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  • Вариант №2

  • 4. Переведите следующие предложения и определите , к

  • Составьте предложения . Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Simple . Используйте данные наречия.

  • Вариант №3

  • 9. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

  • Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1 курса

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    9. Выверите правильную форму глагола.

    1. Everything is going well. We /haven't had any problems so far (haven't had isright).

    2. Margaret didn’t go\has`n’t gone to work yesterday. She wasn't feeling well.

    3. Look! That man over there wears /is wearing the same sweater as you.

    4. Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew / has grown a lot.

    5. I still don't know what to do. ] didn't decide / haven't decided yet.

    6. 1 wonder why Jim is / is being so nice to me today. He isn't usually like that.

    7. Jane had a book open in front of her but she didn't read / wasn't reading it.

    8. Iwasnt very busy. 1 didnthave / wasn't having much to do,

    9. Mary wasn't happy in her new job at first bin she begins/ is beginning to enjoy it now.

    10. After leaving school, Tim found / has found it very difficult to get a job.
    1. Все идет хорошо. Мы / не было никаких проблем до сих пор (не была справедливой).

    2. Маргарет не пошел \ has`n't пошел в работу вчера. Она не чувствует себя хорошо.

    3. Посмотрите! Этот человек там носит / носить тот же свитер, как вы.

    4. Ваш сын гораздо выше, чем когда я в последний раз видел его. Он вырос / вырос много.

    5. Я до сих пор не знаю, что делать. ] Не решил / еще не решили.

    6. 1 удивительно, почему Джим / в настоящее время так хорошо ко мне сегодня. Он обычно не так.

    7. Джейн была книга открытая перед ней, но она не читала / не читал его.

    8. Я не был очень занят. 1 не было / не имея много сделать,

    9. Мария не была счастлива в своей новой работе в первом бункере начинается она / начинает наслаждаться его сейчас.

    10. После окончания школы, Тим нашел / нашел его очень трудно получить работу.
    Вариант №2

    1. Прочитайте текст исделайте письменный перевод.

    University Course at Cambridge
    The University course itself lasts 3 years and leads to a Bachelor's Degree (=first University degree) (=B. Sc.). Some of our graduates undertake further study either at Cambridge or at other Universities to obtain after one further year a Master's Degree (=second University degree) (M. Sc.) or after at least three years a Doctor оf Philosophy degree (Ph, D.) (=third University degree) which is approximately equal to your Candidate's degree. 0f the remaining graduates, the large majority enter industries where they receive at least 2 years of further training before becoming qualified in their special field.

    Science is taught largely through lectures and laboratory work. In addition there is a system of supervision at Oxford and Cambridge in which students spend a few hours each week with a University lecturer (a tutor) who is responsible for the individual student's academic progress.

    There is a faculty of science in all British Universities although its name varies. This faculty includes the subjects usually blown as the sciences or, strictly speaking, the natural (physical) sciences: biology, chemistry, physics and their branches. In addition it often includes subjects related to these: geography, geology, mathematics, etc.

    Most English Universities have a separate faculty of engineering although sometimes it is combined with the science faculty, it may be called (he faculty of technology or the faculty of applied (-put to practical use) science. The faculty of

    engineering does not correspond to any faculty at a Russian University since in Russia engineering and technology are studied not at Universities but at polytechnical, technological or other more specialized Institutes.

    2. Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. What does the Cambridge University course for science students look like?

    2. How long is the University course for science students at Cambridge?

    3. How is science taught?

    4. Is there a faculty of science (science faculty) in all British Universities?

    5. What about a faculty of engineering?

    6. Can yon draw a comparison between certain aspects of our country and British systems of education?

    7. What does the student do with his graduation paper when he has finished it?

    8. How do they acquire research skills?

    9. Why do the contacts between the scientific personnel and the students play a very significant role?

    10. What practical use has mathematics for astronomy, medicine, linguistics and other sciences?
    3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be (is am are)
    1 The weather ..is.... nice today.

    2 I..............not tired.

    3 This bag.............heavy.

    4 These bags............heavy.

    5 Look! There.............Carol.

    6 My brother and I.............good tennis players.

    7 Ann............at home. Her children.............at school.

    8 I...........a taxi driver. My sister...........a nurse.

    4. Переведите следующие предложения и определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова в предложении.
    1. A kilogramme is a unit of weight measure in the metric system.

    2. Barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

    3. Heat is a form of energy and may be measured in the units in which energy is measured.

    4. All measurements were accurate.

    5. By means оf radioactive elements we were able to measure the thickness of various materials.
    5. Вставьте нужную форму глагольную форму was/were/did/have/has
    1.Where…..your shoes made?

    2...........you go out last night?

    3What..............you doing at 10.30?

    4Where.............your mother born?

    5...........Barbara gone home?

    6 What time ........................she go?

    7 When..................these houses built?

    8 ……………Jim arrived yet?

    9 Why...............you go home early?

    10 How long...............they been married?

    1. Составьте предложения. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Simple. Используйте данные наречия.

    never, seldom, usually, often, always.
    1. He / to work / hard at his English.

    2. She / to speak / to me on the phone.

    3. He / to tidy up / the room.

    4. She / to go / to work by bus.

    5. In the evening after supper, they / to listen / to music together.
    7. Употребите глаголы в скобках во времена группы Simple или Continuous.
    1. I /tо think/ of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?

    2. I /to think/ you should sell your car. You /not use/ it very often.

    3. What /you/ do? Be quiet! I /to think/.

    4. We can go out now. It /notto rain/ any more.

    5. Do yon still smoke?' No, I gave it up. I /not / to smoke/ for any more.
    8. Употребите одну из предложенных форм глаголов в каждом предложении. Предложения переписать.
    Had forgotten, haven't, are, is, do, have (just) arrived, are going, had gone
    1. There are so many problems in my life and I ___decided yet what to do.

    2. -___you Still learning English? - Yes, 1 am.

    3. - Why didn’t you telephone? – I ____your number.

    4. Two weeks____ since 1 started my letter to you.

    5. 1’m going straight home after the lesson ___over.

    6. .___to see a new film. Do you want to come with us'?

    7. Are your friends here yet? - Yes, they__.

    8. What ____you favourite pop group?

    9. What languages _____ you speak?

    10.__you know what time it__?

    9. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
    1. When Sue heard the news, she wasn't/hasn't been very pleased.

    2. 'This is a nice restaurant, isn't it? Is this the first time you are /you've been here?

    3. I need a new job. I'm doing / I've been doing the same job for too long.

    4. 'Ann has gone out.' 'Oh, has she? What time did she go / has she gone?'

    5. 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I've played / I've been playing basketball.'

    6. Where are you coming / do you come from? Are you American?

    7. I'd like to see Tina again. It's a long time since Isaw her / that I didn't see her.

    8. Bob and Alice have been married since 20years / for 20years.

    9. Next month she shall be / will be 20 years old.

    10. - Are they still having dinner? No, they finished / have finished.

    Вариант №3

    1. Прочитайте текст и сделайте письменный перевод.

    The System of Primary and Secondary Education in England
    In England schooling is compulsory for children of 5 to 16 years of age. Any child may attend, without paying fees, a school provided by the public authority, and the great majority attend such schools. Yet, a limited number of schoolchildren attend fee-paying schools called "public", though they are in fact private schools.

    Primary Schools. (A Primary school - начальная школа). At five years old, the age at which education becomes compulsory, children go to infant schools until they arc seven and then on to junior schools until the age of 11. Over 80% of all primary schools are mixed.

    Some junior schools carry out. a policy of streaming. Pupils are streamed, according to their abilities to learn, into А, В, С and D streams - the brightest children go to the A stream and the least gifted to the D stream.

    There are some types of secondary schools in England. They are: grammar schools, modern schools and comprehensive schools.

    Secondary Schools. At the age of 11 when children leave junior school to start the second stage of their education they go to assessment centers or for interviews at local secondary schools. This system has replaced the old selective examination (it was called "Eleven Plus Examination") which was much criticized by teachers and parents. Nowadays most of the secondary schools in Great Britain have gone over to be comprehensive system. Almost 50% of all secondary schools are single sex.

    The Comprehensive Schools take all children over eleven regardless of their supposed intelligence. In these schools children are not separated according to ability. On graduating, the students can enter universities, colleges, polytechnics or other higher educational establishments.

    The organization of state schooling is not centralized as in most European countries. Firstly, there is no prescribed curriculum. Secondly, the types of school available and the age ranges vary in different parts of the country. State schooling in the United Kingdom is financed partly by the government and partly by local rates.

    Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take "A" level examinations in two or three subjects. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their "A" level results.

    There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty former polytechnics, plus 350 colleges and institutes of higher education.

    The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge, called "Oxbridge".

    2. Ответьте на вопросы.
    1. Is schooling compulsory in England?

    2. Dochildren and people in this country have to pay for education?

    3. What is State schooling in the United Kingdom characterized by?

    4. What are the stages of schooling in the United Kingdom?

    5. What arc the disadvantages of streaming?

    6. What is necessary to go on to higher education?

    7. At what age do children start the second stage of their education?

    8. How many universities are there in Britain?

    9.What ate the most famous universities?

    10. What do British Universities aim to?
    3. Составьте предложения используя is/isn't/are/aren't.
    1 /your shoes very dirty/ your shoes are very dirty.

    2 /my brother a teacher/ My..............................................................

    3/this house not very big/.......................................................................

    4 /the shops not open today/ ..................................................................

    5 /my keys in my bag/..................................................................................

    6 /Jenny 18 years old/...................................................................................

    7 /you not very tall/.......................................................................................
    4. Переведите следующие предложения и определите, к каким частям речи откосятся выделенные слова в предложении.

    1. The exam results were very bad. Hardly anybody in our class passed.

    2. I tried hard to remember her name but I couldn't,

    3. Are you interested in buying a ear? Tin trying to sell mine.

    4. Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?

    5. The solar energy must light and heat our houses.
    5. Вставьте is/are/was/were/have/has
    1. Joe. ..has.....lost his passport.

    2. This bridge..............built ten years ago.

    3................you finished your work yet?

    4. This town is always clean. The streets............cleaned every day.

    5. Where...............you born?

    6. I............just made some coffee. Would you like some?

    7. Glass................made from sand.

    8. This is a very old photograph. It.............taken a long time ago.

    9. Joe..........bought a new car.

    6.Составьте предложения. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Simple. Используйте данные наречия.
    Never, usually, often.
    1. Mary / to take / a bus to the office but today she / to drive / because she is late.

    2.She / to drink / coffee.

    3. John / to play / tennis once or twice a week.

    4. Every morning he / to brush / his teeth. He / to brush / his teeth in the morning.

    5. For breakfast I / to have / hard-boiled eggs or an omelette, bread and butter, tea or coffee.
    7. Употребите глаголы в скобках во времена группы Simple или Continuous.
    1. - Excuse me /Anybody / tо sit) here? - No? It’s free.

    2. - What /you / to do/? - I'm an electrical engineer.

    3. The sun / to go / round the earth.

    4. Can you ring me back in half an hour? /I / to have / dinner/.

    5. It's a nice day. I / to suggest / we go out for a walk.
    8. Выберите ту форму глагола, котирую необходимо употребить при переводе следующих предложений.
    1. Я просмотрела все журналы, но не нашла статью, которая меня интересует.

    a) had looked through

    hadn’t found;

    b) have looked through

    haven’t found

    c) was looking through

    was not found
    2. Когда я пришла в университет, я обнаружила, что преподаватель заболел.

    a) Come / discover / fall ill

    b) came / discovered / had fallen ill

    c) had come / discovered / had fallen ill
    3. Обычно он принимает решения немедленно

    a) taking;

    b) take;

    c) takes
    4. Какое самое прекрасное место, которое Вы когда-либо посещали?

    a) had ever visited

    b) are ever visited

    c) have ever visited
    5. Вы верите в Бога?

    a) are you believing

    b) do you believe

    c) have you believed
    6. Ситуация была смешной, но никто не смеялся

    a) laughed;

    b) was laughing;

    с) has laughed

    1. Сколько времени Вы изучаете английский?

    a) do you learn

    b) are you learn

    c) have you been learning

    8. Дайте мне знать, когда Вы получите ответ.

    a) to know, will receive

    b) know, receive

    c) knew, have received
    9. Моя мать сказала: "Пожалуйста, напиши мне, как только приедешь".

    a) arrive;

    b)are arriving;

    с) will arrive
    10. Вы знаете, в какое время отправляется поезд?

    a) is going to leave

    b) leaves

    c) will leave
    9. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
    1. I don't understand this sentence. What means this word / does this word mean / does mean this word?

    2. What do you write / are you writing? Don't you finish / Haven’t you finished your homework yet?

    3. Jack had arrived / arrived at the office at 4.30 p.m. but Mr. Jones already left / had already left.

    4. Yes, Janet stayed / had stayed here for two weeks, but she go / went back to Scotland last month.

    5. Sorry I don’t answer / didn't answer the phone when you had called / called, but was working/ worked in the garden.

    6. 1 have just remembered / remembered the title of that book I heard / had heard about on the radio.

    7. This is easily the best hook that she was written / has written so far.

    8. I think I lose / lost my wallet while I shopped / was shopping yesterday,

    9. Julie hasn't had/hadn't had a holiday since 1995, when she went / goes to Spain.

    10. Who exactly are you talking / were you talking to in the street, when I see /saw you?

    Вариант №4

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