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Аракин. Учебник английского языка для студентов языковых специальностей. Аракин. Учебник английского языка для студентов языковых специал. Практический курс английского языка 4 курс Под редакцией В. Д. Аракина

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the thing is the most important point is, e. g. The thing is can we get there in time?

have a thing about (informal) — a peculiar attitude or feel­ing toward smth, e. g. She has a thing about cats.
5. oppose v to be or act against, e. g. His father did not op­pose his plan to study medicine.

to be opposed to, e. g. He is opposed to sex education in schools.

opposite n a person or thing that is as different as possible, e. g. Black and white are opposites.

opposite a 1) totally different; 2) across from where you are, e. g. He sits opposite.

opposition n 1) (U) action against, e. g. His opposition to the plan surprised his friends. 2) the political parties opposed to the government.
6. initial n, usu. pl first letters of a person's name.

initial a coming at the beginning, as the initial advantage, attempt, stage, step, symptoms, etc.,.e. g. His initial response to the question was "no".

initiative n 1) (С) the first step in an undertaking (esp. in the phr. io take the initiative),

e. g. Jean took the initiative at the party by introducing herself to the people she didn't know. 2) (U) the ability to do things before others; enterprise, e. g. Did you do this on your own initiative?
7. attention n 1) (U) active focusing of the mind, (oft. in the phr. to pay attention to, to attract/to draw smb's attention to), e. g. Do not let your attention wander. 2) (U) thoughtful consid­eration, care, e. g. A good mother gives equal attention to each of her children.

attend vt/i 1) to give one's attention, e. g. Are you attend­ing to what is being said? 2) to be present at, e. g. Themeeting was well attended. 3) to look after, e. g. I have a good doctor at­tending me.

attentive a 1) paying attention; 2) courteous, considerate; as an attentive host.

Ant. inattentive
8. reassure vt to restore confidence or courage, e. g. The doctor-reassured the sick man (about his health).

reassurance n (C; U), e. g. She won't believe it in spite of all our reassurance.

assure vt 1). to promise; try to persuade, e. g. He assured us of his ability to work. 2) to make certain, e. g. Before going to bed she assured herself that the door was locked.

assured a also self-assured, self-possessed, confident, as an assured manner.

assurance n — promise, statement made to give confidence
9. yield vt 1) to give, produce, bear, e. g. Thattree yields plenty of fruit 2) to give up control (of), e. g. We did not yield (up) our position to the enemy.

Syn. surrender, give up

yield n that which is produced, e. g. The tree gave a high yield this year.

yielding a 1) likely to agree with or give in to others, e. g. He has a yielding character and will soon change his mind. 2) tend­ing to give way esp. under pressure, as yielding materials.
1. Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words. Pay attention to the stresses:
conscientious, photograph, anonymous, antithesis, ambig­uous, homogeneous, megalomania, coincidence, cleavage, languorous, incisive, psychic, itinerary.
2. Read out the passage beginning with "For the first time..." up to TB show it to somebody, he thought" using proper tone groups and observing the rhythm. Convey proper attitudes and all the phonetic phenomena of connected speech.
3. a) Practise this brief conversation:
Student A expresses either annoyance at Walter Streeter or criticizes him. He suggests irritability and sounds reprovingly critical. Remember what rate of utterance may be associated with negative emotions.

Student B defends Walter Streeter. Mind that expressing disagreement you might sound challenging, persuasively reas­suring, be reluctantly or defensively dissenting; for the pur-

pose make use of the intonation patterns "Fall-Rise" and "Rise-Fall".

Student C asks for reasons and expresses his own personal verdict. Be aware of the change in attitudes.
b) Now in pairs talk about the pros and cons of judging a person by his/her handwriting. Impart your own attitude. Use proper intonation patterns which the argument or discussion require.
4. Substitute one of the speech patterns (p. 77) for the parts of the sen­tence in bold type.
M o d e 1 s: a) She wanted to put a coin into the slot but changed her mind as she had very little money.

She was just going to put a coin into the slot when she remembered that she had very little money and decided not to.
b) He could not understand why he had never no­ticed before that Bilson was left-handed.

How was it that he had never noticed that Bilson was left-handed?
c) It was paintul, believe me. It was painful, I can tell you.
1. Ben was on the point of dialing his telephone number to have the matter out with his brother, but-then he thought better of it. 2. The tickets were sold out a month ago. Why on earth was the theatre half empty? 3. Daniel has a very good memory for names and dates. How did it happen that he forgot about my birthday? 4. The weather forecast was "cloudy with occa­sional showers". He was about to start off when suddenly he decided to stay at home. 5. Jane was just about to throw the old envelope into the waste-paper basket when suddenly she changed her mind. 6. So you are a professional singer. How could it have happened that you had never told me about this befort? 7. How can you account for the fact that we have lived in the same town for two years and have never met? 8. We had an awful time getting back, believe me. 9.1 assure you, I broke out in goosebumps all over. 10. You've got something on your hands there, lad, I'm sure about it.

5. Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns:
1. Уверяю вас, мне не впервые приходится слышать подобную отговорку. 2. Как это так получается, что у нас никогда нет возмож­ности встретиться? 3. Почему (так выходит) я больше не встречаю Джейн у вас в гостях? 4. Как это могло случиться, что два маленьких мальчика одни поехали кататься по реке? 5. Их беседа не была такой безобидной, уверяю вас. 6. В письме он писал, что собирается при­ехать к нам в сентябре, а затем передумал. 7. Мы уже совсем собра­лись купить телевизор, а потом раздумали.
6. Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern.
7. Make up and act out in front of the class a suitable dialogue using the speech patterns. (Pair work)
8. Note down from the text (p. 73) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 78) and translate them into Russian.
9. Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrases and word combi­nations:
1. The speaker talked a lot, but never really dealt seriously with the subject. 2. It used much of her time and energy to gain a full understanding of the idea. 3. The memory of this marvel­lous week-end took a long time to fade from his memory. 4. At last she decided in favour of the new dress rather than the old one. 5. The policeman quickly formed an opinion about the man's character and decided he must be innocent. 6. While thinking over their last meeting he began to realise that he was falling in love. 7. Your younger brother is spoilt, nobody can stop him from doing what he wants. 8. After the first examination the student's position was unclear. He needed to be tested some more. 9. It was an odd combination of events that the two contestants were both born on the same day and were both called James. 10. After ten years of working in the same place Jim was in a rut and needed a change. 11. The child told tales to the teacher and so the rest of the class refused to speak to him. 12.He could not forget the wrong done by his enemy until his dying day. 13. He's nicer in real life than in his photographs. 14. I spent long hours in the library trying to find material for my research paper.
10. Make up two sentences of your own on each phrase and word combi­nation.

11. Make up and practise a suitable dialogue using the phrases and word combinations.
12. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations:
1. Мы должны серьезно взяться за решение этой проблемы. 2. Красивая мелодия надолго запала в душу. 3. Врач сам не уверен, он говорит, что я больной с пограничным состоянием. 4. Я думаю, что нам следует отправиться в однодневный поход. 5. Он почувство­вал еле уловимые признаки раздражения. 6. Не могу в нем как сле­дует разобраться, он для меня загадка. 7. Если вы хотите, чтобы все было по-вашему, вы должны сами много трудиться. 8. Знаменитый режиссер находится в нашем городе, он подыскивает материал для своей новой картины. 9. Сначала нервничая на новом месте, собака успокоилась, почувствовав доброе отношение нового хозяина. 10. Я устал вести с ним дела по телефону, я хочу видеть его воочию. 11. Я всегда чувствую, что она имеет зуб против меня, хотя не знаю, какое зло я ей сделала. 12. Он весь день думал над этой проблемой, но не мог решить ее.
13. Pair work. Make up and act out situations using the phrases and word combinations.
14. Explain what is meant by:
projections of his own personality or, in different forms, the antithesis of it; to experiment with acquaintances; other-worldly, indeed; too ready to escape into an ambiguous world; the words came haltingly; graying pains; inclined to under-value parish churches; languorous with semicolons and subordinate clauses; sharp and incisive with main verbs and full stops; so ordinary as perhaps to be disguised; if she senses that she's getting a rise out of you she'll go on; he could not bring himself to look at the picture.
15. Answer the questions and do the given assignments:
A. 1. What was written hi the first postcard? 2. Wriy was Walter Streeter glad that he did not have to answer the post­card? Should a writer grudge the time and energy to answer letters? 3. What impression did the second postcard make on Walter Streeter? Why did he dismiss the faint stirrings of curiosi­ty? Should a writer avoid making new acquaintances? 4. What

difficulties did the writer have with his work and how did he try to reassure himself? 5. What did Walter Streeter do with the first two postcards and why did he keep the third? 6. What odd coincidence did Walter Streeter notice? Do you happen to know of any odd coincidences? 7. What thoughts and feelings did the third postcard provoke? What did his friend say? 8. Why did a wave of panic surge up in him when Walter Streeter read the fourth postcard? 9. What was the outcome of his visit to the police?
B. 1. Speak on the overall tone of the passage, specifying the setting and the time, span of the story, plot development and the characters involved. Observe the stylistic means the author employs to keep the reader in suspense: a) the words and phrases denoting emotional reaction; b) the incongruity between the banal contents of the postcards and the importance Walter Streeter attaches to them; c) the contrast in mood and length between the passages separating one postcard from another; d) the word order.

2. Analyse the content of the postcards and bring out the message that they have in common. Comment on the specific intonation of the postcards (which are supposed to reveal the character of the anonymous correspondent and his attitude to­wards Walter Streeter): a) absence of greeting, b) the vocabu­lary and set expressions, c) lexical and syntactical repetition (chiasmus in the first postcard), d) negative and interrogative sentences, e) the play on words (in the second and fourth post­cards).

3. Indicate the lexical and syntactical devices used to depict the character of Walter Streeter: a) which words and phrases help the reader to understand his character? Is the description a complete one? b) what does Walter Streeter himself feel about his own work? Enlarge on the function of inner reported speech and various repetitions (anaphora, anadiplosis, syn­onym repetition), c) is there a lot of figurative language in the story? Give examples of the epithet, metaphor, simile, d) what is the author's attitude towards Walter Streeter? Sympathetic? Indifferent? Unsympathetic? Justify your answer.
16. Give a summary of the text.

17. Make up and act out dialogues between: 1) Walter Streeter and his friend whom he showed the postcard from York Minster; 2) Walter Streeter and the police officer about the postcard business.
18. Trace oat on the map of Great Britain W.S.'s itinerary and do library research on die geographical names mentioned.
19. Write your own ending of the story. Share it with the students of your group and decide which of the different possible endings seems most likely.
2ft. Read the story "W.S." by L.P. Hartley to the end (p. 275), and say whether it has come up to your expectations. What do you think is the point of the story?
21. Write an essay praising your favourite contemporary novelist and advanc­ing reasons why other members of the class would enjoy this writer's novels/ stories.
1. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
A. 1. My son has begun to come along very well in French since the new teacher was appointed. 2. The attempt did not come off as well as we had hoped. 3. The picture I took of the baby did not come out. 4. He has come down in the world. 5. The old aunt's coming along nicely. 6. The food didn't come up to my expectations. 7. I'd like to know how she came by that black eye. 8. I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off. 9.I have no objection whatever to having the Smith girls in. 10. She objects to muddy shoes in the house. 11. All our objectives were won. 12. For a millionaire like him, money is no object 13. Don't mention his health: it's forbidden ground. 14. Once we'd found some common ground we got on very well together. 15. She didn't overlook a thing in planning the party. 16. June went there sometimes to cheer the pld things up. 17. That was an un­kind thing to say. 18. She's got a thing about fast cars. 19. I’m having trouble paying attention — I have a thing or two on my mind.

B. 1. Initially she opposed the plan, but later she changed her mind. 2. She's turned out to be the exact opposite of what everyone expected. 3. We sat at opposite ends of the table to/ from each other. 4. She worked her initials in red. 5. The young man after initial shyness turned into a considerable social suc­cess. 6. I initialled the documents to show I approved of them. 7. When she began the job she showed initiative and was pro­moted to manager after a year. 8.1 shouldn't always have to tell you what to do, use your initiative for once! 9.1 had very atten­tive and loving patents. 10. After an hour my attention started to wander. 11. There's no point in your coming to my classes if you're not going to attend to what I say. 12. The meeting was designed to reassure parents whose children were taking exams that summer. 13. The nurse tried to reassure the frightened child. 14. He spoke in his usual assured tones. 15. Despite the Govern­ment's repeated assurances to the contrary, taxation has risen over the past decade. 16. Over the past 50 years crop yields have risen steadily by 1-2% a year. 17. Baby toys are usually made out of yielding materials. 18. They were forced to yield up some of their lands during the war.
3. Give the English equivalents for:
входить в моду; оторваться/отскочить; случайно встретить; воз­вращаться; очнуться; доходить до колен (оплатье); подходить к кон­цу; кончаться; упасть в глазах; удаваться; обнаруживаться (о фак­те); трудно получить; решить проблему;

непредвзятое мнение; отдаленный предмет; объект насмешек; не иметь цели в жизни; не любить сырую погоду; возражать из прин­ципа; не одобрять грубость; быть против насилия; футбольное поле; запретная тема; стоять на своем; устраивать во всех отношениях; чувствовать твердую почву под ногами; затрагивать много вопросов; не иметь оснований беспокоиться; пройти большое расстояние; бес­причинные страхи; обоснованные опасения;

чайная посуда; сладости; духовные ценности; положение дел; бедняжка; крошка; тупица; сказать не то, что надо; дело в том, что; как раз то, что нужно; нечто не совсем подходящее; единственное;

возражать против плана; не одобрять чеи-л. брак; (сильно) про­тивиться переменам; полная противоположность; дом напротив; быть в оппозиции; выступать против законопроекта (в парламенте); сидеть друг против друга;

начальная стадия; ранние симптомы заболевания; одинаковые инициалы; первоначальное преимущество; брать на себя инициати-

ву в чём-л.; сделать по собственной инициативе; проявить инициати­ву; первый шаг; инициативный человек;

уделять внимание; следить за воспитанием своих детей; ухажи­вать за больным; присутствовать на лекциях; посещать школу; обра­щать внимание на; привлечь чье-л. внимание к; внимательно отно­ситься к кому-л.; оказать помощь пострадавшему; обслужить клиен­та; невнимательный ученик:

успокоить пациента; убедить кого-л. не беспокоиться о своем здоровье; чувствовать себя уверенным; удостовериться в том, что; утешительные вести; успокаивающий голос; уверенные манеры; го­ворить уверенно; заверять кого-л. в своей преданности; твердый до­ход;

давать хороший урожай; приносить большой доход; сдать свои позиции; поддаться искушению; уступить перед силой; испугаться угроз; поддаваться лечению; податливый характер.
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