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A 45-years-old male presented to the hospital with enlarged nose, ears, a mandible and feet. What is the most likely diagnosis?



Cerebro-hypophyseal cachexia

Adiposogenital dystrophy




A 42-year-old man presents with increasing fatigue and occasional headaches. He states that recently he has had to change his shoe size from 9 to 10, and he also thinks that his hands and jaw are now slightly larger. Physical examination reveals a prominent forehead and lower jaw, enlarged tongue, and large hands and feet. Initial laboratory examination reveals increased serum glucosWhich of the following is the most likely expla¬nation for this constellation of clinical findings?








A 45-years-old male presented to the hospital with gradual enlargement of feet, right hand, nose and lips. The adenoma of a pituitary body was diagnosed. What is the most likely disease?



Basedow's disease.

Addison's disease

Diabetes mellitus



A 46 year-old patient has complained of headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and joints for the last 2 years. Clinically observed disproportional enlargement of hands, feet, nose, superciliary arches. He notes that he needed to buy bigger shoes three times. What is the main reason of such disproportional enlargement of different parts of the body?

Increased sensitivity of the tissues to growth hormone

Joints dystrophy development

Joints chronic inflammation development

Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin

@Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth hormone influence



Gradually, patient’s feet, right hand, a nose and lips began to increase in size rateably. The hypophysial adenoma was revealed. Diagnose the disease.

Addison’s disease


Diffuse toxic goiter


Diabetes mellitus



Arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, glucosuria were observed clinically for a long time in the patient with upper type of obesity. Death was due to the cerebral haemorrhage. Basophilic hypophysis adenoma, hyperplasia of adrenal gland cortex were revealed on pathomorphological examination. What is the likely diagnosis?

Adiposogenitalis dystrophy


Diabetes mellitus

Hypophysis nanism

@Cushing disease



A 42-year-old woman presented with the obesity, chiefly of the trunk and face, steroid diabetes, an arterial hypertension and secondary dysfunction of ovaries. An autopsy revealed a hypertrichosis, a hirsutism, strias on a skin of hips and a abdomen. In the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland a tumour was found. Histological investigation showed the basophilic adenoma of the pituitary and hyperplasia of a fascicular layer in adrenals. What of the listed diagnoses is the most likely?

@Itsenko-Cushing disease

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome

Simmonds' disease

Adiposogenital dystrophy

Pituitary nanism



A male patient presented with obesity of the trunk and face. He also had a long medical history of an arterial hypertension. The death resulted from a hemorrhage in a brain. A morphological investigation revealed a basophilic adenoma of a pituitary body and hyperplasia of adrenals cortex. What is the most likely preliminary diagnosis?

@Itsenko-Cushing disease

Diabetes mellitus


Pituitary nanism

Adiposogenital dystrophy



A 44 year old woman complains of general weakness, heart pain, significant increase of body weight. Objectively: moon face, hirsutism, AP is 165/100 mm Hg, height - 164 cm, weight - 103 kg; the fat is mostly accumulated on her neck, thoracic girdle, belly. What is the main pathogenetic mechanism of obesity?

Reduced production of thyroid hormones

Increased insulin production

Increased mineralocorticoid production

Reduced glucagon production

@Increased production of glucocorticoids



An autopsy of a 40-year-old woman revealed the obesity, chiefly of the trunk and face ("moonface" and "buffalo hump"), strias on a skin of hips and abdomen. She had in her medical records an osteoporosis with spontaneous fractures of bones, an amenorrhea, an arterial hypertension, a hyperglycemia. What of the listed diagnoses is the most likely?

@Itsenko-Cushing syndrome

Addison's disease

Friderichsen-Waterhouse syndrome

Conn's syndrome

Sipple's syndrome



A patient complaining of weight loss (10 kg during 2 months), pallpitation and exophthalmos came to the endocrinologist. For the hyperfunction of what endocrine gland (glands) are these complaints the most typical?



Parathyroid glands

Adrenal glands




A 19-year-old female suffers from tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, excessive sweating, exophtalmos and irritability. What hormone would you expect to find elevated in her serum?








A 48-years-old woman presented with insomnia (inability to get enough sleep, a bad dream), a fatigue, irritability, exophthalmos (protuberance of eyes) and tachycardia. The thyroid gland was enlarged. She died soon due to cardiovascular insufficiency. Histological investigation of the thyroid tissue revealed a proliferation of an epithelium with formation of papillas, a colloid colliquation, lymphocyte and plasmocyte infiltration and formation of lymphatic follicles with the germinal centres. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Diffuse toxic goiter. (Basedow's disease)

Endemic goiter

Sporadic goiter

Hashimoto's thyreoiditis

Benign tumor of thyroid gland



A thyroid gland of a 48-year-old male was removed at surgery department. Histological investigation revealed various size follicles which were lined by tall columnar epithelium. The latter one was pilled up at places forming papillary infoldings. Colloid appeared lightly staining, watery and finely vacuolated. The stroma showed increased accumulation of lymphoid cells.

@Basedow's goiter.

B Hashimoto's thyreoiditis

Riedel's thyreoiditis

De Quervain's thyroiditis

Nodular goiter



A 40-year-old woman was made a thyroidectomy. Histological exam of the gland reveals big follicles of different size with a foamy colloid. The follicular epithelium is high and forms papillae in some places. The stroma has a focal lymphocytic infiltration. Diagnose the disease of the thyroid gland.

@Diffuse toxic goiter

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Riedel’s thyroiditis

de Quervain’s thyroiditis

Nodular goiter



A patient suffering from thyrotoxicosis symptoms of vegetoasthenic syndrome was revealed. What of the following would show the histological appearance of a thyroid gland being stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)?

Increased numbers of parafollicular cells

Decreased numbers of follicular cells

Decreased numbers of parafollicular capillaries

An abundance of colloid in the lumen of the follicle

@Columnar-shaped follicular cells



A patient is followed up in an endocrinological dispensary on account of hyperthyreosis. Weight loss, tachycardia, finger tremor are accompanied by hypoxia symptoms - headache, fatigue, eye flicker. What mechanism of thyroid hormones action underlies the development of hypoxia?

Competitive inhibition of respiratory ferments

Specific binding of active centres of respiratory ferments

Intensification of respiratory ferment synthesis

Inhibition of respiratory ferment synthesis

@Disjunction, oxydation and phosphorilation



Graves’ disease is associated with all the following EXCEPT


Anti-TSH receptor antibodies

Localized myxedema

@Toxic nodular goiter

Conversion hysteria



A 48-year-old male, with a long history of living in the mountain district of Central Asia, presented with a thyroid gland enlargement, resulted in complicated swallowing. A physical investigation revealed an increasing of a body mass, slowness, drowsiness, and puffy face. A microscopic study of a thyroid gland showed irregular follicles with a hypochromic colloid. What of diagnoses is the most probable?

@Endemic goiter.

Basedow's goiter.

Hashimoto's thyreoiditis.

Sporadic goiter.

Riedel's thyreoiditis.



The exam of the patient, who lives in the mountain region of Middle Asia, reveals the enlargement of the thyroid gland, that makes it difficult to swallow, increased weight, retarded thinking, drowsiness and puffy face. Microscopic exam of the gland reveals follicles of different size with hypochromic colloid. What is the most possible diagnosis?

@Endemic goiter

Diffuse toxic goiter

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Sporadic goiter

Fibrous goiter



A histological investigation of the removed enlarged thyroid gland revealed irregular form and sizes follicles. The follicular epithelium proliferated both into follicles lumen and outside. Layers of the connective tissue separated various sites of the thyroid. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Macro-microfollicular goiter

Diffuse goiter

Autoimmune thyroiditis

Follicular carcinoma

Riedel's thyreoiditis



A 58-year-old woman presents with increased "fullness" in her neck. Physical examination finds nontender diffuse enlargement of her thyroid glanClinically she is found to be euthyroid and her serum TSH level is within normal limits. Sections from her enlarged thyroid gland reveal numerous, mainly enlarged follicles, most of which are filled with abun¬dant colloid material. There are areas of fibrosis, hemorrhage, and cystic degeneration. No papillary structures are identified and neither colloid scalloping nor Hurthle cells are present. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Colloid carcinoma

Diffuse toxic goiter

Graves' disease

Hashimoto's thyroiditis

@Multinodular goiter



At operation of excision of a diffusive thyroid gland struma a patient died from acute adrenals insufficiency. An autopsy, besides the atrophy of adrenals, revealed a left ventricle hypertrophy in a heart, a hypertrophy and an intracellular edema of cardiomyocytes, a serous edema and lymphoid infiltration of a myocardial stroma. What is the figurative name of a heart pathology presented at post-mortem?

@Thyrotoxyc heart

Tabby cat heart

Cor bovinum

Cor pulmonary

Brown atrophy of heart



A patient presented to surgery with symptoms of hypothyrosis. Macroscopic investigation of the removed thyroid gland revealed its considerable enlargement, dense-elastic texture and lobulated surface. Histological investigation showed the diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes and plasmocytes of gland's parenchyma with formation of lymphoid follicles. The latter ones had hyperplastic germinal centers with atypia and a metaplasia of a follicular epithelium. In addition, the sclerotic alterations of a parenchyma were also determined. What is the most likely diagnose?

@Autoimmune thyroiditis

Diffuse toxic goiter

Colloid goiter

Nodular goiter

De Quervain's thyroiditis



A 44-year-old woman presents with anorexia and weight loss. Physical examination reveals a slightly decreased blood pressure along with increased skin pigmentation. Laboratory examination reveals a low cortisol with increased ACTH. After further work-up the diagnosisof adrenal cortical failure is made. One year later this woman is found to have hyperglycemia and after appopriate work-up the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus is made. Which of the following adnormalities is this individual most likely to develop?

@Autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland

Bacterial infection of the antrum of the stomach

Fungal infection of the oral cavity

Metabolic hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands

Neoplastic development in the anterior pituitary



A perimenopausal woman complains of slight swallowing difficulty, fatigue, and a change in bowel habits. The photomicrograph below is of her thyroid gland. This disorder is

Subacute thyroiditis


@Autoimmune thyroiditis

Riedel’s thyroiditis

Conversion hysteria



Histological exam of a thyroid gland reveals moderate atrophy of the parenchyma, sclerosis and diffuse infiltration of the stroma by lymphocytes and plasmatic cells with the formation of lymphoid follicles. What is your diagnosis?

@Autoimmune thyroiditis

Parenchymatous goiter



Fibrous goiter



A histological investigation of a thyroid gland, presented to pathology, revealed a mild atrophy of a parenchyma, sclerosis, diffusive infiltration of a stroma by lymphocytes and plasmocytes with formation of lymphoid follicles. What is the most likely diagnose?

@Autoimmune thyroiditis

Parenchymatous goiter

Toxic goiter


Riedel's thyreoiditis



An 8-month-old infant is being evaluated for growth and mental retardation. Physical examination reveals a small infant with dry, rough skin; a protuberant abdomen; periorbital edema; a flattened, broad nose; and a large, protuberant tonguWhich of the following disorders is the most likely cause of this infant's signs and symptoms?

Graves' disease


Toxic mulunodular goiter

Toxic adenoma

Struma ovarii



A morphological investigation of a thyroid removed due to thyrotoxicosis struma revealed a diffuse infiltration of a gland by lymphocytes with a destruction of parenchyma and an area of connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnose?

@Hashimoto's thyreoiditis

Anaphylactic reaction


Cancer of thyroid




At the operative biopsy of a thyroid gland, histologically, among the follicles filled with colloid, were revealed lymphoid structures with the growth centers. Define the disease.

Diffuse toxic goiter

Endemic goiter

Sporadic goiter

@Hashimoto’s goiter

Fibrous goiter



During the intraoperative biopsy of thyroid gland the histological examination revealed lymphoid structures with growth centers, which were among the folliculi full of colloid. What disease was it?

Endemic goiter

@Hashimoto's thyroiditis (lymphadenoid goiter)

Thyrotoxicosis (Basedow's goiter)

Ridel's goiter

Sporadic goiter



A histological investigation of a thyroid gland biopsy, presented to pathology, revealed lymphoid structures with the germinal (growth) centers among the follicles filled with a colloid. What is the most likely disease presented in that case?

@Hashimoto's goiter.

Endemic goiter

Sporadic goiter

Basedow's goiter

Riedel's thyreoiditis



A histological investigation of a thyroid revealed a considerable infiltration of a gland by lymphocytes with formation of lymphoid follicles, a destruction of parenchyma, growth of connective tissue fibers. What is the most likely disease presented in that case?

@Hashimoto's goiter

Colloid goiter

Endemic goiter

Diffuse toxic goiter

Parenchymatous goiter



The thyroid gland of the patient is twice enlarged. The palpation shows: the gland is solid; its surface is unevenly tuberous. Histological exam reveals diffuse infiltration of the tissue by lymphocytes, plasmatic cells with the formation of follicles and intensive overgrowth of the connective tissue. What disease do these facts indicate?

@Hashimoto’s goiter

Endemic goiter

Sporadic goiter

Diffuse toxic goiter

Fibrous goiter



A 42-year-old man presented with a thyroid gland enlargement in two times. A physical investigation revealed firm, irregular lobulated gland. Histological investigation showed a diffusive infiltration of thyroid gland by lymphocytes, plasmocytes with follicles formation and the enhanced growth of a connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Hashimoto's goiter.

Endemic goiter.

Sporadic goiter.

Diffuse toxic goiter.

Riedel's thyreoiditis



Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid may show all the following features EXCEPT

Vascular invasion and hematogenous metastasis

@Multiple foci within the gland

A clear cell variant that resembles renal carcinoma

An insular type that is an aggressive form

Absence of ground-glass nuclei



A 37-year-old man presents with a single, firm mass within the thy¬roid glanThis patient's father developed a tumor of the thyroid gland when he was 32 years of agHistologic examination of the mass in this 37-year-old man reveals organoid nests of tumor cells separated'by broad bands of stroma, as seen in the photomicrograph below. The stroma stains • positively with Congo red stain and demonstrates yellow-green birefrin¬gencWhich of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Follicular carcinoma

Papillary carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma

@Medullary carcinoma

Anaplasric carcinoma



A 2-year-old child experienced convulsions because of lowering calcium ions concentration in the blood plasma. Function of what structure is decreased?


Pineal gland

@Parathyroid glands

Adrenal cortex




Kidneys of a man under examination show increased resorbtion of calcium ions and decreased resorbtion of phosphate ions. What hormone causes this phenomenon?



Hormonal form D3





A 52-year-old woman presents with nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, and intermittent pain in her left flank. Laboratory examination reveals increased serum calcium and decreased serum phosphorus. The patient's plasma parathyroid hormone levels are increased, but parathyroid hormone-related peptide levels are within normal limits. Urinary calcium is increased, and microhematuria is present. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's signs and symptoms?

@Primary hyperparathyroidism

Primary hypoparathyroidism


Secondary hyperparathyroidism

Secondary hypoparathyroidism



Periodic renal colics attackes are observed in the woman with primery hyperparathyroidizm. Ultrasonic examination revealed small stones in the kidneys. What is the cause of the formation of the stones?








Osteomalacia may best be characterized as

Failure of bone remodeling

@Failure of bone mineralization

Failure of osteoid formation

Reactive bone formation

Reduction in amount of normally mineralized bone



A 56-year-old woman with a long history of parathyroid glands disease, died from increased renal insufficiency. A post-mortem revealed a bones deformation of extremities, a vertebral column, and ribs. Bones were fragile, soft and easily deformed or cat. They had some motley tumorous formations. Kidneys were contracted. Histological investigation revealed lacunar bone resorption. In addition, a microscopic study demonstrated giant cell granulomas within the centres of tumorous formations, accumulations of erythrocytes and a hemosiderin. Name the described disease.

@Parathyroid osteodystrophy.

Metastases of cancer in a bone

Chronic renal insufficiency

Paget's disease




A 64-year-old patient died of a cachexia. A post-mortem revealed an adenoma of parathyroid glands, bones deformation of extremities, a vertebral column, and ribs. Bones were soft, with slight porousness and easily deformed or cat. What of the listed diagnoses is the most likely?

@Parathyroid osteodystrophy.




Fibrous dysplasia



At the section of a man, who died of cachexy, were revealed: adenoma of the parathyroid glands, deformity of bones, especially of extremities, vertebra and ribs. The bones are soft, porous and can be easily cut. What is the most possible diagnosis?

@Parathyroid osteodystrophy




Fibrous dysplasia



A 65-year-old man presents with bone pain and is found to have hypocalcemia and increased parathyroid hormone. Surgical exploration of his neck finds all four of his parathyroid glands to be enlarge. Which of the following disorders is the most likely cause of this patient's enlarged parathyroid glands?

Primary hyperplasia

Parathyroid adenoma

@Chronic renal failure

Parathyroid carcinoma

Lung carcinoma



The section of a 50-year-old woman, who died of uremia, revealed adenoma of parathyroid glands, deformation of the limbs, vertebra and ribs. The bones are soft; on incision – the increased amount of pores, tumour-like nodules that have mottled sight and contain cysts. At the microscopical exam a noticeable changeover of bone structures, focuses of lacunar resolution of osteal and fibrous tissue are determined. What is the most possible disease?

@Recklinghausen’s disease

Chronic osteomyelitis


Fibrous dysplasia

Paget’s disease



A 55-year-old woman died from uraemia. A post-mortem revealed a parathyroid gland adenoma, bones deformation of extremities, a vertebral column, and ribs. Bones were soft, with slight porousness. On a cut they had a motley pattern with multiple cysts. Histological investigation revealed marked bone remodelling and lacunar resorption of osteoid and fibrous tissues. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Parathyroid osteodystrophy.

Chronic osteomyelitis


Fibrous dysplasia

Paget's disease



A 60-year-old woman has noted a dark red-black appearance to her great toe and second and third toes of her left foot for the past month. On physical examination, the toes are cold to touch and have no sensation. The dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses are not palpable on the left. A transmetatarsal amputation is performed. These findings are most typical for a patient with which of the following conditions?

@Diabetes mellitus

Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis

Blunt force trauma


Type III hypersensitivity reaction



Components of diabetic glomerulopathy include all the following EXCEPT

Diffuse glomerulosclerosis

Nodular glomerulosclerosis

Thickening of capillary basement membranes

Mesangial proliferation

@Fibrin thrombi



Diseases of the urinary tract occurring with increased frequency in patients with diabetes mellitus include all the following EXCEPT

Nodular or intercapillary glomerulosclerosis

Nephritic syndrome

Aterosclerosis of the renal artery

Renal pappilary necrosis

@Uric acid stones



One of the principal types of diabetes (type 1) is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies against endocrine cells of pancreas (islets of Langhergans) and depresses activity of cells (production of insulin). Which cells activity is depressed?








A 35-year-old obese woman of normal height is found to have hyperglycemia that lasts for several hours following a meal. Further work-up reveals normal fasting serum glucose levels. Physical examination is otherwise unremarkable. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's postprandial hyperglycemia?

Antibodies to insulin

Decreased functioning of hepatocyte nuclear factor

Decreased production of glucagon

Excess production of cortisol

@Impaired release of insulin



A 20-year-old woman is found to have elevated blood glucose levels on several occasions. She is otherwise asymptomatic and is of normal height and normal weight. Laboratory evaluation does not detect the pres ence of islet cell autoantibodies in this young woman. Several members in successive generations other family, however, have been diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus. Further tests find that her mother also has mildly elevated blood glucose levels but is not obese and is otherwise asymptomatic. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

@Mature-onset diabetes of the young

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus



A 45-year-old obese woman presents with increasing fatigue, malaise, and fullness in the right upper quadrant of her abdomen. Perti¬nent clinical history includes type II diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. Laboratory test finds elevated liver enzymes along with increased serum cholesterol. Which one of the following clinical procedures or tests should be used to confirm a diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis?

Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging

@Liver biopsy

Liver ultrasonography

Oral cholecystogram

Quantitative serum ferritin



A renal puncture biopsy was taken from a patient with elevated blood sugar levels and high amounts of glucose in his urine. Histological investigation revealed extension of mesangium with focal accumulation of membranous substances and periglomerular sclerosis of some glomerules. In addition, there were found a hyalinosis and plasmatic infiltration of arterioles; lymphocytes, histiocytes and some leucocytes infiltration of a stroma; glycogen deposits within nephrocytes of narrow segment. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Diabetic glomerulonephritis

Arteriolosclerotic nephrocirrosis


Acute glomerulonephritis

Subacute glomerulonephritis



A 64-year-old man, with a medical history of a diabetes mellitus, presented augmented symptoms of renal failure. What disease caused such changes in a pancreas?


Necrosis of renal tubular epithelium.


Proliferative glomerulonephritis

Membranous nephropathy.



A 64-year-old man died with symptoms of a hypoglycemic coma. A post-mortem revealed reduced, dense pancreas. Histological investigation of pancreas showed the growth of a connecting tissue, an atrophy of Langerhans islets. What disease caused such changes in a pancreas?

@Diabetes mellitus.


Acute pancreatitis.

Cancer of pancreas.

Hypoplasia of pancreas.



A 62-year-old man with a 14 years medical history of a diabetes mellitus presented with significantly worsened eye vision for the last two years. What characteristic processes resulted in worsening of the eye vision?



Calcinosis of hyaloid body

Dimness of cornea




Index of pH of the blood changed and became 7,3 in the patient with diabetus mellitus. Detecting of the components of what buffer system is used while diagnosing disorder of the acid-base equilibrium?








A patient with a diabetes mellitus died of a chronic renal insufficiency with a development of uremia. At the section were revealed all manifestations of uremia with the changes in kidneys. What microscopical changes do the kidneys have?

Necrosis of the nephral tubules’ epithelium

Spasm of the afferent arterioles

Hyaline cylinders in the lumen of the nephral tubules

@Hyalinosis and sclerosis of capillaries of glomeruli

Focal necrosis of the renal cortex



At the section of a 67-year-old man, who died of hypoglycemic coma, the areas of overgrowth of connective tissue, necrotic focuses and the atrophy of pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans) were revealed. What disease led to such changes in pancreas?

@Diabetes mellitus


Acute pancreatitis

The cancer of the head of the pancreas

Hypoplasia of the pancreas



A 58-year-old man has a clinical picture of acute pancreatitis. The increase of what substance in the urine from belowmentioned will confirm the diagnosis?


Nonprotein (rest) nitrogen


Uric acid




A pancreatic islet cell tumor of the gastrin-secreting G cells will most likely produce


@severe peptic ulcreation of the duodenum

mild diabetes


profuse watery diarrhea



A 30-year-old woman was diagnosed with insufficiency of exocrinous function of pancreas. Hydrolisis of what nutrients will be disturbed?

Fats, carbohydrates

Proteins, carbohydrates

@Proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Proteins, fats




A histological spacemen presents parenchymal organ, which has cortex and medulla. Cortex consists of epitheliocytes bars with blood capillaries between them; the bars form three zones. Medulla consists of chromaffinocytes and venous sinusoids. Which organ has these morphological features?

Lymph node


@Adrenal gland





Some diseases reveal symptoms of aldosteronism with hypertension and edema due to sodium retention in the organism. What organ of the internal secretion is affected on aldosteronism?





@Adrenal glands



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