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  • Exercises 1. Read and translate the sentences

  • Exercises 2. Put the verbs in the brackets into proper tense forms

  • Exercises 3.Translate into English

  • Согласование времен. Косвенная речь

  • Direct Speech Reported Speech

  • Ex. 1. Translate into Russian

  • Ex. 2. Choose the right word.

  • Ex. 3. Make the following sentences indirect. He said

  • TEST REVISION 1. Choose the right answer

  • Try to do some tests up to the topics ‘’Court system of the United Kingdom’’, ‘’Court system of the USA’’ TEST №1 Переведите следующие слова и выражения

  • Дополните следующие предложения

  • Выполните следующий тест : The lowest courts are

  • The final criminal appellate tribunal is

  • Central Criminal Court of London is known as

  • Ответьте на следующие вопросы

  • Практикум по англ яз ЮС. Новороссийск

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    Условные предложения

    (Conditional sentences)

    Условные предложения делятся на три типа в зависимости от вероятности описываемых в них действий.

    Тип 1.1 Реальные события



    If + Present Simple

    Future Simple

    If I have a leisure time, I will visit Spain. Если у меня будет свободное время, я съезжу в Испанию.
    If he is guilty, he will confess. Если он виновен, он признается.

    Тип 1.2 Маловероятные события



    If + Subjunctive II (would + I)

    Future Simple

    If I would have a leisure time, I will visit Spain. Если вдруг у меня будет (= случись так, что у меня будет) свободное время, я съезжу в Испанию.
    If he would be guilty, he will confess. Если вдруг окажется, что он виновен, он признается.

    Тип 2. Практически нереальные события



    If + Subjunctive I (Past Subjunctive)

    Subjunctive II (would + I)

    If I had a leisure time, I would visit Spain. Если бы у меня было свободное время, я бы съездил в Испанию.
    If he were* guilty, he would confess. Если бы он был виновен, он бы признался.
    *В таких предложениях употребляется вспомогательный глагол were для всех лиц. Подробнее - в материале "Сослагательно наклонение".

    Тип 3. Нереальные события



    If + Subjunctive I (Past Perfect Subjunctive)

    Subjunctive II (would have + III)

    If I had had a leisure time, I would have visited Spain last month. Если бы у меня было свободное время, я бы съездил в Испанию в прошлом месяце.
    If he had been guilty, he would have confessed yesterday. Если бы он был виновен, он был признался ещё вчера.

    Смешанный тип 1



    If + Subjunctive I (Past Subjunctive)

    Subjunctive II (would + I)

    If I had earned enough money last month, I would buy permit to Spain now. Если бы я заработал достаточно денег в прошлом месяце, я бы купил путёвку в Испанию сейчас.
    If he were guilty yesterday, he would confess now. Если бы он был виновен вчера, он бы признался сегодня.

    Смешанный тип 2



    If + Subjunctive I (Past Perfect Subjunctive)

    Subjunctive II (would have + III)

    If I had a leisure time, I would have visited Spain long ago. Если бы у меня было свободное время, я бы уже давно съездил в Испанию.
    If he had been guilty, he would have confessed long ago. Если бы он был виновен, он бы уже давно признался.

    Exercises_2._Put_the_verbs_in_the_brackets_into_proper_tense_forms'>Exercises_1._Read_and_translate_the_sentences'>Exercises 1. Read and translate the sentences

    1. When my brother is 17, he will finish school.

    2. If he doesn’t go to the cinema, he’ll ring us up.

    3. When I have my holiday in August, I’ll go to the USA.

    4. If you don’t learn these words, you won’t be able to write the test.

    5. Read this article on criminal law while I do the translation.

    6. Please, return my English textbook if you don’t use it.

    7. We’ll phone you as soon as he gives the answer.

    8. Speak to him about our plans when you see him.

    Exercises 2. Put the verbs in the brackets into proper tense forms:

    A farmer (to have) a friend who give (to grow) very good apple trees. One day he (to give) the farmer a small apple tree and (to tell) him to plant it. The farmer (to take) the tree and (to thank) his friend. But when he (to come) home he (not to know) where to plant it. ‘’If I (to plant) it in my garden’’, the farmer (to think), ‘’my son (to eat) the apples. If I (to plant) it near the road, other people (to eat) my apples’’. So he (to take) the tree to the forest and (to plant) it there. But the tree (cannot) grow without sunlight and soon it (to die).

    Exercises 3.Translate into English:

    1. Если мы не будем хорошо знать ОРД, мы не сможем расследовать преступления.

    2. Мой брат будет поступать в Краснодарский университет МВД РФ, после того как вернется из армии.

    3. Мы узнаем много нового и интересного, когда будем изучать криминалистику.

    4. Мы не сможем читать книги на английском языке, если не будем учить слова.

    5. Я посмотрю сегодня этот фильм, если закончу перевод статьи.

    6. Как только он закончит университет, он пойдет работать в полицию.

    Согласование времен. Косвенная речь

    Direct Speech

    Reported Speech

    Утвердительные предложения превращаются в сложноподчиненные предложения с союзом That (что). Обратите внимание, известно ли, к кому мы обращаемся. Если да, то глагол to say нужно поменять на to tell.

    They say: «Annie, we read a lot of books».

    They tell Annie that they read a lot of books.

    Когда Вы переводите отрицательные предложения в косвенную речь в английском языке, обратите особое внимание на форму глагола и не потеряйте частичку not.

    Mark says :»I don’t like computer games».

    Mark says that he doesn’t like computer games.

    Повелительные предложения, а именно, приказы и просьбы, становятся инфинитивом. При этом в главном предложении используйте глаголы to ask – просить, to tell – сказать, велеть, to order – приказать и др. и укажите лицо, к которому обращаются.

    Mother said:”Open the window.”

    Mother asked me to open the window.

    Вопросы становятся придаточными предложениями с прямым порядком слов. 
    a)Общие вопросы вводятся придаточным предложением с помощью союзов if и whether

    Jim asks me:”Do you watch TV?”

    Jim asks me if I watch TV.

    b) Специальные вопросы присоединяются к главному предложению теми вопросительными словами, которые в них использованы.

    Tony wonders:”What is your favourite food?”

    Tony wonders what my favourite food is.

    Если в предложении, которое вы переводите в косвенную речь в английском языке, естьуказательные местоимения или наречия времени и места, то наша таблица поможет их верно заменить:

    Direct Speech

    Reported Speech

    This — этот

    That – тот

    These — эти

    Those – те

    Here — здесь

    There – там

    Now — сейчас

    Then – тогда

    Today — сегодня

    That day – в тот день

    Tomorrow — завтра

    The next day – на следующий день

    Yesterday — вчера

    The day before – день до этого

    The day after tomorrow — послезавтра

    Two days later – спустя два дня

    The day before yesterday — позавчера

    Two days before – за два дня до этого

    Ago – тому назад

    Before — раньше

    Next month – в следующем месяце

    The next month, the following month – месяц спустя

    Last week – на прошлой неделе

    The previous week – за неделю до этого

    Ex. 1. Translate into Russian:

    1. My friend said that he had finished his scientific research the day before.

    2. The teacher asked us when Byron was born. We said that Byron was born on January 22, 1788.

    3. They said that they were going to take their exam in history the next week.

    4. I was asked if I knew about our meeting. I answered that I should be there at 5 o’clock.

    5. His sister told me that she would study medicine at the Institute.

    6. The students said that the story for home reading was Very interesting. They also said that they liked detective stories.

    7. He said that he had served in the Far East two years before.

    8. We were told that we could go in for different sports at our school.

    9. They asked when the seminar in Administrative Law would take place.

    10. My friend said that he was very busy that week with his report.

    11. She said that she would speak to them if she saw them the next day.

    Ex. 2. Choose the right word.

    1. He asked me if I had visited my friends (yesterday, the day before).

    2. They said the conference in Criminal Law would take place (tomorrow, the next day)

    3. I was asked when I was going to return (here, there).

    4. I am sure that (this, that) is well-known all over the world.

    5. He said he would take part in scientific work (next, the next) year.

    6. They knew their friends were going to Kiev (now, then).

    7. She said she had been to the city of Smolensk a year (ago, before).

    8. We are told that we shall take our English exam (next, the next year).

    9. He said that the lecture in Criminalistics would take place (today, that day).

    10. She said that we could find the articles in (these, those) journals.

    11. They didn’t know it they would watch the football match (tomorrow, the next day).

    Ex. 3. Make the following sentences indirect.

    1. He said,

    “The students need more practice in speaking”

    “These exercises are too difficult for me”.

    “I don’t fell well today”.

    “Nobody can do this work as well as my friend”

    “I’ll come back in a few minutes”

    “ I have already seen this film”.

    1. He asked me,

    “Where does your sister live?”

    “How old are you?”

    “What time is it?”

    “Where are you going?”

    “How long have you studied English?”

    “Do you like to study at the Moscow Law Institute?”

    1. I didn’t know,

    “Where does she work?”

    ”Where did your brother go?”

    “Does he know history well?”

    “What is her husband’s name?”

    “When will he visit his friends?”

    1. I said to him,

    “Wait for me outside”;

    “Come back in an hour”.

    “Don’t tell anybody about it”.

    “Go to the cinema by bus”.

    “Bring me the textbook in economy”.


    1. Choose the right answer

    1. The person who thinks that a judge has made a mistake may -------- to a higher court.

    1. adjudicate; b) authorize; c) administer; d) appeal;

    1. The -------- branch of a government decides whether laws are good and whether people have disobeyed these laws

    1. executive; b) legislative; c) judicial; d) fiscal

    1. The person who thinks that a judge has made a mistake may ---- to a higher court

    a) appeal; b) authorize; c) administer; d) adjudicate

    1. All twelve members of the ------- were convinced of Davidson’s guilt

    a) bystanders; b) court; c) jury; d) police

    1. The sign says that all shoplifters will be ….

    a) prosecuted; b) persecuted; c) disproved; d) prohibited

    1. The body of law called … law deals with the private relations between members of a community

    a) land; b) criminal; c) administrative; d) civil;

    1. A trial is a legal process in which a … examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of crime

    a) court of law (суд); b) college of advocates; c) legal aid office; d) legislative board

    Try to do some tests up to the topics ‘’Court system of the United Kingdom’’, ‘’Court system of the USA’’

    TEST №1

    1. Переведите следующие слова и выражения:


    Legal system

    Sources of law

    Written Law


    Civil Law

    Magistrates’ court

    Civil case

    County court

    House of Lords


    1. Дополните следующие предложения:

    1. There are some common features to all systems in the UK …

    2. The sources of law include …

    3. The lowest courts are called …

    4. Magistrates’ courts are presided over by …

    5. Court of Appeal hears …

    1. Выполните следующий тест:

    1. The lowest courts are:

    1. Courts of Appeals

    2. Magistrates’ courts

    3. Crown courts

    1. Magistrates’ court consists of between:

    1. Two to seven magistrates

    2. One magistrate

    3. Twenty magistrates

    1. The final criminal appellate tribunal is :

    1. The House of Commons

    2. District court

    3. House of Lords

    1. Common Law is based on:

    1. Personal opinion of a judge

    2. Judicial precedent

    3. On the Queen’s opinion

    1. Central Criminal Court of London is known as:

    1. Supreme Court

    2. Old Bailey

    3. Crown Court

    1. Переведите следующий отрывок из текста:

    The sources of law include written law (statutes, Acts of Parliament) and unwritten law (Common law and Equity). Common law is based on judicial precedent. It means that when one judge had decided a point of law, any other judge who has the similar set of facts must decide case in the same way as in the earlier judgment.

    The lowest courts are called Magistrates’ courts, or police courts. Magistrates’ courts are presided over by Justices of the Peace (JP), or lay magistrates. They work part-time and are unpaid. The courts consist of between two to seven magistrates.

    The Crown court deals with all more serious criminal cases. Appeals from Magistrates’ courts are also heard there. The accused have the right to be tried by the jury.

    County courts are the main civil courts. The High court hears all those civil cases that cannot be decided by county courts.

    The Court of Appeal hears both criminal and civil appeals. But the final criminal appellate tribunal is the House of Lords.

    1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What does the sources of law include?

    2. What courts are the lowest ones?

    3. What cases does the Crown court deal with?

    4. Does the Court of Appeal hear both criminal and civil cases?
    1   2   3   4   5   6

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