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  • 7. Подберите антонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке

  • UNIT 4. Judicial System of the Russian Federation Knowledge Test

  • 1. Introduction to the Judicial System of the Russian Federation

  • 2. Answer the questions on the text "Introduction to the Judicial System of the Russian Federation

  • 3. Choose the right equivalent

  • 6. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

  • The Plenum of the Supreme Court.

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    6. Подберите синонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке

    1. fundamental 2. power 3. independently 4. establish 5. duty 6. solemn promise 7. term 8. elect 9. objective 10. belong to

    a) impartial b) period of time c) be vested in d) choose e) obligation f) basic g) separately h) oath i) set up j) authority

    7. Подберите антонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке

    1. competence 2. enter 3. sovereignty 4. accept 5. secular

    a) dependence b) reject c) ignorance d) vacate e) religious

    8. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста

    1) Constitution establishes …

    ·the principles of independence and partial sovereignty of the RF

    ·equalities of ideologies but not religions

    ·the principle of separation of powers

    2) As for the federative structure, the Constitution …

    ·covers the questions that are exclusively in the jurisdiction of the RF leaving out the competence of federal and local authorities

    ·contains the list of component units of the RF

    ·covers only those questions that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities

    3) The bodies of federal power are…

    ·the Federal Assembly of the RF and the judiciary of the RF

    ·the President of the RF and the Government of the RF

    ·all the bodies mentioned above in a) and b)

    4) The Federal Assembly of the RF represents

    ·the legislature

    ·the judiciary

    ·the executive branch

    5) The Constitution determines…

    ·the extent of the jurisdiction of the executive branch

    ·the order and the terms of office of the governmental officials


    6) Judicial power is implemented by means of …

    ·civil and criminal legal proceedings

    ·constitutional and administrative legal proceedings

    ·all the proceedings mentioned in a) and b)

    9. Переведите предложения, используя слова и словосочетания из текста

    1.Конституция Российской федерации - главный нормативный акт, имеющий высшую юридическую силу.

    2.Конституция устанавливает основы социального, экономического и политического устройства России.

    3.Конституция провозглашает идею приоритета прав и свобод человека.

    4.Носителем суверенитета и единственным источником власти в РФ является ее многонациональный народ.

    5.Все граждане России равны перед законом и судом.

    6.Статья 10 Конституции Российской Федерации предусматривает принцип разделения государственной власти на законодательную, исполнительную и судебную.

    7.Судебная власть осуществляется посредством конституционного, гражданского, административного и уголовного судопроизводства.

    8.Согласно Конституции судьи обладают независимостью, несменяемостью и неприкосновенностью.

    9.Компетенция Прокуратуры включает надзор за исполнением законов всеми учреждениями, должностными лицами и гражданами.

    10.При вступлении в должность Президент Российской Федерации приносит присягу.

    UNIT 4.
    Judicial System of the Russian Federation
    Knowledge Test

    1. The structure of the judicial system of the Russian Federation is determined

    1. the Charter Party

    2. the Constitution

    3. the IMO Convention

    4. a Europe agreement

    2. Which of the following doesn't the system of arbitration courts of the Russian
    Federation comprise?

    1. the Higher Arbitration Court

    2. Arbitration courts of subjects of the Russian Federation

    3. the International Arbitration Association

    4. Courts of arbitration districts

    3. Federal laws concerning general jurisdiction are presented to... .

    1. the President of the Russian Federation

    2. the Russian Science Academy

    3. the Free Enterprise association

    4. the State Duma

    4. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body for
    the following cases, except

    1. religious

    2. criminal

    3. administrative

    4. civil

    5. Judicial power in the Russian Federation is performed only by courts in the per
    sons of... .

    1. teachers and doctors

    2. judges and jurors

    3. students and professors

    4. politicians and leaders

    6. Federal constitutional law is an integral part of... .

    1. system of knowledge

    2. railway system

    3. judicial system

    4. system of education

    7. Which of the given below doesn't ensure the unity of judicial system of the Russian Federation?

    1. A) observance of the rules of court procedure

    2. b) application of the constitution of the Russian Federation

    3. с) acceptance of compulsory execution and judicial decisions

    4. d) financing of large corporations and small business

    1. Introduction to the Judicial System of the Russian Federation

    The existing judicial system of the Russian Federation was formed and is being developed as a result of a judicial reform carried out in Russia from the beginning of the 90s with the purpose to create and maintain the judicial power in the state mechanism as an independent branch of power, free from political and ideological bias, independent in its activities from the executive and legislative branches of power. The structure of the judicial system of the Russian Federation and the sphere of activities of its various parts are determined by the Constitution and federal constitutional laws. The judicial system of the Russian Federation consists of:

    • the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and constitutional courts of the republics and other subjects of the Russian Federation. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considers cases relating to the cpmpliance of the federal laws, normative acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation, the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, constitutions of republics, charters and other normative acts of the subjects of Russian Federation with the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    • four-tiered system of courts of general jurisdiction. Three-tiered system of the military courts is an integral part of it. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body of this branch ;

    • three-level system of arbitration courts with the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation as a supreme judicial body competent to settle economic disputes and other cases considered by arbitration courts, exercise judicial supervision over their activities according to the federal law-envisaged procedural forms . The system of the arbitration courts comprises: arbitration courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation; courts of arbitration districts (10) and the Higher Arbitration Court.

    The system of general jurisdiction courts has the following structure: The first tier comprises all general jurisdiction rayon (district) courts-city, intermunicipal and equal to them - acting on the territory of Russia. Middle tier of general jurisdiction courts includes the supreme courts of the republics, kray (regional) , oblast(provincial) courts, city courts of Moscow and St.-Petersburg, courts of autonomous provinces and autonomous districts. The main tier of military courts the military courts of armies, fleets, garrisons and military formations. The middle tier of military courts consists of military courts of the branches of the Armed Forces, military districts, districts of antiaircraft defence, navy and separate armies. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body for all courts of general jurisdiction, both civil and military.

    Rayon courts form the basis of the system of general jurisdiction courts of the Russian Federation. The law attributes to the jurisdiction of rayon courts all civil cases, overwhelming majority of criminal cases and cases relating to administrative offences. Rayon courts act as a higher judicial instance for the Justices of the Peace operating on the territory of the appropriate judicial district.

    Justices of the Peace are judges of the subjects of the Russian Federation and form an integral part of the system of courts of general jurisdiction, participating in the work of its bodies.

    Courts of general jurisdiction: of kray , oblast, city, of autonomous oblast and autonomous districts act as higher instance courts for rayon courts. The courts of this tier of the judicial system are empowered to carry out all the powers of a judicial instance, namely to examine cases as a first instance court in the order of cassation, by way of supervision and upon newly discovered evidence. They work in the following composition: presidium of the court, judicial panel for civil

    cases and judicial panel for criminal cases.

    -executive and legislative branches of power - исполнительная и законодательная ветвь власти,

    - ideological bias - идеологическое предубеждение;

    - normative acts - нормативные акты;

    - four-tiered system of courts - четырехуровневая система суда;

    - law-envisaged -предусмотренные законом;

    - overwhelming majority - подавляющее большинство,

    - administrative offences - административные нарушения.
    2. Answer the questions on the text "Introduction to the Judicial System of the Russian Federation"

    1. Is the existing judicial system of the Russian Federation an independent branch of power?

    2. Does the Russian Federation judicial system follow the activities of executive and legislative branches of power?

    3. What is the structure of the Russian Federation judicial system determined by?

    4. What does the Russian Federation judicial system consist of?

    5. What is the higher Arbitration Court of Russian Federation competent to settle?

    6. What cases does the Constitutional Court consider?

    7. What is the structure of the system of general jurisdiction courts?

    3. Choose the right equivalent

    1. presidium

    1. not depending on authority or control

    2. bias

    2. favouring social equality

    3. independent

    3. a person with authority to hear

    4. competent

    4. of or in line with constitution


    5. adequately qualified or capable

    6. Duma

    6. predisposition or prejudice

    7. legislative

    7. legislative organ in Russian Federation

    8. executive

    8. State in which supreme power is held by the people or by their elected representatives

    9. constitutional

    9. standing committee

    10. republic

    10. branch of government concerned with executive laws, agreements

    11. empowered to make legislation

    12. having self-government

    4. Match the given phrases

    1. rule of law

    1 подавляющее большинство

    2. to determine

    2. кассация

    3. to consider

    3. юридическое лицо

    4.General jurisdiction

    4. состав присяжных

    5. Judicial supervision

    5. законность

    6. to attribute to

    6. военный суд

    7. overwhelming majority

    7. юридический контроль

    8. administrative offences

    8. общая юрисдикция

    9. cassation

    9. определять

    10. judicial panel

    10. рассматривать (дело)

    11. административные правонарушения


    5. Insert the right word

    1. The R.F. judicial system is an branch of power, free from political and ideological .

    2. It is independent from the and branches of power.

    3. Independent, law court is an important component of a state based on a

    rule of law.

    4. The Court of the R.F. considers cases relating to the compliance of the fed
    eral laws.

    1. It also controls over the laws of the State and constitutions of .

    2. They work in the following compositions: of the court, judicial panel for

    civil cases and judicial panel for criminal cases.

    7. of the Peace are judges of the subjects of the R.F.

    6. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the supreme judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases under the jurisdiction of courts of general jurisdiction, carries out judicial supervision over their activities according to the federal law-envisaged procedural forms and provides clarifications on the issues of court proceedings (Article 126 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). It heads the judicial system of general jurisdiction, representing a supreme tier of this system. The Supreme Court of Russian Federation has the right of the legislative initiative. It acts as a court of first instance for cases of special importance or special public interest when it accepts them for consideration according to the legislation. The law determines a category of cases which are included in the sphere of activities of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation as a court of first instance. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is a cassation instance in relation to the federal courts of general jurisdiction of republics or oblast. It supervises legality, validity and substantiality of sentences and other decisions of courts of lower level. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is composed of its Chairman, first deputy and deputies of the Chairman, the justices of the Court and People's assessors. The Supreme Court has the following structure: The Plenum of the Supreme Court.

    The Plenum of the Supreme Court on the basis of studies and generalization of the judicial practice and judicial statistics, provides its guidance to courts on the issues of proper application of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Plenum hears reports on the activities of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, reports by the judicial chambers chairmen . It has the right to present the legislative body with presentations on issues subject to be resolved in the legislative order.

    The Presidium of the Supreme Court.

    Apart from consideration of cases by way of supervision and upon newly discovered evidences, the Presidium of the Supreme Court considers and hears issues relating to the organization of activities of judicial chambers, examines materials of the studies and generalization of judicial practice, analyses judicial statistics, assists lower courts in correct application of the legislation. Judicial chambers.

    There are three chambers in the structure of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation: Judicial Chamber on Civil Cases; Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases; and

    Military Chamber. Within the limits of their powers they consider cases as courts of first instances; in the order of cassation; by way of supervision and on newly discovered evidence, study and generalize judicial practice, analyse judicial statistics. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is assisted in exercising its powers by several offices, departments and other structural units.

    At present the Supreme Court has initiated establishment of the ail-Russian system of administrative justice . The appropriate draft of a federal law has already been presented to the State Duma.

    - a court of first instance - суд первой инстанции;

    - sphere of activities - сфера деятельности;

    validity of sentences - законность обвинительного заключения;

    - assessors - эксперты;

    - to be resolved in the legislative order - быть принятым в соответствии с установленной законом процедурой;

    - way of supervision - способ наблюдения.
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