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Вопросительная форма в английском языке во всех временах

Общий вопрос

Вспом. глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + второстепенные члены





 Do/ Does + S + V?

 Did + S+V?

 Will/Shall + S + V?

 Do you listen to BBC news every day?

  Did you listen to BBC news?

  Will you listen to BBC news?


 Is/ Am/ Are + S + Ving?

Was/Were + S + Ving?

 Will/ Shall + S + be + Ving?

 Are you listening to BBC news?

 Were you listening to BBC news?

 Will you be listening to BBC news?


 Has/ Have + S + Ved (V3)?

 Had + S + Ved (V3)?

 Will/ Shall+ S + have+ Ved (V3)?

 Have you listened to BBC news?

 Had you listened to BBC news?

 Will you have listened to BBC news?

Perfect Continuous

 Have + S + been + Ving?

 Had + S + been + Ving?

 Will/shall + S + have + been + Ving?

 Have you been listening to BBC news?

 Had you been listening to BBC news?

 Will you have + been listening to BBC news?

Специальный вопрос

Вопросительное слово(Wh) + вспом. глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + второстепенные члены


 Wh + do/ does + S + V?

 Wh + did + S + V?

 Wh + will/shall + S + V?

  What do you listen to every day?

  What did you listen to yesterday?

   What will you listen to tomorrow?


 Wh + is/am/are + S + Ving?

 Wh + was/were + S + Ving?

 Wh + will/shall + S + be + Ving?

 What are you listening to?

 What were you listening to?

 What will you be listening to?


 Wh + have/has + S + Ved (V3)?

 Wh+ had + S + Ved (V3)?

 Wh + will/ shall+ S + have+ Ved (V3)?

 What have you listened to?

 What had you listened to?

 What will you have listened to?

Perfect Continuous

 Wh + have + S + been + Ving?

 Wh+ had + S + been + Ving?

 Wh + will/ shall+  S + have + been + Ving?

  What have you been listening to?

 What had you been listening to?

  What will you have been listening to?

Разделительный вопрос

Предложение, вспом. глагол + (not) + местоимение (выражающее подлежащее)


 S + V + …, does/ do/ are/is+ (not) + Spronoun?

 S + V2(Ved) + …, did + (not) +  Spronoun?

 S + will + V + …, will + (not) +  Spronoun?

 You listen to BBC news every day, don’t you?

  You listened to BBC news yesterday, didn’t you?

  You will listen to BBC news tomorrow, won’t you?


 S +am/are/is+ Ving + …, am/are/is + (not) + Spronoun?

 S +was/were+ Ving + …, was/were + (not) + Spronoun?

 S + will + be + Ving + …, will + (not) + Spronoun?

  You are listening to BBC news, aren’t you?

 You were listening to BBC news, weren’t you?

 You will be listening to BBC news, won’t you?


 S +have/has+ Ved(V3) + …, have/has + (not) + Spronoun?

 S +had+ Ved(V3) + …, had + (not) + Spronoun?

 S + will + have + Ved(V3) + …, will + (not)+ Spronoun?

 You have listened to BBC news, haven’t you?

 You had listened to BBC news, hadn’t you?

  You will have listened to BBC news, won’t you?

Perfect Continuous

  S +have/has+ been + Ving + …, have/has + (not) + Spronoun?

  S +had+ been + Ving + …, had + (not) + Spronoun?

 S + will + have +been + Ving + …, will + (not)+ Spronoun?

  You have been listening to BBC news, haven’t you?

 You had been listening to BBC news, hadn’t you?

 You will have been listening to BBC news, won’t you?

Вопрос к подлежащему

Who (What) + глагол + второстепенные члены


 Who (What) + Vs?

 Who (What) + Ved?

 Who (What) + will + V?

 Who listens to BBC news every day?

 Who listened to BBC news yesterday?

 Who will listen to BBC news tomorrow?


 Who (What) + is + Ving?

 Who (What) + was + Ving?

 Who (What) + will + be + Ving?

 Who is listening to BBC news?

 Who was listening to BBC news?

 Who will be listening to BBC news?


 Who (What) + has + Ved(V3)? 

 Who (What) + had + Ved(V3)? 

 Who (What) + will + have + Ved(V3)? 

 Who has listened to BBC news?

 Who had listened to BBC news?

 Who will have listened to BBC news?

Perfect Continuous

 Who (What) + has + been + Ving

 Who (What) + had + been + Ving

 Who (What) + will + have + been + Ving

 Who has been listening to BBC news?

 Who had been listening to BBC news?

 Who will have been listening to BBC news?

Альтернативный тип в таблицу вопросов в английском языке отдельно вносить не стоит. По форме он совпадает с general question (в большинстве случаев), только добавляется к одному из членов «or». А все остальное согласно общей схеме. Также общий и специальный имеют много схожего. Единственное различие — это вопросительное слово на первом месте. А вот с who-question стоит немного напрячься. Обратите внимание, что в любом из времен (особенно касается настоящих) глагол стоит в третьем лице единственного числа.

Present Simple  (Present Indefinite)


  1. Поставьте глаголы в The Past и The Future Indefinite, употребляя соответствующие индикаторы.

1. He plays tennis twice a week. 2. She learns French and German. 3. We keep our car in the garage. 4. They often make mistakes. 5. I help my mother about the house. 6. They do their shopping every day. 7. We go to the University by metro. 8. The classes begin at. 9. I stay at school till 2 o'clock. 10. If often rains in October. 11. Tom gets excellent marks in English
2. Поставьте предложение в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1.Den Studies at the University. 2. They usually buy newspapers in the morning. 3. The teacher asks many questions. 4. He entered the Law faculty. 5. My friend saw an interesting film yesterday. 6. They got to the country by bus. 7. Nick will work as a teacher. 8. We shall make coffee for him. 9. Her cousin will go abroad next week.

3. Ответьтенаследующиевопросы.

  1. Do you walk to school? - Yes, I .../ No, I ....

  2. Does he drive a car? - Yes, he .../ No, he ....

  3. Did it often rain last autumn? - Yes, it.../ No, it....

  4. Did they go to bed early yesterday/- Yes, they.../ No, they....

  5. Will she come to see us soon? – Yes, she…./ No, she ….

  6. Shall we meet at the station? –Yes, we…/ No, we ….

4. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. The train leaves at eight. 2. We have supper at 8 p.m. 3. Old ladies like to sit by fire. 4. His grandparents live in Gomel. 5. He visits his grandparents very often. 6. Her brother made three mistakes in his test. 7. He worked at a plant last year. 8. They will remember this day for ever. 9. She has a headache, so she will not go to school. 10. He will buy this interesting book.



Exercise 1. Определите функции сказуемых в Continuous Tenses (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения:

  1. We are answering to the questions on the new text. Are you answering to the questions on this text? Yes, I am. And is your friend answering to the questions on the new text? No, he isn’t.

  2. He is correcting his mistakes now. Is he correcting his mistakes now? Yes, he is. And are you correcting your mistakes now? No, I am not.

  3. They are working at their English now. What are they working at? Are they working at German? No, they aren’t. They are not working at German, they are working at English.

  4. He is learning new words here. What is he doing here? Is he writing new words from the text? No, he isn’t. He is not writing new words. He is learning them.

  5. We are translating a new text now. What are you doing now?

I am translating a new text.

  1. I was reading a newspaper at 7 in the evening. And what were you doing at that time? I was preparing my home task for the next lesson.

  2. We were doing our exercises from 5 till 6. What were you doing at that moment? I was playing chess.

  3. They were speaking French when the teacher came in. What were they doing when the teacher came in? Were they playing chess? No, they weren’t. They were not playing chess when the teacher came in. They were speaking French.

  4. He was correcting his mistakes from 6 till 7. Was he correcting his mistakes all day long? No, he wasn’t. He was not correcting his mistakes all day long.

  5. My friend was talking to Professor Ivanov when I saw him. Who was your friend talking to when you saw him?

  6. Were you busy last night? Yes, I was. I was preparing for my examination in tactics. And what about you? I was watching the TV programmes.

  7. Colonel Petrov will be lecturing on the international situation tomorrow at 10 o’clock. Will colonel Petrov be lecturing at 12 o’clock? No, he won’t. He will be lecturing at 10 o’clock.

  8. I shall be still studying Criminalistics from 8 till 9. What will you be doing tomorrow from 8 till 9? Will you be listening to the radio news at that moment? No, I shan’t.

  9. Will you be writing a test at 12 o’clock? No, I shan’t. I shall be working at our laboratory.

  10. We shall be discussing the problems of physical training in the camp? Tomorrow at 9.

  11. After the lessons the cadets will be lining up to go to the mess for dinner. When will the cadets be lining up to go to the mess for dinner? After the lessons they will be lining up to go for dinner.

  12. During the hours of independent work the cadets will be preparing for the next day lessons. What will the cadets be doing during the hours of independent work? Will they be preparing for the next day lessons? Yes, they will.

Exercise 2. Поставьте по смыслу глаголы в Continuous Tenses (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения:

1. They (to watch) hockey on TV now. 2. We (to read) books and newspapers in our Lenin’s room from 4 till 5. 3. Yesterday during the hours of independent work we (to study) field manuals and regulations. 4. We (to listen) to a lecture when our commander came in. 5. Our cadets (to take part) in the military parade on the 7th of November at 10 o’clock in the morning.

Exercise 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола.

      1. Do you (know, knowing) the answer?

      2. She’s (study, studying) the new text.

      3. They’re (listen, listening) now.

      4. Does he (go, going) there every day?

      5. I’m (write, writing) a letter to my friend.

      6. Do you (take, taking) many exams each term?

      7. Are you (learn, learning) the new words?

      8. Is he (work, working) today?

Exercise 4. Прочитайте сообщение о происшествии. Обсудите со своим говорящим, где мальчик прячется, чем он занимается в данное время и собирается ли он возвращаться домой.

It is sex o’clock on a very cold winter evening. All over England people are sitting down in their living-rooms and watching the news on TV or are listening to it on the radio. There is one very important piece of news this evening. It is this.

In Dublin, this evening, hundreds of policemen are looking for a boy. The boy’s name is Arthur White. He is ten. He has black hair and blue eyes. He is having a green suit on. It is cold. It is snowing. The parents do not know where he is hiding. The police ask for a help.

Perfect Tenses


Exercise. 1 Read and translate the following sentences:

  1. We have done it already. 2. I have seen this film. 3.Silence! The lesson

has begun. 4.Look! The teacher has come. 5. –We have translated this sentence. –Start translating the text. 6. Have you heard the news? My friend Mike has got married. 7. Have you read “The Forsyte’s Saga” by G.Galsworthy? 8. Who has won the game? –Of course, the Dynamo team has. 9. Have you seen this new film? –No, I haven’t yet. 10. Why are you late? –I am sorry. I have been to the library. 11. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been all this time? – In Kiev. I have just returned from there. 12. When you came I had already written my report.

Exercise 2. Think of questions for which the following might be answer.

  1. Mary has cooked a wonderful cake. 2. He has gone home. 3. She hasn’t seen him since the summer. 4. He has given her a beautiful rose. 5. The alarm-clock has just rung. 6. She has put her umbrella into the corner. 7. It has begun thawing today. 8. The boy has broken the icicle. 9. She has changed her name. 10. Mary has brought him home. 11. She has brought home a white kitten. 12. She has always tried to stop him.

Exercise 3. Supply subordinate clauses with the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple.

  1. I don’t know why (she - not to come). 2. She asks why (you – not to lay the table). 3. I’d like to know why (he – not to answer my letter). 4. Tell me why (you – to quarrel). 5. She doesn’t say why (she- to refuse to take this work). 6. I can’t guess why (they-to part). 7. She wants to know where (they – to go to). 8. I wonder where (they- to live all the time). 9. He can’t say where (the dog- to appear from). 10. I just ask where (you- to be since last Saturday).

Exercise 4. Choose suitable remarks for each of the left side of the page.

  1. It is dark.

  2. It is time to get up.

  3. It is cold.

  4. The day is dull.

  5. The streets are quite white.

  6. The streets are muddy.

  7. She feels so tired.

  8. Oh, the water is so hot!

  9. I don’t hear his steps.

  10. I am not tired any more.

  11. Look! The ground is like iron!

  12. I don’t see my cup.

The alarm-clock has rung

Well, he has put on his slippers.

It has frozen.

She has not slept tonight.

Of course you aren’t, you have taken a shower.

A thick fog has spread over the city.

It has rained since the very morning.

Winter has come.

Sure it is. I’ve turned on the hot water tap.

Sure it is. I’ve turned on the hot water tap.

The thaw has begun.

I’ve taken it to the kitchen.

Exercise 5. Combine the following words and word-groups into sentences paying special attention to the position of adverbs.

  1. Everything, she, has, discovered. 2. She, my heart, in two has cut. 3. Yet, has, she, not left, her room. 4. Once, only, has, there, been, he. 5. Just, me, he, told, about his friend, has. 6. Up to town, gone, your outfit, she, to buy, has. 7. Never this, from town, come, I, have, you, to tell. 9. Often, spoken, has, to us, he, on the subject. 10. Returned, have, sooner, I expected, than, I.

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the Present Perfect.

  1. Что случилось? 2. Куда он ушел? 3. Я уже прочитала эту книгу. 4. Начался дождь. 5. Я его еще не видела. 6. Мать уже испекла булочки. 7. Ты когда-нибудь катался на коньках по замершей реке? 8. Сегодня я не была в библиотеке. 9.Реки и пруды уже замерзли. 10. В этом году я часто видела их в кино. 11. Я не встречала его с весны.

Exercise 7. Insert predicates in the Present Perfect or in the Past Simple and other missing parts of the sentence using the phrases in brackets.

  1. The doctor … today (to visit ten of his patients). 2. His brother …. that day. (not to go to the picture). 3. It …the day before yesterday. (to rain heavily). 4. The professor …two days ago. (to examine him). 5. He…the other day. (to call on us).

  2. 1. The tourists … this week. (to arrive here). 2. Mother … that week. (to take the children to the Zoo). 3. My husband and I…last week. (to be at the theatre). 4. The children …a week ago. (to come from the country). 5. My aunt … for a week. (to stay with us).


В английском языке существуют четыре типа вопросительных предложений: общий вопрос, специальный вопрос, разделительный и альтернативный вопросы.

Ex.1. Задайтеобщиевопросы:

  1. They are students. 2. The task is easy. 3. His father is a policeman. 4. I like reading. 5. My sister goes to the Institute every day. 6. She will come tomorrow. 7. Tom was born in Moscow. 8. This work is a difficult. 9. He came home at 6 o’clock last night. 10. They know English well.

II. Специальный вопрос (SpecialQuestion)

Ex.2. Поставьте вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова, данного в скобках:

  1. He was busy on Sunday (When). 2. We go to the Institute by bus (How). 3. They are from Volgograd (Where). 4. My parents are pensioners (What). 5. We worked in militia two years ago (When). 6. Nick’ friend has 3 lessons every day (Who). 7. My friend has two dogs (How many). 8. He is a serviceman in the Army in the Far East (Where).

Ex. 3. Задайтеальтернативныевопросы:

  1. He reads quickly (slowly). 2. The weather is cold today (warm). 3. It often rains in summer (in winter). 4. He went to the Institute (to the stadium). 5. Ann is the best student in the group (the worst). 6. These students can play tennis (badminton). 7. She speaks English well (German). 8. His brother is a detective (an investigator).

IV. Разделительный вопрос (DistinctiveQuestion)

Ex. 4. Закончитевопрос:

  1. She is a militiaman,…? 2. They are good students, …? 3. My sister doesn’t speak French, …? 4. Her sons have 2 lessons today, …? 5. You served in the Army, …? 6. We are not good sportsmen, …? 7. The students have many questions, …? 8. This militiaman likes classical music, …?


1. Напишите все типы вопросов к предложениям:

1. The legislative power belongs to the Congress.

2. Baseball is the most popular sport in the USA.

3. He finished his work yesterday.

4. They play an important role in the American legislation.

5. The head of each state is the governor of the state.

2. Задайте общий вопрос

1 .He often comes to see his brother.

2. The students have 3 lessons on Tuesday.

3. Mr. Black is a policeman.

4. They get up at 7 o’clock.

3. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему

  1. He can work.

  2. She has three brothers.

  3. They invited Tom to the party.

4. Задайтеальтернативныевопросы

1. They bought a new book (copy book).

2. Bob plays tennis (hockey).

3. He can speak English well (bad).

5. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам

  1. She can come home in the morning.

  2. His bike is green.

  3. They bought this book yesterday.

4. Nick lives in Borodin street.

5. They play football at 8 o’clock.

6. We are future police officer.



  1. Read and translate the sentences in the Passive Voice

  1. The first Russian University was founded in 1755.

  2. Books by Jack London are read by many readers with great interest.

  3. Many books by American writers have been translated into Russian.

  4. Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by the district courts.

  5. Future investigators, detectives are trained at the Krasnodar University of the MIA.

  6. All the exams will be passed by me well.

  7. This text has been already translated.

  1. Choose a proper form (active or passive). Mind the word order where necessary:

  1. Russia (washes; is washed) by seas and oceans in the North and in the East.

  2. At our institute the students (teach; are taught) English, German, French.

  3. The University (founded; was founded) in 1755.

  4. I am sure the exams (will pass; will be passed) successfully.

  5. Our English lab (equips; is equipped) well. It’s interesting to work there.

  6. English (speaks; is spoken) at our English-tutorials.

  7. Specialists of high qualification (train; are trained) at the Krasnodar University of the MIA.

  1. Change the sentences from active into passive:

  1. The students saw this English film.

  2. I bought this book yesterday.

  3. He left his notebook at home.

  4. The Pacific Ocean washes the territory of Russia in the East.

  5. The students attend lectures and seminars with interest.

  6. The Krasnodar University of the MIA trains future detectives and investigators for Krasnodar territory.

  7. She translated this text last time.

  8. The Pacific Ocean washes the territory of Russia in the East.

  9. The students saw this English film.

  10. A Federal Court of Appeals serves each judicial circuit.

  11. The President recommends much of the legislation to the Congress.

  1. Translate the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. Меня спрашивали на прошлом занятии по уголовному праву (to ask).

  2. Экзамены будут сданы нами успешно (to pass).

  3. В институте обучают трем иностранным языкам (to teach).

  4. Специальным предметам нас будут обучать на третьем и четвертом курсах (to teach).

  5. Наша страна омывается морями и океанами на севере и востоке (to wash).

  6. На занятии много говорилось о нашей будущей профессии (to speak of).

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