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What is the most likely disease?

@Tuberculous arthritis

Syphilitic arthritis

Rheumatic arthritis

Gonorrheal arthritis

Deforming osteoarthrosis



Tuberculous spondylitis (Pott’s disease) is characterized by all the following EXCEPT

Involvement of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae

Hematogenous spread

@Proliferative synovitis with pannus

Destruction of intervertebral disks

Formation of psoas abscass



A 10-year-old girl arrived in traumatological unit with symptoms of pathological fracture of the right femur. A histological investigation of an operational material revealed in a bone marrow of a femur fragment, a plural foci of a caseous necrosis with peripheral mantle of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and solitary Pirogov-Langhans' giant cells. Zones of a caseous necrosis extended on adjoining sites of a bone tissue, resulting in osseous destruction. What is the most likely disease?

@Tuberculous osteomyelitis

Tuberculous spondylitis

Tuberculous koxitis

General(common) macrofocal tuberculosis

Secondary acute focal tuberculosis



A post-mortem of a 72-year-old vagabond, with marked kypho-scoliosis, revealed the partially destructed thoracal vertebral bodies due to formation of cavities (sequesters), filled with white-yellow brittle masses. A histological investigation determined within altered vertebras big foci of a caseous necrosis, surrounded with solitary giant multinucleated Pirogov-Langhans' cells, epithelioid cells and lymphocytes. Similar changes were diagnosed at mediastinum lymph nodes and disseminated in lungs and kidneys. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Tuberculous osteomyelitis

Purulent osteomyelitis

Syphilitic osteomyelitis





An ultrasound investigation of the young 17-year-old man's right kidney revealed pyeloectasis, accompanied with disturbance of outflow of urine by urethra. Microscopical investigation of the renal biopsy showed a diffusive infiltration of the interstitium by lymphocytes and hystiocytes. In the cortical and medullar zones there were the foci of a destruction with formation of the cavities, surrounded by peripheral mantle of epithelioid , lymphoid cells and some multinucleated Pirogov-Langhans' giant cells. What disease is the most probable?

@Tuberculosis of kidney

Suppurative (apostematous) nephritis

Nonspecific tubular-interstitial nephritis

Polycystic kidney

Chronic pyelonephritis



A man died of liver cirrhosis. An autopsy revealed in the 1-2 segment of the right lung three grey- yellow, dense foci, 1-1,5cm in diameter with a dim surface. A histological research showed the tubercular endobronchitis, foci of a caseous bronchopneumonia, surrounded with a wall of epithelioid, lymphoid and giant Pirogov-Langhans cells. For what form of a pulmonary tuberculosis the described changes are characteristic?

@Acute focal tuberculosis

Infiltrative tuberculosis

Fibrous-focal tuberculosis

Caseous pneumonia

Primary pulmonary tuberculous complex



An autopsy of a 63-year-old man revealed in the second segment of the right lung a tubercular panbronchitis, with the focus of a caseous bronchopneumonia. The focus was surrounded by a wall of epithelioid cells with some lymphocytes and few giant Pirogov -Langhans cells. What form of a pulmonary tuberculosis presented in this case?

@Acute focal pulmonary tuberculosis

Primary tuberculous complex

Growth of primary affect

Acute miliary tuberculosis

Infiltration tuberculosis



At histologic examination of tuberculoma resected from right lung a necrosis in center is found out. Call a kind of the necrosis.








An autopsy of a 48-year-old man revealed in the first segment of the right lung the round formation, 5 cm in diameter, surrounded with a thin connective tissue layer. The centre was presented by write, brittle masses. Diagnose the form of secondary tuberculosis.


Caseous pneumonia

Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Acute inflammatory tuberculosis

Fibrocavernous tuberculosis



A patient, who died of pulmonary tuberculosis, has a white-gray focus that is surrounded by a capsule, diameter 3cm in I segment of the right lung. Microscopical exam reveals a focus of necrosis with a capsule and the absence of perifocal inflammation. Name the form of tuberculosis.

Caseous pneumonia

Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis

Cirrhotic tuberculosis




At the section of a 48-year-old man, in the area of I segment of the right lung was revealed a round formation (diameter near 5cm) with well-defined contour that was surrounded by thin stratum of connective tissue and filled with friable masses. Diagnose the secondary form of tuberculosis.


Caseous pneumonia

Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Acute focal tuberculosis

Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis



An autopsy of a man with a history of tuberculosis revealed in the second segment of the right lung the white-grey focus, 3 cm in diameter, surrounded with a capsule. Microscopic study showed a focus of necrosis with a capsule and lack of a perifocal inflammation. Name the tuberculosis form.


Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

Cirrhotic tuberculosis

Caseous pneumonia



An autopsy of a 42-year-old man revealed in the second segment of the right lung the focus of consolidation, 5 cm in diameter, surrounded with a thin capsule. The centre was presented by a dense dry crumbling tissue with a dim surface. Morphological changes in a lung are characteristic for:


Carcinoma of lung


The tumorous formof a silicosis

Postinflammation pneumosclerosis



An autopsy of a 40-year-old man with a history of AIDS revealed both lung lobes enlarged, dense, air free, with fibrinous membranes on pleura. A gross investigation of a cut surface showed the yellow dim pulmonal tissue. A histological investigation determined in alveoli the serofibrinous and fibrinous exudate with large foci of a pulmonal tissue necrosis. For what disease the described changes in lungs are characteristic?

@Caseous pneumonia

Infiltrative tuberculosis

Croupous pneumonia

Lymphogranulomatosis of lungs (Hodgkin's disease)

Carcinoma of lung



A 50-year-old man with a history of tuberculosis died of a chronic pulmonary and heart failure. A post-mortem revealed a lobar lesion of the right lung. The upper lobe of the right lung was enlarged, dense, with fibrinous membranes on pleura. A gross investigation of a cut surface showed the yellow brittle tissue. What is the most likely form of secondary tuberculosis described in that case?

@Caseous pneumonia

Fibrous-focal tuberculosis

Infiltrative tuberculosis.


Acute focal tuberculosis



A 50-year-old man was ill with tuberculosis and died at the background of the facts of pulmonary-heart insufficiency. The section detects the lobar character of pulmonary affection: the upper part of the right lung is enlarged, solid, yellow on the incision, friable with fibrinous strata on pleura. What form of secondary tuberculosis does this pathology belong to?


Fibrous-focal tuberculosis

Infiltrative tuberculosis

@Caseous pneumonia

Acute focal tuberculosis



A 52- year-old man with a long history of tuberculosis died of a bleeding from lungs. An autopsy revealed in lungs some oval and round cavities. The walls of cavities were presented with necrotic masses and a pulmonal tissue. What is the most likely form of tuberculosis presented in that case?

@Acute cavernous



Caseous pneumonia

Acute inflammatory



A 40- year-old man died of a pulmonary bleeding. An autopsy revealed in the upper lobe of the right lung a cavity, 4cm in diameter, with dense walls and a rough internal surface, filled with blood clots. A microscopical study of the wall showed the inner layer, presented with fell to pieces leucocytes; the middle layer formed by epithelioid, lymphoid and giant multinuclear cells with nuclei located like a horseshoe. The changes found out in a lung are characteristic for:

@Tuberculous cavern (cavity)

Bronchiectatic cavern (cavity)

Abscess of lungs

Congenital cyst

Infarct of lung with septic disintegration



A 47- year-old man died of an acute anemia, resulted from the pulmonary bleeding. An autopsy revealed in the 2 segment of the right lung the cavity, 5-6 cm in the size, which had connection with the bronchus lumen. The cavity had irregular roundish form and filled with blood. The internal surface of a cavity was rough and covered by a flabby unstructured yellowish tissue. A wall was thin, presented by the condensed, inflammatorily changed pulmonary tissue A histological investigation showed that the cavity inside layer consisted of the fused caseous masses with a considerable quantity of segmented leucocytes. What is the most likely pathology presented in that case?

@Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Abscess of lung

Disintegrating carcinoma of lung

Infarction of lung with septic disintegration

Bronchiectatic cavity (cavern)



A died woman had a chronic pulmonal abscess in her medical records. An autopsy revealed in 2nd segment of the right lung a roundish cavity, 5cm in the size. The internal surface of a cavity was created by caseous masses; the external one - by a dense pulmonal tissue. A pyogenic membrane was absent. What is the most likely pathology?

@Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

Acute abscess.

Chronic abscess.

Primary pulmonary cavity (cavern).



At the section of a woman, who died with a clinical diagnosis chronic pulmonary abscess, was detected a cavity of a round form and 5cm in size in II segment of a right lung. The internal surface of the cavity was formed of caseous masses, the external one – of solid pulmonary tissue. Pyogenic membrane was absent. What process is meant?

Acute abscess

Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis

@Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Chronic abscess

Primary pulmonary cavern



A man died from the progressive pulmo-cardiac insufficiency at the age of 48. On the autopsy pulmonary emphysema, net-like pneumosclerosis, nodules of white-gray colour, in the medium lung lobes symmetrically located cavities 3,5 cm in diameter and hypertrophy of the right ventricle were detected. For which pulmonary

@Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis

Hematogenically disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis

Chronic abscess of the lungs

Bronchiectatic disease

Acute pulmonary tuberculosis



A post-mortem of a 40-year-old patient, with a 10 years history of tuberculosis, revealed a cavity in the 1 and II segments of his right lung. It had dense walls. The inner layer was rough, with beams formed by the obliterated bronchi and the thrombosed vessels. The middle and lower lobes were firm, with the yellow foci on a cut surface. What form of tuberculosis is the most likely in that case?


Acute cavernous

Fibrous inflammatory





A post-mortem of a 58-year-old patient revealed plural pathological cavities in both lungs. Microscopical study showed the inner layer of one cavity presented with necrotic masses and diffuse neutrophil infiltration; the middle one contained an infiltrate of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes and multinuclear giant cells. The external layer consisted of a mature connective tissue. Diagnose the form of secondary tuberculosis.

@Fibrocavernous tuberculosis

Acute inflammatory


Acute cavernous

Cirrhotic tuberculosis



At the autopsy of patient, which suffered by tuberculosis for a long time, the cavity by the sizes 3х2 cm connected with a bronchus was found out in the upper lobe of right lung. The wall of the cavity dense has three layers: internal - pyogenic, middle - layer of tubercular granulation tissue, external – layer of connective tissue. What the most probable diagnosis which this formation relative to?

@Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis

Fibrous-focal tuberculosis


Acute focal tuberculosis

Acute cavernous tuberculosis



A post-mortem of a 58-year-old patient, with a history of tuberculosis, revealed in the upper lobe of the right lung a cavity, 3x2cm in sizes, which connected with a bronchus. A cavity had dense walls and three layers. The internal layer was pyogenic; the middle one was presented with tubercular granulation tissue and the external coating of connective tissue. What of the listed diagnoses the most likely?

@Fibrocavernous tuberculosis.

Fibrous focal tuberculosis


Acute focal tuberculosis.

Acute cavernous tuberculosis



A 40-year-old prisoner died in the house of correction of tuberculosis. The autopsy exam revealed deformation and reduction in size of the both pulmonary apices, numerous cavities with solid walls 2-3mm thick in the upper lobes of both lungs, disseminated focuses of caseous necrosis with the diameter 5mm-2cm in the lower lobes. Diagnose the form of tuberculosis.

Secondary cirrhotic

Secondary fibrous-focal

Haematogenous focal with the affection of the lungs

Primary, primary affect growth

@Secondary fibrous-cavernous



A 40-year-old prisoner died in penitentiary of tuberculosis. An autopsy revealed a deformation and reduction of the both lungs apexes, plural cavities with dense, 2-3 mm thick walls in the upper lobes of both lungs. In addition, disseminated foci of a caseous necrosis, 5mm-2 cm in diameter, were found in the lower lobes of lungs. Diagnose the tuberculosis form.

@Secondary fibrocavernous

Secondary fibro-inflammatory

Gematogenic inflammatory with lesion of lungs

Primary, growth of primary affect

Secondary cirrhotic



A 56-year-old man died of a progressing heart failure. A post-mortem revealed small, dense lungs; the upper lobes were deformed, penetrated by a cicatrical tissue, with the encapsulated foci of a caseous necrosis, 0, 2-0,5cm in diameter. In the upper and middle lobes there were cavities, 3-4 and 4- 5cm in the size, with dense walls and fiber internal surface, filled with the opaque yellow-green liquid. The surrounding pulmonary tissue was sclerotic. The heart was enlarged at the expense of the hypertrophied right ventricle. Define the form of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis

@Cirrhotic tuberculosis

Fibrous-focal tuberculosis.

Infiltrative tuberculosis

Acute cavernous tuberculosis

Fibrocavernous tuberculosis



A 68-year-old woman, with a 20 years history of fibrous - cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, presented to the Department of Nephrology with symptoms of uremia. Intravital test on amyloid in kidneys appeared positive. What is the most likely form of an amyloidosis presented in this case?

@Secondary systemic

Primary systemic

Limited (local)

Familial congenital

Senile (gerontal)



A patient with a history of fibrous - cavernous tuberculosis died of a renal failure. A post-mortem revealed a urine smell, left ventricle hypertrophy, fibrinous pericarditis, and fibrinous – hemorrhagic enterocolitis. Kidneys were small, reduced in sizes, dense, with plural foci of shrinkage. Histological investigation of the slides with Congo-Red staining showed pink masses within glomuleruli and vessels walls. In addition, destruction and an atrophy of the majority of nephrons, accompanied with a nephrosclerosis were determined. What is the most likely pathology of kidneys?

@Amyloid- contracted kidneys

Contracted kidney

Arteriolosclerotic kidney

Atherosclerotic contracted kidneys

Pielonephritic contracted kidneys



56-year-old man with a long history of fibrous - cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis died of a chronic pulmonary and heart failure. Within last months the expressed proteinuria was observed. A post-mortem revealed enlarged, firm kidneys, with a waxy surface. What changes developed in kidneys at this form of tuberculosis?

@Amyloidosis of kidney

Tuberculosis of kidney



Necrotic nephrosis



A 10-year-old boy presented with Hutchinson's triad: parenchymatous keratitis, sensorineural deafness and deformed Hutchinson's teeth (the barrel form), along with saddle-nose deformity. For what illness the presented changes are characteristic?








A 14-year old patient was diagnosed a Hutchinson’s triad: screwdriver teeth, parenchymatous keratitis, and deafness. What disease do detected changes point on?








A histological study of a biopsy from an oral cavity ulcer revealed the foci of caseous necrosis surrounded with plasmocytes, epithelioid , lymphoid cells and solitary giant multinucleated Pirogov-Langhans' cells. There were also signs of endo - and a perivasculitis in fine vessels. Specify the disease.








A man's oral cavity investigation revealed an oval, cartilaginous density, slightly elevated ulcer at his buccal mucosa. A meaty, reddened floor was covered with grayish sebaceous deposits. A microscopical investigation showed lymphocyte infiltration, situated mainly round fine vessels. There was also an endothelium proliferation within the vessel's walls. What disease has developed in that case?


Traumatic ulcer

Erosive-ulcerated leukoplakia


Ulcero-necrotic Vensan's stomatitis



An ulcer of an oval form with little raised edges and cartilaginous infiltrate is presented on the mucous membrane of the patient’s cheek. The bottom of the ulcer is of meaty-red color, covered with grayish greasy scurf. Microscopic exam reveals lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate, mostly around small vessels with the proliferation of endothelium. What disease do these signs indicate on?

Ulcerative-necrotic Vincent’s stomatitis

Traumatic ulcer

Erosive-ulcerative leukoplakia





A painless ulcer with smooth varnished bottom and margins of cartilaginoid consistence is observed on the mucous membrane of the right palatine tonsil. Microscopically an inflammatory infiltrate, which consists of lymphocytes, plasmocytes, small amount of neutrophiles and epithelioid cells, and the presence of endo- and perivasculitis are revealed. What disease is meant?

Faucial diphtheria




Ulcerative-necrotic Vensan’s quinsy



The prepuce was removed from a young man. A microscopical investigation revealed the polymorphic infiltrate consisting from randomly located plasmatic, lymphoid and epithelioid cells. There was marked vessels' vasculitis. For what disease the described changes are characteristic?




Periarteritis nodosa




An 18-year-old patient has enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, painless, solid when palpated. A small ulcer with solid margins and varnished bottom of grayish color exists in the area of genital mucosa. Make a diagnosis.




Trophic ulcer




A 20-year old woman presented with enlarged, not painful, condensed inguinal lymph nodes. In her genital mucosa there was a small ulcer with firm edges and the "varnished" grayish color floor. What is the most likely diagnosis?




Trophic ulcer.




A biopsy of cervix uteri was taken from the 34-year-old women. Histological investigation revealed the inflammatory infiltration with involving of fine arteries and veins walls. The infiltrate composed of plasmocytes, lymphocytes, and epithelioid cells. There were also zones of sclerosis and a tissue hyalinosis. What is the most likely disease?




Cervical erosion




An autopsy of a 36-year-old man revealed in his liver s roundish formation, 0,5 cm in diameter. Microscopical investigation showed in the centre of lesion necrotic masses, surrounded by the granulation tissue with some plasmatic and lymphoid cells. There were also signs of the vasculitis in the blood vessels. What is the most likely diagnosis fn that case?

@Solitary gumma of liver

Solitary adenoma of liver.

Solitary leproma of liver.

Chronic abscess of liver.

Carcinoma of liver.



At the microscopic examination of a biopsy material, taken from the liver, granulomas were revealed. They consisted of plasmatic, lymphoid, giant multinuclear Pirogov-Langhans’ cells, small vessels with the sings of endo- and perivasculitis. Focuses of caseous necrosis were also detected. What disease are these granulomas typical for?





Glanders (malleus)



At the microscopic exam of the biopsy material, taken from the oral cavity, were detected focuses of caseous necrosis, surrounded by plasmocytes, epithelioid and lymphoid cells, and occasionally by giant multinuclear Pirogov-Langhans’ cells. Small vessels with the signs of endo- and perivasculitis could be also seen. Term the disease.

Glanders (malleus)







An autopsy of a 54-year-old man reveled above valvular rupture of an aorta with resulted in a cardiac tamponade. Histological investigation of ascending part of an aorta showed in its external and middle layers inflammatory infiltrates. They consisted of lymphoid, plasmatic and epithelioid cells. There were also recognized the necrosis centers and proliferation of a vessels' wall. Changes in an aorta are characteristic for:

@Syphilitic aortitis

Septic aortitis

Rheumatic aortitis


Hypertension diseases



A 38-year-old man died trying to elevate the weight. Collapse had developed. The autopsy revealed the rupture of the extensive thoracic aorta aneurysm. During his life the patient had visceral syphilis. What pathological process caused the atrophy of the aortic wall, its dilation and rupture?

Atrophy of the muscular stratum

Dissolution of collagen fibres

@Dissolution of elastic fibres

Changes in intima after the type of shagreen skin

Neoplasm of vessels



Tabes dorsalis is characterized by


Increased neutrophils in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Involvement of the motor neurons of the spinal cord

@Degeneration of posterior columns of the spinal cord

Infection of oligodendrocytes



A 69-year-old man in an underdeveloped country develops changes in his mental status along with ataxia, deformed knees and ankles, and an abnormal gait during which he slaps his feet as he walks. Physical examination reveals decreased vibration and proprioception in lower extremities along with absent pupillary light reflexes with normal accommodation. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these signs?





Progresive multifocal leukoencephalopathy


Viral infection disease



A post-mortem investigation of a 42-year-old man revealed serous-hemorrhagic inflammation in a larynx and trachea mucosa, a focal pneumonia, areas of atelectases and acute lungs emphysema. Histological research showed a vacuolar dystrophy and loss of cilia within the epithelium layer, an exfoliating of cells with oxyphile inclusions. Such changes in lungs are caused:

@Influenza viruses

Parainfluenza viruses

Measles virus





A 30-year-old man was ill with acute respiratory disease and died at the background of the facts of acute pulmonary-heart insufficiency. At the section were revealed fibrinous-haemorrhagic inflammation on the mucous membrane of larynx and trachea, destructive panbronchitis. Lungs were enlarged in size and mottled because of abscesses, haemorrhages and necrosis. What is the most possible diagnosis?



Respiratory-sinticial infection


Adenoviral infection



A 38-year-old man presented with an acute fever, elevated temperature to 40°C, a headache, a cough and dyspnea. He died on the 5th day of a disease. An autopsy revealed enlarged lungs with a motley pattern of a pulmonary tissue - "the big motley lung". For what disease the described signs are characteristic?

@ Influenza

Adenoviral infection

Croupous pneumonia

Respiratory syncytial infection




A 42-year-old man, with a history of an acute respiratory disease, died of pulmonary insufficiency. A post-mortem investigation revealed fibrinous-hemorrhagic inflammation in a larynx and trachea mucosa, destructive panbronchitis and enlarged lungs. Multiple abscesses, hemorrhages and necroses created a motley appearance of a pulmonal tissue. What of the listed diagnoses the most likely?



Respiratory syncytial infection


Adenoviral infection



A 42-year-old man died at the background of the facts of severe intoxication and pulmonary insufficiency. Macroscopically on the incision pulmonary tissue of all lobes is mottled with multiple small-focal haemorrhages and with focuses of emphysema. Histological exam reveals haemorrhagic bronchopneumonia with abscess-formation, eosinophilic and basophilic inclusions in the cytoplasm of the bronchial epithelium. Diagnose the disease that was revealed at the section.

Adenoviral infection



Respiratory-synticial infection

Staphylococcal bronchopneumonia



A 44-year-old man died of pulmonary insufficiency and severe intoxication. A post-mortem investigation of a lungs cut surface revealed a motley pattern with plural focal hemorrhages and the zones of emphysema. Histological study showed a hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia with abscesses formation. A cytoplasm of bronchial epithelium cells had eosinophilic and basophilic inclusions. What is the most likely diagnosis?



Adenoviral infection

Respiratory syncytial infection

Staphylococcal bronchopneumonia



A 63 y.o. man fell ill with acute tracheitis and bronchitis accompanied by bronchial pneumoni a. On the 10th day the patient died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy revealed fibrinous hemorrhagic laryngotracheobronchitis; lungs were enlarged, their incision revealed the "coal-miner's" effect caused by interlacing of sections of bronchial pneumonia, hemorrhages into the pulmonary parenchyma, acute abscesses and atelectases. Internal organs have discirculatory and dystrophic changes. What is the most probable diagnosis?

Respiratory syncytial infection


Moderately severe influenza

Adenoviral infection

@Influenza, severe form



A 66-year-old man presented with acute tracheitis and bronchitis, soon resulted in bronchopneumonia. He died on the 12th day at the hospital from the pulmonal-heart failure. An autopsy revealed fibrinous -hemorrhagic inflammation in a larynx and trachea mucosa, enlarged lungs. On a cut section lungs had a motley pattern due to areas of pneumonia, hemorrhages in lung parenchyma, acute abscesses and atelectases. In addition, circulative disturbances and dystrophies were determined in internal organs. What is the most likely diagnosis?

@Influenza, severe form

Influenza, moderately severe form


Respiratory syncytial infection

Adenoviral infection



A 48-year-old woman died of pulmonary insufficiency. A post-mortem revealed the enlarged lung with the dark red and pinkish-yellow colour areas ("the big motley lung") and necrotic tracheobronchitis. What is the preliminary diagnosis in that case?

@Influenzal pneumonia

Croupous pneumonia

Caseous pneumonia

Fibrosing alveolitis

Measles virus pneumonia



A 67-year-old man died of pulmonary insufficiency. A post-mortem investigation of a lungs cut surface revealed multiple, bright, red, deaerated 2,5 cm foci with irregular form and inaccurate borders. A microscopic study showed erythrocytes and some lymphocytes within alveoli. The described changes are characteristic for:

@Influenzal pneumonia

Croupous pneumonia

Hemorrhagic infarction of the lung

Measles virus pneumonia

Aspiration pneumonia



A 67-year-old patient had a severe form of grippe and died of it. At the section the lungs were big and diverse. Microscopical exam revealed acute vessel plethora, haemorrhages, edema of pulmonary tissue, and exudate in the lumen of bronchi and alveoli that contained mostly erythrocytes. What type of inflammation do these morphological changes indicate on?

@Hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia

Catarrhal bronchopneumonia

Suppurative bronchopneumonia

Desquamative bronchopneumonia

Fibrinous pneumonia



In course of severe respiratory viral infection there appeared clinical signs of progressing cardiac insufficiency that caused death of a patient in the 2nd week of disease. Autopsy revealed that the heart was sluggish, with significant cavity dilatation. Histological examination of myocardium revealed plethora of microvessels and diffuse infiltration of stroma by lymphocytes and histiocytes. What disease corresponds with the described picture?


Acute coronary insufficiency

Myocardium infarction





An infection in 7-year old child started with mild cold-like symptoms, “seal bark” cough and then it results in subglottal swelling. Which of the following organisms is most likely can cause laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)?

@Parainfluenza virus type 1-3



Respiratory syncytial virus


RNA which is contained in AID virus, penetrated into the middle of leukocytes and, made the cell synthetic viral DNA with the help of the enzyme revertase. This process is based on…

@Reverse transcription

Convariant replication

Reverse translation

Depression of operone

Repression of operone



It is known that the human immunodeficiency virus belongs to the family of retroviruses. Specify the basic attribute, which characterizes this family.

@The presence of the enzyme - reverse transcriptase

Contain RNA

Simple viruses, which affect only men

Nucleic acid doesn.t integrate into the genome of the

Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay is used for the revealing of antigens



It was revealed that T-lymphocytes were affected by HIV. Virus enzyme - reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) - catalyzes the synthesis of:

Virus informational RNA on the matrix of DNA

DNA on virus ribosomal RNA

Viral DNA on DNA matrix

@DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA

mRNA on the matrix of virus protein



Examination of a young man in the AIDS centre produced a positive result of immune-enzyme assay with HIV antigens. Patient's complaints about state of his health were absent. What can the positive result of immune-enzyme assay be evidence of?

HBV persistence

Being infected with HBV

Being ill with AIDS

@HIV infection

Having had AIDS recently



The diagnosis of AIDS was put to the 20 years old patient. What populations of cells are most sensitive to a human immunodeficiency virus?




Epithelial cells




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