so I have not had / had no time to phone you.

    9. The Chinese have invented / invented printing.

    10. Where have you been born / were you born?

    Контрольное задание № 2
    Вариант №1
    Переведите текст письменно на русский язык.

    Tomorrow’s transport

    What will cities of the future look like? Town planners are thinking of new methods of construction and transportation.

    The moving pavement is one possibility. It consists of several strips moving along at different speeds. These escalators are moving in both directions along all streets. On reaching his destination the passengers step over the slower strip and there to firma. (неподвижная земля)

    For convenience these moving pavements may be supplied with chairs, benches, vending machines selling soft drinks, ice-cream, candy and so on.

    The first lines of such moving pavements should appear in the streets, which have the heaviest traffic and are the most dangerous for pedestrians. In the beginning they will replace the older forms of city traffic only in certain streets, but then they will appear in a single system serving the centre of the city. Buses, trolley-buses and motor-cars will be forced out as the trams are forced out of the centre of many cities now.

    What will the car of the future be like? It probably won’t be red. Our response to colours isn’t always the same. If you want people to stop when they see a car in front of them, yellow is probably the best. When you go for a drive in the car of tomorrow you will certainly know more about the road in front of you. Your car radio will tell you about the next corner before you can see it. It will pick this up from a wire under the road. When you stop quickly, the light that tells the man behind you to be careful will spread across the car. At the same time a bag in front of you will fill up with air to stop you hitting your head on the window. What will the car of the future run on? Not petrol, which is dirty and noisy. In future we’ll probably have electric cars. As a rule the electric car can only make a short journey before going back to the garage. Or steam cars. That too would be quiet and clean. But in England there is a farmer who has invented a car that runs on manure (навоз) and he drives to London in it every week.

    Trains of the future. What about long-distance travel? Consider the “tube-train” suspended and propelled by compressed air. It many carry passengers on trips at 350 miles an hour. This idea is materialised in a 12-foot long model of a strange new aluminium torpedo train. The full-size train will run through an 18 foot-diameter metal tube, while big propellers pump the air from the front to the rear. A tube system has many advantages: a tube train makes little noise; the tube can be suspended, buried (зд. подземный) or even run through buildings; maintenance cost of this train will be low and passengers will be protected from bad weather.

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